• May 3, 2024

Sai Baba: Absolute proof of blind belief’s destructiveness

(Photo: Sathya Sai Primary School)
In the early 1990s, my attention was drawn to the popular Indian guru and godman Satya Sai Baba. For a period, I spent much time watching every video and reading every book I could find about the man. My study occurred before the internet was popular, and there was not much debunking material around. But, there was enough, and I soon discovered the Indian Rationalists’ video “Guru Busters” showing Baba doing typical magician’s tricks. I also discovered much worse, especially after I finally went online.

God on Earth?

I had read many books by devotees and others who were impressed by the seemingly endless stream of divine miracles by Sai Baba, including his purported manifestations of artifacts such as watches, statues, lingams, ash and so on.  The enthusiasm and conviction with which these alleged miracles were recounted were infectious, and I would have loved to believe they were true.  How exciting that would have been!  Here on Earth in our day and age supposedly had appeared a man who was clearly God because he could manifest an amazing array of miracles! What fun! I really wanted to go visit him at his ashram in Brindavan because it looked like such a great time. Who doesn’t want God to be real and walking among us, to love us and shower us with blessings?

Magic tricks, sex abuse and murder

But, of course, I was skeptical, so I kept digging, and I eventually found enough paydirt to confirm my doubts. Baba didn’t make it hard, because he has left a trail of trauma and terror so long and wide that many can see it, including the creators of the BBC documentary provided here. This trauma includes the grotesque sexual abuse of hundreds if not thousands of men and boys. Baba’s behavior was so egregious that UNESCO severed ties with his organization years ago, and the U.S. Embassy in Delhi warns travelers about the potential for sexual abuse by Baba.

One of the clues as to Baba’s conjurer nature was immediately obvious: He was raised in a traveling circus where he learned magic from his uncle! How that fact could be overlooked by so many of millions shows the deluding effect of blind belief in supernatural events and beings. In this tragic tale, this blind belief led to so much pain and grief that one is motivated to expose it thoroughly. In addition to the scams and sexual abuse come also allegations of murder to cover up these crimes, including killings in Sai Baba’s own bedroom, while he cowered in the bathroom unable to stop them, even though he is supposedly omnipotent. The murdered boys possibly had been sexually abused by Baba.

Sai Baba is getting old, and he will not be able to pull off the greatest purported miracle of God, which is immortality. Hence, he will be gone soon, but his destructive legacy will linger on, as more godmen of his ilk continue to pop up in places where gullibility reigns, along with its abuse. Naturally, Baba’s other legacy of building schools, hospitals and other important infrastructure – using million$ from rich followers – will leave many in India with a happy feeling about him. But, of course, one needs to ask, if Baba is God, why does he need the million$ of others to build hospitals and water-distribution systems? Why not materialize gold bars to pay for it all? Or, even better, why not just snap your all-powerful fingers and make the diseases and water shortages disappear?

Moreover, the complicity of Indian politicians in this patent hoax to defraud people is reprehensible. But, hey, Baba brings in million$ in tourist money every year, not to mention all the rich followers tossing money at him for these projects. It is no wonder, then, that ex-Baba followers have been threatened and intimidated into silence. (It’s also been noticed that Baba manifested gold watches and jewelry for his rich followers, while only providing perfumed ash for his poor followers.)

The story of Sai Baba is but one piece of evidence demonstrating how blind belief and faith are not just matters of “personal choice” that should be left alone in all instances: Blind belief and faith can be very destructive and damaging to individuals and humanity as a whole. The various priesthoods worldwide hammering blind belief and fear into people are guilty of exploitation of innocence and gullibility – a major cause of immense suffering globally.

Further Reading

Sai Baba: God-man or con man?
Sai Baba totally and completely exposed
Sathya Sai Baba: Expose News and Short News
Sathya Sai Baba Bedroom Murders

37 thoughts on “Sai Baba: Absolute proof of blind belief’s destructiveness

  1. Sai Baba
    I saw movies of this guru with the bad Afro and knew that he was fake from the start. The movie showed him miraculously causing oceans of ashes come out of a relatively small container.
    There are gurus that I like, like Osho, originally the Bagwan Shree Rashneesh that spoke with such wisdom, but he didn’t want you to worship him, plus in a lot of his writings he contradicts himself. To him this is all fun, maybe that is why I liked him.
    Sai Baba, on the other hand is just a bad stage magician.

  2. Sai Baba
    :dry: Men with high IQ’s and perhaps total recall ability who are gurus or ‘religious salemen’ for whatever religion particularly need to be questioned.
    Words can be like magic – all pizazz and no reality but perception. Snake oil salesmen!

  3. Keep up the work exposing Sai Baba – he’s a fake,
    I used to believe in Sai Baba, then I heard testimony from friends of their accounts of sexual abuse. I didn’t believe them at first, and set out to prove them wrong. In doing so, I discovered hundreds more cases of sexual abuse of young men and boys. I published some of these testimonies in Nexus many years ago – and lost many friends over my stance. The emailed abuse I received from Sai Baba followers has to be read to be believed.

    Sai Baba is a fake, a fraud, is party to murder, and has raped and sexually molested hundreds, if not thousands, of young men and boys – against their will.

    It has come to the point, where followers are too afraid to lose ‘spiritual-face’ and admit they were fooled, tricked, conned, and used. The only thing worse than Sai Baba, is the support he gets from the low-life maggots (followers) who have allowed their own children to be abused and yet have turned a blind eye.

    When will the world wake up to the fact that ALL religions are nothing more than corrupt, state-sponsored (tax free) pedophile networks, who’s goal is to use well-meaning people to keep them in power.

    And while I am on my soap-box, I would like to introduce to you the newest religion on the block – its called ‘science’.

    1. Hey Duncan –

      Thanks for stopping by! I remember when you published those articles years ago. And I can relate to receiving endless abuse from people who believe in this guru or that god/godman without any critical thought or inspection.

      I’m grateful I didn’t get sucked into the scam, as I was fortunate to come across “Guru Busters” fairly early in my quest. But I was skeptical to begin with. Yet, all the wild stories we hear out of India and Tibet are certainly intriguing.

      I agree that many scientists and atheistic science-mongers have become very conceited and arrogant in their stance. But, of course, the word “science” itself simply means “to know,” so anything can be approached from a scientific perspective. Scholars of the hard sciences do not have a monopoly on the word, even if some believe they do.

  4. late to the party
    Whoever, If you wrote this article “Sai Baba: Absolute proof of blind belief’s destructiveness” you are really late.

    I say this because i wonder how you write so much with a voice of “authority”?

    i traveled around the world in ’75 and was in Bombay where i learned of a miracle worker who was died but people still visited his home. His name was Si Baba. Then i learned of
    a Si Baba living farther south who was suppose to be a living incarnation. As i was going in that direction i stopped by his ashram which required a local train ride, seperate cars for men/women and a bull and wagon ride to the village. I arrived early morning and watched him that day. I first became suspicious of him while watching him sitting on his “throne” chair while his “devotees” worshipped him. He looked like he was about to go to sleep any second. Then the devotees had to stand in line outside as he walked by and chose people to give “special” charms to from supposedly no where. This was sept and hot,the men lined up and the women lined up across from each other and they would pass stones fromm one end to the other building a wall.

    I only observed and had enough the next day i was gone. That was not my idea of enlightenment. I just do not understand how we let so-called “authority” run our lives and do our thinking. A true teacher has no authority it has been replace with Humility. And obvously it is not me.

    1. science a religion? – reply to Duncan R
      So just after telling us all religions are nothing more than state-sponsored pedophile networks, you introduce us to the newest, science? You must learn to let half your brain hear what the other half is thinking; thatt sounds as if you’ve lost touch with any sense of evidence or fairness of comment.

  5. Right in front of me…
    God-men, goddess-women, bleating sheeple.

    Salivating for salvation. Secret codes. Hidden mysteries.

    Such kabuki. Such distraction.

    All the while the truth of who we really are stares us in the face, at the tips of our noses. Just sitting there. A door, two windows, all saying, come on IN, come on IN. Not out there, IN HERE.

    All the magic and mystery is within. Know thy “Self!


  6. spiritualityisforpedos
    👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 😛

  7. How many times do I have to go over it?
    It is just small forest animals, screeching monkeys now out of the trees. The most clever ape gets to be band lead, and the rest follow the tune! I ask WHEN WILL YOU EVOLVE PAST THIS MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO? Frankly anyone who is not fully in their own sovereignty, and free from others influence is weak and not truly human! But sad to say it your swamis like salami’s oh yes and cocktail wieners too! And yes every so call religious belief has at its head a swami same same, time to flush the cesspool of your minds and grow up! Any way I cannot fathom how anyone can still hold onto childish beliefs, (a quote from the BIBLE possibly the only words a Christ might say- when I was a child I believed in childish things, when I grew up I HAD to throw those childish things away!/ a “not verbatim” quote from a song “I saw a little kid had smile on his face, he found a candy bar, turned out that candy bar was a doggy doo I had to say, so what do you do, don’t pick it up, pick it up! lets see you throw it away! Title of the song is: don’t pick it up!) but then most are not truly human here on this once and could still be BEAUTIFUL PLANET so get the F-CK OFF or go extinct already, or grow up and evolve. Make your choice and make it quick my patience wears thin with you, well giggly goo, I know I’m some times brash but I do not like being here around all of this well so called human, garbage!

  8. The seekers of truth, do not let yourself be swayed by charlatans. Seek and find it in Islam. Before you be dismissive, as we often do, please do read the Quran. The reason that muslims ARE required to profess that “there is no god but Allah and that Muhamad is His prophet” is so that we will never equal our love for our Teacher to the rank of God, the way Christains do Jesus, may peace be on Him.

    1. Oh yes, please – everyone needs to convert to Islam!

      Here is a wonderful review of what you have in store for you, if you do:

      The Religion of Peace ([url]http://thereligionofpeace.com/[/url])
      Women’s Rights in Islam ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/womens-rights-in-islam.html[/url])
      Child Marriage in Islam ([url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F13gtjjDEgE[/url])
      Muhammad in His Own Words ([url]http://prophetofdoom.net/[/url])
      How to Pray in Islam ([url]http://proxify.com/p/001010A1000100/687474703a2f2f7777772e69736c616d696366696e6465722e6f72672f7072617965722f696e6465782e68746d6c[/url])
      Death Penalty for Apostates ([url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apostasy_in_Islam[/url])
      And much, much more!

      Sign up today!

  9. re:
    [quote name=”sab”]The seekers of truth, do not let yourself be swayed by charlatans. Seek and find it in Islam. Before you be dismissive, as we often do, please do read the Quran. The reason that muslims ARE required to profess that "there is no god but Allah and that Muhamad is His prophet" is so that we will never equal our love for our Teacher to the rank of God, the way Christains do Jesus, may peace be on Him.[/quote]

    Have you read every holy book of every religion before dismissing them in favor of Islam? Didn’t think so.

    This truthseeker did read the Koran. And some of the Hadiths too. I was offended by what I found and even more firmly convinced that religion has no legitimate right to any of it’s absurd truth-claims.

  10. re: How many times do I have to go over it?
    [quote name=”Gene”]It is just small forest animals, screeching monkeys now out of the trees. The most clever ape gets to be band lead, and the rest follow the tune! I ask WHEN WILL YOU EVOLVE PAST THIS MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO? Frankly anyone who is not fully in their own sovereignty, and free from others influence is weak and not truly human! But sad to say it your swamis like salami’s oh yes and cocktail wieners too! And yes every so call religious belief has at its head a swami same same, time to flush the cesspool of your minds and grow up! Any way I cannot fathom how anyone can still hold onto childish beliefs, (a quote from the BIBLE possibly the only words a Christ might say- when I was a child I believed in childish things, when I grew up I HAD to throw those childish things away!/ a "not verbatim" quote from a song "I saw a little kid had smile on his face, he found a candy bar, turned out that candy bar was a doggy doo I had to say, so what do you do, don’t pick it up, pick it up! lets see you throw it away! Title of the song is: don’t pick it up!) but then most are not truly human here on this once and could still be BEAUTIFUL PLANET so get the F-CK OFF or go extinct already, or grow up and evolve. Make your choice and make it quick my patience wears thin with you, well giggly goo, I know I’m some times brash but I do not like being here around all of this well so called human, garbage![/quote]

    Gene, this was a trainwreck. Please restate this in an orderly fashion so this interested piece of so-called human garbage can take it in. All I got out of it was to be a sovereign induvidual & to never eat candy bars I find on the ground.

    1. Ummm NO!
      I do not agree with language structure, oh and yes I make mistakes on purpose even spelling mistakes and some mis quotes HA!

  11. This is a form of mild cyber-terrorism, Gene. And I really want to know why you’d deny me the forbidden pleasures of dropped candy on account of the human race not playing ball with each other. I don’t want to have to evolve any more than you want to submit to the tyranny of syntax.

    On a less frivilous note, anyone notice that these spiritual demagogues always have a similarly creepy halo about them? Nothing I can put my finger on but it’s there.

    1. OK
      You have the right too not evolve, I would let you eat sh-t just for kicks and well…I stole your ball and set it on fire! I hate conformists ands when conforming becomes popular I, just walk off into my forest and laugh at you ALL! When the time comes I will climb the mountain and stay.

      Just curious WHO’S the SPIRITUAL DEMI-GOGUE HERe?

      Some how I feel you will go home and cry after this Jeff. That makes me sad and happy at the same time you damned fuddy duddy!

      And may Mexico’s”?” ZORO-assturd save you!

      My work here is done, the division bell tolls!

  12. You owe me another ball! The demagogues I hazily had in mind were the above-pictured trashbag, the Pope in all his pics, those foamy-mouthed Islamic Hitlers, ect.

    And no, I’m already at home & smiling. I trade 12 hours of life for bill money all week & squandering a few moments to type gibberish to strangers is a luxury to me. As for “so-called humans”…who are the actual humans?

    I think Zoroaster is Persian, not Mexican, & won’t save an unbeliever but thanx for the blessing anyway. His last book, delivered thru his prophet Nietzsche (Zoroaster is a rough greek butchery of the original name Zarathustra) still inspires me and called for humanity to overcome itself and become more. “Man is something that shall be overcome. What have you done to overcome him?”

    After many years Zarathustra descended from his mountain to teach of the overman to humanity (so-called). He tired of his mountain & braved the forest to exhort them to break the old tablets. Mabe you’ll get bored of your mountain cave & bravely descend to humanity once again. If not, we’ll manage somehow. We’re still evolving.

  13. you read too much into things, not that I don’t
    Lets see, most of Mexico’s mestisos are Berber, or Jewish”?” converts”?” about 70% of it’s population not Native mixed, and 40% are whats left of the Native population nearly raped out of existence! So yes their EL-ZORO or EL/ZORO is the same after the fact that the Persian empire spread through Berber country and was then crushed by Arabs. And I can’t speak for you but just riding around or walking and all I see and hear are, stupid beasts(walking carrion actually dead from the neck up) waddling or riding around talking about what TV and or sports creeps just did. So I’m just saying hey thats Human?! really!! Anyway the ball was on my lawn, my lawn my ball to burn! And no I like not being able to hear or smell beasts, animals are OK but not beasts! And no cave just MY mountain and MY forest! Enough chest beating, wouldn’t you say.

    By the way have you heard of the “so called” Wash*taw Muurs”? This is why I absolutely hate diversity, I’m all for being a rebel but come on taking credit for a completely different race!

  14. Hey thats how its spelled, I can’t help it has sh-t in the middle?! LOL! “Wash*taw” “the way it has been spelled out in English, not profanity! What these people are doing is profane!” was a pre-Columbus they say tribe but actually a few cities/religious centers in Louisiana delta region who just happen to be turban wearers and they say among the cannibal tribes but then again we are talking about Spanish Berbers so if you can trust the inquisitions of the UN_Holly KIRK go ahead and be simple . Just like Lakota for white is wah shi tia and Cheyene is wah see tchu, both also used as derogatory terms, any way you get the idea!

    Damn all I do is rant anymore but look at our world turned to sh-t!

    I really do hope there is more than just this life cause it sucks big time! And so called Humans make all the better, OY VEY!

    I highly recommend the documentary “Gas Land” there is another but the name fails me for now it’s about strip mining though.

  15. I was trying to be funny. Work with me! And your syntax is back. I’ve never been slurred by an Injun but now I’ll catch it. How do you slur Austrians? And yes, those are humans offending you with their herdlike behavior. My kind vary wildly between induviduals in most respects. Animals are a great antidote to misanthropic spells. I have a flatfaced cat that makes taking the world to seriously impossible.

    1. OK Doke, but really that is human behavior? no I think not they live as taught and are taught mass think herd mentality. But most are not really alive either, most are too scared to out into nature and live even just camp for a while. Now most in the third world every day is roughing it but, again most do not know how to live properly to begin with! Did you know that without tilling or toiling in the soil or wasting water yo can grow lots of food? and propagate and use natural plants to keep yourself clean and bug free? “sickness/insect,worm” And no I like being antisocial now back to my forest and mountain, and river.

  16. Dear Acharya S.,

    Thank you very much for your very important work. Many people are really DESTROYED day after day by the most lethal weapon that mankind have invented to fight against itself, all the other beings and the whole nature (against everything, let’s make it clear): God and all things related.

    I’m not a scholar, but life made me a specialist on the subject as well. My life, even before I was born, is marked by strange (‘spiritual’? I don’t know…) events. At the age of 5 to 6 I was already engaged in becoming one of those ‘saints’ – or idiots, if you prefer -, and then there was more than 25 years of ‘search’ till the day an event occurred to me and the whole spiritual rubbish was washed out of my system. Then a kind of transformation – physical, physiological – began to took place due to the fact that dozens thousands years of brainwash have even atrophied our glands, and once the whole sh*t is thrown away, the whole body is shocked, and such shocking freedom from that old conditioned functioning really changes the body (I have an interest in the life of UG Krishnamurti who had a very similar trajectory), and if there’s something as ‘enlightenment’ it’s nothing but this natural state and nothing to the whole ‘holy’/spiritual heritage that is actually filthy from its roots.

    It’s nice to be in touch and, any collaboration or anything you need, please, let me know, I have no other interest but to expose and debunk the whole fraud.

    Thank you very much.

    All the best,


  17. Hello there everyone. Well, I came across your article as I was searching for something on the internet and yes it seemed pretty interesting in a way, that it is filled with ignorance. Personally, being someone who has been a devotee of Sathya Sai Baba since very long, I would like to bring to your notice a few things that may help you see the whole thing with a different perspective. I am not interested in making you a devotee, for the power does not lie in me. You have called him a charltan, a fake baba, right?

    Well OK, maybe. Then why would someone who is so fake, so evil as you put it, do so much good. I speak of the good because I have been a personal witness from close quarters for a few years now.

    1)Does a fake evil person, give free of cost world class education from primary school till doctoral research. Yes, there is this university called Sri Sathya Sai University which gives free of cost education. I personally vouch for this because I have been a student of this university for 5 long years.
    2)Does a charltan give free super specialty treatment to lakhs of patients. There are two super specialty hospitals each at Bangalore and Puttaparthy. There also exist 2 general hospitals which jave treated thousands of patients. Well, this person must be really evil so that he does all this.
    3)Does a evil person give free pure drinking water to a million plus thirsty people. Well, atleast the one you have branded to be evil is doing it free of cost in India, unheard. Its called the Sri Sathya Sai Drinking Water Project.

    There are many more things being done that go unnoticed. Well you might say, there is no big deal in doing all this. I will be very pleased if you can show me more examples of all such things. Now, the whole aim of giving this wrong reply is not to convince you. Certainly not. The whole aim is to let you know that good things also happen and we often brand something unknown as evil in our ignorance. I am pretty sure you would have not personally checked all these claims you make. I have done it. I come from a family which was under the impression that Sai Baba was fake as well. But after a long time, they came to know that it was not true.
    Now I might seem as a random person justifying something. Well here is an article from a renowned Indian scientist who has also served as the Vice-chancellor of the Sri Sathya Sai University a few years back.

    I am sure it will be an eye opener.

    1. Thank you. I am well aware of what has been constructed in the name of Sai Baba, using millions of dollars donated to him via politicians and rich citizens in several countries. If all of that philanthropy had not been done in his name, he certainly would not have become the guru he is today.

      In the meantime, none of it makes up for all the uncomfortable facts about the fakery and the molestation. All of the good stuff could have been done without all the weird and disturbing sociopathy associated with it.


  18. Many saints of India said Sai Baba was a great holy man. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Muktananda, Amma, Nityananda,the Dalai Lama …. Are they fools?

    Prime Ministers, Presidents, Ministers, etc. Are all of them fools? Indian people is not more fol than European or American people.

    Was Sai Baba in trial for sexual abuse? Was he convicted?

    In Indian Vedic tradition saints are God incarnate because the soul is united to God. The master is a God`s instrument. It is Indian beliefs.

    Video secret swami is very biased. Only one guy said was abused. Should this be accepted without any proof?

    1. There is plenty of proof, much of which I’ve pointed to here.

      I have to question the integrity of all those individuals whom you mention as blindly following this man and seriously believing that he was God on earth who could manifest objects and do other miracles. Why wasn’t he tried? Well, obviously, he brought in a huge amount of tourist traffic and money, and all those politicians you mention were probably in his pocket. Did Baba not manifest for the rich and powerful all manner of gold watches and jewelry, while saving the perfumed ash made from cow manure for the poor people?

      He’s a fraud, and so are all these other gurus, saints and politicians if they believe in him.

      Time to wake up and grow up. Such delusions are deleterious to humanity, including all the people who suffered at this man’s hands. Covering this mess up with kitty litter does no one any good at all.

    2. No and fnuk you if you dont undersatsn he uses trickry and deception to make people beleve in him .. Do you understand that now ?

  19. this is complete B.S.
    all of ur “facts” are false get correct facts, ur sad. this story is fake, just like the jesus and the bible

    1. Thank you, but it appears that you didn’t even read my post, since you are comparing this FACTUAL reportage of many witnesses with the Bible and Jesus, which I dissect as being largely mythological.

      This article has nothing to do with Jesus and the Bible, except that, like the NT Jesus figure, Sai Baba is most assuredly not God on Earth.

  20. India is full of fake gurus who exploit the ignora
    Dear Acharya S,

    India is full of fake gurus, fake Godmen who have been exploiting the poor, ignorant masses of India and gullible, naive westerners bilking them of their money and personal dignity.

    They selll the illusion of prosperity to Indians and false nirvana to westerners.

    90% of them have been involved in extortion and sex scandals.

    As a rationalist and a humanist, I am genuinely mortified by how these fake Gurus are so revered in India. Even my ex-wife, an educated, american woman was swayed by a fake Indian guru for a long time until she finally saw the light!

    Here is a great fake Guru busting site


  21. Baba Schmaba …
    I have a friend who was a “follower” of SB. I used to ask him how he could so easily see through the gimmicks of Western faith healers, but couldn’t/wouldn’t see through the gimmicks of Eastern faith healers. He never had an answer. I kept telling him that the guy was just doing cheap, pointless magic tricks, but since [b]I[/b] didn’t know exactly how he did the tricks, of course, I was wrong. I think he eventually read something about SB and realized that he’d chosen to be deluded about the whole thing. Still amazing that otherwise intelligent people fall for these sideshow freaks.

  22. The fraud of his so called miracles
    Satya Narayana Raju aka Satya Sai Baba was a thrid rate magician and a worse person. I have demonstrated his so called miracles thousands of times to various audiences all over the world.
    He has been credited with various miracles like bringing back dead people, curing fatal diseases and so on. The fact is that he is dead shows that he is mortal. All his super speciality hospitals and the so called expert doctors could not save him. First of all we have to remember that he could not save himself and how can be claim to be god? I am just reminding his devotees about the title of Bhagwan they have conferred on him!
    It could be also recalled his that though he was brain dead, he was kept alive for quite some time so that his coterie could take away all the unaccounted wealth that was lying around. Only two rooms which had biometric locks could not be opened and when they were opened were full of valuable articles of gold, silver, diamonds and currency notes worth crores!

    1. Thank you for your personal insights into the man. I appreciate knowing these facts, which back up what I’ve written here.

      Are you one of the original Guru Busters ([url]http://60minutes.9msn.com/article.aspx?id=8376295[/url]) from the documentary? Thank you for doing that, and I appreciate you dropping by and sharing with us!

  23. Satyanarayana Raju is a fraud by all means. Kindly do not use the name Sai Baba for this grotesque homosexual man.

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