• December 3, 2024

Defining the concept of God as energy

Adherents of most religions believe that God is all-pervasive, omniscient and omnipotent. Islam seems to specify that God exists only at one place, and that is in the Kaabah at Mecca. Perhaps that idea is why all Muslims are directed to face the direction of Mecca while praying, wherever they…

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The concept of Creation in Hinduism

The concept of Creation in Hinduismby Murali Chemuturi Let me begin by saying that, in reality, there is no religion called “Hinduism.” What we call Sanathana (ancient) Dharma (righteous conduct) is presently referred to as Hinduism. The word “Hindu” was coined by the Mlecchas (“Arabs/Egyptians”) to denote people residing on…

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Birth, death and rebirth in Hinduism

“You people believe that there is re-birth. If the person does good karma, he will get a better birth and if he commits sin he will get a worse birth – right?” So enquired the wife of a pastor of a church of me. I answered in the affirmative. She…

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Religion, a cynical view point

Religion – a cynical viewpoint A religion has come to be associated with a Prophet, a book and preferably one God. Some religions say that there is only one God and it is their God. If you call Him by any other name, it would tantamount to worshipping false God!…

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