• May 3, 2024

D.M. Murdock/Acharya S on DVD!

I’m delighted to announce that a new video/DVD featuring me and my work is now available!

The DVD, produced by artist Scott Burdick, can be obtained here:

“Great Minds of Our Time: D.M. Murdock”

Please note that I had little input in the editing process of this video, which represents not a documentary so much as an “artistic expression” by Scott Burdick, and I am therefore not responsible for Scott’s narration, image selection, chapter titles or any typos, etc.

However, it is my information and voice, and there are plenty of screenshots of me throughout. Indeed, this two-hour DVD is the distillation of some 12 hours of interviews that covered numerous topics under the sun! If the history of religion and mythology fascinates you, as it does me, you will enjoy this video!

Scott has organized the video into easily accessed chapters following a particular theme, so you can skip around to sample all of the topics. (See the “Table of Contents” below.)

“I just watched ‘Great Minds Of Our Times,’ absolutely brilliant! You certainly are one of them!”

–Paola Hughson

“I just watched Great Minds of Our Time, and thoroughly enjoyed it. The imagery was awesome, the content fascinating and very informative, and the great mind…beautiful! Excellent…well done, and already expecting/waiting, for a sequel.”

–Michael Hauser

“Acharya, I watched your new DVD interview. It was excellent. I just wanted to let you know. I will be recommending it (as I do with your books) to people who inquisitive and need that nudge to break out and spread their wings. :-)”

–Michael Williams

“Many thanks for all your BRIGHT work Acharya! Did enjoy the 2hours DVD today and posted about it on my FB. You are very beautiful and what you are saying is GREAT KNOWLEDGE. Loved also the pictures going along with your words and even your earrings (very lovely :)).”

–Ana Maria

All purchases will help spread my work further, as will any word-of-mouth advertising we may receive from good folks passing this post around. Now you can view the fascinating information about the origins of much religion and mythology with your friends and loved ones!Cover of D.M. Murdock DVD

Here’s the introduction by Scott on his website:

D.M. Murdock (aka Acharya S) is one of the great scholars of comparative religion and author of five books that explore the evolution of Christianity, the theory of Mythicism, and the latest scholarship of the New Testament. Being an avid reader of history, this is one of the authors I have long admired, so it was an honor to interview her for the very first in this series of interviews I have planned.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with her books, you are in for a treat. No matter what your religious beliefs, you are sure to learn a great deal from listening to someone who has spent decades of researching a subject that has fascinated scholars for all of recorded history.

Complementing the words of this visionary researcher are dozens of my own photographs and even a few paintings that I have gathered from my travels around the world. I hope the combination of new facts, ideas, and images will spur you to look at this subject with new eyes and insights. Your conclusions may not be the same as mine, or Ms. Murdock’s, but they are sure to challenge some of the things we’ve never even thought to question before.

Scott Burdick

Thanks, Scott!

Was John the Baptist an Egyptian myth?

Table of Contents

Virgin Birth
Oh Brother
Who’s Your Daddy?
A Star
The Source
Sun versus Moon
Light of the World
Original Baptists
Past and Present
Devilish Tricks
Onion’s Core
Gospel Truth
Point Your Cannon
God Factory
The Mysteries
The Conspirators
God Killers
Burden of Proof
Cover Up
Not the First
To Speak
Respecting Beliefs

78 thoughts on “D.M. Murdock/Acharya S on DVD!

  1. My Impressions.
    Elegant, Beautiful, Intelligent are my impressions but I have yet to buy the DVD. I will.

  2. I just finished a book by Tim Leedom, ” The Book Your Church Doesn’t Want You To Read” A very comprehensive look at the deception of the church for 1700 years. I’m so glad that there are inquisitive minds alive today, of them you are most certainly a leader in elevating the human search for meaning in our world of confusion. I thank you for your diligence

  3. Origins of Man(kind)
    Dear Mss. Acharya: I enjoy your website on exposing myths! That is, whether it is the Christian one or others’ religious persuasions… My experiences over the last thirty-five years has dealt with Christianity. At one point in my spiritual path I ran across Gnosticism. At first, I only found religious distortions. Which of the myriad Nag Hammadi Codices are genuine?
    Studying these Texts are the only ones that explain anything in depth about the origins of the Cosmos and humanity. Please, talk about the”Dead Sea Scrolls”: Essenes/Qumran/Nag Hammadi Library. It will be very insightful to have YOUR TAKE on these literary subjects. Thank You, Bruce M. Ireland…bmireland2006@yahoo.com

    1. Thank you for your query and interest. I have written somewhat about the DSS in various books, forums posts and articles. For the latter two types of writing, please do a search on this site, which will pull up all my websites and forums.

      You may also wish to search inside my books on Google Books for information about the scrolls.

  4. Refer to my previous post Email). Or, if it did not go through then please email me at bmireland2006@yahoo.com
    I will rewrite the report about talking on the Dead Sea Scrolls: the essenes/Qumran/Nag Hammadi Library. Thank You, Bruce M. Ireland

    1. Bruce, here’s what I found by searching around …

      Blog: Dead Sea Scrolls prove Bible unoriginal ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/contributing-writers/63-acharya-s/280-dead-sea-scrolls-prove-bible-unoriginal.html[/url])

      Forum thread: Dead Sea Scrolls ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=169[/url])

  5. Greetings Ms. Murdock

    As I posted on your facebook I thoroughly enjoyed your Great Minds DVD. Although it represents mostly a review of topics you have covered in your books, the affable, confident and relaxed manners you convey during the interview are wonderful, and hopefully will serve as one more avenue for the public to get acquainted with your tremendous works, in a very inviting way.

    As always, keep doing what you are doing. 🙂

  6. Who Was Jesus
    I bought “Who was Jesus” and I have been unable to put it down. I really appreciate all of the work you put into it.

    Thank you,

    1. Thank you so much for the kind feedback!

      If you have an account and feel inclined, perhaps you will write a review of whatever length on Amazon – I’m sure others would appreciate it as well.

  7. birth, resurrection and easter
    Hi Acharya,

    I’ve ordered “Christ in Egypt” and I’m looking forward to delving in!! Perhaps this is answered in the book, but if Christ’s resurrection is the end of the winter solstice, Dec 25, and this is also considered his date of birth, then what about easter? If easter is the celebration of the resurrection, why is it celebrated months later? Is the moveable date of easter just a date chosen for the celebration, or is it passover, or the vernal equinox, or ???
    Thanks so much for all your brilliant and enlightening work!!!!

  8. Islam’s Moon Goddess Vulva protrude from Kaaba, in
    Islam/Allah has many reviling aspects of the ancient moon Goddess
    (http://www.goddess-guide.com/moon-goddess.html), the crescent moon/Shiva of India.

    Moon had been Goddess in the ancient world and since female cycles correlated to the moon cycles, she was symbol of fertility, sex, and they believed she desired blood/sacrifice based on the Women PMS/monthly period. The Arabs who did not respect woman since ancient time, changed it to a man God, but kept many female attributes of it, which are vivid through the black stone and its casing in Kaaba which depicts a Goddess Vulva shaped like the moon, radiating in the black sky background made from the black cloth over Kaaba. http://www.redicecreations.com/article.php?id=17158

    Moon was valued more in Arabia than Sun, since day time were hot ( thus Sun God/Goddess was not fevered) but at night under the cool moon light, it was more comfortable for the nomadic Arabs to move around and live their lives, so moon Goddess was in.

    Many rituals in Islam are related to moon phases, such as the timing of start and ending of Hajj and direction of rotation around the Kaaba and the number of rotations, besides the black stone situated on the eastern corner stone in Kaaba, pointing at the moon rise.

    Hajj was conducted pre-islam for a long time (http://www.islamicity.com/Articles/articles.asp?ref=IC0301-1834 ) where men and women on the 7th day of 12 month, would start from the black rock on the east corner, would walk around Kaaba naked, drunk, committing sex and adultery, imitating the moon rotation and walking toward moon rise from West to East on the front side while facing the moon , men had to run fast the first 3 times and for the next 4 times in slower pace around the Kaaba ( 3+4 =7, Every 7 days would relate to a quarter moon phase. Also there are 3×4=12 moon per year now check the significance of numbers 3,4, 7, 12 during Hajj http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hajj. Then they would kiss the Vulva shaped black stone casing or point at it.

    Note: Pre-Islam Mecca was 10 times worst than Las Vegas, Sex (Bi, Homosexuality, sex with children, Adultery, exchange of wife), drinking, gambling was norm among Arabs. Arabs were famous for their corrupt life style in the ancient time.http://www.mukto-mona.com/Articles/asghar/muhammad_islam.htm
    Mohammad’s family was in charge of Kaaba, so they were involved in all aspects of these rituals of drinking/sex/wife exchange/ etc and he was part of it too, till he declared himself a prophet at age of 40. Since Arabs only kept one daughter and killed the rest, you can see the demand for virgins boys and girls! Muhammad lost both parents at an early age and was orphaned and must have been abused by elders of the tribe sexually and physically (that was norm). Thus based on today’s profiling, we know why he killed so many people and took their wife and kids as slave and abused them, also that is the reason Mohammad’s heaven is full of virgin boys and girls for his followers and himself.

    Muhammad is the only so called prophet that took slaves (women and children) and would order their husbands/fathers to be killed/beheaded. He was the only prophet that would make promise and then would turn around and break his promise over and over at an opportune time to take advantage of his position and overturn the table to his favor.

    Muhammad changed some aspects of Hajj, but not a whole lot!
    Hajj in post Islam is the only place that men and women can mix and women should not cover their feet and face and men have to remove their underwear and wear a thin white cloth/towel Ihram around their body, while going about Hajj (near naked condition in a very close proximity of huge masses of females for the full month). Women should wear a simple Hijab, but not covering their face and feet. Imagine these Muslim man that have not seen a women hair in their life, now being a sheet away from masses of them.

    It is almost similar to wearing a Toga, sexual arousal is inescapable per most people who had been to Hajj. Many women have returned and complained being almost drenched with male fluid discharge. Most women try to have their man walk behind them, but still other men get through to them in such a large crowd by pushing their man out. Also should be noted that within Kaaba, the black stone which is a meteor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Stone , positioned at the far east front side of Kaaba in a silver casing, depicting moon rise on to the black sky (The black cloth which covers Kaaba, is actually the black sky)http://www.redicecreations.com/article.php?id=17158. Note the shape of silver mounting of black stone, resembling female sexual organ, depicting the Goddess womb holding the black stone, the silver around the casing is the radiating color of the moon.

    Also black stone is said to have been white coming from heavens/Moon and then turned black due to the men sins. That should be due to the facts that the people who saw the meteor entering the earth, most likely were watching the Moon at that time and saw a Meteor coming toward them from moon Goddess. First it was white due to hitting the atmosphere (or the whiteness of the moon ) and then burned and crashed (Burning in the hell fire) to earth and fell near them, when they found it, it was black and since it came from sky, So it was called heavenly White Stone, took the sin of men and became black! .

    It is very clear that the element of Moon God, the God of fertility could be observed very clearly through the most spiritual aspect of Islam which is the Hajj ritual with all these circus around Kaaba alone.

    In ancient Myth, Mother Earth and sometime Anahita the Rain/water Goddess gives birth to Sun and the Moon (If you are near ocean, sun/moon rises from Ocean water, so they thought Rain/water Goddess giving birth to sun/moon, or if you are in-land it is the mother earth giving birth to sun/moon). Also water starts the life on earth. So that is the reason that Kaaba was situated such that Zamzam flows near to the black stone position (rise of moon).

    Story of Ibrahim and Hajar and getting pregnant, is similar to story of Aanhita or ancient myth relating to Sun, Moon and Earth and other astronomical stars, nothing to do with a real person.

    Note Also that myth about the black stone, was used by Muslim Arabs to take black slaves, because they believed black people were white and due to their sins became black. Arab Muslims started black slavery, before then all sort of people were taken as slave. One wonders why so many blacks are now becoming Muslim!

    Sun and moon Pyramids have been found in China, Bosnia, Egypt and South America (Both the Temples of Sun and Moon can be seen next to each other near Mexico City). Most likely the purpose of making Pyramids was for them to go up high, like a huge stepping stones, to get closer to the sky and their God/Goddess and also served as an observation platform. Both the Sun and moon were very important for the ancient people, since without light they were in darkness and vulnerable to the elements, Thus darkness was evil (If humans had eyes like a cat, the good and evil might have had different perspectives than light and dark). They thought both the Sun and the Moon were pull to underground by evil forces on the west, and they were born again the next day by mother earth or water Goddess on the East.

    Most of these Gods were fearful and requested human or animal sacrifice. It is clear that the element of fear was due to fear of men from mother nature and later adopted by the kings or priesthood as a means to control masses and convert people to their ways and make them obey their commands and pay their taxes. Sacrifice or shedding of blood most likely had to do with the fact that women had monthly period and they thought that was the will of Moon Goddess.
    Christianity converted people based on fear of hell and heaven, Islam used the same as well as fear of Allah. Note worthy is that the notion of Heaven and Hell existed in ancient Greek Mythology and they were actual physical places on Greek Islands. Also Persian Paradise was a place on earth, later these all evolved to become a mystical place in after life, when new doctrines were written.

    In Summary, Good and Evil, Light and Dark, are creations of Human mind and it is relative to human way of thinking and life on Earth.
    It is human with its evolved rational/logical thinking mind which is seeking for rational answers to its existence on this planet and try to answer the fear of unknown.

    It is our mind which has created the perception of God, hell and heaven. Most hell and heaven attributes are physical, where as “Spirits” have no physical dependence, i.e burning/torture or others such as having sexual pleasures do not relate to a non-physical / dead people/ spirit world. Sex is a vehicle of extending life to next generation, if you are spirit, why would you need that? Otherwise Spirits would have babies too and the theology would be a tool mess then! If you live for ever, why would you need babies? If so what is the physical for then??

    I.e virginity is something physical. How can one define virginity in a non physical world. How would you remove virginity as a spirit? What would the male use and how would it work?

    This shows the narrow minded of these people pushing their religion into people through fear. A childish story that grown ups fall for it!.

    Hope this helps in awakening people and more research to be done in this area.

    I also urge every one to read this history of Muhammad and Islam.


    MUHAMMAD & ISLAM: Stories not told before.


    Also check


    $50,000 U.S. dollars

    to anyone who can disprove any of the dozen of the accusations that I have made against Muhammad. I accuse Muhammad of being:
    a narcissist a misogynist a rapist
    a pedophile a lecher a torturer
    a mass murderer a cult leader an assassin
    a terrorist a madman a looter

    I have debated with many Muslims. Their defense of Islam can be summarized in two categories:

    a- Denial of the authenticity of Islamic sources that report the stories of crimes of Muhammad (example: debate with Edip Yukssel, a leader of the Submitters)

    b- Moral relativism and situational ethics, e.g., “In those days, pedophilia, assassination, rape, raid, pillage, massacre and lying, were common practices, so Muhammad is innocent because he did what everyone else was doing.” Muslims even go as far as to question the legitimacy of the Golden Rule to claim I do not have any basis to condemn Muhammad. In other words, who can say what is good and what is evil? That is up to the messenger of God to decide. (Example: debate with Yamin Zakaria)

  9. Before I found your books, I had engaged in a personal study of the Origins of Christianity for about 15 years. One book led to another, and I have hundreds of files on various topics. When I found Barbara Walker’s Book, A “Women’s Enclopedia of Myth’s and Secrets”, I couldn’t put it down. I read it over and over again, reveling in each page. Being a former Lutheran minister who had none of this information in the whole seminary experience, I felt like I had experienced fraud. Your book, “The Christ Conspiracy”, put into context the vast quantities of knowlege I had earmarked in Joseph Wheless’s book:” Forgery in Christianity: A documented record of the Foundations of the Christian Religion”, Taylor’s “Diegesis”, and Godfrey Higgins “Anacalypsis Part 1 An Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis or an Inquiry into the Origin of Languages, Nations and Religions” (1833) Book one and two. Their books in the Kessinger Publishing’s Rare Reprints are written in tiny letters, and the language is hard to plod through.
    Anyway, I consider you and Barbara Walker to be in a class by yourselves. And I thank you for all your hard work and diligence in pursuing the truth of all these subjects.
    I am wondering if you are also an adept in spiritual matters. I am an empath and a “highly sensitive person” who has channeled since my 20’s, (I’m 57 now). It morphed into psychic and medium work. (I don’t charge) My question is, “What happened to me last night?” I thought I was going to a birthday party. The friend with the birthday actually tricked me into going to a meeting where people gather once a week for “an Openness Blessing”, a chakra meditation by an Indian woman on tape, and a 8 bowl crystal bowl event. (All within a room of about 500 sq feet. I stayed to save face because I was concerned aobut raising my energy to a great level. This event lasted 4 hours. Today, I am experiencing a mild biological shock. My body feels like jello and I can’t keep my balance. I’m having an emotional experience of anger for being misled that seems rather too intense for my normal affect. Do you know what has happened to me? And, P.S., I have always indulged by learning through authors, not gurus or masters, but would really enjoy being even in e-mail contact with someone who might understand my gifts and how I can use them. Sincerely, Sarah davissja@yahoo.com

    1. Thank you for your kind regards. Regarding the discovery of Christian origins and the feeling of having been defrauded, I know exactly what you mean! You may have discerned a tone of anger and disgust in my first edition of Christ Conspiracy (a new one in the works…). Previous to my epiphany, I had been born into a Protestant family and raised as such, and had become a “born-again” Christian.

      I’m glad you’ve enjoyed these studies – obviously, I too find them fascinating.

      As concerns your query regarding spirituality, I have indeed delved into the more esoteric aspects of several religions, including Indian mysticism, and have had a number of experiences that have shaped my worldview.

      In this regard, I don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak, and I enjoy the world’s religious traditions. In fact, I like to say that I am pruning the dead branches off the world’s great religious tree, to expose its deep and important roots.

      I also do not discourage those in the priesthood, ministry, etc., who have been fortunate enough to experience these epiphanies to stay with their vocations. Some ministers, in fact, have “merely” shifted their sermonizing to incorporate more of the ancient mythology, rather than simply quit. In this regard, I hear reports of ministers emphasizing the solar aspects of Christianity, for example, such as how Jesus is the “Light of the World that every eye can see.”

      From there, the transition is much easier, as the younger generation comes up.

      So, my attitude towards Christianity and religion in general is to look at the roots and not to simply upend the tree and throw it away. The roots in themselves are often quite fascinating, inspiring and uplifting.

      And, yes, these roots do involved spirituality: For example, in Egypt much of the culture, the art, buildings, etc., revolved around the afterlife aspirations and doctrines – and these in turn largely revolved around the SUN in some form or another. The sun was viewed as the great purifier through which the deceased may pass in order to attain to the greatness beyond.

      This perspective of the sun as “savior” has been held by many other cultures, and there is certainly truth to the sun as the great purifier and healer. Indeed, there are those, like philosopher Gregory Sams ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/contributing-writers/63-acharya-s/638-millions-in-india-bow-to-the-sun-offending-muslims-and-christians.html[/url]), who make an intriguing case for the sun possessing consciousness, as did the ancient philosophers and priests.

  10. Whis I could view it…
    I ordered it and the DVD WAS CORRUPT reordered and It came to me again corrupt.. I asked them to “test” the DVD and send me one that works…instead they applied the funds back to my account



    1. Thanks for the heads up, Dave. I’m sorry to hear about your bad experience. I haven’t heard any other difficulties – perhaps it was a problem with your DVD player? Did you try it on the computer? Did it work there?

      In any event, I’m not responsible for the processing of the DVDs – that would be the fulfillment company Kunaki

  11. I tried to purchase your DVD, Great minds of our time, Acharya S on DVD, but was unsuccessful. Can somebody help please.

    Since I discovered you, I became fascinated by your research. Any books of Murdock in electronic format?

      1. I would love to purchase your dvd, but theres no option for shipping to South Africa. I’ve tried Amazon and a few other online companies, but no other has got hold of your dvd.

        Any suggestions pls?

        Thank you!

        1. Thanks for your interest! I didn’t create the DVD or set up the Kunaki account, so I’m not very knowledgeable about how it works. Did you try contacting Kunaki about South Africa? Perhaps a friend in the U.S. could send you a copy? I apologize if it would be very costly that way. I’m open to suggestions on how to make international orders easier, but I didn’t realize Kunaki would be restricted to this side of the pond.

  12. Your DVD!

    Dear Acharya,

    I wanted to thank you for allowing yourself to be interviewed on Great Minds of our Time! It is amazing how fluently you speak and how well-versed you are in the true history of this planet’s religions and mythology. Prior to your work on Zeitgeist I had no knowledge of the Jesus and Horus connection or of how many virgin birth stories have been around. It has been astounding and profoundly freeing to my spirit to read your work. Its even fun to read through the bibliographical work at the end of your book Suns of God Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled (http://truthbeknown.com/sunsofgod.htm) because I know that YOU found and read the primary sources behind it all!

    Thank you again for your very important work, I’m glad to support you by purchasing your books and now DVD and sharing them with all my friends!

    Jackie Guiley
    BFA Visual Communications

    1. Not really new revelations – widely known in the E
      I have had the chance to read on this in great deal. I beg to differ – this information is not commensurate with a great mind; it merely edifies the fact that the pagan beliefs that go all the way back to biblical Nimrod or even smarian Gilgamesh have been know for years. The first Queen of the universe, mother of God, the vernal equinox were practiced even by the tribes of Israel. Whether an ancient person of Israel followed the goddess of Ester (Easter) and whether a Christian believes the sign of the cross is the sign of the son of God is immaterial and do nothing to credit or discredit any religion. What they do is edify the fact that Traditions of men and their man made religions designed to control the masses is the real culprit. Religion – or realignment is the problem – not the truth. There is too much ancient Hebrew script, emerging Hebrew script that is painting a picture that shows that all of us have been held from the real truth by ancient Pagan beliefs being co-opted by the emperor Constantine. Your discussion is too narrow and doesn’t incorporate thousands of other facts that are both based in ancient hebrew writings but in pagan and secular writings. I find your conclusions narrow and the premise flawed. I would recommend your reexamine the corpus of data.

      1. It does not sound like you have watched my video or know my work or the subject matter very well at all. You don’t even know who you are addressing with this comment.

        I find nothing of value in your remarks, frankly. Not only is this information extremely new to most people in the world but I present it in the widest manner possibly, with the most amount of data I can discover, in multiple languages using primary sources dating back thousands of years.

        So, if you are talking to me, practically everything you’ve said here about my work is erroneous. And the rest of what you have stated is appears to be incomprehensible.

        Perhaps you should reexamine the fact that you are being dishonest about knowing my work and the subject matter.

  13. Christ in Egypt

    Hi Ms. Acharya:

    I purchased your ebook, Christ in Egypt, and am spellbound by the amount of evidence contained in this well researched book. Since I discovered your work in this field, I took a keen interest in mythology. Being a lecturer in law at Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa I would dearly appreciate it if I can buy your DVD. Your company do not distribute the DVD in South Africa. I want to use it in lectures on International Law. Can you or anybody help me obtain it, whatever the cost may be to get hold of it please.


  14. -.-
    It’s $20 the price is negligible, some of us don’t have credit cards, a paypal option would be nice… there are other reasons then a cheaper price… -.-

  15. are u gona steal the information i gave you?
    Why can’t i access an answer to a comment that i left on this site? I recieved an email from Acharya at this site with a comment about some very important information that i left on this site. Why am i unable to see the comment?

  16. matthew franzen, is this the comment you’re talking about, from the blog titled:

    “World’s oldest religion honors Mother Goddess and nature”

    Please don’t go off on knee-jerk reactions and make such serious false accusations such as “stealing.”

    If that’s not it, I don’t put through nasty insults tossed at Acharya.

  17. Heran!
    I am really amazed to hear all about D.M. Murdock. I would love to see this DVD and would surely write after that.

  18. Pondering
    1.god created light (first day)
    2.on the fourth day he created the light source..
    3. really?

    1. Advocate
      Love it. Never even thought about it. One does feel like a crank for swallowing all this crap for so long. Acharya, more than anyone else, made me realize that there is more to life than the superstition of the people of antiquity and that we have a window period in which to live our life to the fullest.

      Thanks Acharya 🙂

  19. You’re very welcome, friend.

    Life can be very juicy and enjoyable, once we get past the culturally biased conditioning. One might guess I have an irrepressible spirit. 🙂

  20. Having read three of your books and enjoyed some of your interviews on the web, I tried to order the DVD. The site locked up. 🙁 I don’t know if the order went through or not.

    Is there a phone # or any way I can determine if the order when through?

    Please continue in your research, your writings and your sharing. It seems that truth and free thought are becoming more rare each day and you are indeed, a breath of fresh air! You are MUCH appreciated. 🙂

  21. I believe the bible and have faith in the truth and power of the Inspired word of God. Relationship with Jesus will confirm he is The Way and that he is who he said he is.

    For me the evidence in the truth of the bible comes primarily from meditating in the word and then doing God’s will while starving my own. The evidence comes from seeking, correcting my heart and doing God’s will.

    Before coming into a relationship with Jesus at 40, I studied eastern religions, mythology, philosophies and was a voracious reader.

    As for the bible being borrowed, copied, re-hashed, stolen…perhaps this viewpoint is far too narrow. It is for me, similar to saying that the mind of God is linear – or limited kind of like my mind. The scriptures clearly state that this is not so. So Philo wrote something and then it appears in the New Testament. God’s inspiration and truths occur to all of us, we have been given a deep conviction of his truth. The reality of God is not confined to space and time. God’s inspiration is not merely for Abraham, or Joseph, or Isaiah or for one moment in time exclusively. Visions and thoughts are not always linear, we are given that glimpse of truth by God, a gift given to all people. We all instinctively know him.

    The bible is the truth that is seen and experienced in how many will reject God/turn away from truth and it is accurate in how this down fallen world is currently ruled by the Father of Lies. Without the Holy Spirit, reading the bible, telling about the bible, contextualizing the bible is fruitless.

    Jesus is The truth, the life and The Way. Seek him first, and when you do not hear an answer, when you do not see proof, or evidence, then REALLY put your shoulder to the wheel and get radically obedient. You will have your avalanche of evidence from working by faith first as we are given the choice to rock this World or seek him with [b] e v e r y[/b] thing we have.

    1. Thank you. Needless to say, I disagree with almost everything you’ve said here. Mystical experiences do NOT prove that someone lived in the third dimension. Followers of EVERY religion of significant size have had such mystical experiences: Hindus experience Krishna, Ganesha, Shiva, Laxmi and numerous other deities; ancient Egyptians expected visits from Isis and Osiris. Do their mystical experiences with these gods mean these latter all “walked the earth?” One could easily claim to be having mystical experiences with the Egyptian goddess of truth, Maat, who is telling one that Christianity is falsely based on the Egyptian religion and that Christ is a mythical character, not a historical figure.

      Moreover, our perspective that the Bible is a rehash of other religions and mythologies is NOT at all “narrow.” On the contrary, it is quite broad, as it encompasses all manner of cultures and ethnicities, rather than one Bronze Age tribe in a tiny area of the world. The true meaning behind the anthropomorphized and historicized ideas in the Bible is much more cosmic than a Jewish man born of a virgin 2,000 years ago.

      The Bible is a book largely composed of myths and falsified history. The “Jesus Christ” of the New Testament is a fictional composite of characters, real and mythical. A composite of multiple “people” is no one.


    2. God
      I too know that God is the creator of all things that existed. I know that the Christ died for me so that I could be free of eternal death. That being said, the bible is only true in so far as it is translated in perfection which it is not. I pray for discretion when I study and do not find that the idea of God and a need for a saviour out of tune with truth. The concepts that others were born of God is not solely for Chris for we know that Melckesedeck, the king of salem was born without a earthly father as were a few others. Retgardless of similarities of constellations and suns and moons, astrology, Ra and so on simply tells us that God is consistant and that for us to regard monotheism as a farce because we are discovering new levels of understanding is repulsive to my soul. I loved watching Zeitgeist but find holes and some things disturbing.
      Lets not forget that brilliance of the mind exists with individuals of all walks of life and does not represent truth.

  22. I don’t have time to respond to everything you’ve said, but my original post still stands. Jesus is no more the “Great I Am” than are all these other gods and goddesses who preceded him. Many Egyptian deities, for example, were the “I AM” as well, as they encompassed all of creation.

    The Bible is a cultural artifact, a manmade text created through the minds of men of a particular tribe in the tiny little area of Judea/Palestine/Israel a couple thousand years ago. Its cosmology pales in comparison with that of Egypt, India or Mesoamerica, to name a few.

    You can have all the mystical experiences you wish, but the biblical mythology will remain just that: Mythology. And the god of the Bible will remain a cultural artifact no more “real” than the gods and goddesses of these umpteen other religious systems dating back thousands of years.


    P.S. You may enjoy servitude, but I have no interest in bending knee to any mythical figures, whether Jewish, Chinese, Aztec or Irish.

    1. re: The “Jesus Christ” of the New Testament is a f
      Forgive me for my intrusion into your conversation with Brian E, but I disagree with the statement you’ve made to him, that The “Jesus Christ” of the New Testament is fictional.

      The Bible that you(recommend) to “throw in the trash” clearly shows a prophetic thread of prophecies concerning the person and coming of Jesus the Christ. They are compiled over thirty five hundred years, fourty writers, living in different places, different cultures, who never knew each other yet they spoke about his birth, his miracles, his life and death. How is it that they all unanimously spoke about him could he be fictional. I know that you may not have the time but if you do, please check out this list that’s arranged in Chronological Order of prophecies that pertain to the person of Jesus.

      1st its the scripture, 2nd the prophecy’s 3rd the fulfillment. He is most definately the “SON OF GOD” not the “SUN GOD”



      Gen. 3:15

      Gen. 12:3

      Gen. 17:19

      Num. 24:17

      Gen. 49:10

      Is.9:7;11:1—5 II Sam.7:13


      Dan. 9:25

      Is. 7:14

      Jer. 31:15.


      Is. 9:1—2

      Deut. 18:15

      Ps. 110:4

      Is. 53:3, Ps.2:2

      Is. ll:2—4; Ps. 45:7

      Zec.9:9; Is.62:ll

      Psalm 41:9


      Zec. 11:13


      Would be the “offspring” of a woman

      Promised Offspring of Abraham

      Offspring of Isaac

      Offspring of Jacob

      Will descend from the
      Tribe of Judah

      The Heir to the throne of David

      Place of birth :Bethlehem

      Time of Birth

      Born of a Virgin

      Slaughter of Infants

      Escape to Egypt

      Ministry in Galilee

      As a Prophet

      As a priest like Melchizedek

      His Rejection by Jews

      Some of His Characteristics

      His Triumphal Entry

      Betrayal by a Friend

      Sold for thirty pieces of silver

      Money returned for Potters Field


      Gal.4:4, Luke 2.7, Rev. 12:5

      Acts 3:25; Matt. 1:1; Luke 3:24

      Matt.l:2;. Luke 3:24;

      Luke 3:34; Mt.l:2,

      Luke 3:34; Mat. 1:2,3

      Matt.1:l & 6

      Mat.2:l, Luke 2: 4—7

      Luke 2:l—2; 3—7

      Matt. 1:18

      Matt.2 :16—18

      Matt. 2:14

      Mt. 4:12—16

      Jn.6:l4;Acts 3:19—25

      Heb.6:20, 7:15—17

      Jn. 1: ll;5:43 ;Luke. 17:25

      Luke 2:52: 4:18

      Jn. 12:13,14; Mt.21: 1-11

      Mark. 14: l0; Mt. .25: 14—16

      Matt 26:15; 273—J.0


      1. Thank you. My work in multiple books, articles, forum post and other writings, videos and radio programs is designed to demonstrate that the “Jesus Christ” of the New Testament is a fictional compilation of characters, real and mythical. A composite of multiple “people” is no one. When the mythological and midrashic layers are removed, there remains no “historical” core to the onion.

        What you are discussing does not prove that Jesus Christ was a historical figure. The writers of the New Testament simply used multiple “messianic prophecies” or “messianic scriptures” in order to create their fictional compilation. In doing so, they frequently quoted the Septuagint or Greek Old Testament verbatim. Hence, one can say that the creators of the gospel story used these various Old Testament verses as a “blueprint” in their creation. No historical Jesus is necessary to “fulfill prophecy.”

        In creating their fictional messiah, the NT writers added to these Old Testament “messianic scriptures” a variety of motifs, themes and doctrines from other religions around the Mediterranean of the time.

        For more information, see:

        “Did Jesus Fulfill Prophecy?”

  23. Thank you for your reply.

    Mystical experiences existed for me prior to my choosing to follow Jesus. These experiences were profound and produced learning, but they did not bring a peace that surpasses all understanding. My joy now is definitely different.

    The examples that you mention are as you aware, all different than Jesus. Jesus is the Great I Am. Eternal and spotless. He is the only one that said, I am God, it all starts and stops with me. He repeatedly stated ‘follow me’.

    As for your Maat example, many do choose to worship other Gods or be their own God. The Spirit will show how the Bible is set apart in dealing so precisely with exactly all the other Gods and all the other strong delusions and false prophets. The bible is set apart in that it offers varied examples that fit precisely the progression of falling away from faith.

    If one’s walk with Jesus does not produce profound evidence, then that person is simply religious. There is no supernatural power, and in effect, no difference between that person’s faith and all the other faith’s of the World. The profoundness of Jesus is that he laid his life down and that the antithesis to him is religion.

    The ‘composite’ analysis is disinformation, it contains truthiness in order that the truth is disgarded. If there was truth in what you said, then there would be another Jesus, a complete replicate and of course there is not. Siddhartha, Shiva, Krishna did not have witnesses state that they were perfect. This is why Jesus is so extremely polarizing and why you spend so little time throttling the truth of Isis or any of the other Gods. They lack truth, power and completeness. Everything Jesus ever said or did has value for us today and tomorrow and in eternity, and that is something you can say of no other man, dead or alive. He is the greatest philosopher of all time. He is who he said he was.

    If we had the avalanche of historical proof, this would take away a component of laying down our lives for Christ. The spirit directed study of the Bible answers precisely how Man responds when confronted with proof.

    You stated,
    The true meaning behind the anthropomorphized and historicized ideas in the Bible is much more cosmic than a Jewish man born of a virgin 2,000 years ago.

    I agree with you completely. Religion is narrowing. Jesus is a ray of light, ever expanding, never standing still. The moment that I am not growing is the moment that I am susceptible to falling away from truth.

    The God of the bible, Yahweh, (over 350 names for him) is a completely personal, vibrant, living relationship. It is an intimacy that is the truth, the light and the way. Cold, dead descriptions of him do not align with how his light extends globally and profoundly influences all ethnicity’s and all people right now. I appreciate how your response really speaks against religion. If one is attending a church or going through the motions, they may as well just stop as there is not a real difference either way. It is illuminating to ask a person who has stopped believing about the differences in them now vs. when they believed. Usually the words contain evidence that they were not a disciple of Christ at the time that they ‘threw in the towel’

    The same power that Jesus is given is available to You and I today.
    Prayer, healing, the gift of eternal life, and supernatural wisdom from the most high.

    Currently and in the days to come, more Countries will turn away from supporting Israel. This truth is not found in any other book of antiquity. The bible is clearly ‘set apart’, it is not a collection of books written by Man.

    “There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, Luke 21:25 kjv

    These signs will be known with the helper present. They will be clearly definable as ‘this is happening now.’ These signs are beginning to manifest today. The Sun is currently undergoing changes that are visible to the eye and can be felt. The Moon’s appearance is changing, though it is very subtle thus far. The dismay of Nations will soon be clear to many more and events such as Fort Lauderdale and high surf will be even more apparent very soon.

    If you encounter an emergency or extreme crisis, your reflex will be to pray. I am prayerful that you will seek Jesus at that moment. At some point, all of our understandings, degrees, swagger, and varied experiences will all be very very small.

    Shalom !

  24. The bible cant be used to prove the bible is true. You cant ask the murderer to do the autopsy. You have to use historical evidence of an independent neutral outside source.

  25. Whoredom!!
    Why are you leading many gaullible people to hell? This is akin to whoredom! I pray that you are hit by the light one day; that is the true light of the world-Christ Jesus!!

    1. Thank you for your well wishes! Such lovingkindness from a good Christian. Jesus must be proud.

      Below is a response, from my book The Christ Conspiracy (222). Heck, even Jesus descended into hell – what’s good enough for him is good enough for me! When do we go?

      The concepts of heaven and hell were not introduced by the Judeo-Christian tradition but existed for millennia in other cultures, such as the Persian and Indian….

      The word “Hell” is derived from the European goddess Hel, whose womb was a place of immortality. The Christians demonized this womb and made it a place of eternal damnation, and, since volcanoes were considered entrances into the womb of Mother Earth, it became a fiery hell. The original Pagan hell had no fixed locality and was often situated in the same place as heaven.

      The nature of hell has thus varied with the culture and era. Some cultures thought hell was the harsh winter; thus, it was located near the South Pole, the “bottomless pit,” from which winter was thought to come…

      The descent into hell by the savior is a common occurrence within many mythologies, found in the stories of Adonis, Bacchus, Balder, Hercules, Horus, Jesus, Krishna, Mercury, Osiris, Quetzalcoatl and Zoroaster. This part of the mythos represents the sun entering into the womb of darkness, nightly and seasonally….

      “The word astronomers use to indicate the sun in its high point of ascension is perihelion. Now you may notice there is a Hell in this word (peri-HEL-ion); at least it can be traced to Hell, or Hell to it. HELION, the last part of this word was pronounced by the Greek ELIOS… So that we have ‘peri,’ which means around, about, and ‘helion,’ HELL – that is, the sun roundabout Hell.”


      1. Jesus never descended into hell. This clearly shows where your heart is. You must have had some serious issues growing up in your household. Just as I can put on a lab coat and walk in a hospital and claim to have expertise, so can you with a hardended heart claim to know what is clearly false truth on your behalf. If you are bitter because Christ did not become real for you, it is only because of how you live. I can not do drugs, drink excessively and have clear mind on taking care of my family. You won’t get what I’m saying but you have taking the lies of man who have been making false gods similar to the real one for thousands of years. It is easiest to make up your own god and not have to deal with a sinful nature.

        1. Sorry, but your completely stupid psychobabble attempt fails, because you are quite clearly ignorant of Christian doctrine and tradition. Christ’s descent into hell is an extremely well-known tradition. It is evident that in order to cover up your ignorance of the sexist cult you follow, you enjoy making demented insults towards nonbelievers.

          Before you go around pretending to be more intelligent and moral than others, perhaps you should check yourself for honesty and integrity, of which you appear to have little.

          In the meantime, what I’ve stated here remains true and factual, despite your imbecilic blathering.

  26. Thanks for your query. I have refuted the shallow and erroneous Christian apologies regarding Attis in my article here:

    Attis: Born of a Virgin on December 25th, Crucified and Resurrected after Three Days ([url]http://www.truthbeknown.com/attis.html[/url])

    There’s nothing “misleading” about these facts. In reality, all of these characteristics precede the common era by centuries to millennia, whether or not we possess an extant pre-Christian account of them concerning Attis.

    Be aware also that the AD/BC timeline concerning what is “pre-Christian” is utterly fallacious – a sort of “sleight of hand” used by apologists. The world did not suddenly become exposed to Christianity the minute Jesus supposedly was born. Many places in Europe remained pre-Christian for centuries after he purportedly lived. The Lithuanians, for example, remained pre-Christian until the 14th century, and there are still uncontacted tribes in remote jungles who are pre-Christian. Hence, we could have writings several centuries into the common era that show no influence whatsoever of Christian doctrine.

    And, again, these motifs are all traceable to centuries before the common era, in one or another mythology, religion or tradition, so none of them attached to Attis needs to have come from Christianity. The reason for these commonly found motifs is because they revolve significantly around nature and very ancient ideas on the afterlife. Hence, they have nothing to do with a “historical” Jesus; rather, the [i]mythical[/i] Christ was modeled after them, as a conglomeration of these many pre-common era notions and characteristics.

    For example, the notion of resurrection predates Christianity by thousands of years, so when it was attached to the Attis myth, it undoubtedly did not come from the story of Christ but from these earlier tales, such as concerns Tammuz, for example. It is disingenuous to claim that we know it was attached to the Attis myth “long after the time of Jesus.” We don’t know that at all, as most of the pagan books were destroyed by Christians.

    Furthermore, there is no evidence that Jesus lived at the time purported of him, and the canonical gospels do not clearly emerge into the historical record until after 150, the period when Justin Martyr wrote, which is what the apologists base their claims on. Justin did not say that these characteristics were adopted by paganism from Christianity – on the contrary, he indicated that the prescient devil anticipated Christ and planted these ideas in the heads of the heathens, admitting that they existed before Christ’s alleged advent.

    Note also that I have provided the primary-source and other scholarship backing up the contentions in the first part of the first “Zeitgeist” film in many ways. Such as:

    The ZEITGEIST Sourcebook ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/contributing-writers/63-acharya-s/376-zeitgeist-sourcebook-part-1-the-greatest-story-ever-told.html[/url])

    Be sure also to look here:

    Rebuttal to Dr. Chris Forbes concerning ‘Zeitgeist, Part 1’ ([url]http://www.truthbeknown.com/chrisforbeszeitgeist.html[/url])

    I have also written a nearly 600-page book called [i]Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection[/i] ([url]http://stellarhousepublishing.com/christinegypt.html[/url]), which provides the primary sources and scholarship of credentialed individuals in relevant fields to back up the Horus part of the film.

    Many of the purported debunking sites have been addressed here:

    Zeitgeist Part 1 & the Supportive Evidence ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=19[/url])

    These debunking sites are untrustworthy and dishonest. You will not get the facts from such biased and vested sites. Skimming encyclopedias does not make an expert of anyone, and presenting shallow and uniformed arguments merely represents shoring up the faith at all costs, including sacrificing truth.

  27. Article on Attis – How Respond
    How would you suggest that one respond to the following write-up posted online by an Christian organization. Is there verifiable evidence from antiquity that the resurrection of Attis was referenced in literature that predated the 1st century A.D.? If so, please provide the source.

    Thank you.

    Charlie Campbell, Director of the Always Be Ready Apologetics Ministry, says, “Many of the charges put forth in Zeitgeist are based on outdated, disproved ideas that were in circulation at the beginning of the last century. Here is one example. Zeitgeist states that Attis (a Roman deity) was crucified, dead for three days and then resurrected. This is absolutely not true to the mythological account. In the mythological story, Attis was unfaithful to his goddess lover, and in a jealous rage she made him insane. In that insanity, Attis castrated himself and fled into the forest, where he bled to death. As J. Gresham Machen points out, “The myth contains no account of a resurrection; all that Cybele [the Great Mother goddess] is able to obtain is that the body of Attis should be preserved, that his hair should continue to grow, and that his little finger should move.” Zeitgeist’s claims that Attis was crucified and resurrected are not only inaccurate but very misleading. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. The alleged resurrection of Attis isn’t even mentioned until after 150 A.D., long after the time of Jesus.”

  28. I was just wondering about the biblical references to hell. I was raised Mormon and we dont dwell on the devil or evil but the Godhead, intelligence and faith, as well as other doctrines. Hell as I see it does not exist as a place. We all have a place of darkness that we can reach down into and on occasion cannot overcome. We make judgements from there as well as from the light we were born with. Hell is justice, not eternal (no time or space) torment. If we do not reach up to the light within, we fall to the darkness within and therefor we are always ahead or behind but never stationary.
    I agree that there is no fiery pit. Justice must take place to give us redemption from sins that we have not repented of.
    People of religion get too comfortable with their dogma and dont think beyond the box and find comflict. Ask (Pray) and it shall be given you…God wants us to inquire with a desire for truth….His truth.

    1. Thanks, but “His” truth would not be my truth, as I am quite sure there is no giant, anthropomorphized male god in the sky somewhere “out there” separate and apart from creation in the first place.

      Since “God” is not a person, “he” has no wants for us at all. We, however, do have a desire to know truth, and if you understand what I just stated, you will be much closer to that goal.

  29. When Adam was in the garden, he and Eve were being taught truths. They were not stumps of stupidty without purpose. They were the first beings as Gods. They were being taught the things of Gods and so the concepts that existed before Christ were taught from the beginning of mankind and were perpetuated after the flood. Yes, there was a flood. The corruption of the Celestial truths had to be eliminated from mankind for the earth to be saved from the fall, for it too fell with Adam and Eve. Suppose this, my theory, that man had, up until the flood, the ability to coexist with other beings that were teaching man high level understandings of his role on earth. Man uses it for evil and God must save mankind from this misuse of power and takes away his ability to see all that was around him and thus the rainbow represents the narrowing of our ability to see all things outside the spectrum of light that exists. I believe that before the flood we had a broader range of light to see with and perceived more with our eyes and minds. what say ye…..

    1. Adam and Eve are not “real people” but mythical figures. Hence, they were not taught anything at all.


      Garden of Eden originally a Pygmy myth? ([url]http://www.freethoughtnation.com/contributing-writers/63-acharya-s/562-garden-of-eden-originally-a-pygmy-myth.html[/url])

      Adam and Eve a myth? ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/contributing-writers/63-acharya-s/572-adam-and-eve-a-myth.html[/url])

  30. Hi Acharya
    I am an atheist living in Nigeria . Since the day i visited your site i have fallen in love with all the good work that you are doing. You have really opened my eyes to all the lies that have been propagated by the Christian doctrine. I just ordered some of your books on amazon-The Sun god and Christ in Egypt . I have watched the zeitgeist movie and read the hard copy time and time again. They are educative and interesting. Keep the good work. If i want to make donations to your course,how can i go about it. Nigeria is not on the list where paypal is operational. I have Visa and Master cards.Thanks

    1. Thank you for your kind regards. I’m delighted you are enjoying my work. I have heard from many Nigerians over the years – there seems to be a special awakening there.

      The only way I can accept donations with credit cards is through Paypal. If you don’t mind getting a money order or cashier’s check and sending it via the “snail mail,” my mailing address is:

      Stellar House Publishing, LLC
      93 S. Jackson St.
      Ste. 57463
      Seattle, WA 98104-2818

      That would be the best way to send it.

      Again, much appreciated. Stay tuned for my new Moses book! It’s another doozy!

  31. evidence which is a verdict
    Good Morning,

    I’m a recovering theologian which spent to many years in the dark asking questions that no one could answer (or rather did not want to answer). I feel your frustration in having to deal with the protectors of lies who consistently use a double standard in their conclusions and research. I truly understand how villainous they can be. I laughed when you shared your feelings on required evidence needed. One would truly have had to walk in those shoes to understand those facial expressions. Thanks for staying the course.

    You might want to consider a Movie download as an option. With the success of Kindle etc. many more people could view your info. Just a thought. I for one would love to have assess to these resources for classes that I teach.

    And a final thought…If you have any new archeological trips or research trips planned, I would love to be considered for one. I own a Landscape and Architecture company now and have plenty of experience with a shovel and freedom to plan such a trip.

    Looking forward to your new book.

    1. Thank you for your insights and kind regards.

      I’m not sure what is a “movie download” that you would find useful. I would appreciate hearing your further thoughts on that subject.

      I would love to do some actual archaeological excavations. Alas, I have not done so in decades.

  32. Hi Eileen!

    Thanks for the enthusiastic comments. I’m glad you are enjoying discovering the facts about ancient religion and mythology. I understand that it takes some time to get used to the new thought processes. I wont try to convince you trust my opinions, but you can check out the facts for yourself, because my scholarship is largely factual, not opinionated.

    I will tell you that my research comes to the following conclusion:

    The “Jesus Christ” of the New Testament is a fictional composite of characters, real and mythical. A composite of multiple “people” is no one. When the mythological and midrashic ([url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midrash[/url]) layers are removed, there remains no “historical” core to the onion.

    Regarding my DVD, which problems make you feel “afraid?” It’s a simple DVD. The only “problems” are that it was edited without my assistance, so there are typos, unapproved images and so on, but my lecture should be clear enough.

    I have not looked into Amazon streaming, but thanks for the suggestion. The problem for me is that I did not create the video, so I don’t have an original file to upload to Amazon.

    Are you the same Eileen who wrote me privately? Sorry I have not answered you yet, but here is my response.

    [quote]I think in your writings you have been saying that gnostic christians pre-dated the literalistic christians. ….that in fact the gnostics started the christian mythos…I’ve read other sources that said that paul was a gnostic christian and that he was later forged to have said things to keep/get the different gnostic groups in line with literalists. What is your take on Paul’s role in christianity?[/quote]
    Yes, the mainstream perspective is that formalized Gnosticism did not exist until the late first or early second century. That being said, many gnostic ideas were in existence long before that time, including the Egyptian religion. I specifically discuss these pre-Christian gnostic concepts in my book Christ in Egypt, but they are also addressed throughout my other writings.

    For example, the Greek philosopher Plato’s ideas were used more or less extensively by the later, more formal Gnostics. Don’t forget that the word “Gnostic” simply means “one who knows.”

    Paul’s role in Christianity is too extensive to address here. If you would like to know more about the figure of Paul ([url]http://www.google.com/cse?cx=partner-pub-8327295676949120%3Ao4kcodsrg5k&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=apostle+paul&sa=Search&siteurl=freethoughtnation.com%2Findex.php%3Foption%3Dcom_content%26view%3Darticle%26id%3D584%26joscclean%3D1%26comment_id%3D12775%23josc12775&ref=freethoughtnation.com%2Fadministrator%2Findex.php%3Foption%3Dcom_comment&ss=1567j265239j12#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=apostle%20paul&gsc.page=1[/url]), who appears also to be a compilation of characters, real and mythical, you can do a search ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com[/url]) through my books and websites.

    You are welcome to join my forum ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/forums/[/url]) and ask any questions there. Others may be interested in answering as well. You can also promote your Meetup group there as well. If you do, I can circulate it on my FB page in case others are interested. There are other ex-Christian recovery groups as well.

    It’s good you are reading my book [i]The Gospel According to Acharya S ([url]http://stellarhousepublishing.com/gospel.html[/url])[/i], which is more pointed to the philosophy behind religion, rather than discussing where the myths come from. To wit, I address the issues of God, prayer and so on.

    As concerns the notion of hell – the fear of which is inculcated into the believer in order to keep him/her in the cult – don’t forget that the Zoroastrians and Egyptians had many of the same ideas about the afterlife worked into the later Christianity. In other words, the Christian hell is not a reality that someone who has been there or who is running it is recounting. In actuality, it is a mythological construct based on older, “pagan” religions and mythologies. If you are not afraid of going to hell for not believing in Zoroastrianism or Egyptian religion, you need not be afraid of going to hell for not believing in Christianity.

    Again, the concept of hell is used to coerce others into the belief system. It is a form of psychological extortion and bullying. As such, it is not a godly idea and can be rejected.

  33. WOW !!!

    😀 Wow!!

    Acharya, this site and your materials are AWESOME. I am a recovering born-again fundamental christian. I graduated from [b]Bob Jones University[/b]…an extremely conservative fundamental college in Greenville, SC. From the age of 12 until 30-40 I was deeply involved in churches espousing all this. I am now almost 58 yrs old. The fear of going to HELL is utterly horrible and strong. 👿 I look on my time in that religion as a dark time, and this newer time as light. However, it is very difficult for me right now…I keep going back in my mind to that religion. 🙁 I go back and forth between the two, and even to the point of mistrusting you and other mythologists. I do seem to stay more in this new understanding. I am trying so hard to soak up every book, podcast, etc to combat that old brainwashing. I have even started a new Meetup.com group for Ex-christians. I’m not getting a lot of people yet, but it has helped me. I am consciously choosing a new version of God/dess. (not atheism which is fine for anyone to choose)
    I love your book, The Gospel of Acharya. 😛

    Regarding your DVD, Amazon has a streaming option for videos whereby the individual can either rent or buy them for streaming, or purchase them on dvds. Why not do that? You might reach a wider audience….make more money…etc…your books are available there.
    Amazon charges you for your listings, but still why can’t you use them?
    I am afraid to get your dvd with all these problems cited here. (Plus I have to wait for my credit card to roll over on the 6th.)

    I apologize for “spilling my guts” here if it was inappropriate to do so.
    I am trying to be a genuine seeker of Truth…wherever it may lead me.
    I am stomping my foot down REpeatedly over and over and over again on born-againism with an extremely strong Will. I do NOT want to go where “that” god is!

    Any spelling errors, etc, are the result of an imperfect human… :silly:
    Thank you soooooooooooooooo much,

  34. Just Finished your DVD! Awesome….
    I really loved your dvd. Thank you very much. I wish you and other mythicists had more dvds. I have also recently watched “The God Who Wasn’t There”, by Brian Flemming. I am a very visual learner-person, and these are powerful tools for de-conditioning the born-again brainwashing given to me. I’m planning to keep rewatching them.
    And to keep reading your books and others’ too. I need to be listening to all the different podcasts from Robert Price, and Gnostics, and so on.
    It would be neat if you had your own podcast, Acharya, but I see you are on the http://www.aeonbytegnosticradio.com/ show several times. I’ve purchased some of your books, and your ebooks too. The ebooks would be great to have in print since they are very short and would be handy to carry around, possibly sharing with others. Who is Jesus the book is great; but as many are tv-conditioned and not great readers, anything above 30-50 pages just isn’t being read. As a reading tutor I see lots of non-readers crossing my path, interested in illustrations and condensed versions…illustrated cliff notes! There you go, Illustrated Cliff Notes for D. M. Murdock….just what you need, another project. 😉
    Take care and know you are much appreciated,

  35. Really??????
    Have to admit I was howling with laughter by the end of the video. No research has been done into this at all – apart from maybe reading “The Da Vinci Code”. Classic example of poor historical research. Over 95,000 written documents exist that should have made it onto the research list which were obviously ignored.

    1. Thank you, but i highly doubt that you even watched my video.

      Your comment is unintelligible, but when you say “no research has been done into this at all” – not qualifying the “this” – I will have to assume that you are referring to your own remarks.

      I would therefore agree that you have put no research into the subject and are only repeating what your pastor has told you.

      In the meantime, I stand by everything I’ve said, and I have thousands of pages of research in multiple languages dating back millennia to prove it.

      All one needs to do is search this site and/or my books.

      And which 95,000 documents would those be? Since you appear to be stating that one needs to read all of them to be an expert, I will assume that you have done so?

    1. Hi there!

      Thank you for your interest. I assume that you are saying the DVD company I use, Kunaki, does not ship to Malaysia?

      I’m afraid I can’t really help with that, if that’s the case. You would need to speak with the people at Kunaki.com:

      http://kunaki.com/Answers.htm ([url]http://kunaki.com/Answers.htm[/url])

  36. My heart goes out to you Acharya. You remain kind and yet firm while under such vicious attack.
    Please know that your message is being heard and it is making a difference. The world is a better place with you in it!

  37. Thanks for your personal marvelous posting! I really enjoyed reading it, you happen to be a great author.
    I will remember to bookmark your blog and definitely will come back
    down the road. I want to encourage you to ultimately continue
    your great work, have a nice evening!

  38. since the age of 10 I did refuse to beleive in any god what so ever and my parents always beat me up for that. and now at 67 yeaqrs old I just discover one researcher on that matter that interest me. I live in Port-au-Prince Haiti I wanted to order that bargain of 12 books for 5 dollars but couldnt because the Haiti is not subcribed to Paypal In fact I am a teacher and would like to expose those new thinking to the youth of my country you tell me please how can we arange to buy that set of books and second: do yur books translated in french?

    1. Thanks! It’s not on Amazon. To obtain my DVD, you have to go to Kunaki.com at the link in the blog post above.

  39. I just listened to your interview with Miguel on Aeon Byte gnostic Radio [11-16-13] and I really liked your steadfastness and your sense of humor. I’m considering getting the dvd but was wondering what the interview length is. so far I haven’t been able to find play time. If I don’t get a response, I’m still going to oreder it 😛

    Peace ~ Jeff

    1. Hi Jeff!

      Thanks for listening to my program and for your interest in my DVD. I believe it is from 1-2 hours in length.

      I hope you enjoy it!

  40. Have you heard of Dr. Ben Jochanan? He has been writing rhe same things as you for Afrikan communities for over 40 years. I like your honesty, determination/steadfastness.

  41. Hello Acharya S,

    I am open to your presentations and cannot claim to have certainty about much of anything. My observation is that you are compassionate, truth seeking and honest. I have read much of Joseph Campbell’s works (and much of your work) and can perceive, along with the mythologists, constructive wisdom in some, perhaps many, myths (in various cultures). Your desire to listen to the past and present archetypal elements in the myths you have studied and observed lends hope to discovering more about our human nature, and our capacity as story tellers. As a psychotherapist I perhaps participate in the myth promoting the “wounded healer.” This archetype is of special interest to me and can be seen in many pre-Christian, Christian and post-Christian stories. Suspending judgment and remaining as neutral as possible creates opportunities for insight and understanding, unobtainable in the zealous propagation of dogma. I have found in my theological/philosophical pursuits that dogma is the protector of myth. And as I believe you demonstrate, myth is not stagnant … it is constantly evolving. My clients have their own myths just as I have mine … perhaps myth’s can cleanse and restore themselves over time; we cannot seem to live well without them … your thoughts?



  42. Acharya was an amazingly talented and beautiful lady. I devoured everything she wrote. I have just ordered the DVD and can’t wait for it to arrive. I wish she were still around to contribute to the current debates. We need her insights and sensitivity. I miss her.

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