• February 8, 2025

Camels in the Bible prove its late composition?

The media are making much ado about the recently released “findings” proving that the discussion of camels in several biblical books represents an anachronism, demonstrating that these books were written much later than they are pretended to have been. In other words, the Pentateuch (first five books of the Bible)…

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Thomas Jefferson was a freethinker, not a devout Christian

“Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, imprisoned: yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half the world fools, and the other half hypocrites. To support roguery and…

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Origines du christianisme - Amazon U.S. For Amazon France, see link in 'Further Reading' below

New Kindle French translation of ‘Origins of Christianity’

I’m delighted to announce that I now have a new French edition of my popular essay “Origins of Christianity and the Search for the Historical Jesus Christ” available via Amazon’s Kindle format! That fact means the ebook Les origines du christianisme et la recherche du Jésus-Christ historique can be downloaded…

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D.M. Murdock/Acharya S on DVD!

I’m delighted to announce that a new video/DVD featuring me and my work is now available! The DVD, produced by artist Scott Burdick, can be obtained here: “Great Minds of Our Time: D.M. Murdock” Please note that I had little input in the editing process of this video, which represents…

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man made god barbara walker cover image

Man Made God review

A brand-new review of Barbara G. Walker’s book Man Made God, which I edited and published – don’t miss it! Oh yes, and I also created the cover and added 140+ illustrations! “Man Made God untangles a great deal of confusion for those asking how an all-powerful god could allow…

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ancient jerusalem wall proves bible

Ancient Jerusalem wall proves Bible?

An Israeli archaeologist is claiming that an excavated foundation wall in Jerusalem is a remnant of the First Temple Period 3,000 years ago and that it therefore “proves” the Bible. The discovery is being touted as proof of the biblical accounts of King David and his son Solomon, who are…

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The first ‘God of the Gaps’

All religions are based upon the logical fallacy “God of the Gaps.” This is a form of ad ignorantiam or the argument from ignorance. Where there is a gap in knowledge the religious invoke a miracle. Instead of looking for an answer based on evidence, data, or scientific proof they…

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The 2010 Astrotheology Calendar | A Review

History has always been written by the victors. For nearly two thousand years, the victors in Western Civilization’s war for souls has been Christianity. They have forged artifacts, historicized past events, and rewritten history to suit the needs of those in power and in control of the clergy. The 2010…

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