Tag: sun
The belief Jesus was “pure spirit” was prevalent in early Christian history
N. B.
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“For many deceivers have gone out into the world, men who will not acknowledge the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh; such a one is the deceiver and the antichrist.” 2 John 1:7 (RSV) “By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ…
Read MoreYahweh as sun, storm and pestilence god
Acharya S
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Today’s inspirational Bible quote: “He lays the beams of his chambers on the waters; he makes the clouds his chariot; he rides on the wings of the wind…” Who can see the solar and meteorological imagery here? It is obvious that the biblical god Yahweh is a combination of numerous…
Read MoreOldest Maya solar observatory and parallels between Old and New World cultures
Please see my new Examiner article: Oldest Maya solar observatory gives rise to new origin theory This brief article touches upon a fascinating subject that includes as a central feature of the pre-Christian Mayan religion and mythology the cyclical death and resurrection of the solar maize/fertility god. As I say…
Read MoreSurya the sun god
Meet Surya, sun god of India. Surya has been worshipped by Indians for at least 3,000 years, appearing in the ancient text the Rig Veda and many other writings since then. The name “Syria” derives from the same word and means “sun.” Related Indian words for “sun” include sura and…
Read MoreThe gods may be crazy, but they are not aliens!
Acharya S
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Once again, it’s time for History Channel to trot out its “Ancient Aliens” series, which is apparently popular enough for them to run it a couple times a year. I am always surprised that HC continues to do so, since it is likely that they have received many complaints from…
Read MoreHappy Easter! He has risen!
LOL. Further Reading Is Easter Christian or Pagan? Easter: The Resurrection of Spring Easter Radio Program Dying and Rising Gods Jesus as the Sun throughout History
Read More2,750-year-old solar-aligned temple discovered in Israel
This discovery predates the composition of much of the Bible, other than folkloric tales passed along mainly orally for a couple of centuries, perhaps. Note that the sun’s rays are considered to bring or reveal the “divine presence” in the temple. As scholars and students of ancient religion and mythology…
Read MoreThe Son-Sun pun strawman
Acharya S
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In his book Did Jesus Exist?, Bart Ehrman singles me out for especial berating, suggesting repeatedly that I am “making things up” and placing me in a category of mythicists whose writings constitute “sensationalist claims that are so extravagant, so wrongheaded, and so poorly substantiated that it is no wonder…
Read MoreThe Son of God is the Sun of God
In the myth of the Inca/Peruvian creator god Viracocha appear a number of important mythological and astrotheological motifs that can be found in many other religions, including Christianity. For example, Viracocha possesses solar attributes, such as the golden color and the sun crown. Another astrotheological or nature-worshipping motif are the…
Read MoreThe 2011 Astrotheology Calendar is here!
I’m delighted to announce that, at last, I have released my new 2011 Astrotheology Calendar! Now you can write your appointments in a 36-page calendar you can hang on the wall, with fantastic images of antiquities revealing the fascinating nature-worship of our ancestors around the globe. The calendar makes a…
Acharya S
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I wrote that title in all caps, because no matter how many times that fact is repeated, no matter how much evidence is proffered, the mistake, inaccuracy or downright lie is constantly being put forth that Horus was NOT a sun god. This blatant error is made not by professional…
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