Tag: new testament
Councils for God and the development of the biblical canon: Another response to Bart Ehrman
Among the dozen or so criticisms of my book The Christ Conspiracy by Bart Ehrman in his book Did Jesus Exist? (24) appears the following, regarding the time and effort spent on the canonization of the New Testament part of the Bible. In this criticism, Ehrman quotes my book and…
Read MoreAre the New Testament gospels history? Where’s the proof?
Happy Day! A new video clip for your entertainment and edification – enjoy! For more information, see this post: D.M. Murdock/Acharya S on DVD! Go to this link directly to purchase the DVD “Great Minds of Our Time: D.M. Murdock.”
Read MoreAdam and Eve a myth?
- Acharya S
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The NPR article below explains that Christian scholars are being forced to reconsider the account of Adam and Eve in the Bible, largely because of genetic studies. If Adam is mythical, then the Bible is incorrect and not “inerrant.” Moreover, the New Testament traces Jesus’s family lineage to the (fictional)…
Read MoreBible scholar: New Testament books and letters bogus
- Acharya S
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Some 80 years after lawyer Joseph Wheless wrote his classic Forgery in Christianity, it seems some – or at least one – mainstream scholars are catching up to the fact that the New Testament is not what it appears to be and what hundreds of millions have been taught around…
Read MoreBible scholar ‘exposes’ Christian fraud
- Acharya S
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I said pretty much the same thing in my book The Christ Conspiracy in 1999 – and I was collecting there a scholarly consensus that dates back centuries. Ehrman’s playing catch-up: Some day perhaps he will look more closely at the mythicist position. One of the chapters in my book,…
Read MoreIs Lazarus a remake of Osiris?
- Acharya S
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Is the story about the raising of Lazarus by Jesus in the New Testament Gospel of John a remake of the mythical resurrection of Osiris by Horus in the ancient Egyptian texts? Below is an image of the parts from my book Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection showing a…
Read MoreThe Gospel Dates | When Were the Gospels Written?
What are the most accurate dates for the canonical gospels in the New Testament as we have them? Are these texts really the faithful accounts of eyewitnesses written shortly after Jesus’s advent? Or does the evidence point to the gospels as anonymous compositions dating to the late second century? The…
Read MoreMistranslating the Bible to whitewash thorny scriptures
- Acharya S
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Here’s a short excerpt from the book I am currently editing and will be publishing relatively soon. Man Made God is by the great mythologist Barbara G. Walker, who thoroughly demonstrates the massive injustice committed against ancient goddess-worshipping peoples by the Abrahamic, male-dominant cultus. Included in this manmade cultural domination…
Read MoreCherry-picking religion
- JH Chrestos
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Thomas Jefferson, questioning the miracles of the New Testament while approving of some of Jesus’s moral sentiments, produced a thin volume called The Jefferson Bible, edited literally with a razor and paste. Jefferson removed many of the contradictions, atrocities and absurdities from the Bible and, in the end, there weren’t…
Read MoreDead Sea Scrolls prove the Bible unoriginal
- Acharya S
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Over the years, news items have circulated about how “hints” and “insights” contained in the original texts among the famous Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in caves near the ancient site of Qumran can be found in the Bible. In other words, certain ideas in the scrolls also appear in the…
Read MoreJihad for Jesus!
- Acharya S
- 20
The Arab word “jihad” has a number of meanings, including the one that symbolizes “holy war” and that many globally are feeling. In a reverse jihad – part of an old holy war – it has been revealed that in the sighting scopes of American soldiers’ rifles appear passages from…
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