• February 8, 2025

Rabbi: Did Jesus actually exist?

Below is a talk by “countermissionary” and “Jewish apologist” Rabbi Tovia Singer regarding “Jesus mythicism” or the opinion that Jesus Christ is a mythical figure. Initially, I thought Singer would adhere to the typical “historical Jesus” party line, proffering “proofs” that have been rebutted for centuries. I was pleasantly surprised…

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What people are saying about the work of D.M. Murdock/Acharya S

Over the decades that I’ve been writing about and teaching what is called “Jesus mythicism,” many educated people who have studied my work have made supportive comments. While my detractors like to toss out defamatory claims, the one thing most of them have in common is that they have never…

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Dutch theologian and banned pastor: ‘Christ in Egypt’ is a ‘fantastic book!’

A Dutch theologian who was banned recently from appearing in a local Reform Church for saying that Jesus is a myth drawn from Egyptian religion has stated that he  has studied my book Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection. Rev. Dr. Edward van der Kaaij ruffled many feathers when he…

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The belief Jesus was “pure spirit” was prevalent in early Christian history

“For many deceivers have gone out into the world, men who will not acknowledge the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh; such a one is the deceiver and the antichrist.” 2 John 1:7 (RSV) “By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ…

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Christ Myth

The Great Jesus Debate goes mainstream

The Great Jesus Debate is now in the MSM at The Washington Post. Unfortunately, the article by Raphael Lataster cites the snippy Richard Carrier, as well as Bart Ehrman and Maurice Casey, all of whom have attacked and defamed me rather viciously. Of course, there is no mention of their…

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Jesus Christ is a mythical figure

The “Jesus Christ” of the New Testament is a fictional compilation of characters, not a single historical individual. A compilation of multiple “people” is no one. When the mythological and midrashic layers are removed, there remains no historical core to the onion. The evidence reveals that the gospel story is…

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Danish scholar speaks on the Christ myth

Exposing the falsehood that there are no professional scholars with PhDs in relevant fields who are Jesus mythicists, Dr. Christian Lindtner gives a lecture and engages in a debate in Denmark concerning the Christ myth. I have featured Lindtner’s work on the Buddhist influence on Christianity in my writings, including…

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An exchange with a Christian fundamentalist

I recently became aware that a Christian fundamentalist, “DS,” was circulating a blog by another rabid fanatic – whom I shall call “BS” – that smeared me with all manner of vile calumny, based on Bart Ehrman’s trashy and libelous Did Jesus Exist? book. This fundie – a man, of…

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What about Jesus’s sayings?

When we mythicists state that the “Jesus Christ” of the New Testament is a fictional compilation of characters, people may ask who said all the supposedly great things Jesus is recorded as stating in the Bible? I answer this question in my writings, including The Christ Conspiracy, Suns of God,…

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Christian book admits Jesus mythicism is having unprecedented influence

In January 2013, biased New Testament scholar Maurice Casey published an anti-mythicist rant called Jesus: Evidence and Argument or Mythicist Myths? The book contemptuously misrepresents my work in a string of ad hominem attacks and fallacies. Of course, I’ve addressed a significant portion of his arguments already, but he’s willfully…

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Dawkins tweets Jesus mythicism

On April 10, biologist and atheist writer Dr. Richard Dawkins tweeted about comparisons among Jesus, Dionysus, Horus and Krishna, posting an image from the film “Zeitgeist” that included Attis and Mithra. He asks: Comparisons often made of Jesus with Horus, Dionysus, Krishna etc. Any real scholars out there confirm each…

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Is Jesus obsolete? Christians debate the need for a savior

There has been much debate of late about whether the biblical Adam and Eve were “real people” or myths. A number of Christian scientists, for example, have conceded that DNA studies cast serious doubt on the biblical account of Adam and Eve, indicating that the story is indeed mythical. Obviously,…

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Adam and Eve a myth?

The NPR article below explains that Christian scholars are being forced to reconsider the account of Adam and Eve in the Bible, largely because of genetic studies. If Adam is mythical, then the Bible is incorrect and not “inerrant.” Moreover, the New Testament traces Jesus’s family lineage to the (fictional)…

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Christ Myth

The Mythicist Position | Mythicism

Here is my video on the Mythicist Position or Mythicism. Freethinkaluva and Vega (Allan Jones) helped me put this together, so many thanks to them! “Well done!” “Acharya’s video ‘The Mythicist Position | What is Mythicism?’ helps introduce the mythicist position to the masses, and for that I’m thankful. We…

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Jesus holding Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection

Preachers, priests quietly embrace the Christ myth

I have decided to spill a few beans here – not all, but a few of the “mysteries” that have been created around my work and the Christ-myth field in general.  Here’s a major secret – are you ready?  As you can tell from the title of this article, the…

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Jesus era house nazareth

Nazareth scholar: ‘No house from Jesus’s time found there’

Per an inquiry to Rene Salm, author of The Myth of Nazareth, I have received a response pointing me to his new post on his website: No “house from the time of Jesus” has been found at Nazareth! On December 21, 2009, news regarding a small excavation in Nazareth was…

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buddha is a myth

The ‘historical’ Buddha?

With the release of my “Origins of Christianity” ebook, I have created a bit of a firestorm as concerns the story of “the Buddha.” In this regard, I have posted a lengthy excerpt from my book Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled demonstrating the clearly mythical and not…

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