Tag: christ
What people are saying about the work of D.M. Murdock/Acharya S
- N. B.
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Over the decades that I’ve been writing about and teaching what is called “Jesus mythicism,” many educated people who have studied my work have made supportive comments. While my detractors like to toss out defamatory claims, the one thing most of them have in common is that they have never…
Read MoreDutch theologian and banned pastor: ‘Christ in Egypt’ is a ‘fantastic book!’
- N. B.
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A Dutch theologian who was banned recently from appearing in a local Reform Church for saying that Jesus is a myth drawn from Egyptian religion has stated that he has studied my book Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection. Rev. Dr. Edward van der Kaaij ruffled many feathers when he…
Read MoreThe belief Jesus was “pure spirit” was prevalent in early Christian history
- N. B.
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“For many deceivers have gone out into the world, men who will not acknowledge the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh; such a one is the deceiver and the antichrist.” 2 John 1:7 (RSV) “By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ…
Read MoreWhat is a mythicist?
- N. B.
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Just as declaring oneself an atheist does not make one automatically an expert in religion, seeing Jesus as a myth does not make someone an automatic expert in Christian origins. There are many people calling themselves “mythicists” – i.e., someone who views various biblical/supernatural figures as mythical, not historical –…
Read MoreThe Great Jesus Debate goes mainstream
- N. B.
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The Great Jesus Debate is now in the MSM at The Washington Post. Unfortunately, the article by Raphael Lataster cites the snippy Richard Carrier, as well as Bart Ehrman and Maurice Casey, all of whom have attacked and defamed me rather viciously. Of course, there is no mention of their…
Read MoreJesus Christ is a mythical figure
- N. B.
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The “Jesus Christ” of the New Testament is a fictional compilation of characters, not a single historical individual. A compilation of multiple “people” is no one. When the mythological and midrashic layers are removed, there remains no historical core to the onion. The evidence reveals that the gospel story is…
Read MoreJesus Christ, Sun of Righteousness
- N. B.
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I’m excited to let you know about my brand-new video – hot off the presses! Please like, comment and share my video on Youtube! Here’s a great review: “Because I am an astronomer and a student of the Bible, it is glaringly obvious to me that Jesus is merely another…
Read MorePagans celebrate the summer solstice at Stonehenge replica in Washington state
- N. B.
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I hope everyone had a HAPPY SOLSTICE! This Stonehenge replica in Washington state looks awesome – now that’s what I’m talking about. “Religions that treat the sun as a deity turned to the summer solstice as a holy day. Greeks celebrated their god of agriculture, Vikings planned raids and early…
Read MoreWhat about Jesus’s sayings?
- N. B.
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When we mythicists state that the “Jesus Christ” of the New Testament is a fictional compilation of characters, people may ask who said all the supposedly great things Jesus is recorded as stating in the Bible? I answer this question in my writings, including The Christ Conspiracy, Suns of God,…
Read MoreEgyptian and Mithraic influence on Christianity
- N. B.
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We mythicists and comparative religion/mythology scholars and students often hear apologies attempting to refute comparisons between the Egyptian religion, Mithraism and Christianity. These rebuttals include that Egypt had nothing to do with the creation of Christianity and that Mithra’s birth was not celebrated on December 25th or the winter solstice,…
Read MorePagan Parallels: Achilles Heel of Christianity
My forum mod’s put together a post on the pagan parallels to the “life of Christ” constantly bandied about around the internet. In my book The Christ Conspiracy, published in 1999, I included several lists of parallels from the “lives” of various pagan gods and heroes. These parallels lists have…
Read MoreChristian book admits Jesus mythicism is having unprecedented influence
- Acharya S
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In January 2013, biased New Testament scholar Maurice Casey published an anti-mythicist rant called Jesus: Evidence and Argument or Mythicist Myths? The book contemptuously misrepresents my work in a string of ad hominem attacks and fallacies. Of course, I’ve addressed a significant portion of his arguments already, but he’s willfully…
Read MoreNo, Zeitgeist has not been refuted!
- Acharya S
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In addition to the numerous supposed “debunking” sites are images that purport to refute the first or religion part of the first “Zeitgeist” film (“ZG1.1”). We have already demonstrated the brief summary contentions in ZG1.1 to be largely accurate. In addition to numerous articles and a nearly 600-page book on…
Read MoreRadio program: A pre-Christian crucifix and origins of Gnosticism
Happy Solstice!* In a program debuting on June 22, 2013, I discuss with Miguel Conner of Aeon Byte Radio the possible Orphic influences on Christianity, including a human figure on a cross that appears to be pre-Christian. This small gemstone of a crucifix was featured on the cover of a…
Read MoreMoses versus Dionysus? Buddha and Jesus? Orpheus or Christ?
In case you haven’t gotten copies of the enclosed ebooks, be sure to take a look. At this slow time of the year, I am still in need of assistance for my Moses project. As one can imagine, in consideration of the massive amount literature written about the subject over…
Read MoreA Pre-Christian ‘God’ on a Cross?
While I am moving closer to the publication of my Moses book, I could use some assistance, so I’m offering a brand-new, 40-page ebook entitled, “A Pre-Christian ‘God’ on a Cross? My paper examines a famous artifact of a crucifix with the inscription “Orpheos Bakkikos.” A Pre-Christian ‘God’ on a…
Read MoreDawkins tweets Jesus mythicism
- Acharya S
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On April 10, biologist and atheist writer Dr. Richard Dawkins tweeted about comparisons among Jesus, Dionysus, Horus and Krishna, posting an image from the film “Zeitgeist” that included Attis and Mithra. He asks: Comparisons often made of Jesus with Horus, Dionysus, Krishna etc. Any real scholars out there confirm each…
Read MoreDangerous delusions: The Messiah Complex and Jerusalem Syndrome
- Acharya S
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For centuries since the alleged advent of Jesus Christ, many people have believed that they are the “second coming” of the Jewish messiah, creating followings of devotees who likewise become convinced of these individuals’ claim to divinity. When this “messiah complex” is manifested during a journey to the biblical “Holy…
Read MoreBuddhism’s Relation to Christianity
- Acharya S
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Here’s a brand-new, hot-off-the-presses publication of mine! It’s a review and study guide of a book by Dr. Michael Lockwood entitled Buddhism’s Relation to Christianity. You can support my work by obtaining a copy of this 23-page PDF, which reveals the Buddhist roots of Christian doctrines and traditions, including purported…
Read MoreJesus Christ, avatar of the Age of Pisces?
- Robert Tulip
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There is growing debate about whether or not Jesus Christ was a real historical person as described in the gospels. The “Christ Myth Theory” suggests the Jesus story was invented, based on other deities around the Mediterranean, including many that were largely solar in nature. Here I, Robert Tulip, explain…
Read MoreJesus Christ or Isis Chrest? Guess who came first
Is Jesus Christ truly a unique, divine revelation? Or is he one of many “Christs” and “Chrēsts” in antiquity? As “Jesus the Good” was called “Chrēstos,” so too was the Egyptian goddess Isis. See my article, “Isis the Chrest.”
Read MorePope admits donkeys and cattle in nativity scene are a ‘myth’
- Acharya S
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As are the rest of this cast of characters. Sounds like the pope took a swig of truth serum recently. He has also admitted the dating of 0 AD/CE does not represent the “real” year of Christ’s birth. What is the world coming to? Next he’ll be calling Christ the…
Read MoreThe phallic ‘Savior of the World’ at the Vatican revisited
I have a forum post that is very lengthy and contains a significant amount of information for scholars and students of religious origins. There is bolded text for those who wish to skim this long post for the general ideas. Obviously, I found the original article I’m reviewing here to…
Read MoreDoes Suetonius refer to Jesus?
Hot off the presses! Here is a MAJOR piece of the Christ-myth puzzle. I have taken a lengthy article and broken it down into different essays, with numerous links both to these other articles and to references, citations and annotated footnotes. You will see the other new articles in this…
Read MoreA conversation on the Caesar’s Messiah thesis
- Acharya S
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UPDATE: As concerns the “news” about this thesis rocketing around the net, forgive me if I’m a bit skeptical. This “announcement” is a paid press release, which is significant because it’s not a news item that anyone’s investigated. Rather than some newly discovered confessional document, I’m imagining Joe’s found a…
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