Tag: bart ehrman
Rabbi: Did Jesus actually exist?
N. B.
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Below is a talk by “countermissionary” and “Jewish apologist” Rabbi Tovia Singer regarding “Jesus mythicism” or the opinion that Jesus Christ is a mythical figure. Initially, I thought Singer would adhere to the typical “historical Jesus” party line, proffering “proofs” that have been rebutted for centuries. I was pleasantly surprised…
Read MoreBart Ehrman errs again – this time about virgin births
N. B.
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In a blog from December 2014, New Testament scholar and ex-evangelical Christian Bart Ehrman tries his hand at comparative religion and mythology, which is clearly not his forté. Indeed, Ehrman demonstrates abundantly his non-expertise in the subject by making blatantly false claims, so we must wonder why he is pretending…
Read MoreThe Great Jesus Debate goes mainstream
N. B.
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The Great Jesus Debate is now in the MSM at The Washington Post. Unfortunately, the article by Raphael Lataster cites the snippy Richard Carrier, as well as Bart Ehrman and Maurice Casey, all of whom have attacked and defamed me rather viciously. Of course, there is no mention of their…
Read MoreBart Ehrman caught in lies and libel?
N. B.
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In Did Jesus Exist? (p. 24), New Testament scholar Bart Ehrman quotes my book The Christ Conspiracy and refers to an image of a bronze sculpture of a cock, commenting in brackets (except for my “sic”): “’Peter’ is not only ‘the rock’ but also ‘the cock’ or penis, as the…
Read MoreJesus Christ, Sun of Righteousness
N. B.
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I’m excited to let you know about my brand-new video – hot off the presses! Please like, comment and share my video on Youtube! Here’s a great review: “Because I am an astronomer and a student of the Bible, it is glaringly obvious to me that Jesus is merely another…
Read MoreAn exchange with a Christian fundamentalist
N. B.
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I recently became aware that a Christian fundamentalist, “DS,” was circulating a blog by another rabid fanatic – whom I shall call “BS” – that smeared me with all manner of vile calumny, based on Bart Ehrman’s trashy and libelous Did Jesus Exist? book. This fundie – a man, of…
Read MoreMythicist book about Bart Ehrman and the Christ myth
Acharya S
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The collaborative rebuttal of Bart Ehrman’s book Did Jesus Exist? is available both in Kindle and hard copy. This one-of-a-kind volume is entitled Bart Erhman and the Quest of the Historical Jesus of Nazareth: An Evaluation of Ehrman’s Did Jesus Exist? (Cranford, NJ: American Atheist Press, 2012). The book includes…
Read MoreThe phallic ‘Savior of the World’ at the Vatican revisited
I have a forum post that is very lengthy and contains a significant amount of information for scholars and students of religious origins. There is bolded text for those who wish to skim this long post for the general ideas. Obviously, I found the original article I’m reviewing here to…
Read MoreFrank Zindler: Bart Ehrman and the Emperor’s New Clothes
Bart Ehrman and the Emperor’s New Clothes by Hans Unchristian Anderson, a.k.a. Frank R. Zindler Because in fact there is no obvious evidence for the historicity of Jesus of Nazareth that can be compared to the evidence, say, for Tiberius Caesar, when Bart Ehrman set to writing his book Did…
Read MoreJesus of where? A response by Frank Zindler to Bart Ehrman
(We welcome FTN guestwriter and fellow mythicist Frank Zindler, editor of American Atheist Magazine and Director of American Atheist Press, rebutting the “historical” Jesus of Bart Ehrman’s rendering in his recent book Did Jesus Exist?) Bart’s Subtitle By Frank R. Zindler fzindler@atheists.org The subtitle of Bart Ehrman’s Did Jesus Exist?…
Read MoreCouncils for God and the development of the biblical canon: Another response to Bart Ehrman
Among the dozen or so criticisms of my book The Christ Conspiracy by Bart Ehrman in his book Did Jesus Exist? (24) appears the following, regarding the time and effort spent on the canonization of the New Testament part of the Bible. In this criticism, Ehrman quotes my book and…
Read MoreDoes early Church father Justin Martyr quote the gospels?
Acharya S
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In his new book Did Jesus Exist? (23), referring to my discussion in The Christ Conspiracy of the second-century dating of the New Testament gospels, Bart Ehrman summarizes a contention in my work about whether or not the early Church father Justin Martyr (fl. 150 AD/CE) mentioned or quoted the…
Read MoreDoes Josephus prove a historical Jesus?
Acharya S
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(The following is part of a 30+page rebuttal to the material in Bart Ehrman’s book Did Jesus Exist? directly discussing my work.) Ehrman on Josephus’s Testimonium Flavianum Here I will address Ehrman’s section on the Jewish historian Josephus’s supposed mention of Jesus in the “Testimonium Flavianum” (Antiquities 18.3.3 [Whiston]; 18.63).…
Read MoreThe Son-Sun pun strawman
Acharya S
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In his book Did Jesus Exist?, Bart Ehrman singles me out for especial berating, suggesting repeatedly that I am “making things up” and placing me in a category of mythicists whose writings constitute “sensationalist claims that are so extravagant, so wrongheaded, and so poorly substantiated that it is no wonder…
Read MoreBart Ehrman: Jesus mythicists’ arguments are ‘fairly plausible’
Acharya S
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In a interview with NPR (April 1, 2012), Did Jesus Exist? the interviewer summarizes New Testament scholar Bart Ehrman’s views on the debate about whether or not Jesus Christ is a mythical figure: Mythicists’ arguments are fairly plausible, Ehrman says. According to them, Jesus was never mentioned in any Roman…
Read MoreThe phallic ‘Savior of the World’ hidden in the Vatican
Acharya S
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In the first edition of my book The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold (1999), I included a chapter entitled “The Bible, Sex and Drugs” (275-295), at the end of which I provided a line drawing of a bronze, rooster-headed bust with a phallus for a beak. Under the…
Read MoreWhy Bible critic Dr. Bart Ehrman won’t tackle the Koran
Question: “How about working on the Koran?” Ehrman’s answer: “When I stop valuing my life, that’s what I’ll do.” I believe Ehrman’s response is important to demonstrate the atmosphere in which scholars must operate. The same occurred, of course, within Christianity during the Inquisition.
Read MoreBible scholar: New Testament books and letters bogus
Acharya S
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Some 80 years after lawyer Joseph Wheless wrote his classic Forgery in Christianity, it seems some – or at least one – mainstream scholars are catching up to the fact that the New Testament is not what it appears to be and what hundreds of millions have been taught around…
Read MoreBible scholar ‘exposes’ Christian fraud
Acharya S
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I said pretty much the same thing in my book The Christ Conspiracy in 1999 – and I was collecting there a scholarly consensus that dates back centuries. Ehrman’s playing catch-up: Some day perhaps he will look more closely at the mythicist position. One of the chapters in my book,…
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