• February 8, 2025

Dawkins: Islam is ‘one of the great evils in the world’

Richard Dawkins says it outright. One wonders why so few other atheists are speaking out in the same way. Note that he does not hasten to qualify his comment by saying, “Islamic extremism” or “radical Islam.”

Dawkins: “I’m reasonably optimistic in America and Europe. I’m pessimistic about the Islamic world. I regard Islam as one of the great evils in the world, and I fear that we have a very difficult struggle there.”

Narrator: “Why is it more problematic than Christianity, for instance?”

RD: “There is a belief that every word of the Koran is literally true, and there’s a kind of closemindedness which is, I think, less present in the former Christendom, perhaps because we’ve had long – I don’t know quite why – but there’s more of a historical tradition of questioning.  There are people in the Islamic world who simply say, ‘Islam is right, and we are going to impose our will.’ There’s an asymmetry. I think in a way we are being too nice. I think that it’s possible to be naively overoptimistic, and if you reach out to people who have absolutely no intention of reaching back to you, then you may be disillusioned.”


527 thoughts on “Dawkins: Islam is ‘one of the great evils in the world’

    1. Mr.
      It is quit unreasonable for someone to make such a comment against Islam, that all religion should be integrated exception of Islam, why that comment please.

      1. It is because the the Quran verses that teaches the hardline approach of Islam, Its exclusiveness, Intolerance with non-muslim, Its religious superiority. You cant integrate with hard approach/foundation.

        1. Islam
          -“Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error…” The Quran 2:256

          -” O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of God is the righteous of you. Indeed God is knowing and Acquainted.” the quran 49;13

          1. “I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers.”
            – Quran 8:12

            “When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.”
            – Quran 9:5

            “Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate.”
            – Quran 9:73

            “Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that God is with the righteous.”
            – Quran 9:123

            “When you encounter the kafirs on the battlefield, cut off their heads until you have thoroughly defeated them and then take the prisoners and tie them up firmly.”
            – Quran 47:4

            “Believers, do not make friends with those who are enemies of Mine and yours.”
            – Quran 60:1

            “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”

            – Omar M. Ahmad, founder of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

            “I want to see the U.S become an Islamic nation.”
            – Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR Spokesperson

            “I am a traitor to America because my religion requires me to be. We pledge to wage jihad for the rest of our lives until either we implant Islam all over the world or meet our Lord as bearers of Islam.”
            – Samir Khan

            “Greater integration between Islam and the West depends on incorporation of Sharia law into the legal systems of Europe and the U.S.”
            – Ground Zero Mosque Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf

          2. I’ve been a Muslim all my life, born and brought up in the UK.

            I have plenty of none muslim friends and cherish the diversity of our beliefs. I have always been taught islamically that we are to live in peace with others and that when you act violently or with hatred you are acting against Islam, unless someone is attacking you, literally.

            My very existance is contradictory to this article. My entire life’s experience of islam is contradictory to this article. This man knows absolutely nothing of the religion other than the POLITICS he sees on the TV, and the quotes above have either been taken from context or are complete rubbish. Stop talking about Islam until you know what it really is.

            Besides, how would it have reached to 1.6 billion followers global if it was evil. There is no logic in this.

          3. All you need to do is to read through this page, and you can see how Islam is evil.

            The followers are blindly believing in it, without giving it thought. Most of them were born into Islam, and they can’t leave it easily. In some places, they will be killed for leaving Islam – and that’s part of the evil.

          4. islam converted 1.6 billion people
            The reason Islam has so many followers is because these desert
            Wanderers would ruthlessly go into other countries in asia like india
            And give them the option of death or coversion. Forced conversion
            Is the reason there are so many damn followers. Have u not read
            The history or moe. Was a rapist that commited adultery with a married
            Rich woman to get wealth to pillage the lands like so many before
            Him. This gang leader had enough wits to come up with a theory
            Of god that gave him the right to do all evils like rape, child rape,
            Marry whoever, keep slaves, kill at will in the millions. This mofo
            Was a sadistic bastard. Read the HISTORY written in black and white
            Americans think that the rest of the world are like us. They are not
            That’s why god gave them the desert.

          5. Imbecile! why dont you try explaining the radical verses inside your so called moderate islam?

          6. If popular then not evil?
            Followers are no indication on how good or evil something is. I know of Godwins law. But this is a valid point. Many people did actually believe what was being said by the Nazis in the holocaust, so does that mean ‘it can’t be evil’?

            A few years ago 140 people were killed, over 8 buildings burned down and million$ bounties offered on people’s heads, all because of Islam. Why? Because a newspaper had a cartoon with the prophet Mohammed in it.

            You cannot deny this is anything but lunacy. And I haven’t even mentioned theocratic Islam nations.

            I appreciate you are most likely a good person, but I think Dawkins point, while an overreaction, is somewhat justified. I just hope he doesn’t get death threats.

          7. Anonymous Are you blind? Have you no knowledge of your own people? There are several ways that islam now includes ‘1.6 billion people’. Having four wives (slaves) and as many children as possible is one way. Forcing converts under pain of death is another. People of the islam ‘faith’ still practice slavery. Young people drawn to islam through their lack of education and radical mindset. World population growth. Greed and desire for world dominance. Ancient tribal mentality. Brainwashing. All these and more contribute to the spread of this barbaric religion.

          8. Ann
            Look at this!!! Islam preaches evil and always has. What person in their right mind would follow a so called prophet who raped 8 year old kids and class women as second class citizens? We all know the score with these people but the “natives” of our countries are that drugged up and are being given the drugs to keep the masses down so they rely on them. It’s about time people woke up and smelt the coffee. Read the Satanic Verses wrote by Salman Rushdie, he exposed this so called religion and ended up in hiding here in the UK for years because a bounty was put on his head. Just because a “religion” has 1.6 billion followers does not make it a religion but rather a large “CULT”!
            It’s high time the common person stood up against this fake religion and send all these people back to where they came from. If they give the excuse that they was born in the country then do a lineage check against their parents and grandparents and still send then back.
            I firmly believe that the root of all evil is not money but religion and that is why I do not follow religion of any kind.
            I believe that you treat people the way you expect to be treat yourself. That does nor require you to go to church or a mosque and try and follow a book of so called moral guide lines. We do not live in the middle ages where Islam seems to be based. If Islam was run by Islamic women then there would nothing like this going on the world because the men of Islam are frightened by the very thought of this and that is why the Muslim women are repressed and downtrodden because the men cannot accept any kind of change and the religion as a whole progressing into the 22 century. I hope beyond hope that Muslim women stand up against their male counterparts and bring it forward so we can all live peace and tolerate each other.
            Just as a note I do not have a racist bone in my body, I am happy to live in peace with my “human” brethren.
            f**k religion and all it stands for! All the wars in this world has been started by fanatics who use god as the excuse to do so.

            Regards people and think on!!

          9. Do you really think the world is that nieve?
            You sir, are disengenious at best. Do you not think that many of us know of the doctrines of Taqiyya and Kitman? Do you not think we have not read and understand the Qu’ran and the Hadieth?

            Perhaps, you should be reminded what your prophet said,” War is deception.”

            Bukhari (49:857) – “He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar.” Lying is permitted when the end justifies the means.

            Bukhari (84:64-65) – Speaking from a position of power at the time, Ali confirms that lying is permissible in order to deceive an “enemy.”

            There may be many fools in the west, but we are not all fools. . .

          10. That’s your answer???
            because 1.6 (more like 1.2 billion) follow it’s ok? It’s anything BUT OK and you 1.6 (I mean 1.2) billion are doing next to nothing to stop this

          11. It reached to 1.6 billion because people from other religion were forced by evil Islamic rulers as happened in undivided India and there was no way back.

          12. Nice try, but using numbers of the deceived is not a valid argument for legitimacy!
            Your stated “very existence” seems to have been of Christian orientation, not Islamic……..Perhaps you should take some time to ponder what that should mean to your religious affiliations!

          13. u know that in the quran allah (swat) does not talk about sword where as in the bible jesus sai ” go sell ur coat and buy a sword”

          14. Jesus also said to turn the other cheek to someone who hits you in the face, and to sell all you have to the poor. The context of the quote you used is that Jesus wanted and STILL WANTS His followers to give away their comfort in order to have the strength and privilege of spreading the Gospel through their self-sacrifice, that they should fight for Him without violence, but with a sword of abandonment to God’s Holy Will. I’ll be praying for you, a person who would try to use God’s own words against Him.

          15. The perversion
            Islam is based on perversion, wrong teachings and a prophet who practised outrageous acts of sin yet billions follow his teachings

            Muslims blindly recite the Quran not truly understanding its text and are lead to believe that men and woman are rewarded in the after life.

            Islam will slowly attempt to take over the western world but will fail.

            One day a man will rise and will repeat the act of a dictator who attempted to eliminate a certain race in the 40’s

            The majority of Muslims will be eradicated but not all.

          16. surah 2:256 in the quran had been abrogated(cancelled).peaceful verse in the quran(mekah version)had been abrogated by latest surah in medinah.one need to know how to read the quran.muslim always use abrogated surah to convert non muslim.deceitful or taqiyah.one of allah 99 name is

          17. To the “Guest” who is a Muslim from the UK.

            It’s wonderful the you have plenty of none [sic] muslim friends. It’s also wonderful that you have been taught to live in peace with us infidels. Too bad you never speak out about the nearly daily atrocities committed by your (supposed) coreligionists. Lots of people pretend that they are Jewish too.

            My very existance is contradictory to this article. My entire life’s experience of islam is contradictory to this article. This man knows absolutely nothing of the religion other than the POLITICS he sees on the TV, and the quotes above have either been taken from context or are complete rubbish. Stop talking about Islam until you know what it really is.

            Am I attacking you? Is it now okay to act violently against me?

            If you want to know how Islam reached to 1.6 billion followers you might look into . Or you might consider why the sword is so frequently chosen as a symbol of Islam.

            Real religions don’t have swords as symbols.

          18. The Qur’an is unique among sacred scriptures in accepting a doctrine of abrogation in which later pronouncements of the Prophet declare null and void his earlier pronouncements.[9] verses in the Qu’ran acknowledge or justify abrogation:

            When we cancel a message, or throw it into oblivion, we replace it with one better or one similar. Do you not know that God has power over all things?[10] http://www.meforum.org/1754/peace-or-jihad-abrogation-in-islam

            ………….Muhammad offered this verse (there is no compulsion in religion ) in his first year of residence in Medina when he needed the Jews’ support. Nahhas, with the authority of Ibn ‘Abbas, said: “Scholars differed concerning 2:256. Some said it has been abrogated by 9:73 for the Prophet compelled the Arabs to embrace Islam and fight those that had no alternative but to surrender to Islam. ……….

        2. closemined
          I used to think. That muslims are closed minded but when I looked. Closely. It was pretty vivid that I am the one who is closeminded.
          I was viciously. Looking for any faulty belief to use it against islam as a weapon but I was. Wrong and islam was right all along
          Therefore my advice is that do not let the media and prejudce people take your mind as their prisoner.

          Don’t. Be bias seek the truth for yourself

          1. There is nothing “close-minded” or “biased” about knowing the TRUTH and FACTS about Islam, which are as we can see abundantly here.

            Deceiving ourselves with delusions is not honest or healthy.

          2. From the way your comment is written, it’s apparent that you don’t have much intelligence or you wouldn’t have been so easily deceived by Islamic teachings. If you supposedly love Jesus more than yourself, then it’s not showing much love because I can tell you emphatically that Jesus would not condone the Islamic religion. Really.. Islam is not just a religion, it’s an ideology that dominates all areas of their lives…including Shariah law.
            I suppose you think they’re right when they commit genocide by beheading Christians who won’t accept Islam? I suppose you think they’re right when they rape young girls….and even young boys! An American GI in Afghanistan beat the crap out of a local muslim guy when he saw him raping a young 12 y/o boy. What did he get in return from his superiors for his act of bravery? He got an order to stand down!!! This political correctness is going to be the death of us all I fear!

          3. Islam is responsible to for jihad – the murder of 270 million people. Also mass genocides at the current time of Christians,Yazidis and Hindus. The deaths of many Muslims and beheadings, suicide bombings, stonings, hangings,flying planes through buildings, driving trucks through crowds, mass shootings,torture.

            Violence and killing of women, gay people and unbelievers, Paedophilia, intolerance of other religions, burning down churches and temples, hatred of other Religions and their followers, civil wars – both between Muslim sects and against every other faith.

            Suppression of women, wife beating, awfulIslam is responsible to for jihad – the murder of 270 million people. Also mass genocides at the current time of Christians,Yazidis and Hindus. The deaths of many Muslims and beheadings, suicide bombings, stonings, hangings,flying planes through buildings, driving trucks through crowds, mass shootings,torture.

            Violence and killing of women, gay people and unbelievers, Paedophilia, intolerance of other religions, burning down churches and temples, hatred of other Religions and their followers, civil wars – both between Muslim sects and against every other faith.

            Suppression of women, wife beating, awful

        3. Dear Alex
          If Islam is intolerant to Non Muslims, then how come more than 1.5 million Coptic Christians are living a peaceful life in the Arab lands since generations? there are more than 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world. Yet you don’t here any non Muslim Harmed in the Muslim world just because they were not Muslims. How about getting a copy of Quran yourself and try to read it yourself to know what exactly that book says and preaches or teaches. Until when you are gonna keep believing what people tell you about others? If its about your own family or your personal life, you put all the efforts in the world possible to find the truth but when it comes to the second largest religion in the world, you rely on someone else to tell you whats the truth about them? is that fair?

          1. Nice way to expect ignorance from those reading your comment. You mean to tell me that out of the nearly 1 billion people who live under Islamic theocracies, only 1.5 are Christian? That’s very bad, you realize there are 1.5 million Muslims IN ISRAEL ALONE! There are 60 million Muslims living in europe, 16 million in the United States, and probably a very large number in India as well. Also they are not living peaceful lives in Arab lands, almost all of those Christians live in Syria which is a mess right now. Islamic terrorists are running around everywhere looking to kill non-Muslims in Muslim countries. Go to an ISIL controlled area of Syria and see how peacefully non-muslims are living there.

          2. I lived in Saudi Arabia from 2002-2004, in 2003 there was a bombing by mu slims on the compound in which i lived. It killed 93 people including my school teacher. Just a personal example of non Muslims being harmed in “Muslim lands”.

            That said I did have many Muslim friends… We should all just be secular humanists

          3. Alex, for your 1.5 billion you said, Islam is not fast increasing because it’s peaceful, welcoming, tolerating, NO! But, because of its violence, killing, murdering, beheading, death, stoning, torture, hanging, etc. Islam is the SWORD OF SATAN. As for the 1.5, THESE ARE IGNORANT 1.5 FOLLOWERS. It a pity that, you have been misled, am so SORRY!!!

          4. Facts about Islam and those practicing Islam:
            1. A moderate muslim is a secularist. Chooses not to practice. He is an apostate.
            2. There is no such thing as extreme Islam. You are practicing Islam or you are not.
            3. They are supposed to lie to our faces about it so why ask them?
            4. It is a Theology, or a way to govern masses. Religion? No

          5. I read your Koran to understand your religion.I read it with an open mind and an open heart. I’m sure you have. But it is apparent your lack of critical thinking and understanding of the blatant, horrendous, deceit, violence, greed, lust and evil of the person who was nothing but an invader, a robber, a thief, a murderer, a pedophile, an abuser, greedy, rapist and lustful: in other words, a barbarian and not a prophet- writing this man-made book. All about killing and violence, subjugation, oppression and intolerance- totally opposite of civilized society and the fundamental law of the universe. The God ordering in that book is not the absolute, pure God and the creator of the universe. The real God is good and loves all his creation, not only Islam. But the God in the book is a murderer and a terrorist. The deeds that the God in the book tells his people to do to kill non-believers is the cause of suffering and chaos in this world. How you don’t see that while reading the despicable contents is beyond me, except probably your IQ is 81, which scientists say Middle-Eastern people has of, because of your prophet’s admonition that became your common practice to marry your first-cousins, making your mental genetic pool inferior, susceptible to being brain-washed without asking questions. I’ve studied all the religions of the world, and your book is the only book supposedly the only word and perfect book from God that contains nothing but what Satan would have admonished . Your book is Satan’s book.

          6. I hate the way this commenter is using Western ignorance against us. I have friends in Egypt at the moment, who are of the Coptic Faith and other Christian sects, and they are suffering persecution, acts of violence including shootings and bombings, being driven from their homes and even openly murdered in the Streets, yet he pretends this isn’t happening, saying that the practitioners of Islam are at peace with those around them.
            I am also aware of the persecution endured play the Christians of Indonesia, including a very high profile politician, recently. A very different story to the one represented by our Islamic friend, here!

        4. Well no Islam does not mark itself as superior if you look in the Qur’an you will find it treats all races and beliefs with respect I can source the chapter al kaafiroon (meaning disbelievers)

          1. Seth you are truly STUPID if you believe this.

            islam is all about superiority why else are they always screaming “Allahu Akbar”?

            Your un-Godly book calls muslims “the best of people” while everyone else is kafir, or the “worst of creatures”.

            Respect? I’m surprised that a muslim has even heard of that word, if they have they certainly don’t understand it.

            So please don’t insult us because I am finding very difficult right now not to tell you what I truly think about your Satanic pseudo religion.

      2. Dawkins is stupid
        Dakwins allegation are untrue against Islam
        Doesn’t have any idea of Islam and Muslim
        He should read first book of god “Koran” to understand

        God is one , Islam is religion of god

        1. Really?
          So everything we see and read about Islam is incorrect? Every allah- akbar-screaming atrocity really didn’t happen? Your big mistake, Samir, is that you believe Americans are as stupid as you. But, I know, by definition, you can’t think or imagine beyond your capabilities. And, sadly, we understand that you are handicapped by the most retarding meme ever to exist on the planet.

        2. Islam is evil
          There is only one quran and the content is boldly evil talking about killing non Muslims and forcing non muslims to be muslims. There should be an end to this religion

          1. If you read the Qur’an ‘reply you will see that a real Muslim can’t harm an unarmed person can’t harm the elderly women or children so do your research before you go and insult a population of 1.6 BILION people

        3. Islam invented by deranged mindless people
          Any thinking person would understand that all religion, which are really cults anyway, have been invented. Some times with good and noble intent, eg; Salvation Army, but always with a faith and set of doctrines that have been invented ,usually modified over a great deal of time but invented non the less. America of course has invented many in more recent times. The major exception to any good and nobal intent is islam and unfortunately for the millions of misguided muslims who have been taught to think islam is true which of course it is not, just very evil from its inception and as it has evolved in its interpretation of the invented koran and any other writings islam use to justify themselves.
          It has been suggested by people that study the effects of inbreeding, that muslims have participated since at least before islam was invented, ie producing offspring from 1st cousins and even their own children at times, has lowered their mental capacity and so makes it hard to re-educate them to actual truths. 50% + affected !

        4. God is one
          😮 Look. you f**kig idiot..Richard Dawkins has read the Koran SIX times ! If you heard him speak more you would know this. How many times have you read it?
          Who told you that Islam was “Gods religion”? I can assure you that there are BILLIONS of people more religious than you who would not agree. You are a Tosser mate.

          1. the Twit
            [url]http://twitter.com/RichardDawkins/status/307369895031603200[/url] :whistle:

        5. I’ve read the Koran, 16 times actually, and many different versions. Mohammad DOES instruct people to kill infidels….he DOES promote discrimination against women…he DOES have sex with an underage girl (to our standards, completely legal back then)..it’s a disgusting book. The Old Testament is pretty disgusting too, but the Koran really takes the cake. Stand up people, and fight against religious extremism in any religion and ALWAYS keep questioning your beliefs and those of others. It is this questioning nature and freedom of thought that makes Western society what it is! And it is amazing!
          Bless you all.

          1. there is only one version of the quraan and there is no old testament of the quraan get your facts right or don’t talk

        6. for evil god is evil according to you ,but evil know god is not evil
          it is not KORANNNNNNNNN it is Quran
          u see ,we never speak bad about bible or Jesus(p.b.u.h) like urs do
          thats is big difference between u and us
          there is no difference between u and usama bin ladan both are made from same impression

          1. Islam is responsible to for jihad – the murder of 270 million people. Also mass genocides at the current time of Christians,Yazidis and Hindus. The deaths of many Muslims and beheadings, suicide bombings, stonings, hangings,flying planes through buildings, driving trucks through crowds, mass shootings,torture.

            Violence and killing of women, gay people and unbelievers, Paedophilia, intolerance of other religions, burning down churches and temples, hatred of other Religions and their followers, civil wars – both between Muslim sects and against every other faith.

            Suppression of women, wife beating, awful

        7. Thanks for making Dawkins point with that comment
          Drones like you ask us to read that laughable book under the assumption it will answer our questions and that it’s perfect and divine. That is EXACTLY the type of ignorance to which Dawkins refers.

        8. All religions (especially Islam) need only one thing! ERADICATION! The world would be a better place without the hatred & superstition that is religion!

        9. Actually Samir it is you whom is stupid if you believe in fairy stories. Throughout the thousands of years of history of humanity various groups would have told you that their religion was the one true religion. Their prophet, deity etc was the only one to tell the real truth. Only someone very stupid would be fooled in this day and age when science can give us most of the answers.

          1. honestly coming from a muslim lets just respect evryones belief and be peacefull like it sais in the quraan (the book you obviously havnt read )

        10. I read the Qur’an and the Hadiths out of curiosity. I was astounded by what I read. For example, people who die are divided into 3 groups. The best of them, the first group, will find a place where the sweetest wine is served by beautiful servants, there will be virginal beings available for sex, and after sex, they remain virgins! The men will have permanent erections, and will not be tired of it. What kind of god says this in his book? All of that has been dreamed by a pedophile who called himself a prophet, and there are gullible idiots running around killing people who do not believe this moronic so-called prophet. The Qur’an is FULL of contradictions, but for convenience, anything that is in contradiction is said to abrogate the previous command. So, Allah, the 360th idol, makes mistakes and issues amendments, like a politician!!!! Then there are the Shi’ites and the Sunnies – both Muslims but disagree on who were the righful successors of Muhammad. And they kill each other. When I put a comment in the newageofreason.wordpress.com/ blog about the daughters of islam, my comment was quick and promptly deleted. Wen in the same blog I suggested that people read Christ, Muhammad and I – the book written by the disillusioned ex-Muslim Muhammad Al Ghazoli, that too was quickly deleted. Communism used to be the biggest threat to world peace but not anymore. Islam is !!!!

        11. No, Islam is filth. A plague, a parasite.

          Other religions have evolved SOMEWHAT. There is tolerance. If someone approaches me about Jesus, you can tell them to F**K OFF and not worry about getting your head cut off.
          I cannot say the same for Islam. It is a barbaric, stone age belief that must be purged from the world, as all religion does, but especially Islam.

          I have no respect for you or your belief. Read a science book.

          NO regards,


      3. Unreasonableness …
        Do you know what’s unreasonable Ismail? Islamic atrocities and people like you apologizing for them and. If Islam can’t be criticized, it’t not worth existing.

      4. Muslim
        Dear muslims, do not bother comenting your views here, these people have filled their hearts with hatred for islam and the idea of believeing in God. They will not listen to anything you say and will come up with out of context quotes, their views are subjective, pesimestic and personal, because they fail to see the good points in islam.
        I will not bother arguing because there no point in doing so, all i would like to say is stop spreading hate amongst one another because life is just to short to spend it ridiculing and insulting one another.
        Love one and other and where there is injustice do your best to stop it, wherether you are a muslim, christian or an atheist. AND stop fighting each other, and go back to living your lives!!!!

        1. Lumping us all in as “disbelievers in God” simply because we object to a violent ideology that oppresses women and teaches hatred of women represents more of the same anti-infidel abuse we are complaining about in the first place.

          What “good points in Islam” would those be?

          It is not WE who are somehow incorrect in our perceptions of reality. It is those who constantly and willfully fail to see why we would find Islam objectionable who are inadequate in their perceptions of reality. We don’t like Islam because it teaches hatred of US and violence towards US. How is that fact not comprehensible?

          Instead of piling on, perhaps you could practice what you preach and show some LOVE towards us because of our very real concerns? Do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you can’t see how we would be VERY CONCERNED about having violent mobs rampaging in our streets, shouting “Allahu Akbhar!” while they burn, rape and kill?

          Where exactly is the “love” in Islam?

          “Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.” Ayatollah Khomeini

        2. bomb them
          Yes never argue, hide behind some where and bomb them or kill anyone points out the evil

        3. Please do not comment, that way the rest of us can have an intelligent discussion.

        4. There is no point in Islam. There is no point in ANY religion.

          Your beliefs are LIE and you are a fool for believing in some STUPID sky God..

        5. Real Islam under Sharia Law

          Honor killings
          Supremacy/global domination
          Limb amputations
          Genital mutilation
          Death to apostates
          Forced conversion
          Sex slavery and rape
          Women enslavement
          Wife beating
          Child marriage/rape
          Brutality against homosexuals
          Bigotry and hatred
          Robbery and pillage
          Extortion of nonbelievers
          Persecution and/or death for blasphemy/atheism
          Animal cruelty
          Prohibition of music/singing
          Destruction of pre-Islamic antiquities

      5. Duh
        It’s not unreasonable, if one is a reasonable person. The man simply implied that islam is impossible to integrate because of islam itself.

        That’s why “that comment”.

      6. it is what it is
        Islam has put itself in that position. Non muslims simply acknowledge that. Muslims are the main problem for the world including themselves…..evil purified.

      7. Mr. Ismail;
        It is a reasonable comment because Islam itself refuses to integrate with a modern progressive multicultural world and desires instead to dominate everyone else to it’s narrow vision of submission (which is what Islam means).

        1. oh islam do integrate with the modern world by enjoying nice cars, big houses & money but wait, isn’t this what they loathe… such hypocrites… just stay in the middle east and truly practice your religion not getting the best of both worlds…muslim mindset is just totally different to every race i encountered…

          they build mosques you think we can build christian churches in their country?

          1. Nicely put Rob – They are the biggest Hypocrites on the Planet. I think they should be treated like Nazis

      8. It is because Islam teaches adherents to murder anyone who disagrees. Doctrines that preach murder are incompatible with civilization. So far as I know no, no other religion preaches murder… hence only it is Islam that must go.

      9. all ov islam will be wiped from gods earth never to return as the devil will be back in the fires ov hell with islam

      10. Here, you ignorant idiot, this is why it is perfectly reasonable to go and write against Islam. You either agree with Islam’s teachings (look at some of them below!) or you are ignorant of them and dont know about whats written below, you should admit your error and renounce this evil, destructive nonsense).

        1. The prophet of Islam raped a 9 year old girl. Do you think this hurt her body? And her mind? Did she bleed? Did she bruise? Did her bones break? Do you think she enjoyed being torn apart by a middle aged man’s penis? It sure wasnt to make a baby. So why did your effing prophet choose a 9 year old? How sick and cruel is that?

        2. Islam wants to eradicate all other religions and enslave the world under its evil, cruel, sick Sharia law, which promotes the murder of raped women, the murder of gays and adulterers to mention a few. It demands that a raped woman requires 4 male witnesses, are you f**king kidding me? A woman’s testimony is half that of a man’s and when it involes rape it becomes a quarter? Dont you think the man who wrote this garbage (the Koran) was a rapist? And dont you think the assholes who still allow this law to be current like to rape also? And have rape fantasies? Why do they take away so many of the nice things from women? Why do women sit in basements to pray in mosques while the men get the red carpet? Why does Islam HATE women so much? You dont put your friend beneath you – you put them next to you. The same should be for ALL people. The dog or the sheep is beneath you not your fellow man, you sh*t. This ideology needs to go into the garbage disposal unit along with all other fucking pedophiles, torturers, and other sadistic psychopaths.

        3. Islam is all about male sexual fantasies (murder, rape, enslavement, ownership of anyone and everything) and it doesnt matter whether the female/person/nation wants it or not. It is about murder and genocide of all non-muslims, theft from non-muslims, any other violations of non-muslims. I am a non-muslim and I say go f**k yourself if you wont renounce an ideology like that.

        Why are people so afraid (esp in our government) to f**king say it as it is? They need to take strong and decisive action. Islam needs to go. It needs to be removed from the West before it does ANY MORE DAMAGE. Wake up people!

      11. Here, you ignorant idiot, this is why it is perfectly reasonable to go and write against Islam. You either agree with Islam’s teachings (look at some of them below!) or you are ignorant of them and dont know about whats written below, you should admit your error and renounce this evil, destructive nonsense).

        1. The prophet of Islam raped a 9 year old girl. Do you think this hurt her body? And her mind? Did she bleed? Did she bruise? Did her bones break? Do you think she enjoyed being torn apart by a middle aged man’s penis? It sure wasnt to make a baby. So why did your effing prophet choose a 9 year old? How sick and cruel is that?

        2. Islam wants to eradicate all other religions and enslave the world under its evil, cruel, sick Sharia law, which promotes the murder of raped women, the murder of gays and adulterers to mention a few. It demands that a raped woman requires 4 male witnesses, are you f**king kidding me? A woman’s testimony is half that of a man’s and when it involes rape it becomes a quarter? Dont you think the man who wrote this garbage (the Koran) was a rapist? And dont you think the assholes who still allow this law to be current like to rape also? And have rape fantasies? Why do they take away so many of the nice things from women? Why do women sit in basements to pray in mosques while the men get the red carpet? Why does Islam HATE women so much? You dont put your friend beneath you – you put them next to you. The same should be for ALL people. The dog or the sheep is beneath you not your fellow man, you sh*t. This ideology needs to go into the garbage disposal unit along with all other fucking pedophiles, torturers, and other sadistic psychopaths.

        3. Islam is all about male sexual fantasies (murder, rape, enslavement, ownership of anyone and everything) and it doesnt matter whether the female/person/nation wants it or not. It is about murder and genocide of all non-muslims, theft from non-muslims, any other violations of non-muslims. I am a non-muslim and I say go f**k yourself if you wont renounce an ideology like that.

        Why are people so afraid (esp in our government) to f**king say it as it is? They need to take strong and decisive action. Islam needs to go. It needs to be removed from the West before it does ANY MORE DAMAGE. Wake up people!

      12. Islam is responsible to for jihad – the murder of 270 million people. Also mass genocides at the current time of Christians,Yazidis and Hindus. The deaths of many Muslims and beheadings, suicide bombings, stonings, hangings,flying planes through buildings, driving trucks through crowds, mass shootings,torture.

        Violence and killing of women, gay people and unbelievers, Paedophilia, intolerance of other religions, burning down churches and temples, hatred of other Religions and their followers, civil wars – both between Muslim sects and against every other faith.

        Suppression of women, wife beating, awful

    2. The violence that the Koran offers is for the sick mind of many the easiest way to make a living.

    3. Islam will never integrate, its a religion based on hate, hate everyone except Muslims, and whoever read you some versus from the qua ran to show you that its the religion of piece i tell them qua ran contradict it self, its definitely not the work of god, its like all religions, all man made. I only feel very sad and sorry for anyone who believe religion comes from god.

    4. It’s not Islam that is evil. It’s the fucking idiots that misinterpreted its true message.
      I’m an athiest and can’t be bothered with any religion, at all. People are scared to just accept we are animals and are on this planet for a blip, before dying and don’t exist anymore. WAKE UP MORONS

      1. If you actually knew much about Islam, you would understand why the “fucking idiots” just can’t get it right. In reality, it most assuredly IS Islamic doctrine that is behind all of this nonstop misbehavior, and it is simply ridiculous to assert otherwise. All one needs to do is to read the comments here by me and others about Islamic doctrine. An atheist who believes there is some “true message” to Islam is no atheist at all.

        Here is Islam’s true message – you just can’t comprehend why all the violence and bigotry by Islam’s most fervent devotees? If you don’t believe the below is evil, you have no morality.

        What is Islamic law/sharia?

        Honor killings
        Supremacy/global domination
        Limb amputations
        Genital mutilation
        Death to apostates
        Forced conversion
        Sex slavery and rape
        Women enslavement
        Wife beating
        Child marriage/rape
        Brutality against homosexuals
        Bigotry and hatred
        Robbery and pillage
        Extortion of nonbelievers
        Persecution and/or death for blasphemy/atheism
        Animal cruelty
        Prohibition of music/singing
        Destruction of pre-Islamic antiquities

        1. What a religion. Little love here!!!! The Muslim men love this religion, if one can call it a religion, as it fits in well with their backward ideas, and the list of things above for which they stand. No one can defend this religion. It is built on hate, and butchery of people and their animals. I fear for this country’s future with this . Unfortunately, we have no strong government to grapple with and face up to the real problem that this anachronistic and barbaric religion poses. I say to all Muslims… when in Rome do as the Romans do. We have to in their countries. if they don’t like that, let them leave.

          1. Why are you so fearless to speak THUS? You seemed courageous!why can’t the government in the west do likewise? For example: The Germany Counsellor (The Lady) in order to compensate for the evils did to the Israelis,by the Nazis, opened the GATES OF EUROPE AND PAID IN ADVANCE FOR EUROPE’S FUTURE CALAMITIES BY WELCOMING ISLAM.Islam is worse than EBOLA. It is the DEATH MACHINE OF ANTICHRIST

    5. Yeah i agree,i live in tower hamlets and we’ve now got i.s.s.i flags flying here.wots next

    6. There is a curious tendency in the West to accept every dysfunctional philosophy and religion as long as it is out of the conservative mainstream. PC correctness and the misconception that tolerance may be defined as allowing oneself to be oppressed are outcomes of thinking from university education from the liberal left. These “educated” individuals have no common sense and are exemplified by Obama and the Hollywood liberals.

    7. I am sick of hearing how peaceful Islam is. Muslims , although hating different off shoots of their region, hate Christians and Jews and everyone else who is not muslim, with a vengeance, The cultured ones are slightly different of course, butI advocate no head gear, not covering up of the body and no killing of animals in their barbaric way. Let’s fact it they are 500 years behind every one else. There are parts of this country and know doubt many other places in the UK where they are practising their own laws, producing children like rabbits to overpopulate the country. They are a terrible threat. Get tough no more soft, watery liberal do- gooding

  1. You Would be Target now
    I agree with you.History of islam is repeating it self.Muslims need to rewrite Koran to omit all verses those teach murder,rape and intorenance for the sake of their next generation.
    God Less you and keep you safe,Dear Richard Dawkins.

      1. Big difference: there are no extremist Talmudists!
        Mr. Crowe, Director, you display a supreme, absolute ignorance with your simplistic statement. The Talmud is nothing if not a long series of debates and multiple interpretations of the [i]Tanakh.[/i] There are no radical fundamentalist Talmudists going around doing their best to blow up, or by other barbarous means, utterly destroy not only infidels but those who do not share down to the minutest detail a particular Islamic sect’s interpretations of the Qu’ran like Islamists do. Judaism, totally unlike Islam, not only does not have any designs on converting [i]anyone[/i] but, [i]au contraire,[/i] actively strives to [i]dissuade[/i] any who seek to convert to Judiasm. Big difference in all ways.

    1. who are the victims of terrorism
      It is the media giving a Bad representation of Islam. The people who breed violence do not even represent one percent of the Muslim population. As a matter of fact, the [b][i]victims of terrorism [/i][/b]are mostly from the muslim community. America had victims of about [b]4000[/b] citizens in 9/11. To take revenge, the Bush administration unilaterally bombed Afghanistan and Iraq, which cost more than [b]400,000 [/b]lives. What wrong did these men,women and children do?

      Where is justice which America is boasting about? Where is peace which america is boasting about? Afghanistan and Iraq are still in a bloody state, with more innocents dying.

      1. good
        its goods, why they attack on iran or afganhistan. because there is no taliban or osama in afganhistan. bush administration are the gilty of these 400000 hundred thousand people including men, women, and children also.
        islam is a very simple religion. these perception are wrong because media give the wrong picture of Islam. So no one have authority to talk about Islam. mind it

        1. i agree with you that islam is a simple religion… you don’t believe therefore you are an infidel so you have to die…

        2. Islam is responsible to for jihad – the murder of 270 million people. Also mass genocides at the current time of Christians,Yazidis and Hindus. The deaths of many Muslims and beheadings, suicide bombings, stonings, hangings,flying planes through buildings, driving trucks through crowds, mass shootings,torture.
          Islam is responsible to for jihad – the murder of 270 million people. Also mass genocides at the current time of Christians,Yazidis and Hindus. The deaths of many Muslims and beheadings, suicide bombings, stonings, hangings,flying planes through buildings, driving trucks through crowds, mass shootings,torture.

          Violence and killing of women, gay people and unbelievers, Paedophilia, intolerance of other religions, burning down churches and temples, hatred of other Religions and their followers, civil wars – both between Muslim sects and against every other faith.


          Suppression of women, wife beating, awful

      2. Terrorism
        People like you think that the West thinks that all Muslims are terrorists.

        I disagree, I believe in facts and not what people ‘think”

        Fact: 99% of terrorists are Muslims.

      3. I lived amongst them…
        My friend, you are talking about the 1% who are extremists, but the 99% never say anything to stop the 1% from doing it. The 99% just kept silent and say these 1% are our brothers.
        Why don’t the 99% go out and fight against the 1% and show us that you are not the same. Instead you blame on the non-muslims for being unfair to you but secretly you are glad the 1% bombed the non-muslims.

        1. Yep this is correct. For one thing if you lived around Muslims you know this 1% thing is a joke. The Muslims not killing infidels are cheering them. They cheered and praised in mosques in Jordan all week when Hebdo was killed. They do not condemn it that’s a flat out lie. And for all of the Muslims talking about coptics living in peace: no way. They beheaded many coptics in Egypt this year.

      4. Bullshit. Islam had spread through violence and death. It is directly responsible for beheading’s, shootings, massacres, genocides, hangings, stoning’s, suicide bombing’s, violence and murder of women and gay people. Intolerance of other religions, rapes, jihad, the deaths of 270 Million people, paedophilia, barbaric halal slaughter, flying planes through buildings, driving trucks through crowds and much more.

        Most Muslims are unable to condemn anything other Muslims do and are also taught to lie to ‘unbelievers’ (Taquiya). Also jihad is a duty for all Muslims and is an organised plan for world domination in the Quran through violence,immigration (hijrah),lying to unbelievers ( Taquiya), financial means and defence of the Religion. Very scary.

    2. i think yu shuld learn or at list ask doze who know Tru Islam wad it teaches. Islam doesnt teach any of these atrocities yuv mentioned above. n i swear n promise yu dat kno1 willb able to re-produce th Quran n Omit verses in it lyk d bible has been tampered with/interpolated. b sur of wad yu sur n don slander plz.

      1. Ya, we dooo ask doze who no da tru Izlam – and dey say da same ding. We even read da Koran 4 ourself. nobody be slander noboy heer.

        Heer are som uv doze who no da tru Izlam:

        http://islamreality.wordpress.com ([url]http://islamreality.wordpress.com[/url])

        Wad dey say dere?

      2. your a simpleton who cannot spell, which makes you an easy brainwash victim of the fake religion you seem to speak highly of, Islam is evil and your pathetic attempt of saying otherwise shows how mindless you Muslims are, I have no religious faith but at least all the other ones have no murderers and rapist in them,so like the sheep you are take yourself to the slaughter house and end your pointless and meaningless lives, all 1.6billion of you.

        1. Lol! I love your response to this muslim with the mind of something that should have been aborted – like all 1.6 billion of these useless excuses for so called Humans.

    3. you write “God Less you and keep you safe,Dear Richard Dawkins”
      but Dawkins is atheist and does not believe in God

  2. Dawkins correct
    Dawkins is correct in the history of questioning.

    even a quick read of the Bible will give the reader examples of every major name form Moses to Jesus questioning God in their life and relationship with God.

    This sort of questioning and openness probable had a large part to play in the creation of the scientific mind in the west.

    If anything our modern science has taken the questioning too far and become too certain of answers…

    Anyhow the moslems are allowed to disrespect science, western values, gay marches, and whatever but people are likewise allowed to disrespect Islam and think it has many evil aspects.

    The intensity of Islam’s evil is all the threats of and sometimes actions of vilionce and death against people who say islam is evil or whatever that moslems don’t like to hear.

  3. My prolonged and often protracted intellectual struggle with the tenets and principles of Islamic philosophy has led me to this overwhelming and deeply profound conclusion regarding that desert creed:

    f**k Islam.

    1. If you knew whose blog you were on, you would realize that I’ve been following the atheist community’s commentaries for very many years – probably long before you crawled out from whatever rock you’ve been hiding under. Why don’t YOU do some research before making such insultingly ignorant remarks on the blogs of people you clearly have no clue about?

      The fact remains that, AS SAM HARRIS HIMSELF HAS COMPLAINED ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=4750#p4750[/url]), relatively few people in the liberal/atheist community have been been critiquing Islam. They mostly confine themselves to Christianity.

      Anyone who has actually been following these issues for any length of time knows exactly what I am saying. It is obvious you have not and do not. Your snide commentary is thus a sign of ignorance, not the brilliance you believe it to be.


      1. This …
        Is a big issue. I’ve asked many “atheists”, many times, why they criticize Christianity, but defend, ignore, give a free pass, etc., to Islam. Well, by definition, if they do so, they are not atheists. Apparently, they don’t understand Islam OR atheism.


  5. Extremists

    Dawkins seems to forget over1500 years of [b]CHRISTIAN EXTREMISM[/b]. One that has not only blighted the lives of many millions for centuries and is responsible for the torture, death, destruction and suffering of countless milions across the world, the destruction and inahalation of countless cultures and whole continents (all in the name of “the prince of peace” and “turn the other cheek” and love thine enemy” deity and all that…and the relentless persecution and mass murder of the very people that “prince of peace” came from among others.)
    It took rivers of blood for Christianity to arrive at the place where we are today. Even today there are those who still mouth the extremist Christian rubbish that has provided an excuse for genocide and mass murder over the centuries. Closed minds than and now who cite the words of scripture, who take every word of the New Testament literlly and use it as an excuse for extreme violence and a belief in the right to impose their will/religion/way of life on other people was (and in some cases still is) very much part of “the doctrine of the faith”.
    Having said that – there is NO DOUBT the extreme danger Islamist Extremism poses to us all. NOT ONLY PHYSICAL!!
    To allow it even marginal success is to allow the world to slide back to a dark time – a time of evil – a time we have not known for some centuries in the west…

    Religious extremism and literal interpretations of scripture – [u]usually[/u] done by nutters, head-cases and those mediocre half wits, power hungry villans or miserable sods whose lives have been and are so messed up they have nowhere else to run but to the perceived certainty of religion – is dangerous in any religion!!!! and there are extremists in ALL religions!!! Yes even today amongst Christians, Hindus’ Jews and others.

    Dawkins, as an intelectual and a man of reason, should see that in a world changing so fast, so radically, most of humanity has no time to digest the change, internalise or accept it – cultural differences are of the essence and the impact is enormous and the backlash vicious.)

    Do I abhore and am scared of radical Islam? terrified!
    Do I see it as an absolute danger to all of us? YES!!!
    Do I believe that there has to be a way to fight and vanquish it completely? YES! an emphatic YES!!!!
    Do I see it as backward, deplorable, evil and that the idea of a culture sanctifying death and destruction as a religious tenet makes me want to puke and than scream in rage, fear, frustration? ABSOLUTELY!!
    But the arrogance of forgetting the devestation Christianity – especially Extremist Christianity – brought on the world is deplorable. This was Christianity a few centuries ago!! This is radical Islam now! ❗

    1. Where’s your primary source/sources material ?
      Islam an christianity are not even remotely even on the body count . Do a bit of checking/research . Or would that be against the presuppositions you hold on so tightly to ? One more thing , if or when you look closely at Christianity check your sources , they also can easily be bent to the left or right , real scholarship actually examines everything it can before coming to conclusions .If you decide to reply please Let me know who your reading , an have read . There are good scholars an bad scholars out there , just as there are good carpenters an bad ones . We live in the house others construct , its up to you an me to check the work before we move in an live there . Peace john .

      1. Not to mention that most of the “Christian” bloodshed was against muslim aggression. Don’t forget they nearly took Europe. If it wasn’t for Vienna in the north and Martel in the south… who knows what would’ve happened.

        Even the much (rightfully) maligned Spanish inquisition(s) left a tiny body count, somewhere between 1 and 5 thousand over 200 odd years.

        One execution was one too many but given that at the time you could hang for stealing food AND the murders by muslims exceed that yearly it is a small body count.

    2. Change is the word
      Yes Christianity has its fair share of violence and crime but the Christian world has since changed and moved on. Can you imagine a world without western civilization christianity? Islam needs reorientation. Its violent teachings and doctrines need to be reformed or jettisoned.

  6. Anat
    Yes, there are “extremists” in Christianity and Buddhism and other religions besides Islam. Yes, Christians have committed some horrific crimes throughout the centuries. But the problem in your argument, so common with Islam apologists, is that those Christian “extrmists” weren’t following the the words of the New Testament nor the examples from the life of Jesus.

    Dawkins is right not to use the terms “extremists” and “radicals” when referring to Islam because to the Western-raised individual, or the Christian or Buddhist or Hindu, Islam is in itself extreme and radical, and Mohammed would today be called an “extremist” or a “radical” by apologists like you. As one promonent cleric said, rightly, “There is no ‘moderate’ Islam. There is only Islam.” Bin Laden and his followers and the Muslims who commit terror and the murder of unbelievers are simply following the the words of Allah and the examples from Mohammed (hadiths). That is not radical or extreme – it is what is expected from Muslims who take their religion seriously.

    1. Following the teachings of Jesus
      Yes, Christian extremists DID follow the example of the life of Jesus. Jesus claimed to be God, and God is the most prolific serial killer in history. You can’t separate the New Testament from the Old like that. Jesus has more blood on his hands, I suspect, than all do the Muslims who ever lived, and that’s saying a lot. Both the Bible and the Q’uran are texts of unspeakable violence and barbarity.

      1. OT vs NT
        I suppose I could be wrong, but I think the Piso’s wrote the NT because the “TIME,” had required it. The “God” of the OT, was not a very nice guy! Any “God” let alone “man” who would murder, oops “sacrifice”, his own son THAT-WAY, is no “God” at all. He is a SERIAL-KILLER of the worst sort. Even going as far as murdering his own SON! (SUN) Or allowing it to happen, which is the same thing. “Accessary before the fact.” I’m glad to know Jesus’ story, just like the story of Muhammad, are Mythological, and have no basis in reality. It is surprising what you can get people to believe! They are such a gullible bunch it’s amazing! Man wasn’t made by God, God, was made by man. Until we all realize that, there will always be wars and “rumors of wars,” and people will never understand we all, BLEED RED! We ALL love our children. We ALL love. However, we are also capable of HATE. And it is HATE, that must be eliminated if the Planet is to survive. The next “false-flag-attack,” is liable to come in the “form of a mushroom cloud.” Because that is what TPTB need to execute the New World Order into reality. So when it does happen, you can bet your ass, IT WAS PLANNED THAT WAY! Next will be either a holographic-Jesus/Mohammad/Buddha/Krishna in-the-sky “second coming”, or a “remote-controlled” INVASION by the “Aliens” which too, will be “false-flag” to get people to accept the NWO. DON’T believe it! “WE don’t get fooled again!”

          1. I used to like muslims much but when they started their bombing episodes i lost all respect for them . is islam about bombs and guns

        1. goodman
          Goodman u realy take stupidity 2 d extreme. N wil pls ths “honest” ,”peaceful” muslims realise jst one thng. Whteva hatreds,murders,etc, commited in past in d name of christianity,Nowhere in d bible ws it required unlike in d quoran. U folks r required,by ur “holy”mohammed 2 murder people! Ur “holy” mohammed had sex n married a 9yr old little girl! We read d same quoran u r reading n biliving in! If u say we dnt undstnd islam n we take d quoran out of context then u ppl r sick. U realy r twisted beyond words

      2. Islam is responsible to for Jihad – the murder of 270 million people. Also mass genocides at the current time of Christians,Yazidis and Hindus. The deaths of many Muslims and beheadings, suicide bombings, stonings, hangings,flying planes through buildings, driving trucks through crowds, mass shootings,torture.

        Violence and killing of women, gay people and unbelievers, Paedophilia, intolerance of other religions, burning down churches and temples, hatred of other Religions and their followers especially Jews, lack of human rights, civil wars – both between Muslim sects and against every other faith.

        As well as Barbaric Sharia Law and Halal Slaughter. Large numbers of ‘moderates’ and Saudi Arabia funding terrorism.
        Suppression of women, wife beating, as well as the inability of ‘moderate’Muslims to condemn. Awful.

        If you have read the English translation on the Quran you would know that all these things feature in it.

  7. [quote]I think, less present in the former Christendom, perhaps because we’ve had long – I don’t know quite why – but there’s more of a historical tradition of questioning. [/quote]
    Richard Dawkins doesn’t know why?

    Because the Latin Church bequeath to Western Civilization an unequaled endowment of intellectual and spiritual treasure including a certain radicalism inherited from a long dead Latin African Church. That African Christendom was extinguished by islam in a time before Richard Dawkins reckoning.

    The Latin Church gave the World Aquinas.

    Islam gave the World Al Ghazali.

  8. and another is…
    …’freedom of religion’. the idiot that thought that one up should be… err… scolded severely. that phrase has got to be the oxymoron of the millennium. how can one be simultaneously ‘religious’ and ‘free’? the word ‘religion’ has two possible latin roots, one is ‘relegare’, which means ‘to read again’ and the other is ‘religare’, which means ‘to bind fast’. either way it makes sense – they keep re-reading that book they’re shackled to 😉

    1. What the secular humanists who invented “freedom of religion” really yearned for was “freedom FROM religion. But they were outnumbered at the time by religious lunatics and the unEnlightened, so they equivocated a bit.

  9. Please do your research properly before making statements…
    Finding something that will back your argument, by taking things out of context is not the right way to debate…
    Dawkins does not know what the true essence of Islam is or what it means to be a true follower of Islam… Neither do terrorist extremists…

    Most of the incorrect myths about Islam can be dispelled with accurate, proper, correctly sourced research.

    I hope you are all able to conduct your own research and one day realise, you were wrong about Islam.

    youtube – Syed Ammar Nakshawani

    1. Yes, read the Koran so you too can know what Islam is all about.

      Quotes from the Quran ([url]http://truthbeknown.com/islamquotes.htm[/url])
      The Religion of Peace ([url]http://www.thereligionofpeace.com[/url])
      Faith Freedom ([url]http://www.faithfreedom.org[/url])
      Islam Watch ([url]http://www.islam-watch.org[/url])
      Jihad Watch ([url]http://www.jihadwatch.org[/url])
      Prophet of Doom ([url]http://www.prophetofdoom.net[/url])
      Islamic Crusades ([url]http://occidentalsoapbox.blogspot.com/2008/11/islamic-crusades.html[/url])
      Women’s Rights in Islaml ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/womens-rights-in-islam.html[/url])

    2. Islam In its a abilities to keep entire countries like Afghanistan in the dark ages is unparalleled. schools get bombed for teaching even the most simple arithmetic as it is seen as a threat to there ideology.

      3 children where killed 40 other injured.

      The County of Spain translates more of the world literature and learning into Spanish every year than the entire arab world has translated into Arabic since the 9th century.

      The only problem with islamic fundamentalism are the fundamentals of Islam.

    3. 🙂
      please dont say bad words for islam..

      i hope you guys go to hell for what you say about islam..

      when the world you may know the truth of islam,,
      i hope you guys learn for saying that to islam..

  10. “Isalm is the only religion on this planet that condones violence, death & terror…”

    You are kidding, right? Religion = violence. Establishing rules based on false occurrences and loads of fantasies to further its cause is what every religion, sect or anything so-called spirituality, without an exception, is very much based on, period. Do you really think that there’s one true religion worthy living for? There’s nothing to the whole subject at all.

    You see, by “all peaceful & rational peoples of Earth” you mean the destroyers. Do you see the paradox at least? It’s all a big crap, let’s admit it.

    1. Islam is responsible to for jihad – the murder of 270 million people. Also mass genocides at the current time of Christians,Yazidis and Hindus. The deaths of many Muslims and beheadings, suicide bombings, stonings, hangings,flying planes through buildings, driving trucks through crowds,Islam is responsible to for jihad – the murder of 270 million people. Also mass genocides at the current time of Christians,Yazidis and Hindus. The deaths of many Muslims and beheadings, suicide bombings, stonings, hangings,flying planes through buildings, driving trucks through crowds, mass shootings,torture.

      Violence and killing of women, gay people and unbelievers, Paedophilia, intolerance of other religions, burning down churches and temples, hatred of other Religions and their followers, civil wars – both between Muslim sects and against every other faith.

      Suppression of women, wife beating, awfulmass shootings,torture.

      Violence and killing of women, gay people and unbelievers, Paedophilia, intolerance of other religions, burning down churches and temples, hatred of other Religions and their followers, civil wars – both between Muslim sects and against every other faith.

      Suppression of women, wife beating, awful

  11. Muslims do not know
    Most of the non arab Muslims do not know the meanings of the teaching of Koran. They simply follow it because its their religion. The moment they come to know the true meanings a rational minded person will have trouble swallwing these verses. Islam is not peacful, please check youtube and listen to Anjim Chaudry. I really admire this guy as he is truthful in what he believes and is open to confess. Unlike most other so called moderate musims deny this, as deception is also a part of islam.

    The site http://www.goldenduas.com is launched with messages of definite orders
    of God/Almighty Allah towards world safety and unity amongst all religions in
    accorance with the directions under Holy Quranic verses 17:16,28:59,39:55 and
    45:14which are available in http://www.Quran.com.

    It is the time to discuss the following because according to the Quranic verses 5:14,
    5:82,7:158,45:14,57:27and28 and 61:6 it is revealed that Christians are not arrogant
    and amongst them are priests and monks.Our prophet Jesus said that he is a messenger
    of God,confirming Torah which came before him,and giving glad tidings of a messenger to
    comeafter him,whose name shall be Ahamed.It is also further revealed that God sent
    Jesus and gave him the Gospel.And He ordained in the hearts of those who followed
    Jesus,compassion and mercy and it is also revealed that the believers of prophets Moses
    and Jesus fear God and believe in His messenger Mohamed and it means that Jews and
    Christians can also follow Islam without converting to Islam as compulsory conversion
    is banned under the Quranic verse 2:256.He also says that He will give them a double
    portion of His mercy and He will give them a light by which Christians and Jews shall

    Besides,according to the Quranic verse 45:14,Jihad is not recognised as it says:

    45:14. Tell those who believe,
    To forgive those who
    Do not look forward
    To the Days of God:
    It is for Him to recompense
    (For good or ill) each People
    According to what
    They have earned.

    Further the Quranic verse 2:99 reveals that no one can refuse to follow the Quranic
    verses except those who are perversing and again the Quranic verse 5:14 reveals that
    God took their covenant,but they abandoned a good portion of the message that was sent to
    them[Christians,Jews and Muslims].So,God planted amongst them enimity and hatred til the
    Day of Ressurection.

    According to the Quranic verse 39:55,definite orders of God’s messages are posted in the
    site http://www.goldenduas.com for world safety and unity amongst all the religions in the
    world and the same are to be analysed and discussed with the top leaders of Jews,Christians,
    Islam and all other religions in the world.

    Under Quranic verses 4:157and158 it is revealed:
    4:157.That they said [in boast]
    “We killed Christ Jesus
    The son of Mary
    The Messenger of Allah”;-
    But they killed him not
    Nor crucified him.
    Only a likeness of that
    Was shown to them.
    And those who differ
    Therein are full of doubts,
    With no [certain] knowledge.
    But only conjecture to follow,
    For of a surety
    They killed him not.
    4:158. Nay,Allah raised him up
    Unto Himself;and Allah
    Is Exalted in Power,Wise;-

    [The resemblence of Jesus was put over his traitot Judas by God and the people killed him
    while Jesus was raised to heaven by God and Jesus is in heaven].

    Holy Bible says:
    1.”Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves”.
    -Matthew 10:16.

    2.”Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance;
    with divine retribution he will come to save you”. – Isaiah 35:4

    Holy Quran says:
    28:59. Nor was thy Lord the one
    To destroy a population until
    He had sent to its Centre
    An apostle, rehearsing to them
    Our Signs; nor are We
    Going to destroy a population
    Except when its members
    Practise iniquity.

    Our website http:www.goldenduas.com is a website containing more information not only to avoid all kinds of natural
    calamities in the world but also to improve economic growths in business,education,employment,jobs,health,wealth,security,
    faith,climate changes (heavy snow,rain,heat etc),and causes unity and peace all over the world.Our service all over the
    world is a non-profitable service to all mankind and animals.Please check our homepage of the website to know our services.
    Otherwise, the public of the world will suffer due to all kind of natural calamities till the day of resurrection and also
    they will fail to improve in economy in businesses,unity,peace,education,health,wealth,security,faith and also climate

    Your Success
    U.Ibrahim Ali

    1. Sir the Koran is so obviously fake,are you blind? The words of the Koran are from a people cast out.

  13. Islamic Athiest
    i am an athiest . ofcourse i was a muslim one day. but that changed. i think that islamic religious books like quran have to be rewritten in a good way.

  14. I have read the Quran and the sirahs of Ishaq, Tabari and Kathir, studied the Sunnah and Sharia, read numerous pro and anti islam books and visited countless pro and anti Islam websites.

    Believe me, NqIslam is a far greater threat to the well-being of mankind than Fascism or Communism ever were.

  15. Sultan
    Yes ,I agree 100% with every word that Stuart Parsons wrote , it seams like he is a very intelligent person,but I would like to add that NqIslam is a far greater threat to the well-being of mankind than nuclear weapons ever were .

  16. Christianity gets no sympathy around here.

    que “i proud to be muslim”

    So are these muslims:

    “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”
    – Omar M. Ahmad, founder of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) July 4th, 1998

    “Ultimately, we (Muslims) can never be full citizens of this country…because there is no way we can be fully committed to the institutions and ideologies of this country”
    – Ihsan Bagby, CAIR

    “The 9/11 hijackers should be honored as martyrs.”
    – Warith Deen Umar, Former Muslim Chaplain, New York Prisons

    “I am a traitor to America because my religion requires me to be. We pledge to wage jihad for the rest of our lives until either we implant Islam all over the world or meet our Lord as bearers of Islam.”
    – Samir Khan

    “I want to see the U.S become an Islamic nation.”
    -Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR Spokesperson

    “No we don’t want to democratize Islam, we want to Islamize democracy” “We love you, America – and we want your children for Islam”
    – Islam on Capitol Hill.com

    “Greater integration between Islam and the West depends on incorporation of Sharia law into the legal systems of Europe and the U.S.”
    – Ground Zero Mosque Imam, Faisal Abdul Rauf


    Islam is NEVER to be trusted

  17. i proud to be muslim
    🙂 I then begin to think of how I was raised to believe that Jesus (pbuh) died for my sins. I questioned the Christian belief of how all the righteous people in the Old Testament were “saved” and in heaven if Jesus wasn’t even born yet. I thought to myself “If Jesus was sent to save the world of their sins, then that meant that everyone went to hell that was on earth before he was born”. Christians keep saying that God had to send Jesus as a perfect sacrifice, but what need does God really have when God is the Almighty, who created everything?!

    How Mr. Dawkin dare to say such that ” Islam as one of the great evils in the world, and I fear that we have a very difficult struggle there”..

    Islam is true and divine religion. Islam spreads peace and love among whole mankind. But unfortunately now in this whole world no where complete Islamic System is implemented as Our most Beloved Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W) implemented. As being his nation its our responsibility to give Message of Allah to other nonMuslims/Non-Believers. There is no reward for any Non-Believer in Life HereAfter(Eternal Life). Allah Almighty, the one and only one creator of whole universe, for all 7 sky,earth, mountain,trees, plant etc. Each and every movement on this Earth is known only by Him, Even a small leaf fall from any tree, nobody, no man have ever power to keep record or can’t know where any leaf is growing or falling. But all this only only only Known by Allah. He created your body Mr. Dawkin…CAN YOU PROVE OR IS ANY SCIENTIST OF THIS WORLD CAN MAKE HUMAN_BEING. IF YOU ARE SO TRUE OK THEN MAKE ANY HUMAN BEING AS YOU ARE YOURSELF with complete parts of your body e.g your eyes,nose, brain, heart.. can any man(so-called biological scientist) can they give life to any person.HUH STUPID PERSON. You are taking other persons with you into HELL.. You are misguiding our youth and new generations. Take back your FALSE statements. Please go-through the sites mention below.


    1. Dawkins is right – Islam is evil. You just proved it with your proselytizing: “There is no reward for any Non-Believer in Life HereAfter(Eternal Life).”

      Gee, that’s nice – so only Muslims go to “paradise.” Your “paradise” of 72 virgin girls and hairy men lying around being attended by boys with pearl earrings would be my HELL.

      Do you even know what you’re promoting?

      The Religion of Peace ([url]http://thereligionofpeace.com/[/url])

      Time to grow a conscience, stop being ignorant and join the human race, before it’s destroyed by religious fanatics.

      1. what should a muslim then should do?
        Do you believe in one God? Do you believe God of Jews and Christians are the same as of hindus and budhists? Or Muslims have a special one.

        1. What Muslim Should do?
          You should repent of your sin and accept Jesus as your savior and Lord and you will have a guarantee of salvation. If you not you will die in your sin and will certainly enter into hell. Only Jesus can save you, don’t be deceived by muhammad, he has no prove to be worthy as a prophert.

    2. Yea yea
      Bring more lies will you? I am an ex muslim from Turkey. Islam is totally evil and it should be banned worldwide.

    3. Islam promotes jihad and has murdered 270 million people more than any other Religion or country. It’s also lasted 1400 years so stop blaming foreign policy for everything !

      Massacres now occuring of Christians,Yazidis and Hindus in Africa,, Asia and the Middle East. They are also killing Muslims and commiting beheadings, suicide bombings, stonings, hangings,flying planes through buildings, driving trucks through crowds, mass shootings,torture.

      Paedophile gangs in UK and other countries. Most Muslim countries have no tolerance of other Religions, death is the Punishment for leaving the Religion in many countries and churches and temples have been burnt,ancient monuments and ancient Buddhist statues destroyed.

      Many hate other Religions, especially Jews, use Taquiya to lie to unbelievers , barbaric Halal Slaughter and equally barbaric Sharia Law.

      There is also constant violence between different Muslim groups and against every other faith. The Aim is world domination and violence and killing of women, gay people and unbelievers is the norm in many Islamic countries, as well as the suppression and beating of wives and ‘honour’killings.

      I’ve read the English translation of the Quran and its all in there. Other Religions have evolved to fit in with the modern world but Islam is still in the dark ages.

      Also, disturbing is the complete lack of condemnation of terrorism by most ‘moderate’ Muslims and the fact that terrorism is funded by Saudi Arabia, and the fact that terrorist groups get Billions in funding from ‘moderate’ Muslims.

  19. To all non muslim brothers!
    If a non-Muslim believes that Islam is a merciless religion with something to do with terrorism; a religion which does not give rights to women; a religion which contradicts science; in his limited sense that non-Muslim is correct to reject such Islam. The problem is he has a wrong picture of Islam. Even I reject such a false picture of Islam, but at the same time, it becomes my duty as a Muslim to present the correct picture of Islam to that non-Muslim i.e. Islam is a merciful religion, it gives equal rights to the women, it is not incompatible with logic, reason and science; if I present the correct facts about Islam, that non-Muslim may Inshallah respect Islam.
    To know the correct picture, people generally seek help of other people(mostly Islam critics) and have blind faith in them. I insist that such people should first consult the QURAN to know whether they are right or wrong and also its translation. Then they will come to know why the holy book needs not to be rewritten.

    1. Muslims to the MAD end ….no guts….no guts to leave islam …. No guts… no guts to take an educated leap out of islam ….no guts to leave islam behind and save his future family…..no guts to leave islam….no guts…muslims have no guts. Even evil osama had no guts to leave islam even though he saw that islam was evil and willed and instructed his kids not to jihad which is at the core of EVIL islam…. The evil osama guy knew islam was evil but again no guts to leave islam…no guts…muslims have no guts to do good…no guts…muslims JUST have no guts. Period. WHAT MUSLIMS HAVE IS ONLY SHAME AT BEING MUSLIM AND SHAME FOR NOT HAVING THE GUTS TO LEAVE EVIL ISLAM. SO THAT SHAME THEY HAVE TO LIVE WITH SO THEY ACT PROUD. ISLAM IS STUPID AND KEEPS IT’S FOLLOWERS STUPID TILL THEY DIE. SHAME SHAME SHAME.
      …..And slowly and surely the whole planet is waking up to the fact that muslim or Pure muslim is a term for a very very evil person.
      “Women should be exposed to the day light three times in their lives. When they are born, when they are married and when they die.” – islamic saying.
      “Our mullah told us that when we carried out our suicide attacks, all the people around us would die, but we would stay alive”
      If muslims could leave islam without being extinguished by other muslims how many muslims would be left on the planet ? Answer : Zero or none. It is only the threat to one’s life that keeps islam evil and populated. These scared muslim slaves of invented allah are doomed forever in the dead hands of the madman who invented evil allah and brought a curse on everything and everyone islam touches. Islam haram. Repeat after me …islam is not halal (good) , islam is haram (bad). Understand?
      Islam is the problem. Islam has to be abolished. As long as even one human is a muslim this planet will never see peace. Take my word for it.
      Islam is the problem. Islam makes people evil. This is a fact. Evil people are a big drain to our planet’s resources like a raging fire. For our planet’s limited resources and our safety we should extinguish each and every fire once we have identified it as evil. Feeding a fire is suicide and not good for our planet’s resources.
      So in the end what will happen to islam? Will islam just vanish? Islam has to be abolished.
      So in the end what will happen to islam ?
      Will islam just vanish?
      “They said nothing’s better than paradise and you can earn that by extinguishing non-believers.”
      “They prayed all the time and read the koran so i thought they were good people.”

      So When will muslims be allowed to realise that islam is haram ?

      And how will muslims realise that islam is haram?

      Only when the SUPREME COURTS start questioning the demented koran loudly and in full hearing of the planet will muslims see mohammad’s mad trip. The answer is in and by our SUPREME COURTS ALL OVER THE WORLD in the very end. Islam needs a QUIT-ISLAM movement. In the end I think non-muslims will win. Any culture built around one medieval book is doomed to implode. Many muslims would’ve left Islam already if there was no death-threat attached to leaving. All we need to do is give muslims the freedom to convert out of Islam and it will eventually disappear aside from a small hardcore group of radicals who can easily be lobotomised.

  20. richard dawkins is there to blind you islam is the only non- tainted non-changed religion. christianity is man made so why let it guide you he says its evil haha the media is creating a bad image of islam America has caused the end of life for several million people and 9/11 well there was no proof binladen was behind it the confession video was proven to be fake and binladen is said to be working or worked for the cia tim osman whether this is true or not im not sure but it makes sense America supports Israel a zionist country that shouldn’t be there the world is controlled by zionists. there is more to be said but i dont have the time.

  21. Belief equals retardation
    The Quran is full of sh*t, as is the Bile (sorry, Bible. Freudian slit) and it is now the time for believers of these too be treated like the lost, sad little children that they are. For far too long humanity has been held back by these lying liars and their ridiculous delusions of immortality. In order to truly evolve and find peace as a species (race is irrelevant, culture is the issue) we need to accept what we are, our place in the universe and the fact that life is just a ride.
    P.S. Rabia, thank you for your comment. From the glaring contradictions of your argument all the way to your inability to spell, punctuate or even use Caps Lock correctly, prove the idiocy of the believer. Well done!

  22. 🙁 🙁 [b][u]ARE U BLOODY KIDDING ME [/u][/b]:-?: ➡
    u guys are not muslims ❗ so u dont know the truth about islam u just know the bullsh*t that is spoken anout US ❗
    – you guys are soo gallabul – belive wat ever u hear !!!
    unlike u i understand and respect all other religions out there …
    u guys fink ur religion is all dat *looooooolz* ur religion is as equal as anyone elses just remember that !!!
    [b][u]barstards !!!!! [/u][/b]- go get a lyf other than say sh*t online and not to my face, cowards! dont mess around wiv me trust me iwill find out were u guys live- i should know i work for microsoft haking and tracking people down is what i get paid [u]£250.000[/u] a year… [b][u]TRUST ME!!!! [/u][/b] ❗ ❗ ❗

    1. Thank you for the hate speech and threats of violence – very attractive and peaceful behavior that will assuredly make more people like Islam.

      Spewing hatred and threats of violence seems to be the Muslim way of dealing with everything – thank you for demonstrating that fact.

      What’s not to love? Why oh why would Dawkins and others say such things, when there are such wonderful examples of Islam like you around?

      In the meantime, hopefully many more people will come to learn about Islamic doctrines, such as the following – apparently you enjoy belonging to and are so proud of this belief system that you will write hateful and violent threats towards others for discussing it.

      http://islamreality.wordpress.com ([url]http://islamreality.wordpress.com[/url])

      Islamic supremacy and global domination
      Prohibition of music and singing
      Imprisonment, flogging, torture and death for homosexuals
      Jihad to force Islam on the world
      Jews as apes and pigs
      Jews as the eternal enemies of Muslims
      Jews as originators of all evil and catastrophe in the world
      Osama bin Laden in Paradise
      Raping women okay in Islam
      Female genital mutilation “obligatory” in Islam
      Sex slaves for Muslim men
      Child marriage/rape
      Mohammed having sex with a 9-year-old girl
      Wife beating
      Death for “insulting” Mohammed
      Death to apostates and infidels
      Genocide of Americans
      Jihad to “raid the world”
      Non-Muslims being not innocent and subject to death

    2. Your a f***ing idiot, religion of peace!! Doesn’t sound like it with those threats mate. Also if you earn 250,00 a year I’ll eat my arse you can’t even spell HACKING never mind do it… Peace!

    3. Has anyone noticed that these raving lunatic muslim apologists can’t spell at all, never mind construct a remotely grammatical sentence as they spew their vile poison?

      You Christian ravers should get off your high horses too, because you sound almost as illiterate, which is shameful since most of you grew up speaking English as your first language.

      Thank you all for providing evidence of why your Abrahamic hate cults have no place in a modern civilized world.

  23. Religion is the EVIL and so many of you have falle
    Ginger, if that is your real birth name….Judaism are people who have self proclaimed themselves as God’s children, that would be supreme thinking! And then to believe that is it only 144,000 of you, you are even judgemental about your own kind?! We are all God’s children, well most of us, I think some belong to satan and hide behind the word of God, like most islamics. Those of us who are truly God/s children know it in our hearts, and that comes from within, not ANY religion. When will you people learn, God did not teach religion, he simply taught his word. MAN MADE RELIGION, worte religion and taught it….NOT GOD. If you people would all get off your high horses of “religion” and understand that, the the world would be a better place, except for the islamic religion, that is a sick and diluted way of thinking, and if all of these fools want to believe in a book written by man then you will always be fools and never learn the real word of the real GOD!

  24. “Sophia ahmed” thank you for that perfect example of why people don’t like your kind, and it supports what most of us think of your “religion”. Now I will do all that I can to report you to Microsoft and this web site…I thank you for the additional information, I too am a li’l wiz!! You have the audacity to threaten someone due to theriir own personal opinion….grow -up little boy hiding behind a women name…coward!???? To actually state that you will show up at their home???? Are you psyco….well I know the answer….YES..come look for me, I dare you! I also dare you to threaten me so I can put you up on charges and put you where people like you belong….IN JAIL!! Do you understand that you are in a country where you take responsibility for what you say and do? Do you understand that you are in a country that was at war with the middle east and our government taught us to hate your kind! Do you understand? Now as for your religion, it is a sick beliefandif you believe in itthen you too are sick. You can’t see what your religion teaches as being okay and it clearly is not okay! That is your problem if you believe the islamic religion, then you are a fool! I too was raised a specific religion, but I was able to see through the crap, unlike you brainwahsed idiots!!Understand “sophie”, all religions are MAN MADE you idiot, written by a bunch of sick cowards who needed desperate and easily influenced a**holes to follow and you did, unlike some of us. Ever hear of spirituality…you feel it in the heart, it is real and IT IS GOD! Why would you follow a man-made religion and then say it is GOd you follow, it is not God you follow, it is lying man you follow and you are a fool for doing so. God even said his UNTRUE word will be spoken in many languages, by many who teach the wrong word, but it is for us to know what is real and what is man-made, and islamic belief is man -made if not, and no disrespect you little threatener, but also evil!! You are following satan not GOD, and I truly hope for your soul that you learn that religion is not GOD!! The evils in this world have created false man0-made religions to fool and seperate GOD’s children and it looks like it doing an awsome job, look at the world, look in the mirror…..FULL OF HATE!!! Not to mention a little bit of psychoticism!! And that’s all you, you can’t blame anyone for that…now come look for me, so I can have you arrested and charged for threatening someone you liittle coward (I guess that comes from your religion too). Now get the f**k out of our country if you don’t like our attitude toward your belief or live with it and shut your mouth! I’m waiting for you…

  25. Mr. Dawkins, with all due respect to you and all !
    Dear fellow humans, please accept greetings from a muslim. Would it be justifiable to you if I start accusing atheists as criminals without even knowing what they believe in, how they think, why they are anti religion? I dont think so.

    To argue or disapprove of someone or something I need to study, research and than conclude. I do not have anything against any of those who are disrespectful to my religion. However, I would expect educated sane people to atleast study the Quran first in detail, think calmly about it in a holistic manner and than form an opinion. You cannot call Islam a religion of hatred, violence etc on the bases of those who are following their own version of Islam by misinterpreting it or because they have been misguided by our clerics. It would be exactly like forming an opinion about an organization by simply looking at a handful of its worst employees. The organization’s operational manuals would certainly not be advocating misconduct or bad behaviour but some of its employees may not be following instructions properly!

    It is important to be clear about your beliefs, I think, because if you say “I do not believe in God and I hate religions”, you are taking a very big risk! What if when you die you find out that their actually is a God and that Islam or Christianity etc. actually was a true religion! There wont be a turning back (most probably and according to the Quran).

    Just to give you another side of the picture (and you can definately study it yourself), the Quran says the following :-

    1. (16:82) But if they turn away from you, (O Prophet remember that) your only duty is a clear delivery of the Message (entrusted to you).
    2. (17:53, 54) And tell my servants that they should speak in a most kindly manner (unto those who do not share their beliefs). Verily, Satan is always ready to stir up discord between men; for verily; Satan is mans foe …. Hence, We have not sent you (Unto men O Prophet) with power to determine their Faith.
    3. (21:107 to 109) (O Prophet?) ‘We have not sent you except to be a mercy to all mankind:” Declare, “Verily, what is revealed to me is this, your God is the only One God, so is it not up to you to bow down to Him?’ But if they turn away then say, “I have delivered the Truth in a manner clear to one and all, and I know not whether the promised hour (of Judgment) is near or far.”

    Hope this will make you guys ponder a little. Happy research friends.


      Islam is a menace to all the world and has the capacity to take man into the darkest of all his dark ages considering that Islam’s perennial parasitical nature and recent resurgence have occurred at precisely that time in man’s history when man has become most technologically proficient.
      No period in mankind’s long story has been more dangerous than the times in which we live. Sadly, mediocrities or worse are in charge of the non-Islamic world. And apathy and destructive ignorance by regular folks is omnipresent. And Islam is waiting in the wings to take advantage of all this.
      Islam can produce little to no good on its own, but it is quite capable of using the achievements of others to further its control-freak designs. The lessons from Islam’s sorry 1400-year history is there for all to observe, but most people don’t observe. They merely see. And see wrongly much of the time.

      You cannot assume that the infected people of islam act like us, think like us.
      Islam without a Jihad is akin to scotch (whiskey) without an alcohol – Keshtopatel
      To paraphrase Ann Rynd, Islam is the religion of self-immolation, it is a cannibalistic religion that angrily demands self-sacrifice of those on the outside.

      It’s interesting to note that in several influential countries around the world there are definite signs of awareness of the threat of Islam at government level.
      A new generation of politicians is on the rise that will take a far more vigorous approach to dealing with the very real threat that Islam poses for world peace.
      ….. imagine your grankids being made to shout alllahhh ho aakkkhhbbaarr…. First things first .. The koran is not a holy book..it is the most evil and racist and sexist book ever written. It is a slur to the written word. It is an insult to human intelligence. Have no doubt. Read it to disbelieve it .The Koran is PURE NONSENSE. All muslims should be trying to get out of islam’s clutches . All muslims should be trying to get out of islam’s clutches not only for their sake and their children’s sake but for the sake of their forefathers and foremothers who were converted to this evil and vile cult by the sword and fright. Forget christianity if it’s such a big issue .muslims need to move out en masse to something like buddhism. Or mass suicide. One can only hope.

      Let’s not forget that Islamic prayer includes a ritual of repeated MELODIC repetition of the first verse of the Koran, a verse that has been interpreted since its authoratative interpretation in medieval times, and still is today, to be a curse on Jews and Christians.
      The first Sura or chapter of the Koran contains the MELODIC CURSING of the Jews and Christians that is repeated five times daily in prayers. So the next time you hear the melodic Islamic call from the nearest mosque you helped build remember they aren’t calling you …they’re calling FOR non-islamic deaths.
      …. be practical for your children’s sake… there’s no other. Wakey Wakey.

      1. I love your comment about the revengeful monkey, seems you hit the nail on the head there! And I agree with everything you say,

    2. Taha ha ha

      Please take back your lie about “due respect.” You have no respect for anyone here, not even yourself. So why don’t you go cut off your own head to spite your face?

      I used to work in a homeless shelter where the only sign on the wall was GIVE RESPECT – GET RESPECT. That is the fundamental concept behind tolerance of others and it is a sin for a “true” muslim to practice this concept. That non-muslims are as tolerant of Islam as we are is perhaps the first evidence in history of an actual miracle, considering the sort of “due respect” we get in return.

  26. How coul this be worst then glee and other things… that create a life that don´t exist and this kids will grow up whit a idea that a fu**ing vampire will chance her life this is more disturbing then a religion… money is creating a hell on earth

  27. logic is blasphemy
    Since islam is based on slavery and mohammad was a slave owner…exploiting people is good sharia. As soon as muslims take over any land…. Exploitation and rape of anyone non muslim is sharia complient and encouraged. When the whole world becomes muslim dominated….breeding of slaves of people who did not convert and will not convert will turn Slavery into a multi billion dollar industry and Earth as a planet will be the largest and biggest slave producer and exporter in the Universe. islam as a cult that became a religion and a successfull producer of non-stop misery will reach it’s zenith within a few hundred years from now. Fantastic is all one can say when one actually realises what one man with a mental disease can achive even after death through chaos and hate as divine mental insanity. In islam logic is blasphemy and hence it’s success story.

  28. It’s either nuclear weapons or islam. We have to choose. Without nuclear weapons islam will never be wiped out …and by wiped out i mean WIPED OUT !!! Only AFTER islam is WIPED OUT can we even think of a nuclear weapon free world. Look around you at these monkeys … can’t you see where they are taking us as a species ? islam is leading the planet to a non- stop blood bath …slowly and surely …and without nuclear weapons islam’s march will never be stopped.
    Someone has to start bombing the monkeys sometime …. i have a feeling that China will be the first to bite back on islam’s arse. …. then free for all….. we live in interesting times…. our generation will see the death of islam….but how it will happen will be worth watching. Intelligence has a way of waking up and crushing the moronic , however vicious and barbaric. The thing to actually wonder is how Mecca and Medina will be pulverised. How will we do it ? And which year? That will be the exact beginning of a new era of peace.
    i have a feeling somewhere around some table some people in high and right places are looking at this solution. And i have a feeling they compromise a lot of different people from all over the globe. Intelligence is Good. Intelligence is Cool. islam is neither. Hence islam will literally dissolve. Without mecca and medina there is no islam. Period.
    After islam is Irradicated we can think about nuclear disarmamment and all things peacefull and noble. Till then we have to wait . We have to. There is no option. Muslims want us all dead and we want to live…. got any brighter ideas?
    Cheers !!

    1. to those in ignorance like Dr. Music !
      Dr. Music, your comments full of hate and destructive thoughts really amused me 🙂 You seem to be completely ignorant about Islam. Please study the Quran with an open mind, think in a relaxed environment and then see for yourself how deluded you are, Sir.

      With all due respect to you and other deluded and forsaken people out there….Islam is here to stay and expand. This is going to happen no matter what! And this is will not happen through war, but through education. The more people will read the Quran, the more they will be moved! If this is some sort of neurolinguistic programming then it is the most advanced and effective method ever deviced by anyone…cause it made you feel the pinch !!! Take real good care of your self Dr.Music. 🙂

    2. Great comment dr.music.
      I hadnt thought of the Chinese component in the battle against the greatest threat to the modern world, islam.
      Chinese leaders, unshackled by liberal guilt, will have no qualms in its mission.

      Interesting times indeed!

    3. I agree with you. The non Muslim world will have to unite to wipe this evil cult out. It is evil to the core

  29. Threatening us with being enslaved under Islam is not “all due respect.” We obviously do not want Islam anywhere near us, so please DO respect our wishes.

    And, yes, please do also read the Koran, such as the following quotes – indeed, the more people read the Koran, the more they will be moved to ban it.


    “This Book is not to be doubted…. As for the unbelievers, it is the same whether or not you forewarn them; they will not have faith. God has set a seal upon their hearts and ears; their sight is dimmed and grievous punishment awaits them.” Quran 2:1/2:6-2:10

    “God’s curse be upon the infidels! Evil is that for which they have bartered away their souls. To deny God’s own revelation, grudging that He should reveal His bounty to whom He chooses from among His servants! They have incurred God’s most inexorable wrath. An ignominious punishment awaits the unbelievers.” Quran 2:89-2:90

    “Lord…Give us victory over the unbelievers.” Quran 2:286

    “Lord…give us victory over the unbelievers.” Quran 3:148

    “I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers.” Quran 8:12

    “When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.” Quran 9:5

    “Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate.” Quran 9:73

    “Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that God is with the righteous.” Quran 9:123

    “Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another…” Quran 5:51

    “He that chooses a religion over Islam, it will not be accepted from him and in the world to come he will be one of the lost.” Quran 3:85

    “Let not believers make friends with infidels in preference to the faithful – he that does this has nothing to hope for from Good – except in self-defense. God admonishes you to fear Him: for to God shall all return.” Quran 3:28

    “Garments of fire have been prepared for the unbelievers. Scalding water shall be poured upon their heads, melting their skins and that which is in their bellies. They shall be lashed with rods of iron.

    “Whenever, in their anguish, they try to escape from Hell, back they shall be dragged, and will be told: ‘Taste the torment of the Conflagration!'” Quran 22:19-20

    “Muhammad is God’s apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another.” Quran 48:29

    “Those that deny Our revelations We will burn in fire. No sooner will their skins be consumed than We shall give them other skins, so that they may truly taste the scourge. God is mighty and wise.” Quran 4:56

    “Let not the unbelievers think that they will ever get away. They have not the power to do so. Muster against them all the men and cavalry at your command, so that you may strike terror into the enemy of God and your enemy…” Quran 8:59-60

    “Believers, know that the idolaters [non-Muslims] are unclean. Let them not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year is ended.” Quran 9:28

    “The unbelievers among the People of the Book [Bible] and the pagans shall burn for ever in the fire of Hell. They are the vilest of all creatures.” Quran 98:6


    “They ask you about menstruation. Say: ‘It is an indisposition. Keep aloof from women during their menstrual periods and do not approach them until they are clean again; when they are clean, have intercourse with them whence God enjoined you….'” Quran 2:222

    “Women are your fields: go, then, into your fields whence you please.” Quran 2:223

    “Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and forsake them in beds apart, and beat them.” Quran 4:34

    “A male shall inherit twice as much as a female.” Quran 4:11

    “Call in two male witnesses from among you, but if two men cannot be found, then one man and two women whom you judge fit to act as witnesses…” Quran 2:282

    [b]”[Forbidden to you are] married women, except those whom you own as slaves.”[/b] Quran 4:24

    [b]Rewards in Paradise[/b]

    “The righteous shall return to a blessed retreat: the gardens of Eden, whose gates shall open wide to receive them. Reclining there with bashful virgins for companions, they will call for abundant fruit and drink.” Quran 38:51-2

    “God has purchased from the faithful their lives and worldly goods, and in return has promised them the Garden. They will fight for the cause of God, they will slay, and be slain. Such is the true promise which He has made them in the Torah, the Gospel and the Koran….” Quran 9:111

    “As for the righteous, they shall be lodged in peace together amid gardens and fountains, arrayed in rick silks and fine brocade. Even thus; and We shall wed them to dark-eyed houris.” Quran 44:51-54

    “On that day [the unbelievers] shall be sternly thrown into the fire of Hell . . . But in fair gardens the righteous shall dwell in bliss, rejoicing in what their Lord will give them. Their Lord will shield them from the scourge of Hell. He will say: Eat and drink to your hearts content. This is the reward of your labours.

    “They shall recline on couches ranged in rows. To dark-eyed houris [virgin girls] We shall wed them. . . . Fruit We shall give them, and such meats as they desire. They will pass from hand to hand a cup inspiring no idle talk, no sinful urge; and there shall wait on them young boys of their own, as fair as virgin pearls.” Quran 52:13-24

    “Reclining there upon soft couches, they shall feel neither the scorching heat nor the biting cold. Trees will spread their shade around them, and fruits will hang in clusters over them.

    “They shall be served with silver dishes, and beakers as large as goblets; silver goblets which they themselves shall measure: and cups brim-full with ginger-flavoured water from a fount called Salsabil. They shall be attended by boys graced with eternal youth, who to the beholders eyes will seem like sprinkled pearls. When you gave upon that scene, you will behold a kingdom blissful and glorious.” Quran 76:9-20

    [b]Quotes from the Hadiths or Records of Mohammed’s Deeds and Words[/b]

    “The Prophet…said: I am commanded to fight with men till they testify that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is His servant and His apostle, face our qiblah (direction of prayer), eat what we slaughter, and pray like us.” Sunan Abu Dawud 14.2635

    “…the Apostle of Allah [said]: He who goes forth in Allah’s path and dies or is killed is a martyr…and will go to Paradise.” Sunan Abu Dawud 14.2493

    “The Prophet…said: Our Lord Most High is pleased with a man who fights in the path of Allah…” Sunan Abu Dawud 14.2530

    “Allah’s Apostle [Muhammad] said, ‘I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand.'” Sahih Bukhari 4.52.220

    “The Prophet used to go round (have sexual relations with) all his wives in one night, and he had nine wives.” Sahih Bukhari 7.62.6

    “The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with ‘Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).” Sahih Bukhari 7.62.88, 7.62.64

    “Once Allah’s Apostle went out to [offer the prayer]… Then he passed by the women and said, ‘O women! Give alms, as I have seen that [b]the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women)[/b].’ They asked, ‘Why is it so, O Allah’s Apostle?’ He replied, ‘You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you.’ The women asked, ‘O Allah’s Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?’ He said, ‘[b]Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?[/b]’ They replied in the affirmative. He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her intelligence.'” Sahih Bukhari 1.6.301

    Quotes from the Koran ([url]http://truthbeknown.com/islamquotes.htm[/url])

  30. Dear atheists,

    What will I gain out of threaten you guys. My friend ‘AS’ has quoted a number of Qurnaic verses and Hadiths of our beloved prophet (May peace be upon him and all other prophets too). We, muslims firmly believe in all sacred revealed religions, prophets, holy books. Without this fundametal beliefe we cannot be muslims. Those of us who spell hatred and violence are ignorent. Pleas study the Quran with an open mind and heart and its right context. Quoting individual verses out of context and without looking at the historical events preceeding their revelation will only result in misconceptions.

    Here are some facts from history for you to consider and decide if Islam taought bad things, would all of the following have been done by the first muslims!

    1. Slavery was prevalent in pre islamic times and it was unthinkable by Arabs not to have slaves. Islam gradually abolished slavery by giving slaves all the rights of any free person. This happened to the extent that there are authentic incidents of slaves being freed by their masters who did not want to be freed. Presently slavery is not being practiced by the majority of muslims and is neither preached by most of the well known scholors.

    2. Islam prohibits alcohol, drugs, rape, cheating, adultry, homosexuality, murder, forcefull conversion to Islam (The verses you have qouted were only valid for the prophet’s time when he started preaching islam peacefully and the arabs of his time started a war against him and the new converts. Obviously if someone attackes you, you have a right to fight. Just like the way US has attacked Iraq, Afghanistan etc and have detryed whole generations.)

    3. Poligamy has been frowned upon by all but not adultry! In the western world, numerous researches and studies have proven that you would hardly find a virgin in her teens. extramarital relations and their repurcussions are not hidden too. same sex marriages, violence etc is prevalent in the west as well. Why not raise ytour voice against all of this? why blame Islam or muslims for all your shortcomings?

    And the list goes on and on…..

    4. I feel that the biggest reason for atheist and some other non-muslims for hating Islam is that accepting it would impose restrictions on your current way of living, the unchecked abuse of females in the name of advertisements (who guys have made the female species into an object of advertisement alone). You can sell anything by relating it with a half naked female in the name of ‘art’ and modernism. Islam stops you from objectifying women, it stops you from drinking, partying and earning interest etc. In short it calls for a total change in your outlook and I fully understand my friend/brother in humanity that this is not an easy task.

    Happy reading. 🙂

    1. Yes, I always encourage the reading of the Koran. There you will find all the verses that explain why the Muslim world is a horrendous mess of human-rights abuses and why we must be concerned about devout Muslims globally.

      Quotes from Koran ([url]http://www.truthbeknown.com/islamquotes.htm[/url])

      Ignore the Muslim apologist blather above – it’s quite typical, and you will talk yourself blue in the face trying to address the many falsehoods and misrepresentations.

      Here’s a summary of Muslim apologist tactics:

      1. Denial.
      2. Deflection
      3. Insults
      4. Threats
      5. Violence

      That’s it in a nutshell. But do be sure to read How to Debate a Muslim ([url]http://sheikyermami.com/2009/06/16/how-to-debate-a-muslim/[/url]). There you will see how what this person has posted is boilerplate apologetics lingo that’s been debunked endlessly with FACTS. But the proselytizers will keep going and going.

    2. The teachings of Islam are a gross insult to women. For example, a woman’s testimony only worth that of a man’s in a court of law. What rubbish! Beating wives? Barbaric. Amputating limbs, beheading people in public – all in the name of God? It beggars belief!

    3. Taha haha,

      You are an immoral liar when you claim Islam gradually abolished slavery. Arab muslims were the main traders, brokers and hunters of African slaves for the entire period of the cross-Atlantic slave trade. Never mind the white slaves captured and sold into a life of misery and abuse at the hands of muslim armies all through the ages, from the occupation of Spain and Sicily to the piracy of the Barbary Coast States to the present day where sexual slavery and the murder and abuse of non-muslims is rampant.

  31. I feel sorry for you man…
    Hi, I am the above mentioned ‘Muslim apologist blather’ my friends. Islam is the greatest and sweetest religion and way of life in the world. I, and all devout muslims love the islamic way of life free of shamelessness, violence, terrorism in the name of ‘war on terror’ etc and drinking, drugs, abuse of women in the name of open mindedness, adultry, homosexuality, etc etc.

    I would like to repeat here that to judge Islam and Qur’an by looking at muslims of present day (not all of them though) is not the right approach. No other devine book is so scientific, beautifully formulated and carrying detailed instructions and information on all facets of life.

    The life of the holy prophet is in itself a practicle guide for alll of us, including our above dear ‘Mr. Know it all’ who has tried to abuse me – a peace loving muslim’. But I dont mind actually, since I can very well understand his naivity and ignorence.

    I often tell my fellow muslim brothers and sisters not to be violent towards those who are abusive or violent towards us, because we dont need to be. Allah will take our revenge from all those who have been waging a war agianst Islam and Muslims. We have to be patient.

    Let these so called civilised (perpetrators) of hatered, violence, prejudice, concentration of wealth, crimes ugainst humanity etc die there own death. Islam is here to stay. It is expanding like anything, Muslims are waking up and so are many non muslims.

    There is one God… Allah is His name in addition to many other names. His message has always been clear and true, be it the Bible, The Tora, The Vedas or the Quran (may be I have missed a few names).

    Please read history, try to understand rationally, the dynamics and situation of the world at th time of revelation of the Quran, then work your way upto the present day and see how Islam transformed barbarions into heros and champions of civilization. And how, afterwards, muslims have again fallen down because they have left the right path.

    Only we, the muslims are to be blamed, I believe, not anyone else. So please feel free to blame us, but not the message of God. Because He is as much your God as He is mine. 🙂

    1. I find Islam to be offensive on many levels, but you have no interest in any of those concerns.

      Instead, you are concerned with the Arab desert god Allah’s vengeance upon us for not wanting to be a part of a culturally biased and misogynistic ideology:

      Allah will take our revenge from all those who have been waging a war agianst Islam and Muslims.

      You are on the blog of someone who strenuously objects to Islam in its various permutations, so you have just become extremely hostile with a nonbeliever.

      And that’s the entire problem with Islam: It creates hostility, self-delusion, alienation and eventual violence.

      PLEASE, for the sake of humanity, join the rest of us and stop with the divisiveness and aggressions against non-Muslims, the blatant anti-infidelism and infidelophobia.

      Thank you.

    2. Islam never transformed barbarians into heroes and champions of civilization. No, it destroyed the civilizations of ancient Persia, Byzantium
      and the Christian Middle East, North Africa and Spain and nearly destroyed Indian civilization as well.

      Sadly and ironically the only thing that stopped Islam from destroying the rest of the world’s civilized cultures was the Mongol Horde of Genghis Khan. Thankfully, he was only a murderous psychopath and not a religious lunatic, so his evil empire barely outlasted his lifetime. His grandson Kubla Khan was already more culturally Chinese than Mongol by the time he ruled China.

  32. taha, there are very good reasons for non-muslims to feel the way many of the people do in the posts above about Islam and Muslims.

    If you’d like to discuss history let do it – some Muslims were certainly part of Hitlers SS fascist regime. They had much in common. Islam today is just picking up where Hitler’s Third Reich left off.

    History of Hitler and Muslim Waffen SS

    The Association between Naziism and Arab Antisemitism

    Why Muslims love Hitler

    As a non-muslim I find it impossible to trust or even feel safe around Islam or muslims. I don’t want them around me, my family, my kids, my city or my country.

  33. Yes, please DO read the Koran, including the following quotes – here is what the Koran says, verses taken as ETERNAL EDICTS by millions of the most devout Muslims.


    “This Book is not to be doubted…. As for the unbelievers, it is the same whether or not you forewarn them; they will not have faith. God has set a seal upon their hearts and ears; their sight is dimmed and grievous punishment awaits them.” Quran 2:1/2:6-2:10

    “God’s curse be upon the infidels! Evil is that for which they have bartered away their souls. To deny God’s own revelation, grudging that He should reveal His bounty to whom He chooses from among His servants! They have incurred God’s most inexorable wrath. An ignominious punishment awaits the unbelievers.” Quran 2:89-2:90

    “Lord…Give us victory over the unbelievers.” Quran 2:286

    “Lord…give us victory over the unbelievers.” Quran 3:148

    “I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers.” Quran 8:12

    “When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.” Quran 9:5

    “Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate.” Quran 9:73

    “Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that God is with the righteous.” Quran 9:123

    “Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another…” Quran 5:51

    “He that chooses a religion over Islam, it will not be accepted from him and in the world to come he will be one of the lost.” Quran 3:85

    “Let not believers make friends with infidels in preference to the faithful – he that does this has nothing to hope for from Good – except in self-defense. God admonishes you to fear Him: for to God shall all return.” Quran 3:28

    “Garments of fire have been prepared for the unbelievers. Scalding water shall be poured upon their heads, melting their skins and that which is in their bellies. They shall be lashed with rods of iron.

    “Whenever, in their anguish, they try to escape from Hell, back they shall be dragged, and will be told: ‘Taste the torment of the Conflagration!'” Quran 22:19-20

    “Muhammad is God’s apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another.” Quran 48:29

    “Those that deny Our revelations We will burn in fire. No sooner will their skins be consumed than We shall give them other skins, so that they may truly taste the scourge. God is mighty and wise.” Quran 4:56

    “Let not the unbelievers think that they will ever get away. They have not the power to do so. Muster against them all the men and cavalry at your command, so that you may strike terror into the enemy of God and your enemy…” Quran 8:59-60

    “Believers, know that the idolaters [non-Muslims] are unclean. Let them not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year is ended.” Quran 9:28

    “The unbelievers among the People of the Book [Bible] and the pagans shall burn for ever in the fire of Hell. They are the vilest of all creatures.” Quran 98:6


    “They ask you about menstruation. Say: ‘It is an indisposition. Keep aloof from women during their menstrual periods and do not approach them until they are clean again; when they are clean, have intercourse with them whence God enjoined you….'” Quran 2:222

    “Women are your fields: go, then, into your fields whence you please.” Quran 2:223

    “Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and forsake them in beds apart, and beat them.” Quran 4:34

    “A male shall inherit twice as much as a female.” Quran 4:11

    “Call in two male witnesses from among you, but if two men cannot be found, then one man and two women whom you judge fit to act as witnesses…” Quran 2:282

    “[Forbidden to you are] married women, except those whom you own as slaves.” Quran 4:24

    Rewards in Paradise

    “The righteous shall return to a blessed retreat: the gardens of Eden, whose gates shall open wide to receive them. Reclining there with bashful virgins for companions, they will call for abundant fruit and drink.” Quran 38:51-2

    “God has purchased from the faithful their lives and worldly goods, and in return has promised them the Garden. They will fight for the cause of God, they will slay, and be slain. Such is the true promise which He has made them in the Torah, the Gospel and the Koran….” Quran 9:111

    “As for the righteous, they shall be lodged in peace together amid gardens and fountains, arrayed in rick silks and fine brocade. Even thus; and We shall wed them to dark-eyed houris.” Quran 44:51-54

    “On that day [the unbelievers] shall be sternly thrown into the fire of Hell . . . But in fair gardens the righteous shall dwell in bliss, rejoicing in what their Lord will give them. Their Lord will shield them from the scourge of Hell. He will say: Eat and drink to your hearts content. This is the reward of your labours.

    “They shall recline on couches ranged in rows. To dark-eyed houris [virgin girls] We shall wed them. . . . Fruit We shall give them, and such meats as they desire. They will pass from hand to hand a cup inspiring no idle talk, no sinful urge; and there shall wait on them young boys of their own, as fair as virgin pearls.” Quran 52:13-24

    “Reclining there upon soft couches, they shall feel neither the scorching heat nor the biting cold. Trees will spread their shade around them, and fruits will hang in clusters over them.

    “They shall be served with silver dishes, and beakers as large as goblets; silver goblets which they themselves shall measure: and cups brim-full with ginger-flavoured water from a fount called Salsabil. They shall be attended by boys graced with eternal youth, who to the beholders eyes will seem like sprinkled pearls. When you gave upon that scene, you will behold a kingdom blissful and glorious.” Quran 76:9-20

    Quotes from the Hadiths or Records of Mohammed’s Deeds and Words

    “The Prophet…said: I am commanded to fight with men till they testify that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is His servant and His apostle, face our qiblah (direction of prayer), eat what we slaughter, and pray like us.” Sunan Abu Dawud 14.2635

    “…the Apostle of Allah [said]: He who goes forth in Allah’s path and dies or is killed is a martyr…and will go to Paradise.” Sunan Abu Dawud 14.2493

    “The Prophet…said: Our Lord Most High is pleased with a man who fights in the path of Allah…” Sunan Abu Dawud 14.2530

    “Allah’s Apostle [Muhammad] said, ‘I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand.'” Sahih Bukhari 4.52.220

    “The Prophet used to go round (have sexual relations with) all his wives in one night, and he had nine wives.” Sahih Bukhari 7.62.6

    “The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with ‘Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).” Sahih Bukhari 7.62.88, 7.62.64

    “Once Allah’s Apostle went out to [offer the prayer]… Then he passed by the women and said, ‘O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women).’ They asked, ‘Why is it so, O Allah’s Apostle?’ He replied, ‘You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you.’ The women asked, ‘O Allah’s Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?’ He said, ‘Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?‘ They replied in the affirmative. He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her intelligence.'” Sahih Bukhari 1.6.301


      1. Hmm…
        Mate…that’s fu**ing horrible. Between that and the above quotes, how can anyone follow islam. f**k religion.

    1. My only problem here is that, if Islam is a religion of peace then, why do they kill fellow human beings like animals. If Islam really is peace then, let Muslims prove it.

        1. supreme commander
          Religion is control–pure and simple. Islamic religion is evil because it preaches violence and intolerance. It is spreading like a fu**ing disease–quite like an STD. Control your beliefs, control your women, control your wardrobe (e.g. burkas). When you realize that your thoughts control your world (not some supreme being) you begin to understand how stupid religion really is. Praise to Islam and the New World Order (crap).

      1. You may as well say, if Christianity is a religion of peace, how come they have slaughtered millions of human beings in the last 6 decades?

        Let the Christians prove that they are peaceful!

        1. What the?
          Marta T, kindly back up this ridiculous claim with credible facts and references, or withdraw it completely. There is no possible way that Christians have “slaughtered millions of human beings in the last 6 decades” as you claim. I-slam has slaughtered many thousands, but Christians have not perpetrated anywhere near even that. One only has to go back over news records to realise that. Your brash statement is an abject lie.

          1. Facts u asked for
            The christian crusades killed in all b/w 1 million people (source: John Shertzer Hittell, “A Brief History of Culture” (1874) ) and 3 million (source: Robertson, John M., “A Short History of Christianity” (1902) ). In contrast 9/11 death toll: 2996

        2. We have all sinned. Each and everyone. Jesus’ last commandment was “love one another” let’s stop our hate, it’s killing us. Gods kingdom come, his will be done. Amen. Peace .

        3. nate
          If Christians have, which they haven’t, (merely people saying they were Christian), there is no justification for it in the New Testament. Verese in the Old Testament were particular to Israel at that exact time, verses in the Qur’an are for all time.

        4. There are bad people throughout the world
          regardless of religion; whether Muslim, Jew, Christian or Hindi….. I am a Christian and my God teaches me to pray that those who are not followers of Jesus find Him and follow Him. That is what I do – I pray for them – I don’t hate them, hurt them or intimidate them. I pray for them.

      2. Jealously
        All these comments against Islam show that you are all in fact jealous of its popularity and truthfulness . Inshalllah, Islam will prevail in all over the world and there will be no unbeliever left because its the promise of Almighty Allah. Just wait and watch.
        The best thing about Islam is that we really find peace of heart in it. We feel God is with us and that’s why we don’t fear any body. Muslims are made wipe out the evil. Every word of Qur’an is based on truth. No body can dare to prove its single wrong because Allah is Himself protecting it…. Listen you all unbelievers Allah is challenging you in this verse.,,,prove it wrong if you can, and you will be free forever,,,,,

        ‘This is the Book in which there is no doubt, a guide for the righteous.’ {Qur’an}

        Prove a single word of Qur’an wrong, but you wouldn’t. I have a question for all unbelievers that if you don’t like Islam why you always curious about knowing Islam and reading the Qur’an.

        Concerning what are they disputing?
        Concerning the Great News.
        About which they cannot agree.
        Verily, they shall soon (come to) know!
        Verily, verily they shall soon (come to) know!
        surah 78:1-5 Al Naba’ (The Great News)

        In that is a Sign for those who fear the penalty of the Hereafter: that is a Day for which mankind will be gathered together: that will be a Day of Testimony. Nor shall We delay it but for a term appointed.
        Qur’an 11.102-7

        “Indeed, those who have believed [in Prophet Muhammad] and those [before Him] who were Jews or Sabeans or Christians – those [among them] who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteousness – no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve. (69)”

        1. So we are “jealous” of your ignorant way of life? Do you realize that’s exactly the answer a lot of Americans gave after 9/11 when they asked themselves, “Why do they hate us?” “Oh, they must be jealous of our wonderful way of life.” These Americans would have found a different answer if they had any knowledge of the Quran.

          As a Canadian, let me assure you, I am not jealous of either way of life. But if were forced to choose, I’d stick with the Americans. Despite all the big fat “Christians” there who want to overthrow the government, for whatever demented reasons they can think of (Obamacare, gun control, to form an Aryan Nation, ad nauseum) there is still some vestige of the separation of church and state. Teachers there can still teach evolution at least, even in Kansas.

          George Bush and his gang of criminal thugs scared the bejesus out of most of us Canadians, but Islam wants to scare the life out of us.

        2. That’s silly
          It is my understanding that anyone who is inclined to convert to Islam may do so. The people who speak out against Islam are, like myself, concerned that Islamic culture is encroaching on the free world, and that it is incompatible with the ideals that we value in the West.

    2. The truth about islam
      with regards to the quotes displayed from the following site:

      There is an attempt to portray islam in a negative way, whoever has added the quotes has no doubt an evil intention, that is to stir hatred and racial strife amongst people with reasonable mind and civilised manners.
      The quotes, are all taken out of context, and we all know, how dangerous, unfair and ridiculous that can be.

      The same can be done to any religion, and belief, I mean taking things out of context with the intention of conveying a wicked and false message, be it Christianity, Budaism,,…. etc.

      The problem is not with the ideology of the religion, rather it is the people’s interpretation of it. People do bad things in the name of a religion, does not mean that the particular religion is bad in itself.
      People abuse religion, to their own wicked means. History is littered with such cases.
      I am not a historian, but we all know,the numerous wars and mascaras over the years in Europe committed in the name of Christianity, does not make it a bad religion. Religions are a way of life, a way to conduct one’s self in life, and a way of communicating and treating other people. Essentially, they are all good and tend to promote peace, love and humility.

      So to portray a religion as an “evil religion”, is a demonstration of the lack of knowledge, imperfection, bias, greed, love of power, and narrow-mindedness, to mention but a few, of human characteristics.
      There is no evil religion. It is the bad side of a human creature , shall we say. And again we all know how dangerous these human qualities can be. world wars, genocides, civil wars and so on.

      People use religion for commercial and political purposes. and that is where the evil lies, it is the people, not the religion.



      1. So unfortunate the reason Islam evil is spreading is because of people like you who have zero knowledge about Islam but will stick your head out to defend it, before you compare Islam with any other religion do your research Islam is not a religion , a tree is known by the fruits it bears and Mohammed was a false prophet no prophet character morality or personality was like the evil Mohammed , what other religions did centuries ago or what their holy texts say doesn’t matter because they are not their books to their chests n blowing people or beheading ,
        Ironically you are one of the millions of people who are Muslim sympathizers politically correct and want every civilized rules n law applied to the savages who use the same laws to exterminate kaffurs or non Muslims
        So wake up from ur slumber before they behead you and for god sake don’t say it’s quoted out of context because if you are educated and not an idiot you will know the difference

    3. Koran is book of Allah
      the most important thing is that we Muslims allow each non muslim to read the Quran but your pops or your care taker of christianity or jewish they does not allow each of you to get education of Bible. we have believe that Bible is the book from Almighty Allah but now its not in its true shape. The Quran is the Book of Allah, very simple to understand its challange from Allah to make a verse as the verses of Quran and this chalange is approximaterly 15 centuries ago. But no one could and can not do that,
      in our religion every Muslim as well as nonmuslims are allowed to get the education of Koran and you will not believe that we feel happy if some one starts to read Koran because we know that its Book of Allah and it has taste of truth , if you are going to read that with biased mind then at last you will feel that Koran is true but Allah said that these non muslims know that islam is true but they don not accept it because they do not want to sacrifice there lewd life there ruling life……….. think about it and you will feel that Islam is true you accept or not its depend upon you.

      1. Truth is stranger than fiction
        Dear Friend,
        Explain me one simple thing, why Middle east nations don’t allow other religion to propser and free practice of their religion specially Saudi arabia, why to wear full sleeved cloth and veil etc . and why every muslim flock to western world and try to impose their religion,
        Man if u like islam so be it, don’t boast that it is best blah blah,
        and why only muslims are killing the people across the world in the name of allah.
        Explain me that

  34. Qura’an
    “Even if you stretch forth your hand towards me in order to kill me, I´ll never stretch out hand towards you to kill you. I fear God, Lord of the Universe” [i]Qura’an[/i] (5:28)

    “Whoever kills a person …it is as though he has killed all mankind.” ([i]Qura’an[/i] 5:32)

    Doesn’t these verses reveal how Islam is against terrorism and against homicide????

    People should seriously read the Qura’anic verses and read their explanations before really commenting! Be wise enough and don’t attack anyone or anything before actually understanding the base of it.

    Thank you for your tolerance!

    1. Thank you for your kind regards.

      It’s great if people want to focus on the “good” parts of the Koran. However, those of us peaceful people who read the Koran are not the problem. The problem lies with the Taliban, Salafis, Wahhabis and other strains of fanatics who most assuredly ARE violent and committing terrorism and homicide.

      Are you really that oblivious to the violence by fervent Muslims/Islamists globally ([url]http://thereligionofpeace.com[/url])? Perhaps you need to take your wish for “tolerance” to THEM, rather than lecturing those of us who are NOT following the verses in the Koran ([url]http://truthbeknown.com[/url]) that most assuredly ARE violent and have been used to spread hatred, intolerance and violence all over the world.

      A few platitudes here and there will not suffice to erase the horrendous violence that has accompanied the spread of Islam ([url]http://occidentalsoapbox.blogspot.com/2008/11/islamic-crusades.html[/url]) and that continues to this day all over the world in the name of Islam.

      [quote]People should seriously read the Qura’anic verses and read their explanations before really commenting![/quote]
      We HAVE read the Koran and explanations – here is the result:

      “About sixty-one percent of the contents of the Koran are found to speak ill of the unbelievers or call for their violent conquest; at best only 2.6 percent of the verses of the Koran are noted to show goodwill toward humanity. About seventy-five percent of Muhammad’s biography (Sira) consists of jihad waged on unbelievers.” –Dr. Moorthy Muthuswamy

      I would suggest that you read the commentaries concerning these supposedly benevolent or well-wishing verses above.

      Here’s a start:

      Games Muslims Play ([url]http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/Pages/Games-Muslims-Play.htm[/url])

      By the way, criticizing Islam is not “attacking people.” Islam is not a person. Nor are people Islam. Islam is an ideology that brainwashes people – they can be free of it ([url]http://faithfreedom.org[/url]).

    2. Do these verses …
      Undo Islamic atrocities? Although reading the Koran might be important, simply observing what Muslims do, 24/7/365 all over the Earth is the only reality. Talking some bullsh*t version of peace while slitting someone’s throat just doesn’t stand with sane people. If I’m sparring another black belt on the floor, I don’t read a book about him, I watch what he does. It’s just that simple, logical and sane. Islam, on the other hand, is insanity. And, seriously, why should anyone “tolerate” Islam. It does not tolerate anything or anyone. And, please, don’t pontificate to us. Pontificate you your fellow Islamists and tell them to become civilized.

  35. Islam is about blind obedience and unquestioning faith. Those who oppose it are not blind – the evidence of some of .its evil deeds is everywhere – and anything that stifles debate or blocks questions or inflicts death and injury to human beings is to be deplored. I have read the Quran ( and the Bible ) and come to conclusions similar to those of Richard Dawkins. The God of the Quran and the Bible is a vindictive bully, demanding unconditional veneration. Who in his right mind would give in to a bully?

  36. Dear all,

    My appologies if I have offended anyone. It is good to know that you guys have been doing your reading. I have read the Quran and I have read the Bible, the vedas (to some extent) and religions and spirituality is my prime interest. I fully agree with those of you who feel that muslims are violent. I myself feel so, and it is bad. But as far as I have read and comtemplated on the core teachings of my religion, I found the following to be the core of Islam:-

    1. There is one God (we call Him Allah, you can call him by any good name)
    2. He created the universe and is sustaining it.
    3. He has been sending his messengers throughout human history and Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was the last and final messenger of God.
    4. Quran (just like other revealed texts) has been sent by Allah (God) to the whole of human kind (and the Jins/spirits as well) through Muhammad. It is the final message.
    5. Yes, Allah ordered muslims of Muhammad’s time to wage wars against those who waged wars against muslims. I dont see the problem here! They attack you, you attack them (as against the US or Hitler etc who attacked innocent people throughout).
    6. Jihad today (as far as I understand it) is of three kinds ie Jihad against ones own self (against greed, lust etc), Jihad against forces of evil through raising your voice, writing, tolerating, and fighting as a last resort but definately not killing innocent people.
    7. Whoever did 9/11 can certainly not be a true muslim and should be charged with murder
    8. Non muslims should be respected and given full rights in muslim countries just like the way it was during the Prophet’s time.
    9. As a muslim I have full faith in Allah, in Quran, in my beliefs and I love my Prophet (May peace by upon him).
    10. I will never, ever, be disrespectful to any person or religion but I will certainly raise my voice against certain beliefs and traits of your western society like greed (which is the hallmark of capitalism), intolerence of muslim values like the hijab, drinking, partying, nudity, violence against muslims, dual values for muslims and non-muslims, homosexuality etc. as these are against muslim beliefs.
    11. I feel sorry for atheists and I pray that may Allah guide them.
    12. Lastly, we, muslims do reserve the right to defend our countries, dont we?

    1. 1. The god of mohammed and the god of the christians and jews is not the same god. We are the sons and daughters of god in the bible. In the koran god is on his own and we are his slaves, Chapter 5 Verse 35-38 in the Koran.
      2. ok,
      3.Again it is a different god to the judaist god, so jesus, moses ect, were not sent by the god of mohhamed.
      4.Mohammeds god told him to spread the word of god through violence, if they didn’t convert, they would have to pay tax, if they refused to pay tax they were killed.
      5. Mohammed waged offensive war, it is a lie to say muslims were attacked, mohammed killed and raped his way to the biggest empire of history at that time in history. Jesus “You have heard love your neighbour and hate your enemies, I now tell you love your enemy”
      6. “Fighting as a last resort but definantly not killing innocent people” “When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.” Quran 9:5 The Koran demands muslims to kill and attack non-muslims, Jesus demands christians to love their enemy.
      7.Who ever did 9/11 is under the Koran and the Hadith is a good muslim. And they have follwed the example mohammed layed down in the Hadith.
      8.Non-muslims are given second status in Islamic countries, you are lesser than a muslim. And are demanded by the koran to make war with non-believers “Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that God is with the righteous.” Quran 9:123
      9.I suggest you research and read the koran, I believe there is love and understanding in all of us and if you read the koran especially as an educated person you will see the wrongs in the Koran and leave your faith. Must muslims in the western world haven’t read the Koran, all people muslims and non-muslims need to be educated and light needs to be shone on the Koran to expose the violent nature of it so muslims can see and reject islam.
      10.You will speak out against homosexuals because it is a sin. Jesus tells us to love everyone. You are a bad muslim if you do not disrespect non-muslims and allah will send you to hell for respecting and living peacfully with non-muslims “Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another…” Quran 5:51
      11. All Non-Muslims live in peace with one another, we have only islam to fear. If you need god in your life, look to Jesus.
      12. in the western world you also have the right to leave your religion and not be afraid of persecution, the western world will protect you, you are at risk of being murdered if you do this in a muslim country

  37. There is no such a thing Qur’an has a bad part!!! You are just an ignorant about Qur’an as I am. And you are reading the verses in way separating them from their context!!!

    1. So, if we are “totally ignorant” about the Koran, and you are just as ignorant as we are, how do you know that the Koran doesn’t have any “bad part?”

      The “out of context ([url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK7P7uZFf5o[/url])” argument is not a panacea to cure all ills. The fact is that the Koran is full of violence against infidels:

      [quote]”About sixty-one percent of the contents of the Koran are found to speak ill of the unbelievers or call for their violent conquest; at best only 2.6 percent of the verses of the Koran are noted to show goodwill toward humanity. About seventy-five percent of Muhammad’s biography (Sira) consists of jihad waged on unbelievers.” –Dr. Moorthy Muthuswamy[/quote]
      Another fact is that it is not WE who take these violent and hateful verses “out of context” but Islamist fanatics themselves who do so. Perhaps you need to go tell all the Taliban, Salafis, Wahhabis, Shiites and other Muslims who are killing people that THEY are “taking these quotes out of context.” I’m sure they would enjoy hearing from you.

      Here are verses from the Koran and hadiths that are often used to teach jihadists their ideology – being dishonest about these facts will not suffice to make them go away.


      “This Book is not to be doubted…. As for the unbelievers, it is the same whether or not you forewarn them; they will not have faith. God has set a seal upon their hearts and ears; their sight is dimmed and grievous punishment awaits them.” Quran 2:1/2:6-2:10

      “God’s curse be upon the infidels! Evil is that for which they have bartered away their souls. To deny God’s own revelation, grudging that He should reveal His bounty to whom He chooses from among His servants! They have incurred God’s most inexorable wrath. An ignominious punishment awaits the unbelievers.” Quran 2:89-2:90

      “Lord…Give us victory over the unbelievers.” Quran 2:286

      “Lord…give us victory over the unbelievers.” Quran 3:148

      “I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers.” Quran 8:12

      “When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.” Quran 9:5

      “Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate.” Quran 9:73

      “Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that God is with the righteous.” Quran 9:123

      “Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another…” Quran 5:51

      “He that chooses a religion over Islam, it will not be accepted from him and in the world to come he will be one of the lost.” Quran 3:85

      “Let not believers make friends with infidels in preference to the faithful – he that does this has nothing to hope for from Good – except in self-defense. God admonishes you to fear Him: for to God shall all return.” Quran 3:28

      “Garments of fire have been prepared for the unbelievers. Scalding water shall be poured upon their heads, melting their skins and that which is in their bellies. They shall be lashed with rods of iron.

      “Whenever, in their anguish, they try to escape from Hell, back they shall be dragged, and will be told: ‘Taste the torment of the Conflagration!'” Quran 22:19-20

      “Muhammad is God’s apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another.” Quran 48:29

      “Those that deny Our revelations We will burn in fire. No sooner will their skins be consumed than We shall give them other skins, so that they may truly taste the scourge. God is mighty and wise.” Quran 4:56

      “Let not the unbelievers think that they will ever get away. They have not the power to do so. Muster against them all the men and cavalry at your command, so that you may strike terror into the enemy of God and your enemy…” Quran 8:59-60

      “Believers, know that the idolaters [non-Muslims] are unclean. Let them not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year is ended.” Quran 9:28

      “The unbelievers among the People of the Book [Bible] and the pagans shall burn for ever in the fire of Hell. They are the vilest of all creatures.” Quran 98:6


      “They ask you about menstruation. Say: ‘It is an indisposition. Keep aloof from women during their menstrual periods and do not approach them until they are clean again; when they are clean, have intercourse with them whence God enjoined you….'” Quran 2:222

      “Women are your fields: go, then, into your fields whence you please.” Quran 2:223

      “Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and forsake them in beds apart, and beat them.” Quran 4:34

      “A male shall inherit twice as much as a female.” Quran 4:11

      “Call in two male witnesses from among you, but if two men cannot be found, then one man and two women whom you judge fit to act as witnesses…” Quran 2:282

      [b]”[Forbidden to you are] married women, except those whom you own as slaves.”[/b] Quran 4:24

      [b]Rewards in Paradise[/b]

      “The righteous shall return to a blessed retreat: the gardens of Eden, whose gates shall open wide to receive them. Reclining there with bashful virgins for companions, they will call for abundant fruit and drink.” Quran 38:51-2

      “God has purchased from the faithful their lives and worldly goods, and in return has promised them the Garden. They will fight for the cause of God, they will slay, and be slain. Such is the true promise which He has made them in the Torah, the Gospel and the Koran….” Quran 9:111

      “As for the righteous, they shall be lodged in peace together amid gardens and fountains, arrayed in rick silks and fine brocade. Even thus; and We shall wed them to dark-eyed houris.” Quran 44:51-54

      “On that day [the unbelievers] shall be sternly thrown into the fire of Hell . . . But in fair gardens the righteous shall dwell in bliss, rejoicing in what their Lord will give them. Their Lord will shield them from the scourge of Hell. He will say: Eat and drink to your hearts content. This is the reward of your labours.

      “They shall recline on couches ranged in rows. To dark-eyed houris [virgin girls] We shall wed them. . . . Fruit We shall give them, and such meats as they desire. They will pass from hand to hand a cup inspiring no idle talk, no sinful urge; and there shall wait on them young boys of their own, as fair as virgin pearls.” Quran 52:13-24

      “Reclining there upon soft couches, they shall feel neither the scorching heat nor the biting cold. Trees will spread their shade around them, and fruits will hang in clusters over them.

      “They shall be served with silver dishes, and beakers as large as goblets; silver goblets which they themselves shall measure: and cups brim-full with ginger-flavoured water from a fount called Salsabil. They shall be attended by boys graced with eternal youth, who to the beholders eyes will seem like sprinkled pearls. When you gave upon that scene, you will behold a kingdom blissful and glorious.” Quran 76:9-20

      [b]Quotes from the Hadiths or Records of Mohammed’s Deeds and Words[/b]

      “The Prophet…said: I am commanded to fight with men till they testify that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is His servant and His apostle, face our qiblah (direction of prayer), eat what we slaughter, and pray like us.” Sunan Abu Dawud 14.2635

      “…the Apostle of Allah [said]: He who goes forth in Allah’s path and dies or is killed is a martyr…and will go to Paradise.” Sunan Abu Dawud 14.2493

      “The Prophet…said: Our Lord Most High is pleased with a man who fights in the path of Allah…” Sunan Abu Dawud 14.2530

      “Allah’s Apostle [Muhammad] said, ‘I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand.'” Sahih Bukhari 4.52.220

      “The Prophet used to go round (have sexual relations with) all his wives in one night, and he had nine wives.” Sahih Bukhari 7.62.6

      “The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with ‘Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).” Sahih Bukhari 7.62.88, 7.62.64

      “Once Allah’s Apostle went out to [offer the prayer]… Then he passed by the women and said, ‘O women! Give alms, as I have seen that [b]the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women)[/b].’ They asked, ‘Why is it so, O Allah’s Apostle?’ He replied, ‘You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you.’ The women asked, ‘O Allah’s Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?’ He said, ‘[b]Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?[/b]’ They replied in the affirmative. He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her intelligence.'” Sahih Bukhari 1.6.301

      For the original Arabic, following the links here:

      Quotes from the Koran ([url]http://www.truthbeknown.com/islamquotes.htm[/url])

    2. Sorry to disturb your total ingongrance (whatever that is), but nobody is taking these quotes out of context. They are taking them out of the Quran. That IS the context. So many hateful, genocidal quotes in one rather small book do not make for a good impression unless you’ve been thoroughly indoctrinated into this poisonous ideology.

  38. I am amused 🙂
    Hi guys. This is Taha. I am really amused after reading the long argument and explanations by ‘Acharya S’. Since he himself has quoted the right verse, I do not need to say anything more :-)…

    “This Book is not to be doubted…. As for the unbelievers, it is the same whether or not you forewarn them; they will not have faith. God has set a seal upon their hearts and ears; their sight is dimmed and grievous punishment awaits them.” Quran 2:1/2:6-2:10

    I have nothing more to say. May Allah have mercy on all of you and may he show you the right path. God bless you all.


    1. I see, so it’s amusing to you that your desert barbarian god has threatened everyone with hellfire?

      Thank you for providing yet more evidence of the violent, hateful and vicious nature of Islam.

      May Isis have mercy on your soul.

  39. re: Dawkins is stupid
    [quote name=”Samir”]Dakwins allegation are untrue against Islam Doesn’t have any idea of Islam and Muslim He should read first book of god “Koran” to understand Islam, God is one , Islam is religion of god[/quote]
    There are many commands in the koran from allah via his prophet mohammed that the true believer should slay the unbeliever. these commands stand for all time, not just the time when they were issued. failure to obey such commands is failure to be a true muslim. THAT is why islam is an abomination, why it can never be integrated, it is an ideology of conquest, war and hatred.

  40. Allah is not God, he was based on a pagan moon God who is as destructive as God is creative.
    The Old Testament was a record of historical events and Christianity did not exist during that time. Christ came to change that history. The Q’ran is a violent book of instructions to invade, infiltrate, populate, conquer non muslim countries, force conversion, murder or enslave the people. A book born of Jealousy, hatred, deceit and delusions of grandeur.
    Christ was a healer who taught love and forgiveness. Mohammod was a War Lord, a liar, thief and murderer who made false promises to savages to get them to do his bidding to take over the world. How could anyone worship a man who believed the sun went down into a muddy pond?
    Islam is an extremely depraved religion that does not recognise human rights. We are evil for not wearing a body bag, for eating pork and drinking beer. But because Mohammod approved of paedophilia, bigamy, misogyny, beastiality, necrophilia, slavery etc. then that’s alright. Indoctrinated people simply cannot rationalise the truth.

  41. re: I am amused 🙂
    [quote name=”Taha”]Hi guys. This is Taha. I am really amused after reading the long argument and explanations by ‘Acharya S’. Since he himself has quoted the right verse, I do not need to say anything more :-)…

    "This Book is not to be doubted…. As for the unbelievers, it is the same whether or not you forewarn them; they will not have faith. God has set a seal upon their hearts and ears; their sight is dimmed and grievous punishment awaits them." Quran 2:1/2:6-2:10

    I have nothing more to say. May Allah have mercy on all of you and may he show you the right path. God bless you all.


    Is that a death threat from you to all unbelievers?

  42. re:
    [quote name=”Anonymous”]Dear all,

    My appologies if I have offended anyone. It is good to know that you guys have been doing your reading. I have read the Quran and I have read the Bible, the vedas (to some extent) and religions and spirituality is my prime interest. I fully agree with those of you who feel that muslims are violent. I myself feel so, and it is bad. But as far as I have read and comtemplated on the core teachings of my religion, I found the following to be the core of Islam:-

    1. There is one God (we call Him Allah, you can call him by any good name)
    2. He created the universe and is sustaining it.
    3. He has been sending his messengers throughout human history and Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was the last and final messenger of God.
    4. Quran (just like other revealed texts) has been sent by Allah (God) to the whole of human kind (and the Jins/spirits as well) through Muhammad. It is the final message.
    5. Yes, Allah ordered muslims of Muhammad’s time to wage wars against those who waged wars against muslims. I dont see the problem here! They attack you, you attack them (as against the US or Hitler etc who attacked innocent people throughout).
    6. Jihad today (as far as I understand it) is of three kinds ie Jihad against ones own self (against greed, lust etc), Jihad against forces of evil through raising your voice, writing, tolerating, and fighting as a last resort but definately not killing innocent people.
    7. Whoever did 9/11 can certainly not be a true muslim and should be charged with murder
    8. Non muslims should be respected and given full rights in muslim countries just like the way it was during the Prophet’s time.
    9. As a muslim I have full faith in Allah, in Quran, in my beliefs and I love my Prophet (May peace by upon him).
    10. I will never, ever, be disrespectful to any person or religion but I will certainly raise my voice against certain beliefs and traits of your western society like greed (which is the hallmark of capitalism), intolerence of muslim values like the hijab, drinking, partying, nudity, violence against muslims, dual values for muslims and non-muslims, homosexuality etc. as these are against muslim beliefs.
    11. I feel sorry for atheists and I pray that may Allah guide them.
    12. Lastly, we, muslims do reserve the right to defend our countries, dont we? [/quote]

    The koran threatens me and my loved ones with death unless I become muslim. I really hate you for that and I despise and loathe your foul beliefs and everything you stand for. I don’t want you in my country.

  43. [quote]I will certainly raise my voice against muslim values like the hijab, drinking, partying, nudity, violence against muslims, dual values for muslims and non-muslims, homosexuality etc. as these are against muslim beliefs.[/quote]

    Hmmm. i didn’t know that drinking, partying and nudity were “muslim values.” Great! Now we have more in common. But why are you raising your voice against “muslim values,” if you’re a Muslim.

    Now, I DID know that violence against Muslims was a “muslim value,” as Muslims are constantly committing violence against other Muslims. And I also knew that “dual values for muslims and non-muslims” is also a “muslim value.” Because, according to Islam, non-Muslims are LOWER in value than Muslims and should be hated, abused and killed, if possible.

    Homosexuality? Well, that’s just none of your damned business, is it? And the Muslim world is FULL of homosexuality ([url]http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2010/03/afghanistan-boy-sex-slaves-taliban[/url]), so just quit with your bullsh*t.

    If you won’t tolerate our values, then we will not tolerate yours. Yours in fact, go something like this:

    Beheadings, stonings, bombings, limb amputations, hangings, honor killings, beatings, torture, genital mutilation, slavery, women enslavement, sex slavery and rape, misogyny and sexism, child marriage and rape, etc., ad nauseam.

    Yep, those are great “muslim values.” Let’s all respect those values!

    Not going to happen, so get over it.

  44. Muslim Values
    Dear brothers and sisters,

    I may not have been able to express my views succinctly. Muslim values definately do not include drinking, partying, nudity etc. We are against these western values of your (please do not be offended brothers and sisters as I can smell alot of anger in you guys 🙂 ).

    May Allah Almighty have mercy on all of you and may he guide you to the right path. It really amuses me to see how blind you guys are to the wrongdoings of non muslims and how specifically you pick the negativities of muslims while completely closing your eyes to the numerous and uncountable positives of Islam.

    P.S. I am never going to get over it …… AS 🙂

    I hope you respect my views and the beauty of Islamic teachings. TC

    1. This kind of arrogant, dismissive, semi-literate sense of superiority is one of the most obnoxious aspects of Islam. This ugly trait is yet another example of the “beauty of Islamic teachings” you are so proud of. If the positives of Islam are truly “numerous and uncountable”, I challenge you to name a single one.

  45. That man sucks
    Islam Is the best. Some people hate it because they dont have any knowlede!
    Im a muslim.
    Imagine if everyone went around saying “Christianity is evil”
    Imagine that.

    Dawkins is a insane, typical hater.
    Duhh people. Not in a million yrs would i listen to this ill-tempered man.

    You can thumb up or thumb down but what i`ve just said is the truth.
    Either accept or get f**ked. Truth hurts but guys u need to suffer the pain.

    Go true followers.
    Haters are gona hate. God please make sure you put this evil man in the lowest depths of hell.
    Islam is my favourite. Allah I love u and I freakin hate people disrespecting you. Why did u even make such people?

    La illah ha illal la hu muhammadur rasoolalah.

    Islam Is 1 true religion.

    1. Actually, Dawkins is right. You call others “haters” for criticizing an ideology that makes people hateful and violent. And then you confirm the very reason he’s complaining about Islam, by making very vicious and hateful comments about his person. How typical – you’ve just proved him right with your ugliness, which reflects the ugliness of Islam.

      It doesn’t sound like you know much about Islam, despite your euphoria. You might want to actually study a subject – to figure out what millions of people are saying the same thing about it – before you follow it blindly. [i]Especially [/i]when something is [i]this [/i]evil.

      Islamic/sharia law supports the following – is this what you believe in?

      Honor killings
      Supremacy/global domination
      Limb amputations
      Genital mutilation
      Death to apostates
      Forced conversion
      Sex slavery and rape
      Women enslavement
      Wife beating
      Child marriage/rape
      Brutality against homosexuals
      Bigotry and hatred
      Robbery and pillage
      Extortion of nonbelievers
      Animal cruelty
      Prohibition of music/singing
      Etc., ad nauseam

      Here’s what the Muslim spokesmen in the attached videos are advocating – something to be “proud” of?

      Islamic supremacy and global domination
      Prohibition of music and singing
      Imprisonment, flogging, torture and death for homosexuals
      Jihad to force Islam on the world
      Jews as apes and pigs
      Jews as the eternal enemies of Muslims
      Jews as originators of all evil and catastrophe in the world
      Osama bin Laden in Paradise
      Raping women okay in Islam
      Female genital mutilation “obligatory” in Islam
      Sex slaves for Muslim men
      Child marriage/rape
      Mohammed having sex with a 9-year-old girl
      Wife beating
      Death for “insulting” Mohammed
      Death to apostates and infidels
      Genocide of Americans
      Jihad to “raid the world”
      Non-Muslims being not innocent and subject to death

      http://islamreality.wordpress.com ([url]http://islamreality.wordpress.com[/url])

    Mr dawkin is totally correct. Islam must be removed from modern society or we will all be dragged back to the 7th century, where Islam belongs

  47. Islam is the devils biggest deception ever. I know this for a fact because our Lord Jesus unshackled me from the abyss of darkness. Nonetheless it is foolish and outright wrong to describe Islam followers as evil people. They are basically tricked and are misled by the father of all deception. Unlike other lost souls who have access to divine scriptures, Muslims offer unprecedented challenge to true believers, as no other people follow a book which is truly satanic and claims to be divine. What hope do they have besides Christ? Guns and missiles cannot deliver Muslims from their captivity. It only exacerbates their predicament. For the struggle “is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”Eph 6:12
    As for my fellow Muslims (and other God fearing people), I like to say that God will come to you if only you are willing. Jer 29:13“And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”

  48. I think that this is quite unreasonable and an unfair comment towards Islam. And waht people TRY and portray is that islam is cruel and an unfair religion… if you actually see a Muslim person outside, then you wills see that they act and behave like everyone else.

    1. Noone is saying Muslims are bad…they are saying Islam is wicked and muslims are being fooled. I know lots of nice muslims who are scared to leave Islam although they want to. No,…Islam is evil without a doubt.

    2. that is stupid…hitler acted like everyone else a lot of the time too. even the muslims that arent actually killing people still believe its ok to do so, if you “offend” islam or muhammad

  49. Sam: “to claim that Islam is the world’s biggest evil is pretty ignorant.”

    Not really:

    “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”
    – Omar M. Ahmad, founder of CAIR July 4th, 1998

    “The 9/11 hijackers should be honored as martyrs.”
    – Warith Deen Umar, Former Muslim Chaplain, New York Prisons

    “Ultimately, we (Muslims) can never be full citizens of this country… because there is no way we can be fully committed to the institutions and ideologies of this country”
    – Ihsan Bagby, CAIR

    “I want to see the U.S become an Islamic nation.”
    – Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR Spokesperson

    “I am a traitor to America because my religion requires me to be. We pledge to wage jihad for the rest of our lives until either we implant Islam all over the world or meet our Lord as bearers of Islam.”
    – Samir Khan

    “Greater integration between Islam and the West depends on incorporation of Sharia law into the legal systems of Europe and the U.S.”
    – Ground Zero Mosque Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf



    Sam: “I don’t go around blaming religions. It’s people who are to be blamed”

    That is the dumbest comment I hear repeated. A religion is nothing more than an ideology and that ideology could not operate without the devotees, which means that the religion and the devotees who commit heinous crimes in its name are [b]BOTH RESPONSIBLE[/b]. Without religion, its dogma and doctrine these crimes wouldn’t happen the way they do and without the people silly enough to be devotees it wouldn’t happen either. So, you can stop repeating such falsehoods. Religions, especially those which enable devotees to commit such crimes, such as Islam, Christianity etc, are to be held accountable – no BS excuses.

  50. Dawkins
    I have read Dawkins and he makes some good points in his books. However, to claim that Islam is the world’s biggest evil is pretty ignorant. I’ve read the Quran and a lot of the phrases are used in different contexts. People pick out a line without reading the preceding/ subsequent phrases. For example, the Muslims were ordered to kill the unbelievers because the unbelievers waged war on Mecca and killed and raped them.

    Also, let’s be honest: we’re human. You think every war is fair and moral? Lol I think not. Let’s not forget the history of Christians and Jews and Hindus, and the kinds of crimes they committed. Islam is not unique in that regard. Perhaps, it’s the turmoil that’s happening in Muslim regions that’s causing this, be it in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Turmenistan — who were colonized by the Russians), or Afghanistan and Iraq (who were controlled by the Americans). Why do we forget the injustices that Americans, Russians, or the British committed? Our history is full of Natives and Blacks being treated as slaves — and this occurred till the late 1800s. None of these cultures are saints. Humans like power and controlling people, so they use any means to do it.

    I don’t go around blaming religions. It’s people who are to be blamed – with or without a book. Also, there are specific cultures in countries. For example, in Islam, giving dowry to the groom is forbidden, but Indian Muslims follow this ritual (it’s Indian culture) in the fear of being blown off on the wedding day and causing a lot of shame in families. This is culture and not Islam.

    I’m really indifferent as to what people think about Islam, but to call it the world’s biggest evil is pretty ignorant. This is coming from a person who believes that if there is God, he is indifferent and doesn’t interfere in human activities.

    1. Since you’re so indifferent, perhaps you haven’t been paying attention.

      I’m feeling indifferent to your opinion.

      Dawkins is right.

  51. Maurice: Terrorists with Muslim backgrounds are not true representations of Islam. I know plenty of moderate Muslims who oppose forcefully converting others. I’ve never been preached by my Muslim friends. Their families are religious (wear hijabs) and they don’t preach to me when I go to their homes.

    The fact is that the MAJORITY of Muslims do not attack non-Muslims. You’re talking about the minority groups here who have a long history of invasions and suppression in their home countries. Central Asian countries like Kazakhstan have been suppressed by Russians who exploited their countries for resources and forced them into communism, and changing lifestyles and religions. I would like to know if you’ve spent time with Muslims. That’s unfortunate if you’ve personally experienced such negative experiences, because I have not. Additionally, have you read the entire Quran? I’m not talking about the hadith because that’s not the book of god.

    If you had actually read carefully, I said I’m indifferent about what people think about Islam in general. Every religion has had people who’ve committed atrocities. Not only Islam. So, no, I’m not indifferent when people make comments that one religion is the most evil. Historically, it could be argued that Christianity that has committed most atrocities. Similarly, I wouldn’t blame Christians for Anders Behring’s massacres in Norway or the missionaries or the Crusaders. I had to read passages from the Bible when I was in Catholic school (parents aren’t religious), and there are severe punishments for ‘crimes’ such as homophobia or infidelity and that includes stoning to death. Additionally, women are seen as subordinates to men, only fit for attending to their husbands and children.

    Also Maurice, I agree with you that religions dictate people’s lives, so if people with these religious backgrounds read passages that vindicate their beliefs then perhaps they will follow through. Who knows. Alternatively, there are plenty of religious people who act in a morally conscious way because they feel morally accountable to their god. My personal belief is that humans are selfish and act accordingly to whatever proclivities and beliefs they have. Most people also want a meaning in their lives and use religions or no religions for whatever good or bad tendencies. Same as with any other groups. The only values that a country should run on are basic human values. But should people choose to practice their religions without involving others or harming others, then that’s their choice and they should be free to do so.

    Anonymous: No, you’re not indifferent otherwise you wouldn’t have pointed that out lol. You would’ve read my comment and moved on like a truly indifferent person would have.

  52. Also, I meant people were stoned to death for homosexuality also in Christianity.

    Note: I’m an agnostic/atheist.

    1. Yes, we know well the “I’m an agnostic/atheist but I support Islam” form of cognitive dissonance. We also know all of the objections to generalizations proffered by the liberal left, as we learned them in kindergarten.

      In the meantime, Dawkins is also an agnostic/atheist, and he’s right, unless you really don’t believe the following mentality is evil, in which case we part company dramatically.

      These behaviors are either approved of or encouraged by Islamic/sharia law:

      Honor killings
      Supremacy/global domination
      Limb amputations
      Genital mutilation
      Death to apostates
      Forced conversion
      Sex slavery and rape
      Women enslavement
      Wife beating
      Child marriage/rape
      Brutality against homosexuals
      Bigotry and hatred
      Robbery and pillage
      Extortion of nonbelievers
      Animal cruelty
      Prohibition of music/singing

      While not all Muslims are evil, Islam clearly is, and that fact is precisely what Dawkins stated. All the rest represents a distraction fallacy, as we are not discussing whether or not all Muslims do this or that. We are discussing the ideology that the “moderates” about whom you make much are likewise VICTIMS. If they don’t follow “their” religion to the letter, power to them, because the above is what they are following – and it most assuredly is evil.

      1. And …
        Not only are these things approved, they are happening, currently, today, now, as I write.

  53. Dawkins is stupid ??

    This is something EVERY muslim says…. “You are stupid, read the Koran” etc… Well young man or old man (i DONT KNOW) MR DAWKINS IS A GREAT READER, is not stupid, and has read the Qran several times (by his own confession) and he can quote chapter and verse from the Qran much better than ignorant muslims, some of whom cannot even read generally.

    I too am an avid reader, and I agree that Islam is a very great evil on this planet, is only growing because babies are born into it without choice, and when they grow up are threatened with death if they try to leave it! Only a few “Revert” as you choose to arrogantly call it .

    Islam is a wickedness worse than any other religion I have seen…. it is directly against EVERYONE on the earth except muslims…. and it doesnt even guarantee muslims paradise…and if you get to paradise you better be a sexual pervert because all paradise offers is sex with women and boys.. this isnt a religion born of God, this is a religion that panders to the sexually perverted, and is born of Satan.

    Muslims are being fooled by this great evil….. and they need to look elswhere for Salvation.

  54. This is wrong
    All the punishments that you are saying are not taught in the Quran – Islam teaches peace, the literal meaning of the word itself is peace. And most of the quotes you claim to be from the Quran, aren’t. The Quran teaches to accept everyone, regardless of their faith or sexuality. Yes, it teaches homosexuality isn’t right because god made a man for a woman but God has never taught to inflict harm on anyone, unless for a just cause, which is called Jihad. Jihad means two things: to fight in the name of Allah and to fight the bad within yourself. God does not expect everyone to go to war, So it means to overcome the bad within you, something you will fight your whole life to try and be a good person. Islam is a way of life which teaches manners and kindness to all. Men as women are completely equal, you have obviously gotten your information from the wrong places. If you actually read the proper Quran, you will find that it is almost like a guide to help you through life, and there are actually many facts in there that have only been discovered by scientists recently. Islam is only given a bad name by extremism, and if you ask around you will majority of the Muslims condemning the extremism and violence. Please, take the time to look into Islam in more detail and you will find that Islam teaches peace.

    1. Yes, we’ve heard all the false apologies from Muslims. Instead of trying to snow us with the “religion of peace” nonsense utterly disproved by the constant [i]violence [/i]that Islam promotes, perhaps you should go tell all the “extremists” Islam seems to produce that THEY are wrong.

      And perhaps you should ask yourself WHY there are so many extremists in the first place? Why does Islam either attract or create hundreds of millions of violent extremists? And how do you know it isn’t THEY who represent the “real” Islam and YOU who are the apostate?

      The fact is that the “extremists” are simply devout Muslims, following Islam to the letter. And these punishments are not only in the Koran but also in the hadiths, the [i]sahih [/i]hadiths, said to be [i]authorized [/i]and [i]genuine[/i]. If the brutal sharia/Islamic law does not follow the Koran and the “real” Islam, then, again, you need to go tell all the Islamic jurists over the past 1,400 years that they are wrong. Trying to make excuses here is not going to do a thing to change Islam’s reputation or its continued support for and provocation to violence.

      A reputation, by the way, for slaughtering some 270 million human beings all over the world ([url]http://www.politicalislam.com/tears/pages/tears-of-jihad/[/url]) – and you seriously are trying to defend it and claim that it is a “religion of peace?”

      Below are quotes from the Koran – do they sound like something peaceful? And why do you follow Islam in the first place, since it is apparent you don’t really know what it is all about? Chances are your ancestors were brutalized into becoming Muslims; yet, you are defending this foreign invader cult that slaughtered and raped your own ancestors? Why?

      This list, by the way, was already published here. Come on – get with the enlightenment of humanity and away from this foul old cult of women-haters! You can free yourself and join the rest of humanity!


      “This Book is not to be doubted…. As for the unbelievers, it is the same whether or not you forewarn them; they will not have faith. God has set a seal upon their hearts and ears; their sight is dimmed and grievous punishment awaits them.” Quran 2:1/2:6-2:10

      “God’s curse be upon the infidels! Evil is that for which they have bartered away their souls. To deny God’s own revelation, grudging that He should reveal His bounty to whom He chooses from among His servants! They have incurred God’s most inexorable wrath. An ignominious punishment awaits the unbelievers.” Quran 2:89-2:90

      “Lord…Give us victory over the unbelievers.” Quran 2:286

      “Lord…give us victory over the unbelievers.” Quran 3:148

      “I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers.” Quran 8:12

      “When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.” Quran 9:5

      “Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate.” Quran 9:73

      “Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that God is with the righteous.” Quran 9:123

      “Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another…” Quran 5:51

      “He that chooses a religion over Islam, it will not be accepted from him and in the world to come he will be one of the lost.” Quran 3:85

      “Let not believers make friends with infidels in preference to the faithful – he that does this has nothing to hope for from Good – except in self-defense. God admonishes you to fear Him: for to God shall all return.” Quran 3:28

      “Garments of fire have been prepared for the unbelievers. Scalding water shall be poured upon their heads, melting their skins and that which is in their bellies. They shall be lashed with rods of iron.

      “Whenever, in their anguish, they try to escape from Hell, back they shall be dragged, and will be told: ‘Taste the torment of the Conflagration!'” Quran 22:19-20

      “Muhammad is God’s apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another.” Quran 48:29

      “Those that deny Our revelations We will burn in fire. No sooner will their skins be consumed than We shall give them other skins, so that they may truly taste the scourge. God is mighty and wise.” Quran 4:56

      “Let not the unbelievers think that they will ever get away. They have not the power to do so. Muster against them all the men and cavalry at your command, so that you may strike terror into the enemy of God and your enemy…” Quran 8:59-60

      “Believers, know that the idolaters [non-Muslims] are unclean. Let them not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year is ended.” Quran 9:28

      “The unbelievers among the People of the Book [Bible] and the pagans shall burn for ever in the fire of Hell. They are the vilest of all creatures.” Quran 98:6


      “They ask you about menstruation. Say: ‘It is an indisposition. Keep aloof from women during their menstrual periods and do not approach them until they are clean again; when they are clean, have intercourse with them whence God enjoined you….'” Quran 2:222

      “Women are your fields: go, then, into your fields whence you please.” Quran 2:223

      “Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and forsake them in beds apart, and beat them.” Quran 4:34

      “A male shall inherit twice as much as a female.” Quran 4:11

      “Call in two male witnesses from among you, but if two men cannot be found, then one man and two women whom you judge fit to act as witnesses…” Quran 2:282

      “[Forbidden to you are] married women, except those whom you own as slaves.” Quran 4:24

      [b]Rewards in Paradise[/b]

      “The righteous shall return to a blessed retreat: the gardens of Eden, whose gates shall open wide to receive them. Reclining there with bashful virgins for companions, they will call for abundant fruit and drink.” Quran 38:51-2

      “God has purchased from the faithful their lives and worldly goods, and in return has promised them the Garden. They will fight for the cause of God, they will slay, and be slain. Such is the true promise which He has made them in the Torah, the Gospel and the Koran….” Quran 9:111

      “As for the righteous, they shall be lodged in peace together amid gardens and fountains, arrayed in rick silks and fine brocade. Even thus; and We shall wed them to dark-eyed houris.” Quran 44:51-54

      “On that day [the unbelievers] shall be sternly thrown into the fire of Hell . . . But in fair gardens the righteous shall dwell in bliss, rejoicing in what their Lord will give them. Their Lord will shield them from the scourge of Hell. He will say: Eat and drink to your hearts content. This is the reward of your labours.

      “They shall recline on couches ranged in rows. To dark-eyed houris [virgin girls] We shall wed them. . . . Fruit We shall give them, and such meats as they desire. They will pass from hand to hand a cup inspiring no idle talk, no sinful urge; and there shall wait on them young boys of their own, as fair as virgin pearls.” Quran 52:13-24

      “Reclining there upon soft couches, they shall feel neither the scorching heat nor the biting cold. Trees will spread their shade around them, and fruits will hang in clusters over them.

      “They shall be served with silver dishes, and beakers as large as goblets; silver goblets which they themselves shall measure: and cups brim-full with ginger-flavoured water from a fount called Salsabil. They shall be attended by boys graced with eternal youth, who to the beholders eyes will seem like sprinkled pearls. When you gave upon that scene, you will behold a kingdom blissful and glorious.” Quran 76:9-20

      Quotes from the Hadiths or Records of Mohammed’s Deeds and Words

      “The Prophet…said: I am commanded to fight with men till they testify that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is His servant and His apostle, face our qiblah (direction of prayer), eat what we slaughter, and pray like us.” Sunan Abu Dawud 14.2635

      “…the Apostle of Allah [said]: He who goes forth in Allah’s path and dies or is killed is a martyr…and will go to Paradise.” Sunan Abu Dawud 14.2493

      “The Prophet…said: Our Lord Most High is pleased with a man who fights in the path of Allah…” Sunan Abu Dawud 14.2530

      “Allah’s Apostle [Muhammad] said, ‘I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand.'” Sahih Bukhari 4.52.220

      “The Prophet used to go round (have sexual relations with) all his wives in one night, and he had nine wives.” Sahih Bukhari 7.62.6

      “The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with ‘Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).” Sahih Bukhari 7.62.88, 7.62.64

      “Once Allah’s Apostle went out to [offer the prayer]… Then he passed by the women and said, ‘O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women).’ They asked, ‘Why is it so, O Allah’s Apostle?’ He replied, ‘You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you.’ The women asked, ‘O Allah’s Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?’ He said, ‘Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?’ They replied in the affirmative. He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her intelligence.'” Sahih Bukhari 1.6.301


  55. Other side of the coin
    Many here say that Christianity has been less violent throughout the history, has produced less extremists in a qualitative or quantitative sense. Let’s suppose that Knights Templar, whose Grandmaster said ‘burn them all and let god sort them out; He knows who is His,’ had had access to plastic explosives, do you think they would be more discriminating about whom his knights would target in their attacks?

    The thing is, folks, every religion that I know -a very limited selection, I freely admit- requires blind obedience and I know a bit about Christianity. This blind obedience has always been a form of almost absolute power over individuals in the hands of religion as a collective body and religious leaders. We would do well to remember what Lord Acton has to say about power here. So get off your Westerner/Christian high horse for a moment; I see no reason for Christianity to turn out any different if the Enlightenment Era hadn’t taken place.

    So here are a few questions:

    Do you think burning people at the stake is less deplorable than a beheading?

    Do you think Christians only responded to the Islamic aggression when all the Crusades were fought in the Middle East?

    Do you think ‘why don’t we just a-bomb the Middle East/wipe the Muslims out’ is any less extreme?

    Do you think Christianity is any less misogynist?

    Do you think Christianity isn’t doing in Africa what Islam is doing in Afghanistan?

    Do you think the babies that are baptized have any more choice in their religion than the babies that are ‘born into’ Islam?

    I find it dishonest that people compare Christianity to Islam and say Christianity has it right. After all, Christianity without the Enlightenment -a secular movement distinctly against the dogmatism of Christianity- would have been quite similar to what we see as Islam today. Dawkins know these facts and some comments here are misrepresenting his position. In my humble opinion, what is meant here is that Islam is still stuck in the Dark Age, therefore promoting science and reason in the Islamic World of today would require a much greater effort than in the Christendom of today.

    If you are an atheist and still hold the position mentioned, let’s address the rationale behind your dishonesty/delusion: the West has contributed more to humanity than the East therefore the Western culture is superior. O-okay. The numerals you’re using are Arabic numerals. Now, why don’t you try to do a two digit by two digit multiplication in Roman numerals and reply to me?

    I think the people in the East are worth reaching out for; who is to say mathematics, medicine, humanities, jurisprudence, architecture and so many other subjects won’t thrive again once the Islamic stranglehold has been removed?

    P.s. This comment is not intended as a tu quoque defense of Islam; there is no defense for the atrocities that have been committed under the Islamic banner or are preached for in the Islamic teachings, but a Christian attacking Islam on this base in order to promote Christianity is building their case on a hypocrisy.

    1. YB: “Many here say that Christianity has been less violent throughout the history, has produced less extremists in a qualitative or quantitative sense…”

      It looks to me as you’ve misunderstood this blog and the point. The only people here that hold up Christianity at all tend to be Christians. Two wrongs don’t make a right and most here don’t support *ANY* of the Abrahamic religions.

      The fact remains that Christians are less likely to be a suicide bomber or as violent as muslims due to their own culture & teachings. Christians cite Jesus as saying “turn the other cheek” and “love they neighbor” etc. But, don’t take any of that to mean that people are claiming Christianity is innocent because they’re not. Christianity is almost as bad but, not quite.

      So, Islam gets 1st place as around 270 million murdered in the name of Islam over its 1,400 year history while Christianity has killed around 250 million during its nearly 2,000 year history.

      How many has God killed? ([url]http://www.freethoughtnation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2381[/url])

      1. I was addressing some of the comments, not the blog itself or its point. In this regard, you have missed my point.

        In answer to the claim that Christians are less likely to be suicide bombers or violent– a straw man and an asinine. Christians are less likely to become suicide bombers: straw man. Christians are less violent: asinine.

        There are various other methods of terrorism that Christians employ even now -including but not limited to opening fire on civilians indiscriminately, systematic torture, summary execution, carpet bombing- that are on par with suicide bombings in depravity and far exceed in damage which I think pretty much proves the assertion that ‘Christians are less violent’ is an asinine.

        I don’t find the position that Christianity is or has ever been any better than Islam rational or realistic.

  56. YB, you should’ve been more specific by quoting those who you were addressing. Still your comments include sloppy errors such as:

    “opening fire on civilians indiscriminately, systematic torture, summary execution, carpet bombing”

    You’re talking about the US military at war not Christians. That’s an extremely broad brush generalization connecting the military to Christianity and your claims are still false as the US military does not “open fire on civilians indiscriminately” nor “summary execution” and any torture is against the law (until the Bush W./Cheney admin took over) and the “carpet bombing” was across Afghanistan trying to get terrorists out of their caves. Muslims have certainly committed all those acts and it’s well documented so, you can look it up for yourself since there’s plenty of it.

    So, you would need to provide credible sources to back up your claims because they don’t appear to be what you claim they are nor by who you claim it’s coming from. It appears to be a misunderstanding on your part and sounds like you have some biases too.

    Most of us didn’t support the wars in Afghanistan or Iraq, the torture or the rest. I would’ve preferred Ron Paul’s idea of implementing the “Letters of Marque,” which would’ve allowed the military to go after specific terrorists and their groups rather than invading countries.

    Meanwhile, muslims have committed over 19,000 terrorist attacks just since 9-11 ([url]http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/[/url]).

    Most who read these blogs and post here don’t support any of the Abrahamic religions so they get no sympathy here but, your claims are just not accurate.

    1. Summary Execution: http://wikileaks.org/cable/2006/04/06GENEVA763.html#par2006
      Indiscriminate fire:

      Carpet bombing, civilian casualties:

      US Military, Christianity:
      *Military demographics by region:
      *US religiosity by region:
      *George W. Bush, on 9/11:
      –“they ask for God’s good graces on the families who mourn,”
      –“And on on this day of – on the Lord’s Day,”
      –“This crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take a while.”
      –Search term: “faith”
      *Note that the last two items are about the lexicon, not the equivocation.

      An hours’ time on Google. Not accepting an argument because no source was presented is one thing, claiming the opposite is true is another. Now what sources can you site for the following positive claim?

      ‘That’s an extremely broad brush generalization connecting the military to Christianity and your claims are still false as the US military does not “open fire on civilians indiscriminately” nor “summary execution”‘

      “Muslims have certainly committed all those acts and it’s well documented so, you can look it up for yourself since there’s plenty of it.” Tu quoque, red herring.

      “It appears to be a misunderstanding on your part and sounds like you have some biases too.” Argumentum ad hominem.

      “Most of us didn’t support the wars in Afghanistan or Iraq, the torture or the rest.” Argumentum ad populum.

  57. Thanks for proving just how utterly one-sided and biased your views are; I see you found what you were looking for to support your argument, however, you made absolutely no attempt whatsoever at any sort of objectivity i.e. you failed, [b]MISERABLY[/b], to also provide the fact that none of these were endorsed or supported by the US gov’t &/or military or even Christianity. All of this has been covered in the news and those responsible have been held accountable – those are the facts that you completely omit. You should be ashamed of yourself for such dishonesty.

    For example:

    “WASHINGTON — The Justice Department plans to bring a new indictment against four Blackwater Worldwide guards involved in a 2007 shooting that killed 17 Iraqis.”
    – DOJ to seek new indictment in Blackwater shooting ([url]http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-501706_162-57479701/doj-to-seek-new-indictment-in-blackwater-shooting/[/url])

    I’m sure you can find the rest yourself – I’ll not waste any of my time on such dishonesty.

    Your entire premise is faulty. Nobody is claiming that Christianity hasn’t been violent throughout its history; however Islam certainly takes 1st place with Christianity coming in a close 2nd – that’s just what the facts and evidence shows. So, your entire argument is largely irrelevant as nobody cares who’s really the worst as they both are; together they’ve killed over half a Billion people. Christianity gets no sympathy here as already explained to you. Islamic leaders have been claiming Islam will dominate the world and THAT is one of the most serious threats by a religion today. Yes, Christianity also attempts to claim dominance, however, Muslims win 1st place in their extremely aggressive efforts to make it happen TODAY – see it from Muslim leaders on video in their own words:

    Islam in Action ([url]http://islamreality.wordpress.com[/url])

    [quote]2012.07.28 (Anantnag, India) – Two tourists are killed when Muslim militants toss a hand grenade at a taxi.
    2012.07.28 (Pattani, Thailand) – Four Thai soldiers are brutally shot to death at close range by Muslim terrorists.
    2012.07.27 (Makhachkala, Dagestan) – Three people are killed when Islamic extremists set off a car bomb.
    2012.07.27 (Quetta, Pakistan) – Wahhabi terrorists torture a Shiite man with knives and then kill him.
    2012.07.27 (Pattani, Thailand) – Militant Muslims fire on a young married couple, killing the 18-year-old woman.
    2012.07.26 (Sumisip, Philippines) – Abu Sayyaf terrorists attack a Christian farming village, killing at least five.

    Religion of Peace ([url]http://www.thereligionofpeace.com[/url])?[/quote]
    Your claims of fallacies are just more of the same biased & one-sided dishonesty as what I’ve stated is well documented and may easily be found – you’ve simply not made any effort towards any sort of objectivity whatsoever.

    This is getting WAY off-topic from this blog.

    1. ‘A close second’ is pretty much what I have been trying to say in this sense. Following that point, my argument is if there is hope for the ‘close second,’ then maybe there is still hope for the ‘1st place’ however slim it might be.

      I owe that much to all people I love who are unfortunately Muslims and who also believe if not consciously think I will burn in ‘Jahannam’ for eternity; I will fight with all I have in order to make them judge their beliefs rationally and I will challenge anybody who says something along the lines of ‘Those? They’re Muslims; there’s no hope for them.’

      I will challenge their beliefs that Muslims are much worse than Christians, therefore they don’t deserve the effort; I will challenge their beliefs that the West is superior to the East, therefore there is no need to bother, or any other argument on that vein.

      All you have posted here, all I can say is you are preaching to the choir, excuse the pun. One of the earliest memories that I have are of a newspaper covering the ‘Menemen Incident;’ I remember seeing the article and making my father read it to me. He was hesitant at first and he had every right to be as you will understand if you look it up. In the end, he did and I detest Islam ever since. I was 4 years old then. To me that ‘incident,’ that atrocity is the true face of Islam: Behead everybody who opposes Shari’a… or burn them as in the ‘Menemen Massacre’ I would learn later on… and these barbarities take place in a ‘moderate Islam’ country, not even an ‘extreme Islam’ one.

      Ironically, I think I may have come off to you as if I were defending Islam precisely for this reason: Because I detest Islam, because I think it an abomination, because I have such strong and deeply rooted passion about eradicating Islam, I will challenge and try to win over as many people as possible who think Muslims are beyond hope into working even harder to fight the evils of Islam and not simply give it up as a lost cause.

      As this is an opinion entry, and NOT a reply to the ongoing discussion (which I hope will help pass it through FTN Moderator), I may have been a bit disorganized. I will sum up the idea: Muslims are worth fighting for.

      1. “I will sum up the idea: Muslims are worth fighting for”

        Muslims are because they’re people, but the ideology of Islam is not – it belongs in the dark ages same as Christianity and many others.

        1. True Islam under Sharia Law

          Honor killings
          Supremacy/global domination
          Limb amputations
          Genital mutilation
          Death to apostates
          Forced conversion
          Sex slavery and rape
          Women enslavement
          Wife beating
          Child marriage/rape
          Brutality against homosexuals
          Bigotry and hatred
          Robbery and pillage
          Extortion of nonbelievers
          Persecution and/or death for blasphemy/atheism
          Animal cruelty
          Prohibition of music/singing
          Destruction of pre-Islamic antiquities

        2. Sharia Islam

          Honor killings
          Supremacy/global domination
          Limb amputations
          Genital mutilation
          Death to apostates
          Forced conversion
          Sex slavery and rape
          Women enslavement
          Wife beating
          Child marriage/rape
          Brutality against homosexuals
          Bigotry and hatred
          Robbery and pillage
          Extortion of nonbelievers
          Persecution and/or death for blasphemy/atheism
          Animal cruelty
          Prohibition of music/singing
          Destruction of pre-Islamic antiquities

          Worth fighting for ?

  58. The discussion between YB and Luis is going way off topic so, that will be all the comments here on that.

  59. Are you sure there is a god?
    Why would your god have made the world and waited more than 6000 to introduce himself to mankind?
    Why would god have chosen to introduce himself to one man in one country when he would have used people in S America, Asia, Europe and Africa to give everyone a chance?

    I cannot believe that a god would do this. It is so sad that anyone can. 🙁


  60. Worth [i]fighting [/i]for? Fighting against [i]what [/i]for? Against other Muslims? Why are we fighting in the first place?

    That’s the whole problem with Muslims and Islam: fighting.

    Muslims are not worth fighting for – they are worth passing along information that will help them free themselves from Islam and become happy, healthy and liberated individuals.

  61. Equivocation …
    is futile. Yes, the Borg are equivocators. It does not make things equal. This is the 21st Century and Muslims are behaving as if it’s the 6th. Who said we’ve forgotten the atrocities of Christianity? Why is it your job to remind us? Equivocation is the mindset of losers. When the Islamic sword is falling on your neck, pray tell me how the knowledge of similar Christian atrocities in the past will make you feel better.

    1. Yes, like a metastasized cancer. Fortunately, it will be irradiated before it destroys its host.


    1. Who said all Muslims are bad? That’s a strawman argument, because no one has ever said that on this website.

      What we’re saying is that ISLAM is bad, and those who follow Islam the most closely are committing evil and violence.

      It’s not a difficult concept. And you can free yourself from this conditioning. Do you know how your family became Muslim? Chances are your ancestors were slaughtered and raped into Islam at some point – that’s how Islam spread. You are defending a religion that invaded your lands, killed your people and forced the survivors to convert at the point of a sword. Why do you do that?

      When I discovered the atrocities of Christianity – which I was born into – I had the integrity never to look back at it. I knew that my ancestors had been killed, raped and tortured in the name of Christianity, and there is no way I was going to defend such a heinous ideology. I have far too much integrity to be defending such despicable mentalities. And you shouldn’t be defending Islam for the same reason.

      Go here to become free – you can participate in this forum, where there are many ex-Muslims:

      Faith Freedom

      1. total eradication of worst evil islam
        timee is up for discussion wherever you see muslim convert them into other religion like-christian,hindu etc.ifthey refuse to convert must be beheaded.liberal way to handle islam istotally insufficient .be crual against islam andpersecute them with very cruelly.islam is a HIV for humen civilisation.

  63. Islam
    Islam is a supremacist,totalitarian,fascist death cult ; whose clerics extoll their mind damaged believers to spread the philosophical faeces as composed by the corrupt and evil followers of Mohammed.
    The very idea that Allah(the imaginary) had regular communication with the illiterate anal orifice Mo , in the depths of he Arabian desert is about as plausible as me telling all you that I ‘m not human but a winged fairy with the ability to travel faster than light.
    Islam is the prime example of specious dogma trumping common sense.

  64. all religions are cults and mans invention
    The simple fact is that all religions are cults and all are an invention of either corrupt and or delusional men and a few women,some with good intent no doubt except Islam which was and is born out of evil.
    Any concept of a god or gods are inventions of the mind. Mankind created god or gods and not any such thing as some super power created or has ever had any intervention over any thing that happens on earth or any where else.

  65. islam is the way of life there is no god but allah
    🙁 whan heaven is at reach allah will kill the christians and never send muslims to hell ps i think this website is mad


  67. The only “evil intent” I see here is from individuals who defend the most heinous, women-hating ideology in all of history. I have no interest in the babbling of someone with so little knowledge of history and so little integrity and honesty.

    Please take your apologies to the millions of people who have been abused by Islam, by these very quotes that you are castigating me for “taking out of context.” It is not I who am doing that but the millions of violent Muslims who are “taking them out of context” and using them to abuse, murder, rape and pillage. FOR SHAME.

    And SHAME ON YOU for attacking me for exposing these awful quotes that have led to the deaths of hundreds of millions worldwide.

    Yes, we also criticize these others here, but your apologist deflection tactic will not suffice to deflect off the horrible crimes against humanity committed by these numerous Muslim fanatics. These are typical Muslim apologist tactics – why even bother using a pseudonym? I’m guessing, in fact, that you are the Bosnian Muslim who has been posting on my FB page. As I answered you there, IT MOST ASSUREDLY [b]IS [/b]THE RELIGION. (“It’s the ideology, stupid.”)

    It is extremely disingenuous to pretend that Islam is ordained by Allah in order to [b]guide men’s lives[/b] (and abuse women) and then also pretend that devout Muslim fanatics who commit violence aren’t really following Islam. That claim is simply false, as these fanatics most assuredly will assert that they [i]are [/i]following Islam, to the letter, and they would undoubtedly [i]kill [/i]you for saying otherwise. They are PROGRAMMED by Islamic indoctrination, to the nth degree – according to them, they are far better Muslims than those who do not commit crimes against the infidels.

    Instead of making fallacious posts on the blogs of strangers, perhaps you should go to Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, UAE and so on and tell THEM that they are not really following the “real Islam.” I’m sure they would appreciate it.

    As I told you repeatedly on FB, it’s time to wake up and grow a conscience. Such dishonest and deceptive posts only serve to perpetuate this ideology:

    Honor killings
    Supremacy/global domination
    Limb amputations
    Genital mutilation
    Death to apostates
    Forced conversion
    Sex slavery and rape
    Women enslavement
    Wife beating
    Child marriage/rape
    Brutality against homosexuals
    Bigotry and hatred
    Robbery and pillage
    Extortion of nonbelievers
    Animal cruelty
    Prohibition of music/singing

  68. Islam is just a terrorist organization
    Islam has been causing terrorist acts since it first started

  69. The Comment
    I am a muslim and I happened to stumble across this question. Bei g very religious, I will just post my findings. I read a few comments and I am certain this doctor has read the koran, but Im not sure about the ARABIC one. I have read both of them, and even upon my own will, chose to memorize the Arabic one. The arabic one makes sense when you read it and the english one doesn’t. English is my first language so please trust me on this they do not translate at all. And Islam only says that it is the “correct religion” not in superior to any other. But I’m sure chrisitian people say christianity is the right religion, or that jewish people say judaism is the correct religion. What makes us human is our ability to look past that. In america there are so many different religions that live together in harmony, in exception for a few people. Muslims, as well, do not believe that bombing someone is “Jihad” please understand Osama was a radical fool, and so are his followers. In koran, it says, that to take one innocent mans life, is like killing the entire world. We are very leaceful people and I view us in no way as a threaghg (except for the radical people ‘claiming’ they are Islamic because they are not every religion has radicals claiming they are of that religion. Hope I cleared some stuff up, I answered alot more than I thoght I would. Some things I posted haven’t even been asked. Oh and I feel the need to bring up hijab. Some very important islamic women covered their faces (We dont know why) but islamic women feel more attatched to their religion by wearing one. My mom always wanted to wear one, but after the terrorist attacks of 9/11 (truly a horrible day) my dad in fact started telling my mom NOT to wear hijab. You see I was just a baby (1 year old), and my dad was in fear that my mom may be harmed or harassed at that time eslecially bexause that idiot osama claimed that that is what islam is about (ITS NOT). Hope this helps you guys, sorry I went so off topic and basically taught you much more than needed. It always scares me to talk about religion because of the rude insults people say, but i feel more comfortable online because i will have the choice to respond or not. And one person saying that claiming these terrorists aren’t islamic is false, it is true. I live in America, and I LOVE this country and dont want to hurt it. When I was a child I used to CRY at comments such as the ond you said, and it hurt to know people hated and judged my entire religion just because of one man. There are many christian jewish buddhist and all other religions, who have had men/women charged for accounts of raping, murdering, robbing and more. I dont hate christianity or judaism if one guy does something bad. Please be rational. Its quite bold of you to hate millions of people because of an extremist group of men. I am only a young-teen, so I may have misunderstood something (hopefully I didnt) and may I add I mean no disrespect to anyone. I have christian friends who I love and or care about, jewish friends who I love and or care about and friends from all other religions whome I love and or care about. The people on this site seem to be very mature peopld, and I can undsrstand why some of you may hate Islam. You may have had a close person in 9/11 or in Afghan or something. Thank god for america ridding afghan of terrorists!!!! And in some sites I saw some people claimojg to be muslims saying stuff like “I will put my AK-47 in your mouth” and I was shocked at this fool for saying that. A whole is greater than the sum of its parts, therefore Islam and all religions are greater than the sum of their parts (there are bad parts to every whole, you want to lose the bad ones and keep the good ones, am I right?) And that is all, now I am ending thisfor real, sorry for making it long, hope I left you with a good impression, and did not makr anyone else bate my religion. Please remember I am only a young-teen and may have misunderstood or misinterpetted and or phrased something in my writing wrong. I mean no disrespect to ANYONE at all (atheists I forgot to mention you, I have atheist friends whome I love and or care about to so dont think we hate people who dont believe in a god please ) and have a good day and good night all. I am posting this on 9/11 (ironic) and am completely and personally enraged at Osama for making my life a living hell by claiming he is Muslim and Jihad, maybe that is why this is so log. Anyway goodnight to all, and may the memory of the heroes of 9/11 remain with us forever. God bless america for gettig rid of these blasted terrorists the talibans and alqaeda!!!! I HATE THEM BOTH!!!! Bye people.

    1. [quote] Its quite bold of you to hate millions of people because of an extremist group of men. [/quote]
      When you make false accusations like that one, you are not setting yourself up as a friend, which appears to be the goal of your post here.

      Your comment is also a typical Muslim apology ([url]http://sheikyermami.com/2009/06/16/how-to-debate-a-muslim/[/url]) that has no bearing on what has been said here or what is the sentiment of those who run this website.

      Despising a violent and hateful ideology that has led to the deaths of some 270 million people globally is not the same as hating millions of people. We consider Muslims largely to be victims of Islam, not our enemies or people we need to hate. (Except for that “tiny percentage” of violent extremists, who actually [i]do [/i]make up millions.)

      Until Muslims become more truthful about the violence in their religion, as well as how Islam came about, how it spread, how it destroyed their own ancestors’ cultures, how it continues to engage in slavery and sexism, as well as child marriage and all the rest, we will not see eye to eye. How about brutal honesty for a change, rather than just brutality?

      In any event, you can learn all about how Islam came to your land, and what you can do about it here:

      http://faithfreedom.org ([url]http://faithfreedom.org[/url])

      Good luck.

  70. One guy above asked why our god Allah would reveal himself to one man and not everyone. Well oud koran said that Allah did send prophets to guide ALL peopls. That is why we believe the other major religions like Christianity and Judaism are correct (Along with others I dont know about) like I said some muslims are idiot extremists no doubt. Someone said that everyone’s ancestors were like raped and forced into a religion, assuming this IS true, Islam says killing one innocent man (man OR women OR child) is like killing the entire world. Extremely sinful, so the people who promoted Islam if this is true aren’t like us at all. And if we were raped, people had the choice whether to pass it on to their children or grand children or to not pass it on. Choosing to pass it on shows that if we WERW forced into it, we accepted it and embraced it. Now for real goodnight lol hope I helped :]. Oh yeah koran also says there are thousands of unmentioned prophets that went to all other people.

    1. Yes, the Quran says killing one INNOCENT person is like killing all of humanity. However, Islam does not consider infidels or apostate muslims to be innocent, it considers that it is the duty of faithful muslims to kill them.

  71. We do not hate muslims.

    Muslims are human beings like we all are, you are one of us.

    You have the right to leave your religion and join us, you don’t have to be a part of a violent religion.

    We fear Islam which is a violent ideology, just like fashism and white supremacy, but fashists and white supremists just like muslims can join the rest of the world in peace and move on from hate violence and terror.

    The world will welcome you with open hands. Don’t be afraid to leave Islam.

  72. I worship Christ, who had great power but chose to die. Though most, chuches now and through time have been repulsive and have little in common with Christ. Many enjoy and choose to fight. Lets preemt the whole tired crusade argument, because the catholic church was actively killing people and forcing them to join before Islam existed. (In fact I think there is a fair case to be made that Islam is in some respects a reactiion to militant christianity.)
    But their is still at the core of christianity a self sacrificing God. I believe this is one significant reason western civilization can be tolerant. The most influential thinker in western civilization refused to fight, he talked, and persuaded. He never used force or shouted others down.
    I think our current American concept of religious freedom can be traced not to the pilgrims and purtians (who were not tolerant) but the the founding of Pennsylvania by a pacifist William Penn. I am not a Quaker, but the Quakers would not have forced me to join. I believe this concept of relegious freedom is close to what Christ practiced.
    If this does not seem logical; read the Koran, and read the Gospel of Matthew then think about it. The Koran does consider the Gospels to be injil sarif or Holy writings, and considers Christ a messenger from God. So the examination of both books should be a path muslims, christians and atheists can all logically take.

  73. Koran is the root of the Problem!!!
    Koran is the root of the problem.
    Has anyone thought why people in Egypt, Iraq, Pakistan etc. where civilization started have regressed to their present sad state.
    If you have to follow a 1500 year old book (word by word) in a changing world, you will be left behind.
    Without oil, the ‘Arab world’ is not worth anything. When the oil age passes, the power of the Muslim fanatics will disappear.
    The only solution for all ‘Arabs’ is to leave Islam and embrace the power of free thought.

  74. shame
    shame on Mr Dwakin ,he knows nothing about any religion , if he is against islam , he should go in any muslim country and express his thoughts there.

    1. I see, so if Dawkins really wants to know about Islam, he should go to a Muslim country, where they will kill him?

      I think that would simply underscore his pronouncements here.

  75. Both Islam and Christianity are barbaric. Scores have been killed since their inception. We all know of Islams Jihads. But what of Christianity’s crusades, the inquisitions?
    The genocide of the Aztecs and Mayans by the Conquistadors? The Salem witch trials, the bloody war between Catholics and Protestants in Tudor England?
    Only difference is that Christianity (being unapologetic) has become “peaceful” albeit manipulative. While Islam is spiraling towards self destruction.
    Scores of temples in India have been destroyed both by the Portuguese (catholic) inquisition and the Islamic invaders. But not once did any Hindu raise arms against them. We just rebuilt our temples elsewhere.
    The Abrahamic religions should take a lesson from the eastern faiths (which are a lot older).
    No Hindu or a Buddhist will ever bomb a place just because someone insulted their faith (which happens quite often).
    Now that is being civilized.

    1. 🙂 ..indeed both christianity and islam are poison. Education is power and freedom. I’m sure muhammed and jesus had suspect intentions born from their environment. Recent history exemplifies the atrocities both these religions have perpetrated. Todays world needs no religion to keep the masses down. Soon religious freedoms will no longer be protected, they will be outlawed. Amen.

  76. Do you know islam
    try to read this old book dont accept others idea . have u ever think that why all of them are against Islam. why why just find the answer by reading and learning the islam closely. what is in this 1500 old book it i will tell u some things which is new to all the world
    in this old book Allah says
    i sent iron to the world now you search that is the iron sent to the world or was in the world?
    the holy prophet says be away from laprosy as u are from the lion but you please the laprosy now in microscpe what it seems there was no microscope 1500 years b4
    see what quran says about the development of human body in the uterus and what is it now
    did pakistanis egyptians and other came to USA or USA is killing our women children and aged men is this free thought to eat other humnaity and just u live in the world what was 9 11 it was an inside job of USA for occupying and killing afghans centrel asian countries

  77. Think you brainwashed fools
    How on Earth can anybody follow a man who in old age married a 6 year old girl and consummated the marriage when she was 9? This is an undenied fact, the man was a paedophile, illiterate and warmonger, is this who God would use as his vessel?

  78. hinduism=christianity=islam
    hinduism is not more peaceful then islam or christianity. its just as bad. the caste system comes from the whole hindu teachings of reincarnation. and what about kashmir?? (a nationalist/religious conflict) i have no religious affiliation but if you look through history all religions have committed heinous crimes- hinduism is in no way an exception.

    1. While there has been some violence in the name of what is loosely designated “Hinduism,” including the burning of women and human sacrifice, as well as warfare and bloody fanaticism, the millennia-long history of Indian religion does not come close to the body count of Christianity and Islam over the past nearly 2,000 and 1,400 years, respectively. Between the two of them, Christianity and Islam are responsible for the deaths of possibly 500 million people. I don’t know the numbers of people killed in the name of Indian religion(s), but the figure is undoubtedly much lower than that of the Abrahamics.

  79. I’m actually shocked that Dawkins acknowledges the evil in Islam. Most atheists want to spend their time complaining about Christianity. And although Christianity has its black marks in history (as does atheism – atheist dictators killing and imprisoning Christians for practicing their religion – Stalin, Kim il-Sung, etc.), it’s usually HISTORY, and not the present that anti-Christians can find to attack. Some have given examples of isolated incidents happening in the modern Christian world, but usually AFTER I’ve made this observation. Most attacks against Christianity are about the Inquisition or some other long-abandoned practices. On a side note, some of you people who love to use the word “brainwashed” need to stop and realize how meaningless that word has become. Too often it is used by people to simply describe something they don’t agree with. If every instance of the word “brainwashed” were true, the vast majority (if not the whole) of the world would be “brainwashed.” THINK before carelessly slinging that word around. It no longer means anything due to overuse.

  80. Your an idiot.
    You just proved his point. look at how close minded your being. your doing exactly what dawkins said mouslims do. I have read the Quaran, and i bellieve its teaching are very evil. it blatantly promotes terrorism

  81. Objectivity is needed
    If you want to make islam look bad you will do so. When you started your research you did not intend to know islam, you were mission was to prove islam wrong. Basically you saw what you wanted to see. Do not talk verses and paste them without mentioning what was the story and more importantly what was the context of that verse. I urge who wants to ((Learn)) Islam to read objective website for none hate lies that some may unproffisanly write.

    1. Thank you. Your apology rings hollow.

      Nobody needs to make Islam look bad, as it does that all on its own, through its rabid and rampaging followers who will kill, burn and destroy at the drop of a hat.

      What you are arguing for is the “out of context” fallacy. The fact remains that it is not WE who are taking these verses out of context.

      Islamic fanatics themselves have been taking these WAR/JIHADI VERSES out of context and using them to slaughter hundreds of millions of infidels around the globe. (Can we please stop playing dumb now?)

      Instead of arguing logical fallacies with us, perhaps you should tell these other MUSLIMS that THEY are taking the verses out of context. Please go to the Taliban, al-Qaeda and the governments of several countries, including Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Afghanistan, and tell them that they or millions of their citizens are taking Koranic verses out of context and using them to slaughter infidels.

      I’m sure they will all be delighted to hear from you and welcome you are their long-awaited mahdi/reformer. And if you succeed, you will have not only proved our point but you will have brought tremendous relief to the rest of the world, which is CURRENTLY BEING TERRORIZED BY ISLAMIC FANATICS TAKING THESE KORANIC VERSES OUT OF CONTEXT.

      Thank you in advance for alleviating our problems with Islam by going to the source of them: Islamic fundamentalists literally following the Koran.

    2. Saeed, you are too ignorant and uneducated to be objective. What the hell kind of mission are you on? If it’s a suicide mission I want you hunted down and killed A.S.A.P.

      These verses are not out of context, they are out of the Quran.

      Why don’t you muslim supremacist apologists provide some context for once if you’re so god damned knowledgable? Since it’s your own precious holy book!

      We have been answering all these insincere muslim “questions” (you don’t really have any questions that aren’t rhetorical, only reprehensible answers).

      Why don’t you answer to us for once? None of these pertinent questions from us non-believers have been answered in an honest way by more than a tiny handful of your fellow travellers.

  82. Be objective
    True, there are extremists but doesn’t that apply to other religions as well? Im not defending islam but think about this for a second, extremists are everywhere, even against black ppl 50 years ago. Extremists are not born of islam, it is a way someone chooses to behave. Where i come from,Qatar, a Muslim country, there has not been even a single death sentence and we don’t have terrorists. Westerns, Asians and all other nationalities live in harmony and they are protected under islamic laws, any foreigner living on Muslim land shall be respected and protected. Im not trying to offend anyone but you are being an extremist against islam by shedding light only on ppl who are living wars and having their country invaded. How do u expect them to react? Do u think it is islam thats moving them towards resistance? No! They would resist even if they were atheists cuz they are protecting their home. If you don’t believe me then i invite you to come and see for yourself, be assured that I will take care of your hospitality and that you would get to see things for what they truly are. Google “Qatar” and read about it, contact me if you are interested because i honor my words.

  83. randomthought
    First i am an atheist and I have not found God. However, first to demonize Islam, to draw such hasty conclusions on war against all Muslims, to blame Muslim on every front of the social and political problem, in my opinion, it is lack of understanding about economics and social structures. A religion is among many facets of life as we know it, so dictating one’s argument around an unchanging idea or world view can be difficult for one to fully see the bigger picture.

    There are factors of geographic elements and historical events that play key roles to understanding human progress through times. No one who has not devoted his or her whole life in studying history could be so proud of their argument, since we all rely on our limited perceptions and well presented news with hidden agenda, regardless of the intentions behind it. Just because whom you perceive as a good friend tells you his enemy is bad, acting irresponsibly on behalf of his interest can be not justified. Also the values we live by today at this land can not be applied totally in somewhere else at a different time because its existence has different good and bad.

    In short my point is that we all can study our own life and the influences on each of us, to educate us on our shortcomings before pointing out so bluntly what is wrong with another human being. It is true that we always cannot see and define our own mistakes because they are not mistakes until we accept so and give up to it. Can I tell a teenager that having early sex is bad, enough for them for them to fully understand why unless they know exactly what it is? If they do, why do we have to introduce guilt and punishment on them, even for the sake of making a deterrent for others?

    Nature doesn’t discriminate, its conditions just favor one’s lifestyle (way of life) more than another’s. Until two animals have to fight for survival, no need to waste our energy on things such as hate, anger and frustration as they grant us no reward or gain. We no longer fight for food and water, we fight for our right to more leisure and comfort. All of these ideas of social welfare and common goods are introduced and promised by governments around the globe are all good but very hard to keep as nature does not promise so for everyone.

    I apologize for such a lengthy ranting. I felt compelled to say something because everyone here is passionate about life and constantly think about how to safeguard and improve it for everyone else. That brings our differences but keeps us all together. Thanks! 🙂

    1. [quote]However, first to demonize Islam, to draw such hasty conclusions on war against all Muslims, to blame Muslim on every front of the social and political problem, in my opinion, it is lack of understanding about economics and social structures.[/quote]
      That might be true, but nobody’s doing that here, so it’s irrelevant.

      No one needs to “demonize” Islam – it and its followers do that just fine all by themselves. And nobody is drawing “such hasty conclusions on war against all Muslims,” whatever that means. Nor are we blaming “Muslim on every front of the social and political problem,” so that’s erroneous as well.

      In the meantime, Dawkins is right, as are most of the comments here that reflect Islam’s demonization via its own texts and the acts of its most fervent followers. You may wish to actually read the other comments here and to take a closer look at what is happening all around the world. There’s a very logical and rational reason for Dawkins to make such a declaration.

    2. Sharia Islam Practised in Many countries

      Honor killings
      Supremacy/global domination
      Limb amputations
      Genital mutilation
      Death to apostates
      Forced conversion
      Sex slavery and rape
      Women enslavement
      Wife beating
      Child marriage/rape
      Brutality against homosexuals
      Bigotry and hatred
      Robbery and pillage
      Extortion of nonbelievers
      Persecution and/or death for blasphemy/atheism
      Animal cruelty
      Prohibition of music/singing
      Destruction of pre-Islamic antiquities

  84. Bad about islam


    Allah is not God but the AntiGod of the Muslims. There is no moral
    equivalence between Christians/Jews and Muslims. Christians/Jews
    worship God. Muslims worship Allah (the AntiGod). Christians are
    sanctified by the blood of Christ received at Holy Communion. Muslims
    are sanctified by the blood of murdered kafirs guaranteeing accession to
    a virgin delight Paradise.

    The Koran is not a holy book but Mein Kampf.

    Muhammad was no Christ but the Anti-Christ.

    Islam is totally and completely false, a sham and a fraud.

    1. How about if we all stop sanctifying things with blood?

      Oh, and by the way, that emperor who started construction of the Great Wall of China and burnt all the books of Confucius has a better claim to being the world’s first Hitler. Good thing he didn’t found a religion because his dynasty lasted no longer than his own short life (kinda like Hitler’s).

      Unfortunately, the ignorant followers of Mohammed have perpetuated his psychopathic view of the world for 1400 years. Thanks the gods who really run things that Christ was merely a narcissist.

  85. What a complete load of b..s! Jesus claimed to be the son of God, not God himself. There is a big difference! Now do Muslims think Mohammed and God are the same, or not?

  86. Not Islam but Islamism…
    I would rather say Islam as a religion is…OK. Once Islam is taken away from politics and power and its leaders are brought back to their mosques Islam can be turned into a religion as any other religion. The problem which we have now is not Islam but the system which I call ISLAMISM. Islam = religion. Islamism = system in which clerics and religious fundamentalists are in power and transform their power, politics and state institutions to dictatorship and a total control of the citizen, under the so called Sharia “law”… My proposal is to leave Islam as religion in peace and instead to focus on the system of theocratic regimes, the Islamism, as the wrong system which should be completely removed in the Middle East and substituted by secular parliamentary democracy…This system, Islamism, is as wrong as communism and fascism were…It’s time for a change…

    1. All the things in Sharia Law are in the Quran

      Honor killings
      Supremacy/global domination
      Limb amputations
      Genital mutilation
      Death to apostates
      Forced conversion
      Sex slavery and rape
      Women enslavement
      Wife beating
      Child marriage/rape
      Brutality against homosexuals
      Bigotry and hatred
      Robbery and pillage
      Extortion of nonbelievers
      Persecution and/or death for blasphemy/atheism
      Animal cruelty
      Prohibition of music/singing
      Destruction of pre-Islamic antiquities

  87. I believe that Islam is evil for lack of a better word, so is christanity, I wonder how people could actually still believe these horrorfying beliefs if they actually study their sacred books. If we look around so much of the worlds problems are created and maintained by these [stupid] and dangerous beliefs.We as humans would be much better off without Allah, Jehova and all the rest of these bllodthirsty,pettyminded Gods.

  88. i just want to tell the people that propaganda against islam is not something new. disinformation is a part of any war. and media plays its roles and gets paid accordingly. internet blogers are part of media and the job of media is also to form public opinions in favor. the war against islam is very old.here, the victims are being tried to expose as aggressors, extremists, violents and terrorists. i dont want to defend islam because they know about islam very well. they are paid for spreading hate against islam and muslims. this is also medias job now. the war is on. the propaganda against this peace is not proving efficacious. the more u write against islam, the more u spread islam. islam grows very fast all over the world now. in the united states alone almost 2 millions converted since 9/11; and in europe, islam is growing very fast. paris, moscow, london, berlin and brussels are now being dubbed as islamic capitals of the world. new reverts or converts are spreading islam better than born-muslims in their respective regions constantly. propaganda against islam is proving as an outreach or reachout for islam. i love you all, i have no hate for anyone. we believe in one god who created adam and eve; we are the children of one man and one woman and we are brothers and sisters to each others. lets, we have our choice of choosing our own way of lives. we are human beings and we have our shortscomings.(cnn reports about 2 million americans reverted to islam since 9/11.. u can see in the utube yourself)

    1. What utter nonsense. The “propaganda against Islam” is actually TRUTH finally being exposed globally. Many of the people involved in exposed the FACTS about Islam are themselves either Muslims or ex-Muslims, so they know the ideology very well.

      What [i]you [/i]have said here represents propaganda.

    2. Kishshan,

      Sorry burst your bubble, but there are not mass conversions going on in the West. The changing numbers here are because the West is being invaded by many millions of people fleeing their rogue states, their failed states and murder at the hands of their own relatives (what’s love got to do with it?)

      These numbers also reflect the millions of people who are nominally muslims yet who haven’t practiced it in years or even in generations but still culturally identify with their perceived roots.

      I’ll bet you there are a whole lot more people who are converting from Islam once they get to the west and are less likely to be murdered by their “loving” relatives because of it.

  89. Jack, that was a very reasonable quote explaining the basics of atheism. Nowhere did it claim with [b]certainty[/b] that no god exists, that’s your own knee-jerk reaction and biases talking. The entire quote is spot on:

    “A person who asserts the existence of something assumes the burden of proof.”

    Theists of all stripes have failed miserably to provide CREDIBLE evidence in their responsibility for ‘burden of proof.’

    “The theist, or god-believer, asserts the existence of a god and must prove the claim. If the theist fails in this task, reasonable people will reject the belief as groundless.”

    It’s basic common sense, the one who makes the claim is responsible to provide ‘burden of proof’ for their claim. Why aren’t you flipping out over theist [b]certainty[/b] when they’ve NEVER been able to provide credible evidence?

    Jack: “agnostics admit they DON’T KNOW, and that nobody could possibly know.”

    LOL, yeah, heard it many times, but it’s funny how you claim with such [b]CERTAINTY[/b] that “nobody could possibly know.” How about the “ignorance and arrogance” of that? I’ll just simply repeat your own comment back to you:

    “to state your opinion as though it were absolute truth, when there is no way in hell you could possibly “know” for certain, that is ignorance and arrogance.”

    What we do know for sure is that there exists no credible evidence for god. Until god comes down from heaven to select a specific religious denomination and political party, the only thing we’re certain about is that there exists no credible evidence for god. So, it’s a moot subject until you can provide evidence for your claims.

    Claiming we “don’t know and can never know” is a pathetic argument and a silly position created for cowards stuck in faith and euphoria afraid to face up to the fact that there exists no credible evidence for god. We’re all open to it but it never comes does it.

    Jack: “there’s no way anyone could know for certain, and anyone who denies this is a fool…”

    Again with the [b]CERTAINTY[/b]! There actually is a lot we know and plenty more we can know. For instance, right now we know that there exists no credible evidence for god and the only thing that can change that is, well, evidence.

    Jack: “Atheism is a very specific belief structure”

    Baaahaha, Atheism is not a belief structure it’s an “absence of belief.”

    Jack: “to state that there is absolutely no way God could exist is just as foolish as the statements made by the religious”

    And so is claiming: “there’s no way anyone could know for certain, and anyone who denies this is a fool…”

    Atheists who hold the weak/negative/soft position (most atheists) don’t even make those claims. You are just making a complete fool of yourself here. You’ve proven that you know nothing about atheism.

    In this case, “Absence of evidence IS evidence of absence.”

    “Atheists do not believe in a god because there is no reason they should.”

    The Agnostic Fallacy ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=2285[/url])

    “I think it’s important to realize that when two opposite points of view are expressed with equal intensity, the truth does not necessarily lie exactly halfway between them. It is possible for one side to be simply wrong”

    – Richard Dawkins’ Evolution

  90. You ‘know’ nothing.
    There is no point arguing religion, war, or anything else because people are not interested in truth, only pushing their own agenda and forcing their will on others. Man will not survive his own stupidity.

    I will however comment on the idea of Atheism or stating that there is no “God”…it is good to question the existence of a God, it is good to question everything. But the truth is that Atheists are just as ignorant as Muslims and Christians, and even more arrogant. For a human being to state, as though it were fact, that there is no God is the height of arrogance. How can a feeble human being possibly know or understand what brought about existence, the universe, life, how can anyone “know” for a fact either way? How can any man understand the mysteries of the cosmos, whether there is a prime mover, a first cause, an afterlife etc.? He can’t. People like Dawkins are more ignorant and arrogant than they could ever fathom.

    1. Does this quote sound like “the height of arrogance and ignorance” to you?
      [quote]”What is an atheist? An atheist is a person who does not believe in the existence of a god, i.e., in the existence of a supernatural being. Why doesn’t the atheist believe in a god? Quite simply, because belief in a god is unreasonable. Can the atheist prove that a god does not exist? The atheist need not ‘prove’ the nonexistence of a god, just as one who does not believe in magic elves, fairies, and gremlins does not have to prove their nonexistence. A person who asserts the existence of something assumes the burden of proof. The theist, or god-believer, asserts the existence of a god and must prove the claim. If the theist fails in this task, reasonable people will reject the belief as groundless. Atheists do not believe in a god because there is no reason they should. But haven’t philosophers proved the existence of a god? No. All such attempts have failed. Most philosophers and theologians now concede that belief in a god must rest on faith, not on reason. Then why not accept the existence of a god on faith? Because to believe on faith is to defy and abandon the judgment of one’s mind. Faith conflicts with reason. It cannot give you knowledge; it can only delude you into believing that you know more than you really do. Faith is intellectually dishonest, and it should be rejected by every person of integrity.”

      – “Atheism” by George H. Smith, 62-3[/quote]
      Proper Definition & Meaning of ‘Atheist’ ([url]http://www.freethoughtnation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2827[/url])

      Study: Atheists Most Discriminated Minority ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=391[/url])

      Atheism in its negative or weak position is the most honest position.

      1. You can’t be THAT thick…so stop pretending. The ignorance and arrogance comes from thinking that you KNOW for a FACT there is no creator or prime mover or first cause. At least agnostics admit they DON’T KNOW, and that nobody could possibly know. There’s nothing wrong with believing that a “God” PROBABLY doesn’t exist. A belief isn’t even a choice. It’s an involuntary conclusion reached based on many things such as culture, education, personality, intelligence etc. It’s not a switch you flip on or off, you believe what you believe period. But to state your opinion as though it were absolute truth, when there is no way in hell you could possibly “know” for certain, that is ignorance and arrogance.

        So spare me the quotes, I’ve read them all. And I never said I was a believer in God. I said there’s no way anyone could know for certain, and anyone who denies this is a fool…

      2. I forgot to add, Atheism is a very specific belief structure, Atheists believe that they know for a FACT there is no God. There is no room for them to be wrong, they believe that have some kind of special inside knowledge that the rest do not have. But, they do not. So to state that there is absolutely no way God could exist is just as foolish as the statements made by the religious. YOU DO NOT KNOW EITHER WAY so stop pretending that you do.

    2. Jack,
      There are two things I KNOW for sure. Evolution is real and is still happening; to deny this is to deny the existence of DNA. Climate change is real and has been going on for four and a half billion years and it is quite probable that humans have influenced this process since we started the Industrial Revolution. The reason I know these things rather than merely believe them is because of the preponderance of evidence.

      Unfortunately religious fanatics as well as their equivocating apologists such as yourself, seem utterly incapable of understanding this concept of evidence. Instead we get nonsensical statements like “science is just another religion,” or that it’s impossible for anyone to ever “know” anything.

      Science knows that trees have been falling in forests for several hundred million years, and have been heard to do so since the evolution of the ear. Alas, the equivocators would have us BELIEVE that unless some human philosopher was there to ponder the sound these trees made, it’s possible none of it ever happened.

      One other thing I KNOW. If those trees never fell back in the forests of the Carboniferous Era, I would not be typing to you on this computer, since the area I live in uses coal fired energy to produce electricity. Neither would you be using your computer because that Industrial Revolution never would have happened.


  91. crucifixion
    My friend..you missed crucifixion from the list..Islam is the only religion that does this now…plus throwing gays off mountains or burying them alive.

  92. islam is evil!
    I grew up with in an Islamic home and it definitely is an evil practice! Any religion that states that its ok to kill another due to having a different belief and not agreeing with their practice, is immoral and disgusting. Though I love my family, I do not want to partake in a false and evil practice!

    1. Thank you for your honesty. It’s sad that so many ex-muslims feel obliged to continue to make excuses and deny the evil beliefs of their relatives. Thank you for not falling into that trap.

  93. islam is satanic – Jesus is king!
    Islam is evil. It promotes war and the killing of everyone who is not Muslim! What kind of truth is in a book where your prophet sleeps with children? Has many wives? (polygamy).. men are superior to women, that’s why women in the middle east want to kill themselves because they are treated worse than animals! Any religion who curse the Jews (who are Gods original Chosen) will face Gods wrath!

    The koran stole the first parts of the Jewish bible, the torah, and changed it. From Adam and Eve, to seth, to Noah, to Shem, to terah to Abram (Abraham) to Isaac (this is from the Jewish bible, and used in the old Testament of the Christian. Bible) the muslims false bible says it was from the other son of Abram (who was ishmael) who God had blessed and..funny thing is, Muhammed was a descendant of Ishmael..

    Here’s the truth. Abram had Ishmael first, because his Hebrew wife could not bear children, so she told him to sleep with her house slave an egyptian pagan women named Hagar..although Ishmael was blessed, he was not the promised blessing to Abram and his wife Sarai (Sarah, later) they were. Eventually blessed with a son from God, named Isaac, he was the promised Blessing to Abram, who later became Abraham.

    From the line of Isaac, then Jacob then to Josepe (I’m only going into a few of the. Descendants) anyway, this line eventually links to Moses, then to David, then to Mary..the woman who bore Jesus, if you study the bible you see that Jesus. Was born of a virgin but not of a human. Man. Because man had sin since Adam and. Eve..

    The point is, the koran stole the first parts of the Jewish bible. Many believe that Muhammed was decieved not by Gods angel, but by a fallen angel/demon or Satan himself who took on another appearance. SATAN wants to decieve the world, so what better way than to turn us away from God and the Grace of God, through our sin sacrifice, Jesus Christ..

    Christians and Catholics in the beginning did kill many (Crusades, Spanish inquisition) thing is look at Christianity itself, there are many different denominations and types of Christians, some I believe are cults, with very few adhering to the word of God, rather. Following what ‘man’wants..

    True Christians believe they are saved by Grace and the shed holy blood of Jesus on the Cross, and that they who believe will rise up just as Jesus did through God.

    True Christians do not behead/kill or wage such war with others, rather we. Pray through Jesus to God for the. World to turn to the truth. Women. Are treated well, we do not hate, we do, however dislike the false religions in the world.. if your looking for the truth, buy a. King James. Bible.and find a. Study class online, it is the truth and the word of God..

  94. That’s some messed up stuff to base your life on, over a billion people live by those words and they think it is beyond questioning and will kill over any depiction of Muhammad. Please drag this religion out of the dark ages or at least stop trying to pull the world back.

  95. Islam is my religion for the rest of my life
    hi, I am 16 years old. I had read all your comment. I had khatam the Quran for several times. I want to say that I will never change my religion and I trust Islam with all my heart, Insya-Allah… 🙂 Allah Akbar

    1. So, you’re proud to be a lifelong infidel-hater and misogynist?

      [b]Quotes on Unbelievers in the Koran[/b]

      “This Book is not to be doubted…. As for the unbelievers, it is the same whether or not you forewarn them; they will not have faith. God has set a seal upon their hearts and ears; their sight is dimmed and grievous punishment awaits them.” Quran 2:1/2:6-2:10

      “God’s curse be upon the infidels! Evil is that for which they have bartered away their souls. To deny God’s own revelation, grudging that He should reveal His bounty to whom He chooses from among His servants! They have incurred God’s most inexorable wrath. An ignominious punishment awaits the unbelievers.” Quran 2:89-2:90

      “Lord…Give us victory over the unbelievers.” Quran 2:286

      “Lord…give us victory over the unbelievers.” Quran 3:148

      “I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers.” Quran 8:12

      “When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.” Quran 9:5

      “Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate.” Quran 9:73

      “Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that God is with the righteous.” Quran 9:123

      “Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another…” Quran 5:51

      “He that chooses a religion over Islam, it will not be accepted from him and in the world to come he will be one of the lost.” Quran 3:85

      “Let not believers make friends with infidels in preference to the faithful – he that does this has nothing to hope for from Good – except in self-defense. God admonishes you to fear Him: for to God shall all return.” Quran 3:28

      “Garments of fire have been prepared for the unbelievers. Scalding water shall be poured upon their heads, melting their skins and that which is in their bellies. They shall be lashed with rods of iron.

      “Whenever, in their anguish, they try to escape from Hell, back they shall be dragged, and will be told: ‘Taste the torment of the Conflagration!'” Quran 22:19-20

      “Muhammad is God’s apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another.” Quran 48:29

      “Those that deny Our revelations We will burn in fire. No sooner will their skins be consumed than We shall give them other skins, so that they may truly taste the scourge. God is mighty and wise.” Quran 4:56

      “Let not the unbelievers think that they will ever get away. They have not the power to do so. Muster against them all the men and cavalry at your command, so that you may strike terror into the enemy of God and your enemy…” Quran 8:59-60

      “Believers, know that the idolaters [non-Muslims] are unclean. Let them not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year is ended.” Quran 9:28

      “The unbelievers among the People of the Book [Bible] and the pagans shall burn for ever in the fire of Hell. They are the vilest of all creatures.” Quran 98:6


      “They ask you about menstruation. Say: ‘It is an indisposition. Keep aloof from women during their menstrual periods and do not approach them until they are clean again; when they are clean, have intercourse with them whence God enjoined you….'” Quran 2:222

      “Women are your fields: go, then, into your fields whence you please.” Quran 2:223

      “Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and forsake them in beds apart, and beat them.” Quran 4:34

      “A male shall inherit twice as much as a female.” Quran 4:11

      “Call in two male witnesses from among you, but if two men cannot be found, then one man and two women whom you judge fit to act as witnesses…” Quran 2:282

      “[Forbidden to you are] married women, except those whom you own as slaves.” Quran 4:24

  96. We have studied Islam in depth. Anyone who has eyes to see knows what it is all about: Violence and subjugation. Your comments have changed nothing. Perhaps [i]you [/i]should study the Koran and hadiths.

    We are not Muslim [i]because [/i]we know that Islam is bad. You, however, have been brainwashed and do not even know what you follow.

    What “beauty” would that be? Beheadings? Stonings? Limb amputations? Hangings? Raping uncovered women? Marrying and having sex with children?

    Here’s what the Muslim spokesmen in the attached videos are advocating – something to be “proud” of, khalifah?

    Islamic supremacy and global domination
    Prohibition of music and singing
    Imprisonment, flogging, torture and death for homosexuals
    Jihad to force Islam on the world
    Jews as apes and pigs
    Jews as the eternal enemies of Muslims
    Jews as originators of all evil and catastrophe in the world
    Osama bin Laden in Paradise
    Raping women okay in Islam
    Female genital mutilation “obligatory” in Islam
    Sex slaves for Muslim men
    Child marriage/rape
    Mohammed having sex with a 9-year-old girl
    Wife beating
    Death for “insulting” Mohammed
    Death to apostates and infidels
    Genocide of Americans
    Jihad to “raid the world”
    Non-Muslims being not innocent and subject to death

    http://islamreality.wordpress.com ([url]http://islamreality.wordpress.com[/url])

    khalifah ([url]http://www.thefreedictionary.com/khalifah[/url]):

    [quote] the civil and religious leader of a Muslim state considered to be a representative of Allah on earth; “many radical Muslims believe a Khalifah will unite all Islamic lands and people and subjugate the rest of the world”[/quote]
    So, Mr. Radical Muslim, are you going to attempt to subjugate us all? Thanks for proving the point here – [b]we don’t want to be subjugated by you or anyone else[/b]. 🙁

  97. do not judge a book by it cover
    you do not understand the meaning of it… you are not a muslim, how do you that Islam is bad? by hearing somebody story? please do some research about the beauty of Islam… Prophet Muhammad cannot write and read but how he can make the Quran that tell us about science. If you read the Quran, you will know that it tell us about the formation of a baby in woman ovum 1400 years ago(if not my mistake). But Prophet Muhammad cannot read and write but how he know that 1400 years ago. Allah tell him by Malaikat Jibril. Please do some research about Prophet Muhammad and many more about Islam. 🙂
    I am khalifah in this earth…
    Nur Hanisah binti Mazlan

  98. Thanks for another example of how hateful and nasty Islamic fanaticism makes people. Yes, you’ve really shown us the “beauty of Islam” – hate, anger, viciousness and lies, is that it?

    Apparently, [i]you[/i] don’t know the meaning of khalifah – the definition was provided from a dictionary ([url]http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/khalifah[/url]).

    [b]Aisha was 9 years old when Mohammed had sex with her[/b] – that’s what the [i]sahih [/i]hadiths say. You seem not to know Islam at all, while you are in here insulting and lying to those of us who do.

    Here is just [i]one [/i]hadith – there are many more at the link here ([url]http://www.muhammadanism.com/Hadith/Topics/Marriage.htm[/url]):

    [quote]Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu’minin: When we came to Medina, the women came to me when I was playing on the swing, and my hair were up to my ears. They brought me, prepared me, and decorated me. Then they brought me to the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) and [b]he took up cohabitation with me, when I was nine[/b]. Book 41, Number 4917[/quote]
    See the discussion on this site ([url]http://www.wikiislam.net/wiki/Aisha_Age_of_Consummation[/url]) about “cohabitation.”

    There are “no bad things in Islam?” ([url]http://thereligionofpeace.com/[/url]) Unfortunately, it’s because of such blatant falsehoods that people all over the world don’t like Islam.

    Did you even follow the link above, where the Muslim authorities themselves are saying these things? Did you track down those authorities and spew hatred and anger at THEM, telling THEM they don’t know anything about Islam and to shut their mouths? No, you didn’t. Instead, you came back here and became abusive, revealing exactly what Islam is all about. You would not dare go to tell those Muslim imams and clerics to shut up – it’s much easier to attack non-Muslims, entirely verifying our concerns with Islam.

    For a [i]girl [/i]to be so hateful and dishonest is really disturbing. Do you truly believe what the Koran says about girls and women?

    “They ask you about menstruation. Say: ‘It is an indisposition. Keep aloof from women during their menstrual periods and do not approach them until they are clean again; when they are clean, have intercourse with them whence God enjoined you….'” Quran 2:222

    “Women are your fields: go, then, into your fields whence you please.” Quran 2:223

    “Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and forsake them in beds apart, and beat them.” Quran 4:34

    “A male shall inherit twice as much as a female.” Quran 4:11

    “Call in two male witnesses from among you, but if two men cannot be found, then one man and two women whom you judge fit to act as witnesses…” Quran 2:282

    “Women shall with justice have rights similar to those exercised against them, although men have a status above women.” Quran 2:228

    “If you fear that you cannot treat [orphan girls] with fairness, then you may marry other women who seem good to you: two, three, or four of them. But if you fear that you cannot maintain equality among them, marry one only or any slave-girl you may own.” Quran 4:3

    “If you are in doubt concerning those of your wives who have ceased menstruating, know that their waiting period shall be three months. The same shall apply to those [of your wives] who have not yet menstruated.” Quran 65:4

    “[Forbidden to you are] married women, except those whom you own as slaves.” Quran 4:24

    Do you know how your ancestors became Muslim? You might want to study the subject. Otherwise, you need to be quiet yourself.

    Islamic Crusades ([url]http://occidentalsoapbox.blogspot.com/2008/11/islamic-crusades.html[/url])

    Are you Malaysian? Do you know how Islam came to Malaysia ([url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nOg7_0UHQ8&feature=player_embedded[/url])? What was your culture’s religion before Islam invaded and destroyed it? Do you even care? Why do you fanatically adhere to an invader religion that destoyed the culture of your ancestors? Why do you attack others over such a religion?

    If you would like to debate this subject, I suggest you go to http://faithfreedom.org ([url]http://faithfreedom.org[/url]), where there are many ex-Muslims and Muslims who will be glad to tell you the truth.

  99. that information was fake
    wow, that was so much fake information here big guy. I think you don`t even know the meaning of khalifah. Let me tell you Prophet Muhammad was married to a young girl named ‘Aisyah’. So, she was his wife. Don’t talk that you know Islam better than us. You don’t know nothing about Islam and shut your mouth up. Well in learning, we must listen, read, understand and practice. If you do not do any one of it when studied about Islam, I can said that you are not studied enough my man 😀 … erm,,, can you stop comment bad things about Islam because there are no bad things about it. Your cooperation is meaningful to me, thank you. adios.
    btw I am a girl.

  100. You should not be grateful that Islam invaded your country and destroyed the Buddhist and Hindu populations, slaughtering thousands of good people. Those two religions are far better than Islam, but I’m guessing you know nothing about them.

    Thanks for admitting that Mohammed is depicted in the hadiths as raping a 9-year-old [b]child[/b]. It does not matter whether or not she had reached puberty – was she a consenting ADULT who [i]wanted [/i]to have sex with a 50-year-old man? Such a perspective is disgraceful and shameful.

    So, you think that brutalizing people by cutting off their hands and beheading them is a good thing? That’s why Saudi Arabia’s crime rate is where it is. But thanks for verifying that Islam is brutal and violent – and apparently that violence is what appeals about it for you? Is that the “beauty” you like? Are you a sadist? Do you also approve of how women are treated in Saudi Arabia, like animals?

    Again, if you want to debate this subject, you need to go to http://faithfreedom.org ([url]http://faithfreedom.org[/url]) – you will learn the truth about Islam there. You can also ask them about the best book on the hadiths.

    It is obvious that you do not know Islam better than we do here, which we have already proved. You are apparently very young, and you seem to know very little about either the history or doctrines of Islam. I’ve been studying Islam for about 25 years – you?

    Here’s one book I highly recommend, if you would like to know the FACTS about Islam, as opposed to the emotional appeal you keep pretending is there. (An emotional appeal that apparently justifies child-rape and violence.)

    Islamic Jihad ([url]http://www.islam-watch.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=749:new-edition-of-islamic-jihad-a-legacy-of-forced-conversion-imperialism-and-slavery&catid=65:khan&Itemid=58[/url]) by M. Khan

    Khan is an ex-Muslim, an older man who knows what he is talking about. It is imperative that everyone understand exactly what it is they are following. It is appalling that anyone would follow a man who is admitted to have begun having sex with a child when she was 9 years old ([url]http://www.jihadwatch.org/2012/12/yes-there-is-a-link-between-islam-and-paedophilia.html[/url]). Those who do so seem to have no conscience ([url]http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/run[/url]) whatsoever, and [i]that [/i]is the legacy of Islam. [b]Having sex with a little girl is evil[/b], no matter how you justify it. This one vile behavior alone has caused more trauma and trouble than can be measured. Add to it the some 270 million innocent people murdered in the name of Islam ([url]http://www.politicalislam.com/tears/pages/tears-of-jihad/[/url]), and the picture is horrifying indeed. Please stop trying to justify such an ideology – it is not good for your young soul!

  101. I am very grateful that Islam came to my country
    is that wrong for me to say thank you? can you think positively? Prophet Muhammad married with Aisyah when she is 6 years old. When she was 9 years old, she had puberty.
    erm,,, may I ask you a question? Why Mecca has lowest crime while it is a Islam country?
    Can I suggest you a book about hadith? for me this book is more accurate than others. It named is `Kitab Sahih Al-Bukhari`.
    btw, I am know Islam than you do because I learned it in my school. You? :cheer:

    1. I would have thought that such an erudite Muslim scholar as yourself Hanisah, would realize that Mecca is not a country. As for the lowest crime rate, well that’s easy when your entire society is one big crime.

      I hope you realize that the Soviets always used to make the claim that the Soviet Union had no crime. So I wonder where all these Russian gangsters learned their skill set?

      As I scroll through this page, I am shocked at the level of illiteracy and ignorance coming from the defenders of Islamofascist intolerance. At first I thought it was merely a poor grasp of English, but the more I read the more apparent it becomes that it is because of a poor grasp of reality. No doubt Islam isn’t helping any of you to get a grip on that.

  102. Baaa ha ha,

    “Just wait and see, Islam will be the right path!”

    Yeah, after all the non-believers i.e. infidels and kafirs are all killed off then, muslims will continue to kill each other as they’ve been doing all along because islam is just sooooo peaceful.

    “right path” my ass

    1. Yeah, it’s the right PSYCHOPATH. 😡


  103. Thank you for your civil queries.

    Ancient JEWISH MEN wrote the Bible. It is a manmade, cultural artifact, not the “Word of God.”

    The “Jesus Christ” of the New Testament is a fictional composite of characters ([url]http://truthbeknown.com/origins.htm[/url]), real and mythical. A composite of multiple “people” is no one. Jesus is no more God than are Zeus, Osiris, Ganesha, Allat and a thousand other deities from ancient cultures globally.

    The Holy Spirit is another religious and mythological concept perceived and/or created through the human mind. Its predecessor and parallels can be found in other religions, including the Egyptian and Indian.

    If one actually reads the material provided here and elsewhere via links, it is easy to understand why one would hate Islam. Islam has the bloodiest history of any ideology besides Christianity, with some 270 million people killed in its name, including tens of millions of innocent Indians, such as those mercilessly slaughtered at Mumbai in 2008 ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/contributing-writers/63-acharya-s/194-in-memory-of-the-mumbai-massacre.html[/url]).

    [img]http://sheikyermami.com/wp-content/uploads/mumbai-massacre-aftermath.jpg[/img] ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/contributing-writers/63-acharya-s/194-in-memory-of-the-mumbai-massacre.html[/url])
    “The enemy must fear us. When this is over there will be much more fear in the world…. This is a struggle between Islam and the unbelievers. We are the people God has chosen.” (Actual words of the massacre’s Pakistani handlers.)

    Islam encourages virulent hatred of nonbelievers, infidels and apostates ([url]http://www.islam-watch.com/Ibrahim.Lone/Shaming-Shameless-Apostasy-in-Islam.htm[/url]), who are being slaughtered all over the world.

    [img]http://www.islam-watch.com/Assets/Apostasy-Islam-execution-Iran.jpg[/img] ([url]http://www.islam-watch.com/Ibrahim.Lone/Shaming-Shameless-Apostasy-in-Islam.htm[/url])
    Iranian apostate executed

    Islam denigrates, enslaves and abuses women, homosexuals and children, the latter of whom it allows to be married off without any input from them.

    [img]http://freethoughtnation.com/images/stories/muslimchildmarriage.jpg[/img] ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/contributing-writers/63-acharya-s/313-saudi-child-marriage-rampant.html[/url])

    Islam is used to justify so-called honor killing, which is largely confined to slaughtering young, defenseless females, in acts that are the most cowardly imaginable. Some 90% of “honor killings” worldwide ([url]http://www.meforum.org/2646/worldwide-trends-in-honor-killings[/url]) are committed by Muslims, as they are taught extreme hatred of and bigotry towards females.


    Islam is used to justify female genital mutilation ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/contributing-writers/63-acharya-s/738-is-the-un-going-to-ban-female-genital-mutilation.html[/url]), the brutal and barbaric hacking off of girls’ genitals – no sane and decent ideology can be used to justify such a depraved, women-hating act.


    For many centuries, Islam has been used to justify slavery ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/contributing-writers/63-acharya-s/498-islams-disturbing-legacy-of-slavery.html[/url]), with millions of African blacks brutalized and enslaved, including to this day in places like Sudan and elsewhere. Muslims refuse to acknowledge these transgressions and constantly point fingers at everyone else, including and especially non-Muslims (yes, we know all about the Transatlantic Slave Trade, for which some 600,000 American citizens paid with their blood during the Civil War.) This Muslim refusal to take responsibility for their own acts is also part of fundamentalist Islam, which is another big reason people hate it.


    Islam encourages animal abuse, with its bloody and violent public slaughter, visible to children, who become desensitized to violence. (Devout Muslims – called “radicals” – say they will NEVER stop brutalizing animals in the streets, spraying blood everywhere, even in front of children, because Mohammed supposedly ordained this behavior.)


    The examples of Islam created by supposedly pious Muslims worldwide are consistently bad, as gangs of Muslim thugs move through the streets not only of Pakistan and Muslim-dominant countries, but also of Europe, where they spew hatred at the natives, beating, robbing, raping and killing them. If you would like to know more about bad Muslim behavior worldwide, you can check into this site: http://thereligionofpeace.com ([url]http://thereligionofpeace.com[/url])


    In a word, Islam is violent, brutal, cruel and hateful – Islam hates pretty much everyone, including devout Muslims (such as Shias), so it is easy to hate in return.

    So, yes, Islam is “doing something wrong,” as it encourages hatred and viciousness against billions of human beings and animals.

    Who I live with is irrelevant, unless you are wondering if I’ve been personally abused by a Muslim, which would simply verify my concerns, if that were the case, which it is not. I have friends who are ex-Muslim and Muslim, including a contributor to this blog who was once a “radical” Muslim in Egypt and who knows that what I am saying here about Islamic brutality by the literalists, fundamentalists, radicals and extremists is true.

    Here are some questions for [i]you[/i]:

    Have you never heard of the Taliban, who have been brutalizing women and others in Afghanistan ([url]http://www.rawa.org/rules.htm[/url])?
    Do you agree or disagree that the Taliban are following Islamic doctrine and law to the letter, presenting the best examples of “true Muslims?”
    If not, are you prepared to tell them that? To stop them from their vicious brutality and hatred, which is being spread all over the world, especially by Pakistanis?
    Do you agree with the Muslim clerics and other spokesmen who claim the following of Islam?

    Islamic supremacy and global domination
    Prohibition of music and singing
    Imprisonment, flogging, torture and death for homosexuals
    Jihad to force Islam on the world
    Jews as apes and pigs
    Jews as the eternal enemies of Muslims
    Jews as originators of all evil and catastrophe in the world
    Osama bin Laden in Paradise
    Raping women okay in Islam
    Female genital mutilation “obligatory” in Islam
    Sex slaves for Muslim men
    Child marriage/rape
    Mohammed having sex with a 9-year-old girl
    Wife beating
    Death for “insulting” Mohammed
    Death to apostates and infidels
    Genocide of Americans
    Jihad to “raid the world”
    Non-Muslims being not innocent and subject to death

    Here is the link where you can listen in Arabic to Muslim spokesmen and women claiming the things above are major and important aspects of Islamic doctrine and sharia law:

    Islamic Spokesmen
    http://islamreality.wordpress.com ([url]http://islamreality.wordpress.com[/url])

    If you don’t agree with these aspects of Islam claimed by these spokesmen – who are using the Koran and hadiths to justify their claims – will you go to them and tell them to stop misinterpreting and misrepresenting Islam?

    And, finally, where is all the “beauty in Islam” that you speak of? Do you believe the things in the list above are “beautiful?”

    1. Osama is not on heaven beacuse hes not a real muslim(worth like CIA) to just fool you all. And you said islam is violent look at this palestine, afghan,etc. Who is violent now? And you dont even know what islam rule is read the islam holybook(qur’an) and see are you right or wrong

  104. question
    may I ask you some questions?
    -who made the Bible?
    -is Jesus is god?
    -who the Holy Spirit?
    -why you hate Islam?
    -Is Islam doing something wrong?
    -Do you live with a Muslim?

    1. May I ask YOU some questions?
      Who made the Quran?
      Is Mohammed God or is he just infallible like the pope?
      Why do you hate the “infidels”?
      Who the Holy Ghost? WTF?
      Why do you hate the infidels?
      Is Islam doing anything right?
      Who do you love?

      1. Answer
        Who made the qur’an? Allah(god is). Is mohamed god or..,,? Mohamed is not a god his just the prophet of god and who is pray to him he was not a muslim. Why do you hate the “infidels”? We hate him beacuse they hate us but we still respect them and if they respect us we dont hate him. Who is the holy ghost? Theres no such thing is holy ghost in islam. Is islam do anything right? Yes they give their money to the poor. Who do you love? 1.god and prophet muhamad 2. Family. 3.cousin 4.islam guy. 5.wise infidlels.

  105. question
    so, who your god?
    the god is many?

    Islam is religion. Muslim is human. Everyone not perfect.
    Islam never taught the Muslim to do bad things. The Muslim do that by themselves. So, you wanted to blame Islam? Why don’t you blame the person that do the bad things?

    1. My “god” is not that of the Bible, Koran or any other book written by human hands. If one must define “God,” I prefer to make it the entire cosmos, with everything in it, from the smallest particle to black holes to nebulae and so on. As Dr. Carl Sagan said:

      [quote]”The idea that God is an oversized white male with a flowing beard who sits in the sky and tallies the fall of every sparrow is ludicrous. But if by God one means the set of physical laws that govern the universe, then clearly there is such a God. This God is emotionally unsatisfying… it does not make much sense to pray to the law of gravity.”[/quote]
      You can read more about my perspective on the concept of “God” in my book [i]The Gospel According to Acharya S[/i] ([url]http://books.google.com/books?id=Y-GfRToMY-8C&pg=PA9&dq=%22what+is+god%22+gospel+acharya+s&hl=en&sa=X&ei=OCXEUNHhGoOkigKNs4G4Bg&ved=0CDAQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22what%20is%20god%22%20gospel%20acharya%20s&f=false[/url]).

      Yes, Islam is a religion [i]and [/i]an ideology followed by millions. Those who follow Islam literally and most devoutly are the Saudis, Iranian gov’t, Taliban, al Qaeda and all kinds of terrorists and misogynists. It is ISLAM that drives these individuals. If they are flawed, so is Islam. If Islam is not the cause of their barbarism, then following Islam devoutly has certainly not led to any improvement whatsoever, as they remain savage.

      You are not paying attention enough, when you make such statements. All those Muslim clerics and other spokesmen previously pointed to most assuredly are following Islam to the letter. Are you saying they are flawed? Feel free to tell [i]them [/i]that. They would consider [i]themselves[/i], not [i]you[/i], to be experts on Islam. In fact, if you told them that what they are following devoutly is not Islam, they would call you a kaffir/infidel.

      Everything these Muslim clerics and spokesmen are saying here ([url]http://islamreality.wordpress.com[/url]) is justified using the Koran and hadiths. A system that cannot anticipate the “flawed” followers misusing it is in itself flawed. Islam is a manmade ideology responsible for the horrors already outlined here. Living in delusion that tells you otherwise is not a religious experience.

      Why do you want to blame flawed human beings? Why don’t you blame the ideology that drives them? I prefer not to attack living, breathing and feeling human beings in order to defend an unfeeling ideology. Coddling the ideology while finding fault in the human beings programmed by the ideology is very irrational and unscientific. It is also unfair to the individuals, since they have been brainwashed.

      If we want to get to the root of the problem, we must examine the brainwashing/motivation itself. When these Muslim clerics tell us that they are living precisely according to the laws of Islam, following the example of the “Perfect Man,” with behaviors they justify using the Koran, hadiths and sunnah, who are you to tell them otherwise?

      But, again, please feel free to tell them that their behavior has nothing to do with Islam – I’m sure they would be thrilled.

      http://islamreality.wordpress.com ([url]http://islamreality.wordpress.com[/url])

      Some of their names are clearly given in the videos at the link above. Please track down these individuals and tell them that they are flawed and should be blamed, rather than looking more closely at the texts they are using to justify their views.

      Rather than attacking them – basically calling them dishonest – I take them at face value that they are following Islam to the letter and that they are the most pious Muslims. If you tell them otherwise, will you not be an Islamophobe? Unless, of course, you feel the following claims they have made about what Islam represents are true?

      Islamic supremacy and global domination
      Prohibition of music and singing
      Imprisonment, flogging, torture and death for homosexuals
      Jihad to force Islam on the world
      Jews as apes and pigs
      Jews as the eternal enemies of Muslims
      Jews as originators of all evil and catastrophe in the world
      Osama bin Laden in Paradise
      Raping women okay in Islam
      Female genital mutilation “obligatory” in Islam
      Sex slaves for Muslim men
      Child marriage/rape
      Mohammed having sex with a 9-year-old girl
      Wife beating
      Death for “insulting” Mohammed
      Death to apostates and infidels
      Genocide of Americans
      Jihad to “raid the world”
      Non-Muslims being not innocent and subject to death

    2. A simple answer to your stupid post is “first read the whole page”. Try reading that part of the bogus quran that actually teaches violence against infidels. It is because of idiots like you, who try to give a new picture to this stupid religion, that islam makes its way into so many people in Europe. The idea is pretty neat and working too: Teach them moderatism; slowly progress to fanaticism; move on to extremism.
      The sooner this sham and meaningless religion is castrated, the better for this world!

  106. Islam hooks people on a deadly habit forming psych
    Islam hooks people on a deadly habit forming psychological dope. You do exactly as you are told and your helper and protector will be none other than Allah, the one and only creator of this awe-striking universe. You prosper in this life and your rewards in the next life are guaranteed to exceed your highest fancy. If things don’t seem to go well for you in this world, don’t you worry and develop doubt. Because there is wisdom in it for you and you will be recompensed beyond your greatest expectations. Woe unto you if you ever betray the faith of Allah by leaving it or in any way violating its precepts. Death would only be the means of transporting you to his hell for eternal torment.

    Amil Imani

  107. Allah forgot something
    “Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and forsake them in beds apart, and beat them.” Quran 4:34

    so Allah forgot to create male spider superior to the female spider, Poor male spider ?
    Did he do it willfully ?

  108. u guys are ignorant to listen to a man that is using messed up sources. If islam was soooo evil then why would there be such a mass conversion to the religion even in a time of its down fall. untill U READ THE QURAN URSELF, dont make decision on islam…..especially if this decision is un the influence of a man who obviously has no clue what he is talking about. BTW more than half of his quotes are made up. ISLAM IS PEACE. Just because certain people of this faith are bad, doesn’t mean the religion is bad. I could say the same about Christianity (KKK) but i know better than to be so ignorant.

    1. Yes, PLEASE read the Koran, and then you will know why this poster immediately insulted everyone here and offered parroted apologies, as that is typical Islamic behavior.

      “This Book is not to be doubted…. As for the unbelievers, it is the same whether or not you forewarn them; they will not have faith. God has set a seal upon their hearts and ears; their sight is dimmed and grievous punishment awaits them.” Quran 2:1/2:6-2:10

      “God’s curse be upon the infidels! Evil is that for which they have bartered away their souls. To deny God’s own revelation, grudging that He should reveal His bounty to whom He chooses from among His servants! They have incurred God’s most inexorable wrath. An ignominious punishment awaits the unbelievers.” Quran 2:89-2:90

      “Lord…Give us victory over the unbelievers.” Quran 2:286

      “Lord…give us victory over the unbelievers.” Quran 3:148

      “I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers.” Quran 8:12

      “Let not the unbelievers think they will ever get away. They have not the power so to do. Muster against them all the men and cavalry at your command, so that you may strike terror into the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” Quran 8:59

      “When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.” Quran 9:5

      “Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate.” Quran 9:73

      “Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that God is with the righteous.” Quran 9:123

      “Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another…” Quran 5:51

      “He that chooses a religion over Islam, it will not be accepted from him and in the world to come he will be one of the lost.” Quran 3:85

      “Let not believers make friends with infidels in preference to the faithful – he that does this has nothing to hope for from Good – except in self-defense. God admonishes you to fear Him: for to God shall all return.” Quran 3:28

      “Garments of fire have been prepared for the unbelievers. Scalding water shall be poured upon their heads, melting their skins and that which is in their bellies. They shall be lashed with rods of iron.

      “Whenever, in their anguish, they try to escape from Hell, back they shall be dragged, and will be told: ‘Taste the torment of the Conflagration!'” Quran 22:19-20

      “Muhammad is God’s apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another.” Quran 48:29

      “Those that deny Our revelations We will burn in fire. No sooner will their skins be consumed than We shall give them other skins, so that they may truly taste the scourge. God is mighty and wise.” Quran 4:56

      “Let not the unbelievers think that they will ever get away. They have not the power to do so. Muster against them all the men and cavalry at your command, so that you may strike terror into the enemy of God and your enemy…” Quran 8:59-60

      “Believers, know that the idolaters [non-Muslims] are unclean. Let them not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year is ended.” Quran 9:28

      “The unbelievers among the People of the Book [Bible] and the pagans shall burn for ever in the fire of Hell. They are the vilest of all creatures.” Quran 98:6


      “They ask you about menstruation. Say: ‘It is an indisposition. Keep aloof from women during their menstrual periods and do not approach them until they are clean again; when they are clean, have intercourse with them whence God enjoined you….'” Quran 2:222

      “Women are your fields: go, then, into your fields whence you please.” Quran 2:223

      “Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and forsake them in beds apart, and beat them.” Quran 4:34

      “A male shall inherit twice as much as a female.” Quran 4:11

      “Call in two male witnesses from among you, but if two men cannot be found, then one man and two women whom you judge fit to act as witnesses…” Quran 2:282

      “[Forbidden to you are] married women, except those whom you own as slaves.” Quran 4:24

    2. No you don’t. You are so ignorant it is mind boggling. Christianity used to be almost as bad as your religion of mass murder. Then they decided to reform themselves.

      I personally find most loudly self-professed Christians to be quite obnoxious as well but at least they are no longer systematically murdering millions of people who disagree with them.

  109. Easy way to deal with Islam…
    A disease, always fatal, swift acting, transmissible through water, air, insects and vermin.

    Now here’s the genius part – the cure is made from pigs.

  110. Get Rid OF ALL RELIGION!!!!
    I pray for a world without religion. Why can’t human kind just fu**ing cope without believing in a “bearded sky bully”. Take responsibility for your own life, mind your own fu**ing business and deal with it. It should have NO say on how anyone lives there lives. If it helps you personally, great, but keep your bullsh*t to yourself.

  111. Obviously, many people disagree with your assessment. It sounds like you don’t know much about Islam.

    Can you honestly tell me the following widely held tenets and Islamic behaviors according to sharia law are not evil?

    Honor killings
    Supremacy/global domination
    Limb amputations
    Genital mutilation
    Death to apostates
    Forced conversion
    Sex slavery and rape
    Women enslavement
    Wife beating
    Child marriage/rape
    Brutality against homosexuals
    Bigotry and hatred
    Robbery and pillage
    Extortion of nonbelievers
    Animal cruelty
    Prohibition of music/singing
    Etc., ad nauseam


    All of this vile mentality and behavior is accepted by very many authorities on Islam, including clerics in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and elsewhere.

    Someone who does not believe these doctrines are not reprehensible is lacking in morality, in my opinion.

    You need to go back and look at my comment here ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=479&joscclean=1&comment_id=11710#josc11710[/url]). That’s not evil, really? Please check your conscience.

    And, I’m sorry, but it is completely FALSE that we cannot criticize a religion, especially one that has at its core hatred and violence. Your attempt at oppressing us under spiritual enslavement is despicable, frankly.

  112. Islam is NOT EVIL
    First of all, i would like to say hi, to all of who believe in one religion and to all of non-believer of one religion..
    I’ve read a lot comment as a way the freedom of speech in this page, all of the comment here have brought many negative insight, i believe that a religion is a belief, a belief that you dont ask why, who, when, what, where and how. But you must try learn to respect one’s belief in one’s religion. Religion is not to be judge by human, religion is a belief that humans follows.
    So, is it important for all of us as human to argue and judging about one religion in a relentless time? My friend, it is just a waste of time. There’s a still a lotta time you could waste for important thing to do in this world in every seconds of your life.

    1. The problem is if you actually read the quran it is full horrendous violence, torture, murder and calls for followers to kill unbelievers.

      Suicide bombing, beheading, torture, hanging, Sharia Law, Halal Slaughter, hatred of unbelievers and intolerance of other religions all feature strongly.

      As do violence and no human rights or life for women, Paedophilia, stoning, rape, Multiple wives, lying to unbelievers and deception in warfare. All carried out by the Prophet who is seen as the perfect male to emulate by Muslim men.
      It also clearly states that you have peace when you ‘submit’ to Islam and that Jihad will end when everyone is either dead or a Muslim.

  113. A Barbaric faith
    Islam is a threat to the modern civilized, liberal world. The western powers by following a policy of appeasement are aggravating this threat. Islam should be banned in the civilized world. This barbaric ideology should be stopped immediately.

    1. As much I may agree that Islam is a barbaric faith, I have a problem with the knee jerk notion that you can just ban it (or anything else for that matter). Remember what happened when they banned the Rolling Stones?

      How about this? We’ll let muslims dress in hijabs, burkhas or in a bag like Yoko Ono for all I care, when I have the right to wear my bikini on the beaches of Saudi Arabia. I’m a very hairy old man, but hey, tolerance isn’t always about liking what you see. But let neither of us walk into a bank or a place of business without changing into more appropriate clothing.

  114. u r liar
    with my all respect what had u said .we had answered what is it . if u would like to read islam u have to ask any muslim religious man & he will make u fell that u r wrong . iam muslim but my english is not very good so that i cannot answer your questions . u have not to be Fanatic

  115. 😛 I think they should, the problem with the muslim world is greatly affecting the world also. If there was an Islamic Caliph, like back in the Ottomans there would be a big brother to answer to unlawful killings, violence in public and spread of fear. This empire thrived on religious tolerance, where Muslims Christians and Jews lived together. No penalties were incurred on these people, they didnt have to convert, stop practising, or be put to death as long as they were a part of society and payed taxes like everyone else.

    I agree that the muslims world is being passive about terror, I would blame the rich soveirng Arabs but I think money has corrupted the system and what we get is deranged, disillusioned and hopeless fanaticism.

    Beyond Islams complex bias and superiority, as with all Abrahamic religions, It does mention that there were 400,000 prophets sent to the world, and that converting and killing everyone who does not its not in the system of Islam. These verses were commanded at times of absolute war for the survival of the message, however it is easily interpreted as an open excuse for war by both the West and the uneducated Extremists,

    Illeterate people are the most dangerous and this book canesaily manipulate the most desperate people into doing evil, which terror is.

    There are reasons for war, but this is not as significant as peace in the religion. Withholding high morals and respect for Gods creating ( we are all one) , “If a person commits a single murder, its like murdering entire humanity”

    What the media does is focus on one type of drama which gets repeated over and over again because thats what the action is, as far as Islamic study goes, it is a very understanding religion with refinement in ethics and morals. It may sound harsh if you take random verses from it and put it together, but there are some disgusting things in the Bible and torah aswell. But this shouldnt be the focus of the religion, war should be avoided at all costs, We believe in Jesus Christ, and yes he was a more peaceful Prophet and the Messiah, but this does not stop human nature of violence. However I believe that there are violent lines in these religions to give spirit and faith to soldiers that must defend or expand to their needs. Its in human nature, and sadly it is, But this system of life has even rules for settling conflicts of war. It is peaceful and mindful about the young and women, plants and tree’s and other peoples belongings, to not harm them. Obviously terror is very repulsive,

    However fast this religion is speading, the internal problems are getting worse as these uneducated people are making a very bad image of Islam. As a Ottoman decendant Turk, I have very much the same feelings of Westerners, as im living in Canada. They are making the 99% of muslims look bad, people who value life, gods creation, and tolerate them. The Ottomans never forced anyone into their religion, there is not convert or die, there is however strength honor respect and integrity which should be displayed which is failing by the majority. It is a muslims slave duty to be an example of such qualities. There is a fear that this religion will be forced on everyone and if not life would be bad or something, however free as we are now, there are still alot of very bad social, economic and cultural problems we live with in the west. There is an upside to the Islamic coin, where, it improves the economy, raises living classes, denominates wealth, improves education, health and hygience, cultural refinement, moral issues such as ; rape, child sex, teen pregnancies. I cant believe that every second in the Us a girl gets raped. The social system of Sharia may sound strict at first , compared to life now, but if you realise or know someone who is raped etc…. you will understand why there needs to be high morals. Caputal punishment may be scary, but we must remember its nothing new it has been used since the 1800’s. its a matter of setting example of very harsh crimes, where the victims families and relatives would just be supplied with money but would be assured that it wouldnt happen again.

    Now I agree freedom is very important, but as a Muslim from a secular country like Turkey I am against the Islam we see today. the misconpection of the matreatment of women is this, that were are both wired differently. We are both equal, but have different strengths, it is clear than woman like to be dominated, and men like to be pampered, but the extreme barbaric actions of some men takig patriarchy to a powertrip is also forbidden. I have read hadiths about how we must respects Gods creation, and if you are to strike you wife you cannot hit her on the face. Its a sacred part of the body and harming it is a very big disrespect to the creation. However, this was a normal part of life in 600ad, I agree it should not be tolerated today, or should have some alterations. I personally would never want to hit, or plan to hit my wife or kids. I think through the heart and word there should be understanding, however I will not be a carpet and disrespected either.

    1. Islam peaceful???????
      It is really amazing and surprising to note how Muslims say that Islam is a peaceful religion and then go about questioning liberal and western thoughts and blaming rational people that they have misinterpreted Islam. Now God is absolute. So whatever he says is absolute truth. There is no such thing as relativity in religion. It should be true for all times,like scientific constants. So whatever is written in Koran should be absolute truth and is applicable for all ages without any changes. Ask any Muslim fanatic and he will agree with you.

      Now take the law of apostasy in Islam. Allah says, kill those Muslims who leave Islam and convert to other faiths. Religion of peace?? I leave it to you’ll to answer.

      1. unless you have studied the Quran (which involves reading it, and not loosely paraphrasing) I don’t think one is in a position to claim they can tell anyone what islam is about. people seem to have such bold opinions on a faith I worry they haven’t even read the book of. Religious freedom is all a Muslim wants, to practise their faith without feeling threatened (which I assure you does not involve any harm to anybody else!) and it is all the prophet saw fought for (claims of anything else are false). Muslims can argue they aren’t asking to kill anybody for apostasy or any other reason as long as they have the freedom to practise their faith and God shall be the judge of all.

        you cannot quote sections from rulings regarding warfare/details of a particular occurrences etc and think that applies to everyday life. You need to read and understand the religion as it is in context.

        ps. as a physics student, I feel I could argue scientific constants may not be as constant as one may think! (:

    2. RE: Anonymous Canadian Turk
      My wife and brother in law both live in the US and are Turkish. Both were raised Muslim, but with the ideals of Kemalism. For them and me there should be a clear separation from religion and government. How do you feel about the current AKP party and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan? Do you see it as a threat against separation between religion and state?

    3. So, Mr. Anonymous, are you saying (as the Quran says) that it’s okay to beat your wife as long as you don’t hit her in the face? Not that you personally would do such a thing (presumably because you’re such a hip and modern guy). How about if you you kill her to protect your honour? Is that okay?

  116. If you see God in Jesus, then God is not a vindictive bully but a God of love. However, I agree that without that insight, then God can be seen as a tyrant, not worthy of worship.

    1. So then what evil religion did God convert from after slaughtering most of life on earth in the Flood?

      Did He find Jesus and let all that lovely love into His heart to repent for the vindictive, tyrannical bullying he relentlessly tormented the world with back in his jealous old god days in Old Testament times?

      You Christians really need to get your conflicting stories straight. These nice folks who came up with these stories invented the concepts of stoning adulterers, killing and mutilating homosexuals and “not suffering witches to live (whoever you suppose these scary “witches” to be).

      btw – They came up with these ugly stories more than a thousand years before Islam was invented. So you see what happens when you promote such heinous and poisonous hatred toward your fellow human beings? Especially when you do it in the name of love. You validate stupid, ignorant, hard-hearted murderers.

      Thanks for finally finding enough love in your hearts to stop “His” Inquisition against my pagan ancestors after seven hundred long years of it, so we could all ponder this wonderful loving god you incessantly brag about as you insult the intelligence of everyone who disagrees.

      At least Jesus was merely a narcissistic cult guru and not a full blown psychopathic serial mass murderer like Mohammed and his crew. I wish I could say the same for Jesus’s creepy spook Father.

      1. even if you have convinced yourself of the (false) claims you make, don’t you feel like you should at least try to verify them and list sources in support of them rather than posting really offensive comments?

  117. Your comments are utterly ridiculous and laughable. No one is “jealous” of this heinous cult of violence and women abusers. But, nice try.

    Instead of taking such an absurd and insulting position – full of supremacist rubbish – perhaps you should try to understand the real reason we would object to such an ideology.

    In the first place, we detest Islam because very sick people like you are so dishonest about it. Islam fosters such dishonesty, as well as the depraved doctrines you are attempting to foist upon us. It also fosters all the rest below – and we object to this vileness because we are MORAL.

    Here’s what the Muslim spokesmen in the attached videos are advocating – something to be “jealous” of?

    Islamic supremacy and global domination
    Prohibition of music and singing
    Imprisonment, flogging, torture and death for homosexuals
    Jihad to force Islam on the world
    Jews as apes and pigs
    Jews as the eternal enemies of Muslims
    Jews as originators of all evil and catastrophe in the world
    Osama bin Laden in Paradise
    Raping women okay in Islam
    Female genital mutilation “obligatory” in Islam
    Sex slaves for Muslim men
    Child marriage/rape
    Mohammed having sex with a 9-year-old girl
    Wife beating
    Death for “insulting” Mohammed
    Death to apostates and infidels
    Genocide of Americans
    Jihad to “raid the world”
    Non-Muslims being not innocent and subject to death


    Please take your demented Stone Age cult of hatred and violence elsewhere, as we aren’t buying it. We don’t kowtow to religious bullies and supremacists here.

    All you’ve done is to prove Dawkins’s point that Islam is evil.

  118. U fools
    How can u say Islam is killin people.. Islam dont kill, Muslims can some do some dont. But if you could see what is happening in the world, and whos doing the killing .. U would know . There’s alot bad ppl in this world i suppose.. N religion is being used to cover up the sh*t. So tbh whoever Richard is. He chattin a whole loada baloneys .. Even he dont know. I think hes smokin the sh*t too much

    1. I’m sorry, but you are completely ridiculous. Islam programs people to kill, kill, kill the infidel. One Quranic verse after another exhorts hatred and slaughter of infidels. The quotes have been provided repeatedly here, but you did not even bother to read these comments. Nor do you know the Quran, apparently.

      It’s the teaching of the QURAN that instills violent thoughts and hatred in the minds of Muslims, which is exactly why there are so many Muslims killing people. Why do you hate Muslims to blame them instead of their programming? If it’s just these Muslims who are violent, are you saying they are naturally inferior? And why does the following of Islam not teach them to be better? They’ve been following it for centuries!

      Moreover, instead of insulting our intelligence here, why don’t you go tell the Taliban, al Qaeda and the millions of other Muslim terrorists who are destroying the world that they are not following Islam properly? I’m sure they would really love to hear from you.

      Your dishonesty here will fail to convince anyone. Instead of honestly acknowledging that Islam is causing people to slaughter all over the world, you call nonbelievers “fools.” Such insulting remarks come from your Islamic hatred of infidels, so thanks for the example proving our contentions here. Islam teaches hatred and violent conquest of infidels, period.

      Grow a conscience and stop lying, please.

      1. You seem comfortable loosely paraphrasing the Quran yet haven’t managed to cite a single source. I assure you, no Muslim is to kill kill kill any infidel (whoever that even is). until you properly read the Quran, maybe reserve such bold opinions regarding its teaching.

        you cannot take a line from it’s rulings on warfare or descriptions of a specific event in history etc and insist it’s teaching evil.

        your point on so many Muslims killing people… fallujah, Iraq, Hiroshima, the IRA, every droning mission ever to be launched, Korea, LTTE, the entire history of colonisation. why not blame all this bloodshed on the religion of those who committed these atrocities and argue the root is in the religion?

        I would love to tell the Taliban they aren’t being very religious, equally why doesnt someone explain to the western govts that they arent being very religious, humane or anything less than oppressive, massacring, hypocritical murderers.

        1. Nobody is “loosely paraphrasing” the Quran. If you look throughout this thread, you will see that I personally quoted the Quran verbatim and included links to the translation with side-by-side Arabic. Your comments here constitute Muslim apologetics and are easily refuted by the other remarks I’ve made throughout this site.

          As for your other comments using the “out of context” fallacy, instead of wasting our time here with the slew of demonstrable falsehoods you’ve provided, why don’t you go tell all the MUSLIMS fanatics themselves who are wreaking havoc globally. Your apologies ring very hollow indeed.

          In addition to denials and out of context fallacies, you are also attempting deflections. These will not work to assuage the horrible guilt of the world’s most violent and oppressive ideology.

          Here are the stages of Muslim apologetics:

          1. Denial
          2. Deflection
          3. Insults
          4. Threats
          5. Violence

          You’ve gone from denial to deflection, and some of your comments have been insulting to the intelligence.

          It’s time to grow up and face the music, as they say, about Islam’s dreadful past and its horrible doctrines that endure to this day. Denials, deflections, insults, threats and violence will not suffice to uphold the falsehoods about this ideology.

          And, by the way, pretty much everything you’ve said here has already been refuted on this very thread, so please stop wasting our time.

  119. please help our world to free from the satan
    👿 👿 👿 sooner our world will overwhleming with satanic cult .why no any goverment or un declair any solution.

  120. Ethic of Reciprocity.
    Golden Rule: “Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.”

    Islam: “Do unto others, as they have done unto you.”—and you have done unto them plenty a foul misdeed.

    Muslims are a peace-loving people. But they are not a weak people; not a people of cowardice.
    You too would have an attitude problem if your people were being bombed non-stop for half a century.

    There is no wisdom in treating a symptom of an illness, whilst ignoring the illness itself.

    The causality to the cultural divide between Islam and the West, is due to the war of aggression that has been, and is being waged against Islam by the West.

    In 1919 the United States refused to be part of Britain and France’s sinister plot against the Muslims. This was a righteous act. However, in 1948 the United States officially declared war on the Muslim world:

    [i]President Truman, while sympathetic to the Zionist cause, was most concerned about relieving the plight of the displaced persons; Secretary of State George Marshall feared U.S. backing of a Jewish state would harm relations with the Muslim world, limit access to Middle Eastern oil, and destabilize the region.[/i]

    Yet, they still went ahead.

    From then onwards, the U.S. have been overtly and covertly causing geopolitical destabilization to achieve corporate hegemonic ultra-capitalist gain—at a grave cost to humanity.

    Compound that with the anti-Islam and anti-Muslim rhetoric and hyperbole all-too-frequently present in all forms of media and mainstream Western culture.
    The constant and unending barrage of insult-after-insult; telling these people that their beliefs are ignorant and backward, constantly calling them savages and terrorists, desecrating the dignity and honor of their Holy Prophet and their Holy scripture.

    How can you expect compassion, when you yourself are compassionless?

    You accuse these people of being liars, killers, and thieves.
    You want to deport them.
    You want to segregate and humiliate these people.
    You claim that they are a threat to freedom of religion and freedom of expression, and at the same time you want to prevent these people from establishing their houses of worship, you want to prevent these people from practicing their religion openly and freely, and you want to prevent these people from adhering to their religious commitments by criminalizing their religious attire and their religious arbitration of civil disputes within the guidelines of the law. This is hypocrisy. This is not tolerance of religion. This is discrimination. This is arrogance.

    Meanwhile, those of them not living in the West are being massacred and exploited.

    1. Practically everything you’ve said here has been addressed and refuted on this page, in the comments section for example.

      Islam was slaughtering and victimizing hundreds of millions of people ([url]http://www.politicalislam.com/tears/pages/tears-of-jihad/[/url]) centuries before the United States even existed, so please spare us the “blowback” baloney.

      Islamic Crusades Episode 5: Why Did They Hate Us in 1783? ([url]http://occidentalsoapbox.blogspot.com/2008/10/islamic-crusades-episode-5-why-did-they.html[/url])

      One of the major reasons Westerners have had to enter into Muslim countries is because of TERRORISTS there who are setting up armies to destroy the “filthy infidels,” just as Islamic fanatics have been doing for 1,400 years ([url]http://occidentalsoapbox.blogspot.com/2008/11/islamic-crusades.html[/url]).

      Islam continues to enslave people ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/contributing-writers/63-acharya-s/498-islams-disturbing-legacy-of-slavery.html[/url]) and abuse women ([url]http://www.freethoughtnation.com/contributing-writers/63-acharya-s/574-what-does-the-koran-say-about-women.html[/url]), and this criminal behavior has to do with its doctrines, not with the people the fanatics are enslaving or abusing.

      Time to stop with the deceit and ignorance about Islam and its history. Everything I’ve said above is verified by other comments here, with plenty of links, so look around before you ask questions or make further erroneous commentary.

      In the meantime, Muslims who live in the West live better than anywhere in any time in history. And those who do not live in the West, such as the Saudis and other oil-rich nations, are also living better than at any time in history, as they suck trillion$ from our economies.

      Those who live badly in Muslim countries for the most part are in that state because of ISLAM, such as in Pakistan and Afghanistan, where Muslims have slaughtered far more of each other than have any Western troops.

      The bogus victim card is getting really old. Islamic fundamentalism IS the illness that needs to be treated.

  121. You are obviously demented. Islam deserves you.

    Congratulations on joining the most violent and hateful cult in the world. Hope you like blood and sex slavery.

    Oh, and if you leave, we hope your new masters don’t do THIS to you:

    Men accused of flogging Muslim convert followed sharia ([url]http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/men-accused-of-flogging-followed-sharia-court-told-20130228-2f96u.html[/url])

  122. It’s clear who the real terrorist is.

    I’m a Westerner. I was an atheist. It’s people like you, however, that have made me realize who the true terrorist is. Because of this, I have accepted Islam.

    I don’t know what your mission is, but if it’s to ‘Islamocize’ people; well done.

    1. RE: Come in Peace, or Leave in Pie
      If you choose to live in a diverse and democratic society (or the internet), you must compromise or move somewhere that better fits your value system. Here free speech and freedom of religion are rights. Anyone can say anything they want, intolerant or biased. Rousseau’s Social Contract pretty much states this and is what most democratic western societies adhere to.

      Your defense, in my opinion, doesn’t take into account that most want the right to believe as they wish and choose. It blames history, and past wrongs. I don’t believe that most Americans would deny that the War of 1812 happened, or some of the possible causes. However, nobody in their right mind is going to support a current day invasion of Britain.

      Of great concern to me is sharia law. If one looks at states which have adopted it, with all of it’s interpretations, there seems to be trends that are frightening. Intolerance, torture, suppression of individual liberties, and totalitarianism are what many see. That combined with the Qur’an and the hadiths writings also seem to support the justification.

      Can you tell me, as a believer or non believer, what the benefits are to living in an Islamic based society?

    2. “Come in peace or leave in pieces”…I thought that slogan was invented by wacko fundamentalist “Christian” survivalists like the Aryan Nations. Pretty much tells us where you’re coming from though. I think all you people with murder in your hearts deserve each other.

      It’s too bad that the notion of Freedom OF Religion has been hijacked by people who have absolutely no belief in it. Too bad us secular humanists who invented the concept didn’t stress our motives at the time. What we would really, really like to have is freedom FROM religion.

  123. Islamic Beleif
    Having been a scholar of world religions for over 40 years I am sure, as sure I can be, that Islam is hijacked by some force which is unholy. And honestly I am a Liberal. Just a normal person. Your leaders are not speaking out about the problems so they are part of that too. Not a judgement of the media, just an observation of the product of the ‘religion’. We all have a lot to learn though Islam is still in the Middle ages.

  124. I agree!

    Except that Islam has not been “hijacked,” as it has been the same from the beginning, with the tone set by (the fictional?) “Mohammed” or whoever was responsible for its creation. The violence, bigotry and hatred of Islam have been part and parcel since its inception, other than, perhaps, a few brief years of “peace” when its numbers were small.

    Leaders [i]globally [/i]are not only ignoring but also aiding and abetting in this massive problem with their utterly fallacious contentions that it is not Islam itself which is the real issue but only a “small” percentage (in the many millions) who have “hijacked” the faith.

    One wonders why so many violent hijackers are attracted to (or created by) Islam, and why it does not have the opposite effect on its self-professed greatest devotees.

    One is tempted, therefore, to suggest that it is the ideology itself which is the problem.

  125. You’ve been brainwashed
    You use words in your defense like ‘most’. For me this is inexcusable because in you religion it will never be all as long as middle eastern and African countries who have implemented sharia law very long ago exist. It’s getting worse. My wife is from Turkey and I have always seen the country as a beacon of hope in the middle east. The country is up 98% Muslim, but the people there are educated and civilized. This is all because of the implementation of Kemalism after the fall of the Ottoman empire. Well the current party (AKP) and it’s PM (who was sent to prison in 1999 for his very harsh statements from Islam) in power are in my opinion gradually trying to turn it into an Islamist based society. The army has always been the guardian against religious parties taking over the government. Well this party threw all of the army’s command and control leadership in prison. They have ratified the constitution, and they want to do more. How did they come into power? They started doing things for people at the grass roots level. They offered things that people liked, and were very peaceful. Very much like Mohamed when he had only 150 followers. Ten years later he conquered all of Arabia in the name of Islam… Look at what’s happened in Egypt! The revolution there was started by students, protesting peacefully. When it appeared to get bigger and bigger, the Muslim Brotherhood decided to join in. The students were very clear about them keeping their head bands and Qur’an at home and out of site. Once the regime finally toppled, they took over, and just a few months ago they wanted to try to give Morsi absolute power. People protested. They unleashed terror squads. Elections have been pushed back. How about this: You’re a 7 year old, middle class, Persian girl. All of a sudden you must wear hijab and are forced into religious studies classes, and you have new teachers brought to your school because the country has had an Islamist revolution. Your mother and you are out to find groceries as there is a war going on with Iraq and food is scarce. Any man can harass you especially the religious police! This happened to a friend of mine who now lives here in the US. In Saudi Arabia, you’re lucky if they don’t gang rape you, but you’re going to get the standard 200 lashes, because you a woman who attracted unwanted attention…. If you don’t believe what I am saying go to a middle eastern country which has had sharia law for a long period of time. Spend some time in the holy land. Let me know what you think.

    You don’t mention anything about female genital mutilation which I know is not part of the Qur’an, and has been denied as a part of sharia law, but I have seen the actual Arabic text in a sharia law concepts and practice book which clearly states that all men and women should be circumcised, and what needs to be removed for men and women. It’s still going on. Some girls die from it. Again you can probably say ‘most’ but not ALL.

    How about drug abuse. How about the sources of the problem. Where product is grown and made? Afghanistan’s number one crop is OPIUM, and they have many addicts (watch some Frontline, because I would also like you to watch the episode on the dancing boys the men love so much!) . Guess where it’s exported to? IRAN where it is processed and shipped on. So it starts in a Islamic based country, moves to another for processing. So there’s no drug problem anywhere in Islamic countries? There’s not a homosexual ‘problem’? The gay community here doesn’t sleep with boys for pleasure, and they have pretty much come a long way, just like women’s rights. Again you can say most but you can’t say all, nor will you be able to while you’re alive at the very least.

    And the Hijab…. I have read what many women possibly feel when ‘they choose’ to wear it (they really don’t have a choice in sharia countries). Like many things in the Qur’an, which will contradict, one of their explanations is ‘we wish not to attract attention to our bodies, and wish to be known by our minds’, or ‘it humbles us before our god, and therefore we must be modest and not attract unwanted attention’… Then they decide that they are going to wear lots of eye makeup, designer sunglasses, and very decorative hijab/ headscarves…. For women whom wish not attract attention, they go out of their way to do so while following rules and guidlines set by their version of Islam… Also, where I currently live in the US there is a large settlement of African Muslims. I see them putting hijab on their daughters when they are still babies, and that bothers me so much. These people are not well educated, and they feel Islam is great. Don’t get trapped in a cab with them (the majority of men are cab drivers), because some are so whacked out on Islam they try to convert you, and demand that it’s the only way. They want their community to abide by sharia law, and some wish their was more of it in the US. If it was so great why are they leaving their war torn country? Why is their country in shambles to begin with? Why do they come to the US if we are so deviant and immoral?

    I was raised a Protestant in the US. My wife a Muslim in Turkey. We don’t practice nor really believe in our birth religions. Religion can do good in teaching morals and values. It can also be used for power and control. I don’t care what another wishes to believe. It’s their right to believe what they want in my country, just as it’s a right to have free speech. I just that their beliefs are not pushed upon me and my family. How about in Islam? In my opinion, Islamic based societies are the worst thing since Fascism. However, at least fascist states never hid behind religion, or used it for power.

    1. Thank you for your intelligent and thoughtful insights here. Much appreciated. It’s good to see that there are others “getting” it.

  126. Yes, Islam is immoral. Yes, it is intolerant.

    But, perhaps even more importantly, it is provably FALSE.

  127. Islame
    The world is one big pressure cooker, Islam is the heat stoking up the pressure until it lets go

  128. Christianity has murdered around 250 million & Islam 270 million, that’s over half a Billion deaths – why would anyone be a devotee of such trash?

    [quote]Have 250 million been killed in the name of Christianity? ([url]http://www.freethoughtnation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=3241[/url])

    These figures are a rough estimate of the death of non-Muslims by the political act of jihad.

    120 million Africans
    60 million Christians
    80 million Hindus
    10 million Buddhists[/quote]
    “Over the last 1400 years, 270 million non-believers were murdered by Muslim jihadists. Islam destroyed the Christian Middle East and Christian North Africa. It is estimated that upwards of 60 million Christians were slaughtered during this conquest. Also, half the Hindu civilization was annihilated and 80 million Hindus murdered. Islamic jihad also destroyed over 10 million Buddhists. In other words, Islam is a killing machine.”

    “Bill Warner of the Center for the Study of Political Islam says “Approximately 270 million nonbelievers died over the last 1400 years for the glory of political Islam.”

  129. Islam
    No need to bash other religions. There are good people and there are bad people. There will always be a balance. You cannot rid the evil in the world by getting rid of a religion. Overcoming the evil that God provides for you is the test that will make you a more pure and happy human being. Provoking Islam as a bad religion is not going to help you in any way.

    1. We are neither “bashing” nor “provoking” Islam or religion in general. We are critiquing an ideology for its doctrines, which are causing people to behave badly.

      It is vital that we honestly analyze and deal with this issue. Sticking one’s head in the sand and making distraction fallacies away from the issues is not going to help you in any way.

      And we certainly cannot get rid of evil if we are not even able to identify it. The bottom line is that Islamic fanaticism is the root of much evil. Other religious fanaticism is as well, and we must get rid of this fanaticism. The only way to do so is to analyze is scientifically and critique it honestly, without the frantic pointing elsewhere and attempts at censorship.

      It is very disturbing that someone could read this post, along with the comments and images exposing horrible atrocities, and then feel the need to attempt to stop us from critiquing the heinous mentality being discussed here.

      Instead of such thwarting efforts, a moral person should be happy to see that there are courageous and enlightened individuals who are doing something about these horrors.

  130. It doesn’t appear from your post that you know anything about Islam. Read the comments throughout this blog and LEARN something before commenting about a religion you know absolutely nothing about.

      1. Sounds like pretty much everything on this page. Try reading it and getting an education.

        [quote]it is a beautiful way of life. [/quote]
        Yeah, really beautiful, if you like the color of blood and bruises. 😡

        1. This page is the opposite of an education. This page considers a faith evil by the actions of a few people that claim they are Muslim. This page tells you nothing about what Islam emphasizes. This site is taking a random parts of Islamic verses to make it seem that it is emphasizing violence. If you truly think that Muslims are violent, you should get an education yourself.

          1. This “page” has not considered a “faith evil by the actions of a few people.” What we have done is to analyze the track record of the religion, which is consistently violent, based on doctrines in its sacred texts.

            And it’s not “just a few people” – it’s tens of millions of people over the period of 1,400 years. “Muslims” is a very big and broad term that incorporates people of all races and ethnicities. Islamic indoctrination both attracts individuals who use it to justify violence and encourages violence, especially against non-believers and women.

            Those of us pointing out the source texts used to justify this violence are NOT the problem here. It’s those using these texts to commit violence – and again there are millions of them alive on the planet right now – who are the problem.

            You are wasting your time here trying to convince us of a fallacious argument, while your fellow Islamic devotees are preaching the very doctrines you pretend do not exist:

            Islamic Reality videos ([url]http://islamreality.wordpress.com/[/url])

            Instead of presenting fallacious arguments to us, perhaps you should take up your concerns with the Muslim authorities who are spreading such doctrines in the name of Islam. I’m sure they would be thrilled to hear from you.

            What is the opposite of education is the frantic attempt to prevent this factual information from being known, both to us and to yourself.

            Open your eyes and study the subject, rather than flailing around desperately while trying to point fingers elsewhere and distracting off the issues.

            Start here:

            Islamic Crusades ([url]http://occidentalsoapbox.blogspot.com/2008/11/islamic-crusades.html[/url])

            There is much more, but it’s already been covered here, in the comments in particular. You will need actually to read them.

            Please stop defending the ideology that likely slaughtered and raped your ancestors into it. You are suffering a sort of Stockholm Syndrome, empathizing with your abusers. Do you have any idea how your ancestors became Muslim? Watch the videos above.

          2. People use Islam for evil purposes because they do not understand it. They are misinterpreting it. The individuals that are doing these crimes are at fault themselves for their stupidity, not Islam itself. Killing is completely forbidden in Islam, unless if it is an act of self defense. Where in the Quran does it encourage “rape.” Also, even if my ancestors have been forced to convert to Islam, much good has come upon it. Without Islam I would have no purpose in my life, I would be a very mentally weak individual. Islam showed me the way to the unseen. Islam will spread whether you like it or not. Your future descendants will most likely convert to Islam, like how millions of people willingly convert to Islam every year without force. Also, I am not suffering from this “Stockholm Syndrome.” What abuser am I empathizing with. I have not been abused in any way. Who would I be supporting. I just practice Islam. I do not control the irrational behavior of Islamic leaders/politicians.

          3. If Islam is so great, why is it so easily “misunderstood”? In our modern secular world I know a lot of people who don’t understand Buddhism or Hinduism either, but you don’t hear of them strapping explosives to themselves and blowing up dozens of innocent civilian men, women and children.

            I have a question for you. Which “crime” is worse, drawing a cartoon of Mohammed or blowing up an Embassy in retaliation for the cartoon?

  131. Islam
    I doubt it is Islam’s principles that make people do horrific things. As I said before there are good people and there are bad people. Islam emphasizes purity. Killing others is not a sense of purity. People are using Islam as a false reason to kill. Without Islam, they would still be killers, but without an excuse. I respect your opinion in Islam, but I don’t think you truly understand the meaning and it’s purpose. For it is a beautiful way of life. Teaching you step by step to finding your place in this universe. Teaching you not to fear, but to love one and another.


  132. Islam was [i]created [/i]for evil purposes, and you have just confirmed it, as you essentially menace me and my progeny with the same enslavement you are happily enduring. If so many people are “misinterpreting” Islam, then it is a worthless system.

    Again, instead of wasting my time with arguments I have proved repeatedly to be false, perhaps you should go tell these millions of fanatics that they are “misinterpreting” Islam. Like I say, I’m sure they will appreciate hearing from you. But you won’t, because it is much easier to try to fool me as you have fooled yourself.

    The fact that you don’t know how your own ancestors were massacred and raped into Islam reveals your ignorance of Islamic history, while the fact that you seem gleeful at the thought of enslaving others under this violent and hateful ideology shows that you have few morals.

    “much good has come upon it.” No, it has not. You don’t know the history of your area in pre-Islamic times. Islam has degraded life in most places where it has flourished. Your spitting on your own culture is a result of Islam’s bigotry; yet, you base your life on this hatred and destruction of millions of human beings and their cultures. That’s what Islam has done to you.

    [quote]What abuser am I empathizing with. I have not been abused in any way. Who would I be supporting. I just practice Islam.[/quote]
    By your practice of the religion that slaughtered and enslaved your ancestors, you are supporting your abusers. You don’t have any mental freedom to determine whether or not Islam is correct. You have been brainwashed by it from birth, and now you hope that it is shoved down the throats of billions of people worldwide. That’s the hateful conditioning you are now spreading with your lack of thought on this subject.

    And what are you practicing? No omniscient God needs you to pray five times a day – that’s just cult behavior. What are you praying for? Basically not to be an infidel. So, five times a day, you are endorsing infidel-hatred, while bolstering your ego to believe you are superior to non-Muslims.

    Don’t bother to post your menacing threats, arrogant superiority and happy justifications of genocide here, as we are not interested. We will not submit to any enslaving ideology of hatred and violence, and, no, the world will not be turned into an Islamic hellhole, despite your hopes.

    But thanks for the example of how insidious Islam is, so that everyone can see why Dawkins would say it’s one of the great evils in the world. [i]Here [/i]is what it does to one’s mind.

    If you would like to find a [i]decent [/i]purpose in life, rather than stumping for a cult that is responsible for the slaughter of hundreds of millions of human beings, go to this site:

    http://faithfreedom.org ([url]http://faithfreedom.org[/url])

    There’s a forum there where you can get help overcoming the conditioning foisted upon you by invaders who massacred your ancestors. Many people there have left Islam. Good luck.

  133. “[i]not every Muslim takes every word of the Quran literally[/i]”

    Yet many do and for good reason – because that’s what Islam demands.

    Anonymous, your comments here are an insult to our intelligence. Many of us here are well educated on the subject of religion. There are several highly respected Muslims and ex-Muslims who post here and even write blogs here for Freethought Nation like Dr. Tawfik Hamid ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/contributing-writers/72-tawfik-hamid.html[/url]), Farhan Qureshi ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/contributing-writers/75-farhan-qureshi.html[/url]) and Amil Imani ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/contributing-writers/79-amil-imani.html[/url])

    We don’t need anybody telling us not to generalize. We don’t address specific individuals (unless they’ve done or said something) we address the [b]IDEOLOGY[/b]. The fact is that the ideology of Islam is never to be trusted as has been proven repeatedly throughout its 1,400 year history.

    There are a great many Muslims who’d like to be allowed to be free from Islam, but due to apostasy laws they cannot leave Islam.

    “[i]The problem is people are willing to accept that there are some Christians who are extremists and then there are many more who are not, yet Muslims are not given the we same understanding[/i]. “

    For good reasons too. There are many violence scriptures in the Koran calling for the death of the infidel, non-Muslim.

    Some of us here were former Christians and we know that in the US and other western countries Christianity is not even remotely the same in that regard as Christianity has been tamed by the secular US Constitution and laws. Read today’s terrorism news – notice there are over 20,700 terrorist attacks around the world, just since 9-11:


    “Over the last 1400 years, 270 million non-believers were murdered by Muslim jihadists. Islam destroyed the Christian Middle East and Christian North Africa. It is estimated that upwards of 60 million Christians were slaughtered during this conquest. Also, half the Hindu civilization was annihilated and 80 million Hindus murdered. Islamic jihad also destroyed over 10 million Buddhists. In other words, Islam is a killing machine.”


    Quotes from modern day Muslims:

    “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”
    – Omar M. Ahmad, founder of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) July 4th, 1998

    “Muslims cannot accept the legitimacy of the secular system in the United States, for it “is against the orders and ordainments of Allah”
    – Imam Zaid Shakir, Former Muslim Chaplain at Yale University

    “I want to see the U.S become an Islamic nation.”
    – Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR Spokesperson

    “I am a traitor to America because my religion requires me to be. We pledge to wage jihad for the rest of our lives until either we implant Islam all over the world or meet our Lord as bearers of Islam.”
    – Samir Khan

    “Once we gain power in Egypt, “we will launch a campaign of Islamic conquest, throughout the world”
    – Sheikh ‘Adel Shehato, Senior official of Egyptian Islamic Jihad

    “Greater integration between Islam and the West depends on incorporation of Sharia law into the legal systems of Europe and the U.S.”
    – Ground Zero Mosque Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf

    If Muslims want acceptance, then, they need to start acting like normal humans. You are never going to change the facts and evidence here – instead you need to tell all the Muslim extremists that they have a false understanding of Islam – good luck with that. The best thing for the entire world is for Islam to be wiped off the face of the earth. It has no place in a civilized world.

  134. Just so you know, not every Muslim takes every word of the Quran literally showing quotes like these is pointless because the Bible has just as many quotes that seem not to make sense when taken literally. The problem is people are willing to accept that there are some Christians who are extremists and then there are many more who are not, yet Muslims are not given the we same understanding. Every last one of us is treated as an extremist, I am just as disgusted with what people have done in the name of Islam as anyone else but I understand that just because they say it is “in the name of Islam” does not mean it is. All I’m saying is, do not generalize us, the statement you have typed up above clearly shows that you are, to some extent, an educated person so why not use the brain with which you criticize us all to properly evaluate your decision and realise that not every Muslim is out to kill, terrorise and claim superiority. Some of us just want acceptance for what we are, human beings.

  135. Could not have said it better. People wake up to the truth and stop the PC craaaaaaaaaapppppppppppp

  136. Religion is primarily evil
    Most religions of the world, if not ALL, have had their time of bein