Non-Religious Minority Largest of Them All
N. B.
- 10
Non-Religious Minority Largest of Them All
Trump signed an executive order for the ‘faith-based initiative’ during the ‘National Day of Prayer’ event May 3rd, 2018 designed to bolster the influence of faith groups in government going further than ever before giving special treatment towards Evangelical Christians, which is entirely unconstitutional as per the 1st Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”
I will never vote Republican because I am ASHAMED of what the GOP has become; their agenda is the religious-rights’ Apocalypse / Armageddon and to convert America into a “Christian Nation” i.e. a Christian Theocracy that they’ve always wanted:
“Conservative Christians are cheering the U.S. Embassy move to Jerusalem because they believe the move will usher in Armageddon” … “By praising Trump’s embassy move, Pirro is playing upon the hopes and dreams of deluded and ignorant conservative Christians that make up the fan base of Fox News. In fact, many conservative Christians believe that Trump’s controversial decision to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem will usher in Armageddon, and that moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem sets the stage for the Second Coming of Christ and End Times.”
Fox News: Trump Fulfilled Biblical Prophecy By Moving Embassy To Jerusalem
The Trump admin, the GOP/Republicans need to be made aware of the fact that America now has at least 26% (projected to hit 35% by 2030) in America who are non-religious known as the “nones” in polls on religious affiliation. That is the largest minority of them all … the non-religious minority in America is far larger than:
1. NRA members (1.6%)
2. Jews (2.6%)
3. Muslims (2%)
4. Buddhists (0.7%)
5. Hindus (0.7%)
6. Jehovah’s Witness (0.8%)
7. Mormons (1.6%)
8. Baptists (2.5%)
9. Illegal immigrants (3-5%)
10. Gays (3-5%)
11. Asians (5.3%)
12. Blacks (13.2%)
13. Hispanics (17%)
14. Catholics (20%)
15. Evangelicals (25%)
16. Non-Religious (26%) (currently 30% for those under 30)
The “nones” or non-religious are as large as the first 11 COMBINED!!! The US Supreme court has not had a non-believer on the bench since Justice David Davis (1877) nominated by Abraham Lincoln (a republican). 83.2 million of us (26%) non-believers have been ignored our entire lives – we are the largest minority of them all and should at least have a spot at the table. Instead, President after President of both parties do all they can to cater to Christianity through things like the ‘faith-based initiative’ while ignoring us “nones” year after year.
The GOP treat other Americans who aren’t Christian or Republican like they are not Americans and I’m sick of it. I’d love to see an Independent (a younger Bernie Sanders type) try to pull in the LARGEST MINORITY OF THEM ALL – the non-religious folks – to help fight back against the Trump/Pence bigoted Christian extremist agenda.
As bad as Trump and his administration is with corruption, ethics, lies etc., the Democrats are still a big mess. The DNC and democratic elite still refuse to understand why they lost the 2016 election so badly and continue to sabotage progressive democratic campaigns to this day. In 2017 a Nationwide Class-Action filed Against Democratic Party for dishonest primaries etc., admitted in court that the “DNC had the right to rig 2016 democratic primary” – and they wonder why nearly 60% of Americans don’t vote? Trump did not win – the democrats just lost terribly for being so pathetic. As Bernie Sanders said: “Secretary Clinton ran against the most unpopular candidate in this history of this country and she still lost.” “Gallup shows that since the election, a remarkable 14 million Democrats have become independents.”
The DNC & Hillary campaign owes us all an official apology for intentionally sabotaging the Bernie Sanders campaign – who would’ve won in 2016. I was cheated out of my vote. The Electoral College owes us an apology for failing to do their ONE JOB – keeping a con-man out of the White House. Sadly, the Democratic party has been Republican-light working for the top 2% same as the GOP ever since the Clinton admin in the 90’s. Why on earth would I ever vote for that? Hillary and the DNC did all of that on their own – can’t blame Bernie Sanders or anybody else for that. I understand why so many refused to vote for Hillary and the dems. I’ll never vote Democrat (or Hillary) thanks to those DNC & democratic elites. The DNC, Hillary Clinton and the Democratic party are now dead to me – I’ll never vote for them without serious changes and I am NOT alone. Democrats have failed us progressives for the last time.
I’m searching for a good candidate to vote for who would best represent my secular values. I have nobody to vote for who represents me or my views – I am a born & raised American who has had no real representation my entire life.
The End
* Acharya S was a Co-Chair for the “Human Rights for Atheists, Agnostics and Secularists” Organization to help fight against pervasive blasphemy laws worldwide:
Petition to the UN to protect freedom from religion and barbaric blasphemy laws
Blasphemy laws around the world
Nonbelievers in religion persecuted, executed worldwide under barbaric blasphemy laws
Further Reading:
Were George Washington and Thomas Jefferson Jesus Mythicists?
Preachers, priests quietly embrace the Christ myth
Separation of Religion and State
Mythicism and the Ph.D.: A Brief History
Star Worship of the Ancient Israelites
“God Bless America” Response to pass around
Sources & Notes:
Study: Atheists Most Discriminated Minority
By 2030, say projections, a third of Americans will have no religious preference
Report Finds Young People in Europe Are Abandoning Organized Religion in Droves
“The NRA is America’s preeminent gun rights organization, made up of nearly five million members” = 1.6%
How many gun owners belong to the NRA? Not as many as you’d think (Feb 2018)
Most gun owners don’t belong to the NRA
* We had several guns in our house all my life and it was never an issue. I’m just curious why the NRA has so much power in our politics when they are just 1.6% of America. There are more illegal immigrants than NRA members in America.
Why do atheists care about religion?
; )
10 thoughts on “Non-Religious Minority Largest of Them All”
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Thank you for having the guts to write the truth as the non-religious are in fact the largest minority. I’d like to see all of Congress read this blog.
The quotes below show us what the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is all about:
Perfect examples below:
“Our goal, as Christians, is to dominate society”
– Pat Robertson
“Christianity & Democracy are inevitably enemies”
– R.J. Rushdoony “Independent Republic” pg 122, 1964
“The church should be a disciplined charging army. Christians, like slaves and solders ask no questions. We are fighting a holy war.”
– Jerry Falwell
“Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land – for Jesus Christ – to have dominion in civil structures, just as in every other aspect life & godliness. It is dominion we’re after not just a voice. It is dominion we’re after not just influence. It is dominion we’re after not just equal time. It is dominion we’re after. World conquest. That’s what Christ has commissioned us to do.”
– George Grant, “changing of the guard” pg 50-51
“Our job is to reclaim America for Christ, whatever the cost. As the vice regents of God, we are to exercise godly dominion and influence over our neighborhoods, our schools, our government, our literature and arts, our sports arenas, our entertainment media, our news media, our scientific endeavors — in short, over every aspect and institution of human society.”
– D. James Kennedy
“No, I don’t know that Atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered as patriots. This is one nation under God.”
– George H.W. Bush, when he was candidate for president
Yeah, most Pastors, Priests, Reverends, Ministers etc., don’t want to ruin our principles of church/state separation. The GOP/Republicans are recklessly pushing for special privileges for Christians and blasphemy laws for everybody else, scary:
Church of The Donald; Never mind Fox. Trump’s most reliable media mouthpiece is now Christian TV
Theocracy Watch: Dominion Theology
“Religious freedom is one thing,” says Joan Bokaer, director of TheocracyWatch, a project of the Center for Religion, Ethics, and Social Policy (CRESP) at Cornell University. “But religious extremism is something completely different. What people aren’t aware of is just how deeply the radical religious right has penetrated our government—in all three branches. We really are very close to becoming a theocracy. People have reason to be worried.”
Theocracy Watch: Dominion Theology VIDEOS
… even more honest Christian scholars concede:
“Apart from the New Testament writings and later writings dependent upon these, our sources of information about the life and teaching of Jesus are scanty and problematic”
– F.F. Bruce, a founder of the modern evangelical
“…Christian scholars over the centuries have admitted that … “there are parallels between the Mysteries and Christianity”1 and that “the miracle stories of the Gospels do in fact parallel literary forms found in pagan and Jewish miracle stories,”2 “…According to Form Criticism the Gospels are more like folklore and myth than historical fact.”3
1. Metzger, HLS, 8.
2. Meier, II, 536.
3. Geisler, CA, 320.
– Who Was Jesus? 259
“The only definite account of his life and teachings is contained in the four Gospels of the New Testament, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. All other historical records of the time are silent about him. The brief mentions of Jesus in the writings of Josephus, Tacitus and Suetonius have been generally regarded as not genuine and as Christian interpolations; in Jewish writings there is no report about Jesus that has historical value. Some scholars have even gone so far as to hold that the entire Jesus story is a myth”
– The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia
“I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”
– Historian, Sir Stephen Henry Roberts (1901-71)
Thank you for keeping Acharya’s blog alive. This reminds me of the gems from Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian.
And here’s the best one. It looks like ISIS have so much in common with conservative Christians, only that in America there’s the first amendment.
For what it’s worth since so many today don’t appear to understand the proper definition for atheist:
“What is an atheist? An atheist is a person who does not believe in the existence of a god, i.e., in the existence of a supernatural being. Why doesn’t the atheist believe in a god? Quite simply, because belief in a god is unreasonable. Can the atheist prove that a god does not exist? The atheist need not ‘prove’ the nonexistence of a god, just as one who does not believe in magic elves, fairies, and gremlins does not have to prove their nonexistence. A person who asserts the existence of something assumes the burden of proof. The theist, or god-believer, asserts the existence of a god and must prove the claim. If the theist fails in this task, reasonable people will reject the belief as groundless. Atheists do not believe in a god because there is no reason they should. But haven’t philosophers proved the existence of a god? No. All such attempts have failed. Most philosophers and theologians now concede that belief in a god must rest on faith, not on reason. Then why not accept the existence of a god on faith? Because to believe on faith is to defy and abandon the judgment of one’s mind. Faith conflicts with reason. It cannot give you knowledge; it can only delude you into believing that you know more than you really do. Faith is intellectually dishonest, and it should be rejected by every person of integrity.”
–“Atheism” by George H. Smith, 62-3
Proper Definition & Meaning of “Atheist”
; )
Why on earth isn’t the information in this blog in across the news media? So, it turns out that not only am i not alone but, in fact, in the majority.
Share this blog with every media outlet.
LOL, here’s the latest by Trump:
Trump repeats Big Lie about Johnson Amendment at pandering dinner party
Trump said, “America is a nation of believers.” He added: “And tonight we’re joined by faith leaders from across the country who believe in the dignity of life, the glory of God, and the power of prayer.”
Trump and his admin need to read this very blog.
Non-Religious Minority Largest of Them All
Hello Freethinkaluva! Glad to see you are still around. I came across this article of yours while looking for something else. It was interesting news that I had to share, as I have on FB. It is disturbing that Trump may turn out to be another skunk in the woodpile of Presidential ‘agents’ as I suspected since the beginning.
I thank the commenters for the extra information they provided.
Hope you are doing all Freethink.
Rene Scherger aka skullnboner
Good to hear from you again, ol’ pal !!!
Here’s What We Know About Atheists in State or Federal Office After the Midterms