• January 25, 2025

Get Your Acharya S Goodies!!!

Howdy Folks,

I’d like to provide all of Acharya’s products here at one spot to make it as convenient as possible for you to locate them.

We are coming upon the one year mark since our dear Acharya S/D.M. Murdock passed away on December 25th 2015. We are still grieving such a loss and will never be the same again. Plus, I’ve been suffering my own serious health crisis. Those who want to offer support may send help via PayPal to acharya_s@yahoo.com your support will help keep all of Acharya’s websites up and running, keep her books available, future projects and help me continue to take care of her son.

What sets Acharya’s work apart from other scholars is that her work includes the study of astrotheology, archeoastronomy and more that others, including other mythicists, refuse to study, which is why they fail to make the best case for mythicism. Here’s just one small example of the Star Worship of the Ancient Israelites in the Old Testament that led to the origins of Christianity whereby the New Testament converted star worship into the worship of a personified figure, Jesus, and then eventually outlawed ancient star worship. Here is a brief history on why we cannot trust New Testament scholarship, Theologians or even Historians to be honest about the case for mythicism or the Mythicist Position or admit religion is mythology. It’s the suppression of mythicism by omission as there exists no courses in academia. We really need a new department of astrotheological and mythological studies to focus on these issues ignored by all of academia. The credible evidence via primary sources and highly respected scholar commentary on them are on Acharya’s side. If you’re a student in college hoping to pursue mythicism please include her work in academic papers. Acharya’s best work on mythicism was yet to come, sadly, she passed away before she could finish. I do look forward to some help with Dr. Robert Price to help finish the 2nd edition to her first book from 1999. So, join the newsletter list or stay in touch however it suits you for that new book at some point.

“The Mythicist case has been rebutted? Really? When did that happen? The arguments of the Mythicist camp have never been refuted – they have only been steadfastly ignored.” “…As for this tiresome business about there being “no scholar” or “no serious scholar” who advocates the Christ Myth theory: Isn’t it obvious that scholarly communities are defined by certain axioms in which grad students are trained, and that they will lose standing in those communities if they depart from those axioms? The existence of an historical Jesus is currently one of those. That should surprise no one, especially with the rightward lurch of the Society for Biblical Literature in recent years. It simply does not matter how many scholars hold a certain opinion…”
– Dr. Robert Price, Biblical Scholar with two Ph.D’s

Scholars who’ve actually studied Acharya’s work tend to be supportive:

“I find it undeniable that many of the epic heroes and ancient patriarchs and matriarchs of the Old Testament were personified stars, planets, and constellations.” “I find myself in full agreement with Acharya S/D.M. Murdock”
– Dr. Robert Price, Biblical Scholar with two Ph.D’s, review of Acharya’s “Christ in Egypt”

“Your scholarship is relentless! The research conducted by D.M. Murdock concerning the myth of Jesus Christ is certainly both valuable and worthy of consideration.”
– Dr. Kenneth L. Feder, Professor of Archaeology, review of Acharya’s book “Christ in Egypt”

“A heavenly location for the actions of the savior gods, including the death of Christ, would also have been influenced by most religions’ ultimate derivation from astrotheology, as in the worship of the sun and moon. For this dimension of more remote Christian roots, see the books of Acharya S”
– Earl Doherty, Jesus: Neither God Nor Man, (2009) page 153

“I can recommend your work whole-heartedly!”
– Dr. Robert Eisenman

* Here are Acharya’s books, e-books, papers and other publications

* Here is The Stellar House Ebook Collection

The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold by Acharya S (1999)
Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled by Acharya S (2004)
Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ by D.M. Murdock/Acharya S (2007)
Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection by D.M. Murdock/Acharya S (2009)
The Gospel According to Acharya S (2009)
Man Made God: A Collection of Essays by Barbara G. Walker (2010)
Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess and Zoroastrian Yazata (2013)
Bart Ehrman and the Quest of the Historical Jesus of Nazareth: An Evaluation of Ehrman s Did Jesus Exist? (2013)
Did Moses Exist? The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver by D.M. Murdock/Acharya S (2014)

Astrotheology Calendar Series

DVD produced by artist Scott Burdick entitled: Great Minds of Our Time: D.M. Murdock (2011, 2 hours)

“God in the Box” is a documentary film that I really enjoyed and hope it gets released on DVD soon.

Acharya’s Powerpoint Presentation on DVD: Suns of God, DVD (2005, 80 Minutes)

DVD Conscious Media interview with Acharya S on the Christ Conspiracy S1:Ep19 (2005, about 1 hour)

Works of D.M. Murdock/Acharya S and Stellar House Publishing on Kindle

Acharya’s article peer reviewed by highly respected linguist, Dr. Paul J. Hopper: Josephus’s Testimonium Flavianum Examined Linguistically: Greek Analysis Demonstrates the Passage a Forgery In Toto

Acharya’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Don’t forget to request Acharya’s books at your local Library too. Some libraries get their money at the first of the year while others may get it in July so, those are the best times to put in a new request for a book order. That is usually better than just donating books to libraries because donated books tend to be the first for libraries to get rid of.

I’d like to give a very special thanks to all of Acharya’s supporters over the years.

Please share Acharya’s Mythicist Position video:


Stellar House videos at Youtube
“Mythicists United” group on Facebook

23 thoughts on “Get Your Acharya S Goodies!!!

  1. I would like to be kept informed of the 2nd revision. I will always remember her. Her work changed my life to see the truth.

  2. All the above that you wrote about Acharya and her work is excellent and is what I’ve always thought.

  3. Yes indeed! She changed me in a way I never ever thought would happen! I am grateful! Sorry to hear of anyone’s health issues! Great Sincerity: I thank you!

  4. Acharya’s work should be able to self perpetuate…
    Simply taking an interesting excerpt from her writings and sending them out to her list a few times a month should spark book sales and enough revenue to keep this site going…

  5. It a time when this world needs more people like Dear Acharya S/D.M. Murdock may be she has greater work to do who knows. The world has some great people who can see through the world and understand the history of the world. I my self have red many books over my life, and the more I understand the more I realise I know very little. That just goes to show how much humanity has been kept in the dark and under control, enough of us wake up then this world sho change for the better. We can thank these great and wonderful people who help humanity to wake up. Jesus came to lift humanity out of the dark like many, great composers of music also help to lift us. Yes these are the real Super Stars and their light wil shine forever.

  6. Hello Mr. Barker:
    I am pleased to see you have stepped up to carry on D. Murdock’s work. Robert Price also. I am not so pleased to hear you also are having serious health problems. I call upon the great Goddess that she will see fit to have you healed, as I wished it for the lovely Ms. DM! I look forward to the 2nd edition of the ‘Christ Conspiracy’ and more (hopefully). I have donated a small sum through Stellar House Publishing but little over a month ago. It was the only option then, I could see to donate, though I already have most of her E-books.

    My thoughts are with you, Ms. D.Murdock’s (aka Acharya S)unfinished work, the continued existence of her sites and of course he young boy. I will contribute more in future when I can afford it. Get well and let’s keep it rolling! 🙂

  7. I will be thinking of Ms Murdock on Christmas Day – and in fact she is in my thoughts often. May her work live on. I’m sure it will. Have just purchased the interview DVD, and look forward to hearing her talking to camera presenting her thesis and arguments – in this lengthy format. 🙂

  8. I’m a huge fan and I miss her on facebook. She changed my life. I regret never meeting her in person although I had the opportunity once. I will continue to support in anyway possible.

  9. Dear friends and fans of Acharya S,

    One year ago, today, we lost Acharya to the deadly disease of cancer. After one year, I am still having a difficult time believing that she is no longer with us in the flesh. Sometimes it is much easier to grieve in silence; it takes away the worry of not being able to get your words out or even just simply getting the right things to say. But silence or not, one thing which I am sure we appreciate today, is being here sharing in each other’s silence, sharing in each other’s moments of thought for Acharya who we all loved, as a friend, author and a mentor to some.

    We all have our own personal and special memories of the mark she left in our hearts and in our lives. I am certain of two things, though. She would have wanted us all to be here today with our happiest thoughts of our times spent together and secondly…she is still here with us, very strongly in spirit.

    Acharya was such a strong person through and through, from character, personality, and presence. We are here because somewhere somehow, we have been touched by her.

    For me, Acharya will always be with me. I have so many good memories of her that would last me a lifetime. We always talked over the phone and spoke on just about everything. I made her laugh so hard she cried. She was a brilliant person with a powerful pen. Every time I needed someone to copyedit my work, she was always there to help.

    I am sure that you all have your very own, special and private moments that you will cherish and keep close to your hearts. We were very lucky to have had her in our lives and as much as she will be missed by us, she will remain, every day, as long as we can remember.

    We love and miss you Acharya, past, present and future

    1. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, Amil, aching for just a word from her. Damn, I miss her. I feel for you, friend.

  10. Didn’t know Acharya had passed until recently. Along with her, Joseph Campbell and a few others, the knowledge of how reality really works, conveyed in her detailed information, has been a “revelation”. She will be missed.


  11. A wonderful human being her work testifies to her integrity, after spending many years dazed and confused, I finally encountered Acharya’s writings, my appreciation is epic, my thanks to her family and friends as obviously work of this magnitude struggles without wonderful support, it is evident! best wishes to you dear people, Maccy Ireland

  12. My condolencies. For years I was misled by her subject and the titling of posts, books and web sites, so it took me until now to realize that she was not yet another christian fanatic propaganda machine. It seems her many years of study have somehow parallelled my own. She died on the first day of the new year it seems. How appropriate for her new beginning somewhere else.

    I hope that someone will keep some of these web sites up, and leave them unchanged, as the web sites will still be useful.

  13. I spoke last with D.M. Murdock/Acharya S which is how she signed her email back to me on November 11th, 2015. I had mentioned to her about the loss of my mother on the 24th of December 2015 and how she was my rock and how much she meant to me as her son. I also told her that I had led my mother to Christ a couple years prior.

    I was pleading for her soul and trying to console her during her bout with cancer. I also told her, that her son would receive comfort by her trying to connect with Jesus again. But she called all beliefs myths and it was obvious she had hardened her heart, but I tried one last time.

    If anyone knew her directly, I would really like to know more about the “why” she believed what she believed. She lost her dad, she lost her step-father and mother way too young. I know a lot about that.

    Did she just reject God, because she felt like he didn’t help her parents? Or because of trouble in the home early on? I’d like to just try to understand her.

    I am praying for her son … My heart breaks for him. No one should have to live so long without their mother.

  14. Happy Birthday Acharya S. . I miss your voice and fresh teachings. I miss your honesty and dry sense of humor. Peace, R.I.P.

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