• February 8, 2025

Confessions of an ex-Muslim

(Editor’s note: We are delighted to welcome the newest Freethought Nation guestwriter, Farhan Qureshi, a brave and thoughtful young man who likes to debate and who has an important voice and experience to be shared in the public arena and supported by all freethinkers.)

Confessions of an ex-Muslim

by Farhan Qureshi

First and foremost, I want to extend my appreciation to Acharya S/D.M. Murdock, who in my view is an outstanding author, researcher and expert in comparative religious studies and mythology. As a former Muslim and former Muslim apologist, comparative religious and philosophical debates have always interested me.

Leaving Islam

After spending so much time, energy, effort, finance, thought and devotion to the religion of Islam, I finally had the courage to admit to myself that this religion is not the ultimate reality behind our existence, and I left the religion altogether. It was certainly a grieving process for me and I’m not so sure that I am over the fact that what I dedicated my life to all those years is not the truth as I thought it was. It’s heartbreaking! I still love a lot of things about Islam. I think there are many things beautiful about the Muslim Ummah and the Islamic religion. Yet, there are detrimental, dangerous and delusional aspects to this religion too. I’ve always been an optimist though, purposely focusing on the positive in things. I think when one focuses on the positive in things, they see beauty in everyone and in everything. Experientially, optimism is an amazing lens to perceive reality from.

My education in Psychology from the University of Maryland and subsequent work in Mental Health guided me in a whole new direction in life. I realized that I was attached to my identity as derived from positive and spiritual experiences with Islam. I realized too that I was a victim of what social psychologists call “confirmation bias,” where a person digs themselves deeper and deeper into their preconceived notions. I further realized what indoctrination, attachment, brainwashing and conditioning of the human psyche means, not just theoretically – when I actually observed it in society, it hit me like an epiphany. This state is precisely what confirmation bias looks like! It’s what indoctrination does! I saw it for what it was in human behavior. Upon introspection, contemplation, prayer, research, I could no longer hold back, and I publicly announced my apostasy from Islam. I should note that, prior to coming out publicly on Dr. Ali Sina’s Faith Freedom International website, I used to debate theology with Christian missionaries.


Long story short, I was born and raised in the United States to a Pakistani family that followed the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam. The Ahmadiyya believe that their founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, India, was a Prophet and Messenger of Allah, the second coming of Jesus, the Imam Mahdi, the Promised Reformer (Mujadid) of Muslims and fulfillment of many other prophecies and labels. Ahmad established a new sect of Islam in 1889 that has since grown and spread throughout the world.

“I found myself amazed and uplifted by a global Muslim culture.”

My grandfather was an ordained missionary for this sect of Ahmadiyya Islam and spent 20 years in West Africa spreading its theology. I wanted to follow in his footsteps and become a missionary just like him, but at the age of 17 I went in a different direction and converted to mainstream/orthodox Sunni Islam. At this point, I no longer believed that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad fulfilled any prophecies as he claimed, and I found myself amazed and uplifted by a global Muslim culture. In orthodoxy, I found scholars who had a sound understanding of classical and traditional Islam. I found a multicultural presence instead of a Pakistani-dominated congregation of Ahmadis who I grew up with. Point being, there were many factors or “peripheral routes of persuasion” that guided me to Sunni Islam.


I spent 10 years as a Sunni Muslim, and during those 10 years, besides worshiping at the mosque and learning Islam directly from different scholars, I also spent a lot of time in daw’ah (invitation) and muanazara (debate) directed at Ahmadis to convert them to Sunni Islam. I debated Ahmadis on topics such as the second coming of Jesus and the finality of Prophethood (mainstream/orthodox Sunni Muslims believe Muhammad was the last Prophet and consider anyone who denies this doctrine a “heretic”).

Six years into Sunni Islam, I found out that there was an Ahmadi Muslim whom I’d known who not only converted to Christianity but also decided to become a Christian missionary. It was at this moment that I decided to expand my efforts, and I confronted this former Ahmadi turned Christian missionary, Nabeel Qureshi (no relation), and eventually we would have our first public debate on the deity of Christ.

Looking back, I can see how I was so stuck following and debating theology. Everything I knew was based on theology. So, that was the premise from which I thought and functioned as a human being. Now, as an agnostic, I find myself spiritual and scientific and not religious and theological.

Escaping hellish conditioning

The main reason I left Islam was because of its doctrine of Hell (Jahanam). As a Pakistani American, I experienced diversity and plurality, and fell in love with it! I couldn’t possibly believe that all these amazing people deserve to go to Hell. I couldn’t face a person and tell them that unless they believe what I believe that they deserve and will go to Hell, a cruel, fiery, endless torture. Knowing what I knew about human behavior and why each of us behaves the way we do, I couldn’t believe that Hell could possibly be a just retribution. So instead I embraced agnosticism and universalism. I began studying Buddhism and Hinduism and also started to meditate. I refuse to become dogmatic though. I don’t find the need to be an adherent of an organized religion. I think all religions have aspects that are beautiful. They have wisdom and universal truths. But at the same time I find it necessary to confront evils wherever they come from, including evils that arise from religions that posit exclusivity doctrines.

“The main reason I left Islam was because of its doctrine of Hell. As a Pakistani American, I experienced diversity and plurality, and I fell in love with it! I couldn’t possibly believe that all these amazing people deserve to go to Hell.

As I say, when I was involved in Islamic apologetics, I had the opportunity to engage several Christian missionaries in public debates, ranging from Dr. James White, David Wood, Sam Shamoun and others. I also had the opportunity to meet and converse quite deeply for a good period of time with Mike Licona (who was critical of Acharya S’s The Christ Conspiracy – I side with Acharya S in reference to their dispute) during my participation at a Christian convention. Since leaving Islam I’ve continued to periodically engage in public debates, but I think the experience of human interaction is a far more worthy pursuit and is far more superior pursuit.

For more Information on the Journey of Farhan Qureshi, see his Youtube channel.

Further Reading

Farhan Qureshi Renounces Islam
Farhan Qureshi (former Muslim)

27 thoughts on “Confessions of an ex-Muslim

  1. Thanks for sharing, Farhan Qureshi. We are so glad to have you around here. You’ve got an interesting story to tell.

    We always need more ex-muslims to speak out to tell their story. The more ex-muslims who do that will make it easier to provide protection against apostasy too.

    1. We need more ex-tunnel vision everything
      I am glad to read your story. I felt that way after really searching into several religions. There is something great in all of them, but not to the total exclusion and damnation of all else.

    2. sarah
      one leave islam ,,,,,more than 1000 Enters , Islam is the fastest-growing religions in the world,, ask your self sarah Why ? where did juses …
      1-Where Jesus said I am God in the Bible
      2-Where Jesus said I am hypostasis second in the Bible
      3-If the Holy Spirit is God, how God made ​​Mary pregnant in God
      4-Original sin did not say never in the Bible, how Christ crucified and killed for something he did not mention in his speech
      think about this ,

      1. in quran mohammed is mentioned only in 4 places but jesus was placed above 20 times…..in quran jesus never died…..but mohammed died…..whom wud u like to listen…..a dead men s words or a living man voice…..in quran jesus talked to the jews at the age of 2 did mohammed…..giv life to the dead…….whichncan be done by god the almighty only…..one man doesnt see the difference between 9myer old kid and other ladies……muslims always says bible is corrected…..what about the sana mosque copies of quran which were burnt by caliphs….mohammed itself says he wud have dismantled kaaba ………and never in quran says the name of sacrificial son of abraham as ishmael amd the place where this happened…..

        1. Hold it there nabeel, Jesus did nothing on his own! no thing! He said in the Bible that “I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.” (John 5:30 …). God (Father) sent both Jesus and Muhammmad an He (God) decided through whom He should do what….So the issue is not of comparison between Jesus and Muhammad.

  2. Hope on the Horizon of Education!
    Dear Acharya,
    Young Farhan is educated, and can critically unbiasedly evaluate faith , belief, and delusions from an eagle eye high perspective.
    The crucial word here is EDUCATION. A holistic, wholesome, eclectic EDUCATION.
    A warm welcome to one more enlightened young man into the club of modern moderate messiahs.
    Ther is hope after all.

  3. “confirmation bias”
    Thank you Farhan. I feel your comment here well expresses why so many people today find religion disturbing.

    Superficially, it can seem to be a moral story to hear it preached that the world is divided into good and evil people, and that the good people will go to heaven and the bad people will go to hell. Most people understand that this is just symbolic imagination and is not literally true.

    But the fanatics convince themselves that their allegories are literal fact. They use religion to justify their tribal allegiance so they think their friends are good and their enemies are evil. It is dangerous and wrong when people become closed to dialogue, when they preach and do not listen, when they hide behind a psychological barrier that stops them hearing anyone who thinks differently. Their idea of what is a good person becomes distorted by their false belief.

    As you say, using modern psychological tools such as analysis of ‘confirmation bias’ is very helpful to gain a more enlightened understanding of these problems.

    Best wishes, Robert

  4. Thanks guys
    Tha is guys I appreciate your insight alot. Sarah I agree we need brave people to speak up and make a difference. There are alot of people out there depending on us for motivation. Tarish, thank you so much for your words. Eclectic education is absolutely the key to liberation from indoctrination. Robert, good and evil isn’t black and white when it comes to human behavior because human behavior is very complicated with a to of factors and circumstances. It’s a situation of the idealist vs the realist. The idealist wants the black and white picture of good and evil but realistically it doesn’t work that way.

    1. far7an
      Farhan You are hilarious worship of man did not say never that God in his Bible as clerks Bibles and I have a question for you,, who wrote the four Gospels, who they are I would love to give me the names of three sections, mean disco Maine disco,, baby we have in Islam, the great modern Narrated by a series of weak, you leave Islam does not mean that the great flaw in Islam, but you are, come to Islam more than 100 people a day in the worlds

    2. The creator for the creation tends to exist in the my of the creation. Is there for a believer and is not there for a non believer.

      “Verily, those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” [al-Baqarah 2:62]

      “Abraham was neither a Jew, nor a Christian; but he was a monotheist submitter. He was not one of the Mushrikeen (those who set up partners with God).” 3:67

      Human mind tends to reach to conclusions. The weak justify themselves and what will come out of them aloud will only be the echoes of hollowness within them.

      Perhaps a little more research is always good when evaluating Someone Who calls Himself The Creator of all beings ……

    3. Your religion is a creation of your feeble mind which gives you an external entity to blame for your losses and a niche to rest your fears !

  5. It is not easy breaking from any religion. Farhan is brave and I salute him. Rigorous thought is the most important thing when confronted by a religion. As Joseph Campbell said “Do not confuse the connotation with the denotation”. Understanding psychology is very very important in this regard.

  6. Buddhism and Jainism
    Farhan – there is another religion too. Jainism. It is an atheistic religion, which has more science in it. Hope some day you find time to study something about Jainism.

    As you said, that all religions have something useful in them. I hope from Jainism you find everything useful.

    Jainism is the religion which gave the principle of non violence to the world. Gandhiji learnt about the principles of Ahimsa from Jainism.

    Good luck in your quest in finding goodness and kindness in humanity.

  7. Christian
    The fact that hell exists whether you accept it or not allows me to spread my message.
    If you deny the existence of Hell why embrace that of Heaven. And when we die, where do our souls go, our consciousness the conscois are unaware of.

    All these amazing people don’t do amazing things, just because their personalities are unique and spruce doesn’t mean that everything they have done in the past is good, the best. What the existence of Hell and Heaven teaches us is not so much that we committed the act but that we acknowledge it, and gain retribution while also striving consciously to never commit that sin again.

    God is much more forgiving than the statement above would allow in which Farhan said he left Muslim because of hell. He is willing to give us a second chance 70 times 70 and he even sent His Son to die on the cross for the sins of man.

    (I am aware the discussion was based on Islam)

  8. Mr Qureshi and his own confirmation bias trap
    Interesting article!

    Mr qureshi has mentioned that the main reason for him to leave islam is the concept of hell ( eternal ) in this religion. This is not actually the teachings of islam especially not the the teachings of ahmadiyya ( the hell is not eternal, etc).

    From this false concieved idea of hell, he felt in the trap of “non- confirmation bias” . As per his own definition, he pursued his wrongly understood concept of hell in islam and by digging in deeper an deeper ( wrongfully again) he left islam.

    The problem with the atheists is their “agnostic dogma” which in itself is a dogma. So any religion which is against their dogma is wrong.
    In the modern age, it’s easy to confirm our selves to nothing.

    Interesting journey though

  9. Hey Farhan
    Hey 🙂
    Its nice to read your story. OK lets break the news to you, I’m a muslim (I thought I should hold it back because you might not read my comment but then i thought ahh nevermind!! You might just as well know it.-) and I was interested in your reasons to leave Islam. To be specific I’m a pakistani living in the western world too 😀 so we have lots in common I guess!

    [b]Your thoughts are very interesting !!![/b]

    I seriously can not understand these people who are criticising you; you are free to do whatever you want. They should bother about their own selves instead of criticizing and judging others. Being a Muslim means living in peace with people of other believes. You know being a chilllaaaaaaaaaaa 😉 B) . But of course you can discuss or try to convince them but the way most people do it (like that one comment from eyad) is rather disturbing… :s

    [u](You can also skip this paragraph, I’m gonna make my point in the next paragraph. The below one is just critic =] )[/u]

    Yet, I do not understand you, a person learned on Islam, sharing with insultful and hate filled people like this. Here on this website, people are speaking about my religion and [b]your [/b]former religion without any knowledge and huge misinterpretation. I know these sorts of people, they are partially racist and absolutely narrow minded and live based on so many prejudices. I enjoy open mindedness, like you (maybe its because we’re both pakistani!! :D) a lot. In fact, the reason that I’m here right now is because of my open mindedness. I’m not trying to brag but I feel like we have a lot more common than you might think (maybe thats also the reason that I’m writing this comment now, because I feel [b]like[/b] you. I’ll tell more to that later) . Still, mingling with such negative people who are in no sense open minded or at least [i]friendly[/i] towards Islam, your former religion, is something I cannot understand and I would recommend you to leave these people. Do your thing but leave these people. I mean just think, they are just supporting you because you are doing that what they like, rejecting (or partially rejecting) the teachings of Islam. Would you still be a muslim, your new [i]friends[/i] would be on the other side, insulting you. My point is, changing your religion does not change your being, who you are and what you feel. The people on this website are not valuing you for who you are..To me it looks like they are using you. Sorry 🙁 I gotta say what i gotta say. Still, I cant speak for you as I’m not in your position and you should know for yourself. you probably also know non muslims who are friendly and reasonable.
    What also disturbs me is that they say you renounced Islam but to me it does not seem true. It would be the contrary of what you’ve said so far. You seem like you’ve renounced eternal Hell (and therefore Islams validity), not Islam. Again, you should know and speak for yourself 🙂
    One more thing, do you think Islam is a violent religion? Do you think Muslims are supposed to hate non muslims? Or am I just getting it wrong? Cause if you do think so, how can you be a debater on Islam without knowing the beautiful and utterly loving personality on Muhammad (s.a.w.)? Do you know what the companions of Muhammad (s.a.w.) were like? What people they were? How pious and righteous they behaved? You have studied this and that before you converted, but as a muslim, wasn’t it your uppermost and greatest responsibility to study about Islam. I think again, that if you had let the media or non muslims be your source of information on Islam (especially because you’re living in america), [b]you[/b] are the one who has been brainwashed. I’m not saying this in order to insult you but out of care. There are many lies spread through the media of which some I witnessed with my very own eyes. Islam is not what the media portraits. Islam is not always that what individual, human, flawful, mortal muslims portrait. Islam is perfect. (Gosh thats a big dogma, but you oughta know why im saying this!!!)

    Anyways, what I really want to say is that I am so so glad to see someone who thinks like you do! Because it reflects what I think! I’m talking about your huge empathy and admiration for your fellow beings, no matter if christian, hindu, muslim. No matter if ethiopian, european, indian, mongol, native – american, etc… No matter if slim or wide, if socially accepted or not, if “like you” or not “like you”, if “good” or “bad”. You look in the core of all humans and humanity, the goodness and the heart. Everything has something good to it, everything has love and needs love, everything is somehow vulnerable.
    This is exactly how I feel.
    I admire each and everyone. I admire their [i]humanness[/i] (if that can be called a word 😛 ) and their [i]differences[/i]. I could not see to it that human mistakes lead you to Hell.

    I was on the path of converting to atheism, as I am someone who hates dogmas and as I wanted to do all the stuff non muslims indulge in. Being born in a muslim family I thought it would be wise to at least have a reason to leave Islam. So I refreshed all I had been thought on Islam and relearned it all, with critical eyes. I thought that, through studying a religion you find its flaws and cracks and weak points. I was such an idiot before this, living in a religion which I thought had any flaws! But don’t blame me, I was very young, a teenager. Through learning about it, I found out things that I had buried in my mind and never looked up at. My journey was to find the truth and what did I get!? The thing which I had considered might not be the truth turned out to be the truth all along! I could not find a single flaw. God, but I didn’t want this to be the truth! I had many restless nights and I asked atheist people to convert me to atheism but still, I was so convinced by Islam that I could not find [b]anything[/b] similar to its magnificent, perfect and beautiful teachings.

    What I really want to say is, there are a lots of people in my personal life whom I love, unconditionally and truly. Yet, some of them are atheists and that hurts me very very deeply and effects me a great deal. When they do their drugs and live their lives, I watch them with empathy and sadness instead of envy of their [quote]freedom[/quote]. Freedom is when you are conscious of what your doing and why you’re doing it and doing it without any force. That these people will burn in Hell is something that Allah or God has to decide for Himself, yet there is a possibility.
    But Allah or God calls himself the Rahman and the Rahim. He is the one who can change the hearts of people. I will never give up on God helping those who are dear to me and making dua for them. He is the only one who can actually help them, [quote]Say, “The knowledge is only with Allah , and I am only a clear warner.” 67:27[/quote]

    Allah is the ultimate help Farhan.

    You also say that Islam is primitive. Well let me tell you something, have you been to pakistan lately? You know what [b]I[/b] find primitive? People are starting to adapt to a western system. Everyone has cell phones, computers, facebook and all that useless garbage. You know, in pakistan you sit together on a mat on the floor with your who family in the evening and drink chai and talk and chitchat about everything. But now, directly after dinner people run to their computers or laptop, “Oh no! no time I’ve got notifications on Facebook!”. What a waste of beautiful traditions. People don’t enjoy wearing Shalwar Kameez, they prefer Shirt pants- God its disgusting to see how little they value something so valuable as their own norms!! This is not “a country growing” but a country failing!! Idiocy is spreading in Pakistan! Primitive lifestyle is spreading in Pakistan! It was thousand times better in India before english settlers arrived! Their influence and all in all, [b]european colonial influence around the world was ONLY beneficial for europe! [/b]
    And guess what europeans, in the time of their barbaric, greedy invasion in america on which they literally destroyed and plundered every place they reached*, called the peaceful living, organized and systemised native americans? They called them “primitive”. I hope that says it all. “Primitive” is not to be determined by europeans.
    And Farhan, if you still find Islam primitive then what exactly is primitive about it? Do tell me. I wish to learn more :-))
    and let me remind you that Islam can be viewed philosophically and in a rationally sense. every single verse of the Quran has, according to Allah, a deeper meaning.
    Bye bye 😀
    forever yours,
    a muslim sister who will always be your sister even if you choose to be agnostic because she believes in you and in Allahs mercy.

    *btw, ever heard of Machu Picchu? Did you know that it is one of the few amazing citadels and fortresses from the Inca Empire that we know today. It has its place on a Plateau, in between mountains in Peru. What makes it so significant is that it shows the incredible architecture Incas had. Now why am I telling you this? Did you know that Machu Picchu was not discovered by spanish or portuguese settlers and therefore still exists? Did you know that had they found it, they would have probably destroyed it mercilessly like they had done with all the other temples. Did you know that it was only found around 100 years ago, in 1911? That archeologist discovered many dead bodies lying around of people who had died by a disease around the 1500’s. This is around the time the spanish came to america. Archaeologists assume that Incas had fled or had come to Machu Picchu to warn the others of the spanish and thus, carried the diseases along with them. What a sad fate. But its not so bad, they were [i]barbarians[/i] right?

    1. Okay, truth is (at least from what I have observed) Islam does have many flaws depending on your moral values. I’m 14 and I personally do not find Islam to be the perfect religion you see it to be. Now when I state the following reasons, don’t go ahead and just presume it’s only the Muslims that follow this behavior and not what Islam promotes, because I have full proof and evidence from actual Qur’an verses. Before I start, I want to state clearly that I have nothing against Islam in terms of respect and I will treat your opinion with value and an open mind, so I ask if you do the same.

      OK, let’s start with gender equality. As you already know, women in Islam are pretty much objects that are supposedly meant to be covered at all times whenever a male figure is present. What many fail to realize is the purpose of the covering. A women’s body, in accordance to Islam, a distraction towards men despite the natural beauty Allah has given to them. There’s no reason why a woman should cover up what’s given to her. If it’s not meant to be seen, for what purpose has Allah created women with the blissed body parts?
      It’s not just the dressing of a woman that signifies Islam’s sexism towards women. There’s also the power that men are supposedly given over women. Qur’an (4:34) “Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others…the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded them; and (as to) those whose part you fear desertion, admonish them…and BEAT THEM then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.” Not so flawless now, huh? According to this, a man has the right to beat a some if she does not obey his command, but she had no power to do the same.
      Honestly, I could go on forever, inquiring on the mistreatment of women in Islam, such as the prohibition of women to drive in the Middle East and sometimes the controversy that exists on whether a woman should vote, but I’m choosing to keep this simple and short.

      Now for the general violence of Islam. There as been several verses that pretty much justifies extremism in the Middle East.
      -Qur’an (4:89) “They but wish that ye should reject faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they); but take not friends from their ranks unless they flee in the way of Allah…But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and take no friends or helpers from their ranks.”
      -Qur’an (5:33) The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger, and strike to make mischief in the land that is only this; that they should be MURDERED or CRUCIFIED or their hands and feet should be cut off on their opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have no grevous chastisement.”
      According to these statements, a Muslim man has the right to make violent actions to even the innocent, Muslims shouldn’t make friends with non-Muslims, and war is perfectly justified for even people who simply dishonor Islam in general.
      Like I said, I could keep going on the many flaws of Islam, such as the unjustified hate towards homosexuality, but I choose not to for the sake of time. Just let this information dink in and I hope you respond back with respectful feedback 🙂

  10. Farhan,
    Your story absolutely inspired me. While I’m still only 14, I’ve already cut my ties with Islam. Throughout my childhood, I grew up believing every single person that doesn’t pray five times a day has earned a one-way ticket to hell. I would even sometimes picture horrific torture scenes of my nicest teachers because they’re supposedly evil-doers. It wasn’t until the seventh grade when I started to question my life’s purpose and why exactly Islam claimed to be a religion of love and peace when we’re encouraged to hate our very classmates. I met a girl who pretty much changed my life after that. She supported homosexuality, as well as a women’s right to not be as covered up as a Muslim woman. While she did respect me, she would indirectly help me question my very religion. I didn’t support gay rights at the time, nor did I think a woman shouldn’t he covered up and not be a stay at home mother. With her help, I slowly started to understand what exactly Islam was doing to me and how I was being a victim of oppression. While I do respect Muslims, I don’t see why exactly their lives should be wasted on something that was never proven scientifically. However, I am and always was quite fascinated with the basic moral philosophy religion brought. It has become a universal norm that if you do not help others, you’re not a good person. Even alcohol and other dangerous products are prohibited for the safety of us all (though alcohol can be safe to an extent). Whether or not you may think religion is a child’s folktale, I think we can all believe it has brought at least some good values to society.
    Again, thank you for sharing your ex-Muslim story. It has helped encourage others and it has certainly inspired me to do something with my story <3

    1. Thank you for commenting on my blog. I will pass along your remarks to Farhan. You are very impressive for such a young person. Good for you!

  11. I pray you will find the God who is LOVE and that you will be a channel for his fatherly love. I saw your debate with David Wood and felt the sincerity of your search. I think the one thing you need is a direct encounter with your creator. My prayer is you and God will have that close encounter that answers all you questions.

  12. Is there anyway that I can gt in contact with you personally? This is an amazing find and something I would love to actually speak with you about!

  13. Farhan, Farhan, Farhan….

    I feel very sorry for you. Just take a look at the circumstances that led you to Christianity…

    1. Unrest from Ahmadiya Beliefs
    That was a good sign as Ahmadiya beliefs are not based on Islam

    2. Joining Salafi/wahabi sect
    Instead of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamat, you joined Salafi/Wahabi sect and that were you took the wrong turn. The picture of Islam that you were shown by these salafi followers is very radical/extremist. However, that’s not the case. Islam and any other older religion is completely different then what most people have understood it to be.

    3. Concept of Hell. Even a pack of cigarette shows “Cigarette smoking is injurious to health” to warn us for our own good. Then, how was it a big deal for you when you got a warning from your creator for your own good.

    Like Lucifer/Iblees has a hidden disease in his heart which Allah revealed it by asking everybody to prostrate to Adam(AS), the disease in your heart is exposed by Allah by making you a christian.

    1. Seriously?!!

      In the name of religion on this planet we managed to kill more people then all wars combined.

      If i was god i be more then a little disgusted with us and what we managed to do to each other.

      Isn’t it funny that most of the religions preach peace but we humans manage to kill each other over the interpretation of the message.
      Its amazing to think that at one point Muslim culture was at the forefront of science and treatment of their fellow man..look at it now.

      Sadly its not the first to fall to the whims of people who would warp it tho their own desires and wont be the last.

      Maybe one day we shall treat each other as equals with respect, love and humanity.
      At that point maybe we shall have figured out that if a being like god exists he wouldn’t need us to worship him to prove he exists.

      Sadly we just kill each other over words on paper which when we are all gone will just prove how stupid we were.

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