Author: N. B.
Did Moses Exist? Errata
N. B.
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There are a couple of errors and typos in my book Did Moses Exist? The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver that need to be corrected. I appreciate the close reading by those who have brought them to my attention. I will be fixing them in the book itself, but here…
Read MoreBart Ehrman caught in lies and libel?
N. B.
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In Did Jesus Exist? (p. 24), New Testament scholar Bart Ehrman quotes my book The Christ Conspiracy and refers to an image of a bronze sculpture of a cock, commenting in brackets (except for my “sic”): “’Peter’ is not only ‘the rock’ but also ‘the cock’ or penis, as the…
Read MoreIs December 25th the winter solstice?
N. B.
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There is some confusion as to the meaning of the date “December 25th,” with some claiming that is not part of the winter solstice. This contention is erroneous, however. The reality is that the ancients celebrated winter festivals from the last half of November until the first half of January.…
Read MoreWhat is more logical, rational and scientific?
N. B.
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A. Believing there was a supernatural Jewish man 2,000 years ago who was born of a virgin, battled with Satan in a desert, cured the blind with spit, raised the dead, walked on water, multiplied fishes and loaves, transfigured on a mount, resurrected from death and flew off bodily into…
Read MoreA skeptical life raft in a sea of supernaturalism
N. B.
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If there’s one thing we can say about Michael Sherlock, it’s that he is quotable–and he loves to make “meme” images with his quotes, which others enjoy sharing. His book The Gospel of Atheism and Free Thought According to Sherlock is no less quotable. When I first heard the title,…
Read MoreKirk Cameron’s absurdly ignorant Christmas message
N. B.
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One of the world’s most famous Christian apologists, Hollywood actor Kirk Cameron, steps into the Christmas fray with nonsensical declarations that this time of the year – the winter solstice – has nothing to do with paganism and everything to do with Jesus Christ. This claim is patently absurd and…
Read MorePalenque image is NOT an “ancient alien”
N. B.
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This is the kind of nonsense that can be so frustrating: Almost 1.8 million views on a video (below) that touts the false “ancient astronauts theory” and that misrepresents a Mayan icon as depicting an “alien.” While the icon in question – the image of Mayan king Pakal climbing a…
Read MoreJesus Christ is a mythical figure
N. B.
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The “Jesus Christ” of the New Testament is a fictional compilation of characters, not a single historical individual. A compilation of multiple “people” is no one. When the mythological and midrashic layers are removed, there remains no historical core to the onion. The evidence reveals that the gospel story is…
Read MoreDanish scholar speaks on the Christ myth
N. B.
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Exposing the falsehood that there are no professional scholars with PhDs in relevant fields who are Jesus mythicists, Dr. Christian Lindtner gives a lecture and engages in a debate in Denmark concerning the Christ myth. I have featured Lindtner’s work on the Buddhist influence on Christianity in my writings, including…
Read MoreHELP give helpless, dying and destitute women in Calcutta a loving family at last!
N. B.
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My friend Aacharay Korak Day has dedicated his life to helping elderly women in India who are impoverished, alone, unwanted and unloved. He works hard and selflessly to bring joy to these women, some of whom are sick, abused and in their last days on Earth. Previously, Aacharay has done…
Read MoreNewly discovered ancient Christian magical spell reveals Egyptian influence
N. B.
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An ancient Christian magical spell or charm from the sixth century has been found in an old papyrus manuscript housed at the John Rylands Library in Manchester, England. The discoverer, Dr. Roberta Mazza, believes the Greek charm, originally unearthed in Egypt, was part of an amulet to be worn or…
Read MoreAn Iranian speaks out against Islam and 35 years of oppression
N. B.
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I received the following important and enlightening comments from an Iranian living in the United Kingdom and calling himself “Cyrus,” the name of the revered ancient Persian king. I felt his remarks were significant to demonstrate that, while many Westerners think that by coddling and defending Islam they are protecting…
Read MoreMoses or Dionysus?
N. B.
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In case you missed the release of my latest book, Did Moses Exist? The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver, here’s some info. My book is comprehensive, covering every major and many minor aspects of the story of Moses and the Exodus. In Did Moses Exist? I demonstrate scientifically that the…
Read MoreJesus Christ, Sun of Righteousness
N. B.
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I’m excited to let you know about my brand-new video – hot off the presses! Please like, comment and share my video on Youtube! Here’s a great review: “Because I am an astronomer and a student of the Bible, it is glaringly obvious to me that Jesus is merely another…
Read MorePagans celebrate the summer solstice at Stonehenge replica in Washington state
N. B.
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I hope everyone had a HAPPY SOLSTICE! This Stonehenge replica in Washington state looks awesome – now that’s what I’m talking about. “Religions that treat the sun as a deity turned to the summer solstice as a holy day. Greeks celebrated their god of agriculture, Vikings planned raids and early…
Read MoreDuck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson gets schooled!
N. B.
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A Church/State Lesson for Duck Dynasty by Freethinkaluva Dear Mr. Phil Robertson: I’ve been a fan of the Duck Dynasty show, which I thought was very funny, so I am disappointed in your now-notorious comments regarding gays and the church-state issue. In the video of your speech at the Republican Leadership…
Read MoreThe Maya and the Milky Way
N. B.
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If you enjoy comparative religion and Maya mythology, you will want to listen to my radio program with Miguel Conner, as we discuss the most fascinating information you will not hear elsewhere! Here’s Miguel’s write-up: Groundbreaking scholarship continues to reveal the sublime legacy of the Mayan and other Mesoamerican cultures.…
Read MoreMoses book discussed on Red Ice radio!
N. B.
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Here are a couple of new short-but-sweet reviews of my Moses book: “Profound and impeccable scholarship.“ “With profound and impeccable scholarship, D.M. Murdock systematically dismantles the Moses myth, exposing its non-Mosaic origins and its impossible premises. At the same time, she presents an enlightening survey of ancient Middle-Eastern history and…
Read MoreEx-Muslim preacher: ‘I say to Muslims, get away from this evil religion!’
N. B.
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A person named “Samir” posted the following comments on my article “Dawkins: Islam is ‘one of the great evils in the world’.” I appreciate his courage and insights, and I have edited his remarks for clarity, spelling and grammar. I grew up in the most conservative Muslim family in the…
Read MorePetition to the UN to protect freedom from religion and barbaric blasphemy laws
N. B.
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If you haven’t signed this petition started by Michael Sherlock to ensure freedom FROM religion and barbaric blasphemy laws, please do so and share it. Note that I edited the letter that will be delivered to the United Nations high commissioner for Human Rights, and my name is appended to…
Read MoreWhich savior, Jesus, Caesar or Mithra?
N. B.
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Ken Humphreys is one of my favorite fellow mythicists. Unlike some of the others who are very rude, misogynistic, conceited and shallow-thinking, Ken is cordial, social and courageously follows where the evidence leads and is not afraid of presenting it boldly. When I read or hear the remarks of several…
Read MoreIs the Vatican in shock over a ‘newly discovered’ Bible that says Jesus wasn’t crucified?
N. B.
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Many people have been circulating this supposed “news,” which isn’t new at all. Nor is the Vatican “shocked” by an old Syriac Bible purportedly from 1,500 years ago. There is nothing new in the Bible that the Vatican’s scholars and other experts have not known about for the past 18…
Read MoreEgyptologists: The Exodus never happened
N. B.
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This video shows that scientists have concluded the Exodus account to be fictional. In my book Did Moses Exist? The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver, I cite Egyptologist Dr. Donald Redford several times. In the first part of my book, I demonstrate that the Mosaic account could not be history,…
Read MoreAn exchange with a Christian fundamentalist
N. B.
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I recently became aware that a Christian fundamentalist, “DS,” was circulating a blog by another rabid fanatic – whom I shall call “BS” – that smeared me with all manner of vile calumny, based on Bart Ehrman’s trashy and libelous Did Jesus Exist? book. This fundie – a man, of…
Read MoreBigotry in the nonbelieving and mythicist fields
N. B.
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I’m essentially the lone female scholar of notoriety in the field of mythicism, and I can guarantee you that my treatment is not unlike the first woman sports announcer in the locker room, the first female stock trader, or any number of “firsts” in which women have been harangued relentlessly.…
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