• February 8, 2025
easter bunny

Easter radio program on March 25th!

UPDATE: Just in case you missed the live radio program yesterday, here is a link to the MP3. We had a lot of fun, and I shared some really fascinating information you will want to know about Easter! Many thanks to the kind and enthusiastic hosts and listeners! I will…

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bible trash

The Bible and slavery

The Bible contains such stellar morality! Below is what the Lord says to Moses shortly after giving him the 10 Commandments on Mt. Sinai. Note that God does not outlaw slavery, just qualifies it. And how nice of God to ordain that a slave who willingly stays with his master…

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islam sword crescent moon

Why is Islam so intolerant and violent?

How refreshing to read the article by Yasmin Alibhai Brown excerpted below! A Muslim telling the truth about Islamic intolerance, hatred and violence, and commenters also telling the truth about Islam, for a change – will wonders never cease? Blowback? Note that this “intolerance” – infidelophobia – began with the…

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Christianity and Buddhism radio program, 2/23 and 2/24

Today and tomorrow, February 23 and 24, 2013, my new radio interview with Miguel Conner at Aeon Byte will be available gratis. The easiest way to access it is to go to this page: http://www.aeonbytegnosticradio.com/ In the box with the orange line that says “AEON BYTE” and “Options,” click on…

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The Exodus Case by Lennart Moller

Did the Exodus really happen?

As part of the research for my forthcoming book Did Moses Exist? The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver, I have done a multipart review of Lennart Möller’s popular book The Exodus Case, which seeks to prove the Exodus to be a historical event, supernatural miracles and all, as depicted in…

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Virgin-born son of the sun god

The virgin-born son of the sun god

Much-loved ancient tales from the Indian sacred text the Mahabharata demonstrate some important motifs found within Christianity as well. As part of this discussion of comparative religion and mythology, it has often been argued that the Indian god Krishna’s mother was not a virgin but only a “chaste” maiden who…

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Dangerous delusions: The Messiah Complex and Jerusalem Syndrome

For centuries since the alleged advent of Jesus Christ, many people have believed that they are the “second coming” of the Jewish messiah, creating followings of devotees who likewise become convinced of these individuals’ claim to divinity. When this “messiah complex” is manifested during a journey to the biblical “Holy…

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Buddhism’s Relation to Christianity

Here’s a brand-new, hot-off-the-presses publication of mine! It’s a review and study guide of a book by Dr. Michael Lockwood entitled Buddhism’s Relation to Christianity. You can support my work by obtaining a copy of this 23-page PDF, which reveals the Buddhist roots of Christian doctrines and traditions, including purported…

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Egyptian writer: Islamist rise to power creating many atheists and skeptics

Great news here, as calm and cool reason has been winning out over violent and hateful superstition in certain quarters. Thanks to the rabid fanatics who have managed to alienate the better educated and more worldly youth! Such developments provide great hope for the future that we can be rid…

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The Book No Pope Would Want You To Read

With the recent news about the Catholic archdiocese in Los Angeles, California, covering up child-abuse crimes by its priestly authorities, it is time to highlight this brave book, which was edited by a very resolute and bold friend of mine, Tim Leedom. Editor also of the infamous best-seller The Book…

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Help free Egyptian atheist activist jailed in Kuwait on blasphemy charges!

The least we can do for this poor man is to sign the petition, which I’ve done. If nothing else, the attention is giving him hope. http://www.change.org/petitions/government-of-kuwait-free-humanist-atheist-activist-abdel-aziz-mohamed-albaz Blasphemy laws are the mark of a barbaric culture. No one should be imprisoned for questioning religious doctrine. The West has already been…

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Why are young people leaving religion in droves?

Gee, I dunno. Maybe because the standard religious beliefs and practices globally are irrational, illogical, ineffective, intolerant, guilt-inducing, fear-promoting, bigoted, sexist, divisive, hateful, cruel and violent? I have little doubt that this healthy and welcome move away from religious fanaticism is due significantly to the American Constitution and secular ideals…

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U.S. politicians increasingly unaffiliated with organized religion

Can’t say I’m upset! Let the increasing “nones” have the day for a change. Other than a brief period when I became a born-again, I’ve been a “none” since I emancipated myself from church when I was 12. That’s decades ago, so I guess I’m ahead of the curve, influenced…

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New sun ceremony at the cenote Ik Kil near Chichen Itza, 12/21/12

Below is a video of the group I was with in the Yucatan, on the morning of the winter solstice, December 21, 2012. We are in the magical cenote Ik Kil near Chichen Itza, a fabulous sunken and naturally round water hole where we held a ceremony at around 5:00…

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Jesus Christ or Isis Chrest? Guess who came first

Is Jesus Christ truly a unique, divine revelation? Or is he one of many “Christs” and “Chrēsts” in antiquity? As “Jesus the Good” was called “Chrēstos,” so too was the Egyptian goddess Isis. See my article, “Isis the Chrest.”

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2,750-year-old solar-aligned temple discovered in Israel

This discovery predates the composition of much of the Bible, other than folkloric tales passed along mainly orally for a couple of centuries, perhaps. Note that the sun’s rays are considered to bring or reveal the “divine presence” in the temple. As scholars and students of ancient religion and mythology…

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Is the Shroud of Turin real?

Since there remains much confusion about this artifact, I have updated my old article on the subject. Please feel free to pass it around or link it wherever you see a discussion of the shroud. Is the Shroud of Turin Real?

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Anahita, virgin mother of Mithra

I am delighted to announce that I have had an article published in a scholarly reader called Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess and Zoroastrian Yazata, which contains the articles of many respected scholars in the field of history and Iranian studies. My article, “Was the Persian Goddess Anahita the Pre-Christian Virgin…

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Maya mythology and its relationship to Christianity

In December 2012, I made a marvelous trip to Mexico, where I spent 10 days amid Maya (and “Toltec”) ruins in the states of Yucatan and Quintana Roo. The main archaeological site we visited repeatedly was Chichen Itza, a Maya site in the Late Classic period (c. 600-900 AD/CE) built…

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Nonbelievers in religion persecuted, executed worldwide under barbaric blasphemy laws

Welcome to the Planet of the Apes. “Nearly half (47%) of the countries and territories in the world have laws or policies that penalize blasphemy, apostasy (abandoning one’s faith) or defamation.” 47% – Laws Against Blasphemy, Apostasy and Defamation of Religion Are Widespread …Laws against defamation of religion were far…

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Maya maize god growing as World Tree through the earthy turtle

World Tree as Milky Way growing out of the back of a turtle

A very interesting motif exists in mythology from Mexico to New York and Canada: The World Tree and the turtle. In Maya mythology, the First Father or Hun Hunahpu as the Maize God is depicted as emerging or resurrecting through the shell of a turtle, symbolizing the earth. This reborn…

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Pope admits donkeys and cattle in nativity scene are a ‘myth’

As are the rest of this cast of characters. Sounds like the pope took a swig of truth serum recently. He has also admitted the dating of 0 AD/CE does not represent the “real” year of Christ’s birth. What is the world coming to? Next he’ll be calling Christ the…

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Why do the Maya believe Christ is the sun?

In my ebook Jesus as the Sun throughout History, I provide evidence that the New Testament figure of “Jesus Christ” has been perceived as the “sun of righteousness” (Mal 4:2) since the formation of Christianity, appearing in numerous solar roles, possessing an abundance of solar attributes, and perceived by a…

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Was Horus Born on December 25th of a Virgin?

And another one hot off the presses, full of images and primary sources! There is so much misinformation, disinformation and outright lying about this subject that this article needs to be spread widely. Feel free to post and link around wherever you see the need – just copy and paste…

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Richard Dawkins questions Jesus’s existence in Playboy magazine

Below is a quote from Richard Dawkin’s interview in the September 2012 edition of “Playboy,” in which he questions the existence of Jesus Christ as a historical figure. It’s nice that Dawkins has apparently been appraised of Earl Doherty’s important work on the Pauline epistles, but there is MUCH more…

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