Author: Acharya S
A Mutilated woman speaks out against FGM
For some years now, a fascinating and amazing young Kenyan woman has been agitating effectively against the heinous practice of female genital mutilation (“FGM”). As has been pointed out many times, this tradition is pre-Islamic in Africa and has affected Christians, Muslims and animists alike. In this case, the victim…
Read MoreThe Origins of Christianity and the Quest for the Historical Jesus Christ
Acharya S
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I have recently revised my original article “The Origins of Christianity and the Quest for the Historical Jesus Christ,” which is the one that started it all 16 years ago! I put this article online in 1995 and began revising and expanding it based on feedback. It kicked up quite…
Read MoreScientology under fire
Acharya S
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I have no great love for the Church of Scientology, even though I may like some of its victims adherents, but I find this current wave of persecution to be rather hypocritical. If the Church of Scientology is to be deemed a “criminal racket,” then so must all the other…
Read MoreMy new interview with David Shankbone
Renowned photog and interviewer David Shankbone has posted a brand new interview of me on his blog: Christ Conspiracy author D.M. Murdock answers five questions David has photographed hordes of famous people, providing some 4,000 images for Wikipedia over the years. He has also interviewed some very famous people, including…
Read More2010 Astrotheology Calendar Video
My calendar vid has been reloaded with different music. If you haven’t seen it – take a look!!! And below it is a cool new review too! 5.0 out of 5 stars Historical accuracy recaptured…in a calendar, November 5, 2009 By Elisabeth Biernik History has always been written by the…
Read MoreGod needs your money!
As we suspected: The omnipotent Lord has a very bad cavity and is in need of all the world’s gold to fill it. But seriously, folks, for years now there has been a new “Gospel of Prosperity” preached at many churches via various televangelists who – surprise, surprise! – need…
Read MoreDr. Wafa Sultan speaks out for human rights
I am delighted to announce my brand-new interview with the famous ex-Muslim activist Dr. Wafa Sultan! Dr. Sultan is the firebrand apostate who took on a Muslim cleric in a debate that was seen by tens of millions worldwide. For her brave actions, Sultan was named in 2006 one of…
Read More‘The Gospel According to Acharya S’ This Week on Aeon Byte!
I’ve got a brand new radio show with Abraxas/Miguel Conner all this coming week. We are discussing my “Purple Bible,” so be sure to have a listen! For more info, see my blog – “The Gospel According to Acharya S” on Aeon Byte! Enjoy! Acharya
Read MoreLost Pyramid of Mirador: World’s largest?
Acharya S
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What an awesome discovery! And there are thousands more in the jungles of Guatemala and elsewhere. This one dates to two to three centuries before the common era. Interestingly enough, “renegade” writers decades ago reported on the thousands of pyramids and city ruins all over Central and South America. They…
Read More‘Say Islam is violent, and we’ll kill you!’
I have some very exciting news concerning this amazing old-soul Syrian warrior-woman and patriotic American, Dr. Wafa Sultan, so stay tuned. Meanwhile, here’s a window into her world. For Muslim Who Says Violence Destroys Islam, Violent Threats By JOHN M. BRODER Published: March 11, 2006 LOS ANGELES, March 10 —…
Read MoreMithraism & Christianity
Here is a nifty quote from the New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge (“Mithra, Mithraism,” VII, 419): “The birth of Mithra and of Christ were celebrated on the same day; tradition placed the birth of both in a cave; both regarded Sunday as sacred; in both the central figure was…
Read MoreShroud of Turin a fake?!
Acharya S
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Gee, what a surprise! You mean science has finally proved that the Shroud of Turin is a fake? This notion has been batted around for centuries, based on numerous factors, so it comes as no surprise to those of us who are not believers in the Christian myth as “history.”…
Read MoreMissing Link found?
Very fascinating news on the paleontology front. A number of fossils, including one species definer named “Ardi,” have been discovered and examined to reveal that they represent possibly “the last common ancestor of humans and living apes.” Oldest “Human” Skeleton Found–Disproves “Missing Link” Scientists today announced the discovery of the…
Read MoreBuddhist influence on Christianity?
I find it intriguing that the thesis putting forth much of Christianity as having been borrowed from Buddhism is so popular that it merits its own entry in Wikipedia. And all these years, I’ve been (erroneously) told that I am the only person in history who takes these purported parallels…
Read MoreThe 2010 Astrotheology Calendar
I have just released my latest project, The 2010 Astrotheology Calendar! What I found is really great stuff – check it out: The 2010 Astrotheology Calendar The 2010 Astrotheology Calendar—brought to you by Astrotheology Press, a division of Stellar House Publishing—provides valuable and amazing information about holidays celebrated from ancient times…
Read MoreSupreme Court challenge to Church & State separation?
Please see my latest Examiner article – Supreme Court challenge to Church & State separation? “While I do not generally engage in criticism of individuals, I have to say that one of my least favorite Supreme Court Justices during the many years I have been a sentient adult is Antonin…
Read MoreLink to Us
If you would like to link to Freethought Nation and help us grow, here are some banners. 728 x 90 (Reduced–click on the image to get the full banner) 468 x 60 392 x 72 250 x 250 200 x 200 120×90
Read MoreChristian charity?
It’s really great when people donate their time and skills to help others. I highly encourage that type of behavior in our global community. But I do wish people would just do it, without any strings attached or as motivated by belief an invisible Jewish man or other such inspiration.…
Read MoreHinduism in America
Acharya S
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I have to admit it, I have a soft spot for Hinduism, at least as it is practiced in the U.S. and as it appears in books in English that extoll its values, wonders and mysticism. That’s not to say that I do any Hindu practices or even hold any…
Read MoreThe myth of Hebrew monotheism
Acharya S
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In my book The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold, I have a chapter called “The Myth of Hebrew Monotheism,” which explains that, according to the Bible, the Hebrews/Israelites/Jews were always “whoring after other gods.” Unbelievably, rabid apologists attempting to debunk my entire body of work have even homed…
Read MoreChristian World Domination?
The executive director of the “influential” Coral Ridge Ministries, whose pastor is Rev. D. James Kennedy, once infamously remarked: “Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ–to have dominion in civil structures, just as in every other aspect of life…
Read MoreWelcome to Freethought Nation!
Greetings and salutations. We at Freethought Nation are pleased to announce our newly redone site, which has been designed to create what we hope will become a global hub for freethinkers, atheists, agnostics, secularists and humanists, as well as aficionados of history, religion, mythology, mythicism, astrotheology, archaeoastronomy, nutrition, environmental issues…
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