• April 19, 2024
acharya buddha murdock

Please respect my religion! New video!

Note from the author: Thank you for watching my video – I hope you enjoyed it. I am planning to do many more videos, including a full-length documentary based on my book The Christ Conspiracy. However, I am in need of better computer equipment to do so and do not have the funding. If you liked this effort, please consider donating to the cause of obtaining proper equipment for my new enterprise, FreethoughtFilms.com. Your support is greatly appreciated: $5, $10, $20, $50 or more – any amount will be helpful. Thank you.

Please respect my religion!
by D.M. Murdock/Acharya S

We are often asked to “respect people’s religions.” In the first place, many religious ideas are very disrespectful to human beings and are not worthy of respect. Secondly, what about people respecting our religion in return?

The word “religion” comes from the Latin noun religiō, which means, among other things, “scrupulousness” or “conscientiousness.” In my perspective of reality, I endeavor to be extremely scrupulous and conscientious. Hence, one could call me “religious” and my perspective “religion.”

My religion does not call people “infidels,” “heretics,” “goyim,” “heathens” or “sinners,” who are “other” and “alien,” unlike us and worthy of contempt, exploitation or worse.

Please respect my religion.

My religion does not call for nonbelievers to be derogated, hated, subjugated or enslaved.

Please respect my religion.

My religion has no giant, anthropomorphized, male God in the sky, somewhere “out there” separate and apart from humanity who dictates our every waking moment.

Please respect my religion.

My religion says there are no divinely revealed facts straight from the mouth of God that represent the “one true faith.”

Please respect my religion.

My religion neither promises heaven nor threatens hell, exploiting neither greed nor fear.

Please respect my religion.

My religion does not ask people to believe blindly and without scientific evidence in supernatural “saviors,” “prophets” or “avatars” of a particular ethnicity or culture.

Please respect my religion.

My religion objects to so-called holy texts full of violence, brutality and cruelty.

Please respect my religion.

My religion prohibits the murder of women and girls in order to “protect honor.”

Please respect my religion.

My religion prohibits child marriages and other forced marriages.

Please respect my religion.

My religion objects to forcing people to cover up simply because they have genitals of a particular gender.

Please respect my religion.

My religion objects to gender apartheid, in which men and women are segregated purely because of their genitals.

Please respect my religion.

My religion prohibits the mutilation of children’s genitals of either gender, based on “religious” dictates.

Please respect my religion.

My religion is based on consciousness, not genitalia.

Please respect my religion.

My religion values scientific observation and humane morals, not superstitious belief and violent fanaticism.

Please respect my religion.

My religion does not allow for death or other punishment for apostasy or blasphemy, etc.

Please respect my religion.

My religion opposes invasion, rape and robbery in the name of a god.

Please respect my religion.

My religion prohibits beheading or otherwise murdering living, breathing human beings in order to defend it from “insults.”

Please respect my religion.

My religion values life more than death and prohibits killing in its name.

Please respect my religion.

My religion does not allow for hand amputations for theft or stonings and hangings for adultery.

Please respect my religion.

My religion prohibits homosexuals from being hanged or otherwise murdered simply because of their sexual orientation.

Please respect my religion.

My religion treats children with kindness, love and affection, not beating them and teaching them hatred of others.

Please respect my religion.

My religion does not require prayer, once, five times or any other amount per day.

Please respect my religion.

My religion is not interested in mind control, so what you do within the privacy of your own mind is up to you, but my religion says that disrupting the public square and workplace for prayer is antisocial, aggressive and obnoxious.

Please respect my religion.

My religion objects to loud ringing of bells and shouting through loudspeakers, tormenting neighbors and causing divisiveness.

Please respect my religion.

My religion exhorts people to expose and speak out against oppression, censorship, human-rights violations and animal abuse wherever they may be found, in whatever culture or country and practiced by whatever ethnicity or religion.

Please respect my religion.

My religion calls for people to object to religious beliefs that are vicious, hateful, sexist and violent, regardless of the religion, faith, sect or cult.

Please respect my religion.

My religion calls for dignity and respect for the individual, who is free to believe or disbelieve at any given moment, as opposed to being forced to adhere to a particular religion through threats of violence and hellfire.

Please respect my religion.

My religion encourages singing, dancing, joy and general freedom to love life.

Please respect my religion.

Further Reading

Por favor, respeite a minha religião
Is My Religion ‘Intolerant?’
A Truly Sacred Scripture

NOTE: Regarding the repetition of the phrase “Please respect my religion!,” obviously, I did that for a purpose – it is part of my original writing, in which I wrote stanzas, followed by that refrain. My repetition of this phrase serves to emphasize a point, and it is little different from the refrain in a song or a poem: “Refrain” – from the Latin refringere meaning “to repeat” – is “the line or lines repeated in music or in verse.”

Again, as it does in thousands of songs and other writings/poems, the repetition/refrain has a purpose – I want to make sure everyone understands that each stanza can stand alone and is part of a “doctrine,” so to speak, of my “religion.” I also would like to associate the phrase with the ideas in my essay/video, obviously.

In consideration of the fanaticism with which typical religious dogma is held, I felt the need to emphasize this point, commensurate with the constant drone we hear from religious fanatics. The point needs to be pounded into the head, in my opinion. If I remove this phrase, the essay loses its meaning and purpose. Nevertheless, stay tuned for an updated refrain-less version.

246 thoughts on “Please respect my religion! New video!

    1. How is this article wonderful, seriously? It attacks the very premise it tries to uphold. The writer has no “love” or “tolerance” for anything but their own beliefs. [AS: Note this hateful smear is completely false. See the attached link.] As if there is one codified and organized religion on this earth to begin with that isn’t run by homicidal maniacs! Religion is fiction, spiritual teaching that sincere people live by is the only true “religion”. I don’t recall Yahushua (Jesus to most) telling his followers to erect expensive building all over the earth or to ask those who frequent those building to give their money to the rich. I don’t recall Him teaching His followers to partake in the system. Far from it, He taught His followers to unplug from the system of mammon and to lead a simple life devoted to helping others.

      1. You just dont get it
        I think you have totally missed the boat on this…Who was Jesus…just another very enlightened man who would probably choke if he saw what was being done in ‘his name”…Her religion is what Jesus would have wanted…I dont believe Jesus said that only through him could you get to heaven..I think that was what Man added to the bible…that bible is just one person’s version of ‘god’s word’…God lives in all of us…we dont have to do anything to please him…just be yourself.
        I think “her religion’ is my religion as well….you sound like a hater

        1. AMEN. Yes, I think he totally missed the point. A true christian doesn’t need to defend Christianity because Jesus never defended himself but others for the sake of all humanity. Jesus’ true message was for all of us to be Jesus and die for sins of the world. John 15:13 Jesus says” Greater love has no one than this, that one lays down his/her life for others. By doing so, we all become one with ONENESS, one step closer to the true “God”.

          Jesus’ teachings were perverted by the church seeking to control and enslave the minds of the people which Jesus came to set free.

      2. Our imaginary friend
        All religions are man made. They are the manifestations of mans creative thoughts and emotions. e.g. Love, Guilt, Remorse, Hate, Greed, and most important, Lust. Lust for power, lust for life, Lust for acceptance. Everyone wants to be happy; everyone wants to be loved. No one wants to die or be lonely. That’s prospect that scares us most of all. When we have to explain to our children and our selves as to what happens us when we die, we are left with our fertile imaginations to answer that question that no one truly has the answer to. Especially an imaginary character known as GOD. But if that is what helps you sleep at night and keeps the Boogy-Man away; hold your teddy bear close and say your prayers over and over; Maybe… just maybe the invisible God will keep the invisible Boogy-Man away.

        The Boogy-Man is God and God is Jesus, And Jesus is Santi Clause and Santi Clause is the Easter Bunny and the Easter bunny is BigFoot and BigFoot is the chupacabra and the chupacabra are UFO Pilots crashed on earth. etc etc etc….

      3. you whited sepulcher
        // “He taught His followers to unplug from the system of mammon and to lead a simple life devoted to helping others.” //

        Your yahushua preached more about hell fire condemnation and damnation than all the other bible prophets combined. To threaten people w/ imaginary invisible unprovable torture chambers of eternal fire for disobedience to blinded command, is not helping others in any fashion. Your hateful smear is completely false.

        Religion is what you and yahushua, jesus to most, have and preach. It is defined as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

        That is exactly what you and yahushua’s followers believe and do. You can lie about it, but your judgmental accusation regarding religion as run by homocidal maniacs applies specifically to you and your religion. Evidentially, historically, morally, doctrinally and in every fashion.

        There are a few plagiarized comments concerning the vile depravation of some humans in the fictional bible that I do agree with. It appears quite obvious the authors were refering to your type when they called hypocrites…. “whited sepulchers”.

        Clean the outside for purpose of your pious show of self righteousness to men. While inside are unclean, rotting and degraded dead bones.

  1. Priceless!! Going to use this the next time I get in a debate with a vicar, and trust me it happens often.

  2. How I love Acharya S
    I should have married you long time ago. You are so amazing Acharya.
    Regards, Dwight

  3. B) yes….spot on ! unfortunately , too often we get this from people who never even really read their bible ! they are sucked in by the general trend and go along with the royalty gimmick !give them an inch and you lose your healthy nation . :woohoo:

  4. This wonderful, what a world this would be if we could live like this.it’s gonna take a miracle

    One Love

    Acharya S 🙂

  5. Acharya, I love this and, with your permission and proper attribution,would like to use this in our upcoming Meetup.
    Robert Byrch
    Tampa Humanist Association, Inc.

    1. Thanks, Robert!

      You betcha – feel free to distribute it widely.


      And thanks to everyone else here for your kind words.

      Somehow, I myself feel even freer now… 😉

      1. I, too, loved it, and would like to read it on air for one of my upcoming shows… also with permission and proper acredation.

  6. AMEN !!!

    Well said. Thanks. I LOVE your books and writings. Keep on keeping on or…..”keep the faith” SISTER !!! ( or not ). (:-?/)

    Scottie Anderson
    The ONLY pissed-off liberal (and proud of it) in West Texas

  7. respecting religion
    I had an incident the other day that occurred with some Jehovah Witnesses. They came up to preach to me about their God (I’m Wiccan) The first Lady asked why I was and said “Boy, you must really Hate us” I answered No I didn’t hate them. That is not unless they also brought a post to burn me at or attempted to try and torture their God Satan out of me…neither who I believed in. The second Lady asked if she could pray over me and invited me to join their prayer. I told her I would be very happy to have them Pray over me, just as soon as they attend ritual with me to chant and light candles to Goddess. Needless to say they beat a hasty retreat and I have not been bothered by anymore “missionaries” or witnesses. I really try to “Preach that Good News of Wicca” to all who are foolish enough to invite themselves to my place! LOL!

  8. religion tolerans
    Personaly I bealive that people should be more tolerant of what people belive. i like how you wrote (Please respect my religion) because even though thier is a lot of religions that ar not respect
    to other you still wrote to respect it.

  9. your religion
    You say “Respect My Religion” and then give examples of what other religions teach or portray. After reading the lengthy list I can only assume you are pagan as am I. It is the only religion on the planet that has few rules and what rules there are basically say “be good to one another.”

    I enjoyed reading it.

    John (the Wiccan)

  10. Your religion is love, Acharya
    Fire, arguably, is important to life after air, water, and food. Fire, broadly defined, is energy. And energy runs the world. It fuels the body, operates the mind, heats homes, and runs endless machines and instruments.

    When energy is put to good use, it is the boon of mankind. And when it is misused or abused it is the bane of humanity. Therefore, credit or blame rests with the user of energy.

    Religion is a special case of energy in the same way that steam is a derivation of fire. Steam engines move mass in physical space. Religion, emotional energy, propels people’s mind in the metaphysical realm.

    Civilized societies have rules and regulations, albeit many of them flawed and imperfect, which regulate energy use. The fire of religion must also be contained in such a manner to do whatever good it may be able to do and prevent it from becoming a consuming wildfire.

    There are those who have no use for religion. These people have perhaps seen so much burning and scorching by religion that they have abandoned it or have even taken active positions fighting it.

    There are also those who don’t seem to be able to make do without a religion of some sort, preferably a “divine” religion. These people value the warmth that the religious fire gives them, the assurance it provides that the cold earth is not their end, and the promise that there is an eternal life of bliss after death. It is only fair that the “fire” that keeps the religionist warm not set ablaze the home of the non-religious.

    Some questions for religionists:

    A belief qualifies as “divine” religion because someone claims it is?
    A belief becomes religion because millions believe in it?
    Should religion and state interlace? Which religion? The religion of the majority in any given country?
    Should being a religionist confer the person preferential status over the non-religious?
    Should religionists have complete freedom to practice their belief, even when they infringe on the rights of others?
    Should religionists have the right to vilify as heathen the people of other persuasions and those of no religious belief?
    Should religionists have the right to force their belief on others?
    Should religionists actively engage in the subjugation or elimination of the non-religious?

    In civilized societies, it is granted that what is good for one person must also be good for the next. This is egalitarianism. Egalitarianism levels the playing field, where every human being must abide by the same rules of fair play. No one has a claim to special privileges for himself and his group.

    With respect to religion, it matters not that someone claims that he is the emissary of the Creator; that he is bringing binding teachings from the Lord. There is no objective way of ascertaining the truth or falsehood of the claim. The claimant may be a charlatan, mentally disturbed, or indeed an emissary of the divine. What really matters is that the claimant and his claim serve the cause of the good for all of mankind and completely shun causing contention and strife among people.

    The moment a religious founder begins claiming special privileges for himself and his followers, he launches a discriminating totalitarianism. This is indeed the case with Islam. Even a cursory glance at Islam’s past, as well as its present, establishes unequivocally its discriminating totalitarianism nature.

    Islam is out of control fire and the jihadists are its arsonists. The generality of Muslims do their part by spreading throughout the world and setting up the conditions that would welcome the arsonists, feed and shelter them, and support them in igniting the Islamic fire.

    This is exactly what is happening all over Europe where the naïve natives have deluded themselves into the fraud of multiculturalism. A generous social entitlement system in Europe, well-paying job opportunities, and higher standards of living are magnets to the horde of Muslims fleeing Islamic failed states. Ironically, these same Muslim expatriates quickly forget why they had to leave their miserable plights in their homelands and what the main cause of their misery is. The culprit is the pathological nihilistic belief of never-mind-this-world and do Allah’s biding for gaining admission to his unimaginably magnificent pleasure paradise of the afterlife.

    Islam believes in the rule of Islam, Caliphate to the Sunnis and Imamate to the Shias. Hence, to Muslims, all other forms of governments represent the handiwork of the Satan and the infidels. Therefore, one and all non-Islamic systems of government must be purified by the Islamic fire.

    But marrying religion with government is stoking fire with explosive. In free democracies, governments are accountable to the people and serve at people’s pleasure. In Islamic theocracy, governments are accountable only to Allah and the people must serve at the pleasure of the government. And one can see the result of Islamic total or partial rule in eighteen or so countries which rank among the highest nations of the world on every index of misery.

    The Islamic fire fueled by immense oil income is raging in certain regions of the world, smoldering in others, and ready to ignite in yet other parts of the world. It is imperative for the free people of the world to abandon all illusions about Islam and put out its fire, once and for all. Multiculturalism, let and let live, is a delusion of kind-hearted naïve people. Islam, as fractured as it is, is a non-compromising mono-culture: a cruel culture of a primitive people handed down to Muhammad some 1400 years ago.

    Secularists and most non-Muslim religious people respect the legitimate rights of the religionists, whereas Muslims recognize little or no rights for others. You can readily establish the validity of this assertion by looking at some eighteen or so Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and so on.

  11. request and pray —every human every soul either
    requests, to request ——–every one was not born with the god’good grace and nature’s good grace of good qualities and the good fate and luck to have good inteligence ,good wisdom ,good qualities ,and circuimstances not to commit ever any mistakes or sins .

    request and pray —every human every soul either good or bad ,angle or evil ,sinner,demon , god or devil every creature ,every one want to live as a good humanbeing –please save

    request—-instead of killing ,spoiling lives,destroying ,sending under earth ,hells ,if some place is given far away from india .and some thing are done for better to improve the qualities of humans and souls .so that every one can live .if not give death for soul ,micro soul ,grand souls ,every molecule of souls,kundalany , and burn ,in front of every one on the earth only .

    ———————————————————————————————————————-in india ,tamilnadu ,human souls are taken under earth ,under rocks ,even to several thousnds kilometers under rocks,taking old revenges ,vengenes ,conspirancies ,polatics and given different shapes .in sevrages and made like aliens .taking under earth and beating and burning .please save to every one,every molecules and request to bring all the souls ,creatures from under earth to on earth .and requests to request not to spoil souls and humans.please save from pains sufferings .please save .requests to request to make to stop all quarrells and taking under earth and hells and spoiling souls
    request you and to request– souls ,grand souls, microsouls or any molecules of human or any creatures should not be taken under earth or any hell for any punishment ,any kind of torturings ,sufferings .and requests, what ever punishment ,should be given on the earth only .requests you to come forward to make to bring back every souls every molecules of humans fron under earth and hell and save everyone good or bad

    requests you to request to —
    there should not be any hell under earth .if any punishment is given it should be given on the earth only .any souls ,even any molecules should not be taken under earth , sevarages or any hell under earth , for punishment ,any sufferings ,or any kind of torturings .request you to come forward . so far what ever souls has been taken under earth and hells make to bring back on the earth even single molecule also.

    request and pray to –every soul, every molecule ,every human may be sinner or good get back each and every molecule which are taken from humans ,souls,and be the humans again .and every human ,soul,molecule get the good wisedom ,good intelegence not to commeiting any sin not doing wrong bad,not doing anything wchich cause insult to anyone which makes anyone angry ,there be no bad words,no bad thoughts,no hates ,no sins,no vengeances,no quarrels ,no life lose, be respect for every one ,in every soul,human, kundalini ,every molecule .

    request — from the time of old vedic (india ancient scriptures time) .puranic stories (indian ancient) time and stories, curses of rishes (saints) devtas (angles) asurans (satans) ( devatas quarrels ) ramanya , mahabharata enemities, conspirancies ( षङयत्रॅ ) cheatings ,dirty polatics , mistakes ( THAT TIME MAY BE MISTAKES OF ONE OR TWO PERSONS ) ,old revenges are taking place still going on. due to some bad budhies ( wise )(wisedom) ( बुदधि ) bad thoughts , bad understanding , egos , and adamant natures ( हठ ) ,blaming each others, those enemities and revenges has brought to this level . now it has taken very destruction .

    2 ) if at those ancients times some wise peoples would have taken wise decissions for the betterment for each others and others , no ramayana, no mahabhartha , no war ,no fight ,no quarrels , in puranic (ancients) times and now nothing would have not taken place .

    3 ) on the name of punishment , taking revenges, taking under earth alive , several thousnds kilometers under earth , even to center of the earth, where no body can be able to find out , under rocks .even converting souls (atamas) to pieces the size of molecules even to newtron, proton size so that no one can search .buring alive .beating , cutting parts of boby of (souls) atama , sending to hell the place where no body sees , making aliens and like aliens from human .joining different souls atamas giveing unnatural shapes .breaking soul cutting hands , legs .stomach ,toungs,seprating layers of body and souls . spoil of budies brains , spoiling souls , kundlanies shakties ,nurves systems ,spoiling humans ,beating souls ,human micro soul powers .

    whatever punishment for anyone .please given on the earth only , what ever it may be human,souls ,grand souls or any molecules infront of every one.not by taking under earth or hell-REQUEST to request to give DEATH for ME ,MOTHER ,and FATHER ,and even to my TWO BROTHERS,and ONE SISTER to soul,grand soul ,kundaliy ,by giving or injecting POSION (which science & scientits can produce) and shown in the “DASAVATARAM “tamil & hindi india movie.BURN infront of ALL ON THE EARTH ONLY
    a pray and request to ..requests— there should not be any hell under earth .no soul be taken to under earth ,hell ,or any kind of placses under earth for suffering ,punishment or any kind of torturings .due to bad wisdom and bad fate every one do mistakes , sins. every one was not born with the good grace god and qualities not doing mistakes .every soul, every molecule ,every human may be sinner or good get back each and every molecule which are taken from humans ,souls,and be the humans again .and every human ,soul,molecule get the good wisedom ,good intelegence not to commeiting any sin not doing wrong bad,not doing anything which cause insult to anyone which makes anyone angry ,there be no bad words,no bad thoughts,no hates ,no sins,no vengeances,no quarrels ,no life lose. be respect for every one ,in every soul,human, kundalini ,every molecule .there be no any soul,molecule, creatuers,with any kind of suffering,punishment,or any torturings
    requests to request and pray– quarrels,old evil (bhudhi) intelligence of sins , thoughts of revenge,vengeances,wars,bad words ,enemities,which are coming from old ancient times bad evil thoughts( KAMA (sex) , was the only mistake at a time . so far which are the cause for every bad happenings)thoughts of enemities to destroy,spoiling others, hates for others all bad wisedom, be change to good & noble and for betterment for others, intelligence not commiting sins and not doing bad for others,and to save every soul ,grand soul, humans ,balas in back bones ,kundlani power,every molecules of humans, gods,evils become good and noble , every creatures.where ever may be even in earth ,hell ,heavan or in any molecules and get back lifes back as humans as they were ,on the earth only.

  12. please respect my religion
    thanx for all you do, your work is valuable, . .i appreciate
    your presence on this planet in this time of transition.
    angels of mercy take the light of love with them
    everywhere they go, . .
    spread the joy.

  13. Well whatever your “religion” is, it certainly is a lot more sane than mainstream religions. Yours is a “religion” worthy of respect. 🙂

  14. some suggested un-sexist word spellings
    huwoman or huwoman beings for human beings
    huwomanity or huwomanity for humanity
    huwomane or huwomane for humane morals
    huwoman or huwoman beings for human beings
    huwoman-rights or huwoman-rights for human-rights

    Les Ego

    1. I agree that language can/must be changed. I would suggest that in the Constitution, the word ‘man’ be changed to ‘citizens’ if borders are important or ‘residents’ if not. Women and former slaves should not need an amendment for rights. Keep the language simple and easy to understand. Our founding fathers wrote in a style of that time that is not easily understood now. Make the language modern and easy to understand and that would eliminate a lot of debate.

      There are folks who have created jobs for themselves just debating the meaning of particular words in religious books. I notice that there are concepts in those books that are not life-affirming. I will not talk to folks who sell their beliefs at my door which is sacred to me. I have read those books and they do not speak to me.

      I follow truth and demand it.

  15. How does one know the real God

    Well the answer is quite simple!

    It is “given” that each one of us
    is ..free.. to believe or not believe in anything

    So, each one of us must indeed use our intelligence
    to determine what is “worthy” of our belief

    For something to be worthy of my belief
    it has to be beautiful, giving greater hope to all mankind

    These truths reveal the real God
    who indeed had a beginning from humanity itself-
    which makes so much more intelligent sense
    than the greatest “story” ever told

    The truths that this God would have a beloved
    and we would have a Heavenly Mother
    also makes intelligent sense
    because of males and females upon this earth

    That they would have Spiritual Children
    who being in Heaven would have no experience
    of “opposition” to compare what they have been accustom to

    That they would be sent down
    to this “furnace of affliction” (hell)
    to learn to choose good over evil…
    the greater over the lesser-

    being necessary…
    to walk in the very footsteps
    that God themselves walked
    when they dwelled in mortal life

    This is how the Spiritual Children will progress
    to becoming just like their parents

    I present a God who doesn’t kill
    and has never commanded
    anyone else to kill another either-

    Is this possibility just too hard to believe?
    I present a God
    who gives us a multitude of lives
    to progress as we are able;

    because God knows very well
    how we all make stupid mistakes and decisions

    I present a God
    who isn’t perfect and doesn’t want us to be perfect either-
    for one who is perfect
    could never be merciful and forgiving to the fallen

    I present a God
    who doesn’t know what you will do or say tomorrow

    I present a God that doesn’t claim
    to have all power and control over all things-
    and yet he isn’t responsible for the atrocities

    I present a God
    who is ..above.. the attributes of sinful man;

    who is not angry, wrathful, vengeful, jealous,
    nor anything like the killing biblical god

    I present a God who loves women
    and desires them to be equal in all matters

    as it is when he and his beloved became “ONE”
    that GOD actually came into being

    I present a God
    who forces no one to believe
    based on a foundation of fear;

    but one who only accepts
    the faith of those who believe-

    knowing they have the right to walk away
    without any condemnation from God,
    the Church, nor any other person!!

    A God who says we are free to live our lives
    and only commands us to be Humane
    I present a God
    who came ..again.. into mortal life
    to dwell with his children
    while they attend this school of opposition-

    He the Emmanuel, and Her the Holy Spirit

    I present a Saviour
    who saves us… not by being murdered on the cross

    but one who saves us by teaching us…
    by his words and example-
    to be Holy not Perfect

    Tell me…

    Why is it;

    That so many will accept the biblical monster
    who is just like sinful man

    and just can not fathom the possibility
    of their being a real Loving and Merciful God
    such as the one I am presenting

    I present the real God!!
    and you are free to accept or reject them!!

    Because you will come again and again into mortality-



    1. Beautiful Indeed!
      If Plato’s premise that “Truth is beauty. Beauty: Truth.” is reality then you have written what is true but in the same reality your chain of logic breaks down so early in your diatribe as to render anything further down the chain than “These truths reveal the real God
      who indeed had a beginning from humanity itself-
      which makes so much more intelligent sense
      than the greatest “story” ever told” to be based on fancy. Fantasy may be beautiful but it is the antithesis of truth.

    2. you present
      You present
      zero evidence that even one of your assertions is true.

      You present
      no support that all of your contentions are not comletely false

      You present
      nothing but your unsupported claims. Which prove nothing, and certainly not your god figment.

  16. As Usual, Acharya, Well Said
    Hi, Acharya, you have a gift for showing “religionists” as they truly are…..pious hypocrites who insist that you respect their beliefs while laughing at(or worse) your beliefs.

    Keep up the good work; this article is awesome. I’m saving it for future reference.

    John C Cole

  17. Thank you for sending me your: ‘Please Respect my

    Your message is timeless as long as the religion card is played. And even after that it is an affirmation and a reminder. Thank you for posting this and i hope many people will get to read it and rethink their participation in this treacherous and sad path mankind has taken. The photos of the camels being abused are so..so heart breaking, and to think that people with their kids in their arms and smiling like it was their favorite past time. So sad…

  18. re: Please Respect My Religion!
    Wonderful share, Acharya S! If we all carried that amount of respect for each other, imagine how much better our world would be. Thank you for putting this together. Namaste ~ Blessings!

  19. Dear Ms. Acharya: Thank You for Your Work Ethic; Philosophy and/ or, Religion. Over the last couple of days…I read about the intimidation via “false” beliefs; Which infuses negativity for all others.In my studies I read on “The mythos of Gaia/Sophia”. It is quite interesting. My own ‘take on the TELESTAI (referred to as the Sethian Gnostics) has new insights.
    Ms. Acharya would You care to comment on the Nag Hammadi/Dead Sea Scrolls in Your writing column in the future?
    Note: Falen Sophia as the Aeon resposible for a Creation of the Evil Demiurge explains how mankind has demonized “Femininity” as the ‘Curse’. Yet, anyone who has studied the Codices (NHC) will realize that the “Fall” was an incurred Incarnation of humanity into matter. I hope this bit of information will help other people to see THE LIGHT…whichever persuasion that a person has to show tolerance to others as we…would prefer that they do same for US Sincerely, Bruce M. Ireland

  20. I would have liked a more balanced approach. Perhaps next year you could include ‘all’ religions..not just christians and muslims? Anyway, I agree with your overall sentiment. Thanks.





    1. You are correct, sir, which is why I said that the Latin word religiō meant, among other things, “scrupulousness” and “conscientiousness.”

      Dictionary.com lists the etymology of “religion” as:

      1150–1200; Middle English religioun (< Old French religion ) < Latin religiōn- (stem of religiō ) conscientiousness, piety, equivalent to relig ( āre ) to tie, fasten ( re- re- + ligāre to bind, tie; cf. ligament) + -iōn- -ion; cf. rely

      Among other things, Cassell’s Latin Dictionary defines religiō as “scrupulousness, conscientious exactness; esp. religious scruple, awe, superstition, strict observance; in gen., moral scruples, conscientiousness,” etc.

      Obviously, I’m using the general definitions of “scrupulousness,” “conscientious exactness,” “moral scruple” and “conscientiousness.

  22. My very dear Acharya…
    It´s amazing! Your text is almost a perfect reflection of my first public lectures (around 1976) on “religion” and it made me feel that I´m not alone concerning my thoughts, feelings and attitudes on the subject. I am a scientific-spiritualist free-thinker and would love to translate your text in full to distribute to all me readers and correspondents (in 32 countries). Congratulations for this jewel of good sense and wisdom.

    1. Thanks, Phillipe!

      Translate away – just make sure it’s accurate and attributed. And a link back to this blog would be great.


  23. comment
    I like most of what you say in this article but I am afraid that you excuse and accept immoral or immodest behavior, ie. homosexuals. A society cannot function well accepting these outrageous behaviours.

    1. Our attitude about immoral or immodest is societal. IMHO, homosexuality is caused by parents who discover that a child is androgynous. They then because of their beliefs direct that child into expressing itself as male or female. This can be damaging, just as damaging as insisting that the child become a plumber/farmer etc because that is the family business. It is a wise parent who studies the child out of love and teaches how to express male or female with the child when mature enough to make the choice.

      IMHO, it is not homosexuality that is destroying the world, that is too simplistic. It is men with high testosterone levels who don’t know how to manage their hormone levels who are waging war and building empires who are destroying the world.

      1. Sexist Rant
        Diane, while I agree with you that homosexuality is not destroying the world I must take exception to your sexist rant about testosterone being the causative agent. Greed, avarice and love of power are causing our decadence; such attributes do not belong to men only.

    2. bigot
      I know homosexuals that are neither immoral nor immodest. Your bigoted ignorance that society cannot function with homosexuals only exhibits the sickening damage of your worse than outrageous behavior.

      Your vexacious religious beliefs condemning the actions of others which do you nor anyone harm is exactly the dangerous mentality that Acharya detailed in her listings.

      “My religion prohibits homosexuals from being hanged or otherwise murdered simply because of their sexual orientation.

      Please respect my religion.”

  24. Religion is man made
    All religion is man made, the truth comes from “God” “Universe” or any other name for a Higher Consciousness.

  25. yea!
    You tell ’em Acharya! I recommend people read Christopher Hitchen’s book “God is Not Great”. He’s a secular humanist atheist who really skewers the religions stemming from Abraham! He feels people in 21st century cannot keep this up because we know too much. We are no longer ignorant peasants of 0 AD. We know the earth moves around the sun and is not flat, about biology and evolution, and medicine.

  26. Connections
    Thank you so much Acharya, you are a beautiful wise soul, and should really be part of the public dialogue in the USA – your perspective is sorely needed.

    As noted in discussion ‘religio’ as well as meaning scrupulous, also means to connect, or rebind, from ‘religo’, a Latin word that means to bind fast, or also, to moor a ship. The logos idea of eternal reason is about this idea of ‘rebinding’ – building connections to each other and to the cosmos that gives us life. Nature is sacred.

    All the examples of evil religion you cite have lost their moorings in reality, and use their beliefs to separate, not to connect. Their exclusive dogmas are pathological, and have harmful social and personal effects.

    A religion of love is about bringing people together to respect each other and the ultimate truth of our universe. Only connect.

    America is sick, and part of the diagnosis is that the public discussion cannot hear deep commentary such as yours on religion.

    The shallow debates about atheism, pitting science against faith, ignore how our faith always defines our attitude to reality. Even science forms faith-based worldviews – such as those that reject the scientific study of astral religion. Better to see faith as a virtue, but seek to have faith in reality, not in fantasy.

    Religion will always be with us, but it has to change to become scientific, as you advocate, not mad and evil, as seen in the dominant exclusive faiths of today. Religion has to reconcile with science to save our world.

    1. faith belief
      Faith is the belief w/o evidence. Faith is not a virtue, it is the eliminator of reason. Faith has nothing to do w/ reality. Reality is evidenced. Hence, reality eliminates faith belief.

    1. “The only definite account of his life and teachings is contained in the four Gospels of the New Testament, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. All other historical records of the time are silent about him. The brief mentions of Jesus in the writings of Josephus, Tacitus and Suetonius have been generally regarded as not genuine and as Christian interpolations; in Jewish writings there is no report about Jesus that has historical value. Some scholars have even gone so far as to hold that the entire Jesus story is a myth…”

      – The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia (v. 6, 83)

      – Who Was Jesus? 84

      from here ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=11975#p11975[/url])

  27. scrupuious thoughts
    I had no idea there were others that thought like I do, this is very comforting to know.

    1. Is this a parody?

      Thank you for the perfect example of the religionist I’m basically addressing here. 😉

      Beautifully done – I couldn’t have done it better myself.

      Sinister is a nice touch, although it’s been done to death. 👿

      Perhaps something more original next time.

  28. I would like to use your excellent list.
    😀 I’m writing a major work on the defects of Judeo-Christianity. I would like to include “Please respect my religion,” as I could not better it and I have a section appropriate for it. I of course will give full credit, as I have already in citing your books.

    Thank you!
    Steve Gray

  29. Right on Sister! Thank you for the courageous and loving post! Blessings and light!
    Michael Gillan Maxwell

  30. Philippe Piet van Putten (9 December 2011) describes his religious position as a “scientific-spiritualist freethinker”. This also describes Modernists like myself and many others, who begin our religious quests from within the intellectual and scientific context of our present 21st century and then move back to previous centuries, in order to gain insights from the past which can still be of value and spiritual enlightenment for our lives today.

    I have recently reviewed ten such Modernist books relating mostly to Christianity and these can be viewed in the Library section on the very useful website .

  31. I like and respect your religion.
    I like your religion it sounds very harmonious to my own pagan path! Nothing beats truth and common sense.

  32. well said, may the world wake up to stupidity of religious any religion for the benefit of few.

    keep doing with your good job Acharia.

  33. Religion: either Tie or Consciousness, it means On
    Thank you very much Acharya for this christal clear example of free critical Thinking’s application, and as you state

    “My religion does not require prayer, once, five times or any other amount per day”,

    I would preferably add that [Humanists/Humans] could/might encourage (followers and/or drivers/leaders and/or beings) to apply it (free critcal Thinking) several times a day/moth/year/life.

    And, in my opinion, this is the most excellent paragraph of your Religion:

    “My religion exhorts people to expose and speak out against oppression, censorship, human-rights violations and animal abuse wherever they may be found, in whatever culture or country and practiced by whatever ethnicity or religion.”

    And since the concept of Human Rights is often object of abuses itself, I think there is the need to point out:

    “Beings have Rights, not Ideologies have them”,

    in order for pious religio-political followers/leaders not to (be able to) use such a concept to force their (most often ethnicist/racist) “religious” (political) agenda upon others and/or upon the world(s).

    Last, I think that you most wisely state:

    “My religion calls for people to object to religious beliefs that are vicious, hateful, sexist and violent, regardless of the religion, faith, sect or cult.”

    And observing the (religious/political) world “out there” (or “inside brainwashed Humans”), I would preferably add:

    “… that are vicious, hateful, sexist, ethnicist/racist, (discriminating), and violent, regardless of …”.

    I wish you a lovely and beautiful life, and I send you lightful regards.

    1. Usury is the king of pain in the lands of the oppr
      “My religion exhorts people to expose and speak out against oppression, censorship, human-rights violations and animal abuse wherever they may be found, in whatever culture or country and practiced by whatever ethnicity or religion.”

      The lady does not look like a Humanists to me. Just anti religion.

      Nah, there’s no conspiracy among the money men around to world.

      Snordelhans is a real Humanists.
      check out this video on Youtube.
      “The Forces of the Last Gasp, on Meat Street”

      Best video I’ve seen in awhile.

      1. hu·man·ist
           [hyoo-muh-nist or, often, yoo-]
        a person having a strong interest in or concern for human welfare, values, and dignity.

        It seems you have no clue in regards to what a humanist actually is. It also appears as though tin foil has a devastating effect on brain cells.

      2. anti-religious humanism
        Considering the horrific historical record regarding religious abuse in the concerns of life, liberty, freedom, civil rights and such; it stands supportedly factual that anti-religion is true example of promoting humanist concerns.

  34. boy are you deluded
    Your definition of religion was wrong. You should know your facts. Since your religion has been at work for the past 60 years humanity has been steadily devolving into a bunch of sense lusting, environment killing, non sensitive, selfish sub animal beings. Wake up and learn what the religions are really teaching rather than judging by the actions of the few. Oh god help us!!!!!

    1. Your first remark is incorrect, and I have already addressed it above, as well as added links to the original article. Your insults of my person, of course, are unfortunately typical of a religious fanatic, so thank you for the example proving my point. 😉

      Let me repeat what I’ve already written here as concerns the word “religion.” I said that the Latin word religiō meant, among other things, “scrupulousness” and “conscientiousness.”

      Dictionary.com lists the etymology of “religion” as:

      1150–1200; Middle English religioun (< Old French religion ) < Latin religiōn- (stem of religiō ) conscientiousness, piety, equivalent to relig ( āre ) to tie, fasten ( re- re- + ligāre to bind, tie; cf. ligament) + -iōn- -ion; cf. rely

      Among other things, Cassell’s Latin Dictionary defines religiō as “scrupulousness, conscientious exactness; esp. religious scruple, awe, superstition, strict observance; in gen., moral scruples, conscientiousness,” etc.

      Obviously, I’m using the general definitions of “scrupulousness,” “conscientious exactness,” “moral scruple” and “conscientiousness.

    2. you are example of pure self delusion
      // “steadily devolving into a bunch of sense lusting, environment killing, non sensitive, selfish sub animal beings” //

      Sounds like the religious murderers and rapists bragged about in the bible……

      “Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword. Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished.” (Isaiah 13:15-16)

      // “religions are really teaching rather than judging by the actions of the few” //

      Wrong, judging is exactly what religion threatens and uses to manipulate w/ fear…..

      Revelation 20:11-15
      Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. From his presence earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done. And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done. Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

      Imaginary figments cannot help you.

  35. Shalom!
    Ms. Achrya, u have ur right to say above. I must respect it. Nevertheless, I have my own poiint of views on same topic.

    Kindly take a peek (It won’t hurt u no make a dent on ur own belief),




  36. Respect my religion
    I completely agree with you. You have covered all aspects of various religious beliefs and customs.

  37. I am so thankful for your beautiful spirit and your incredible mind! I’m thankful that you have found your calling and have done all the work to put your findings on paper and into print. You inspire me greatly in so many ways!

  38. interesting because i am a true believer in Jesus Christ’s two primary commandments,
    1. love God, with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength,
    2. love your neighbor as you love your self.
    I haven’t seen anything about your religion which contradicts this. Great and happy to respect your religion! Of course you are correct when you point out how almost all the world’s religions, Christian included, have ignored these two commandments. Respecting one’s religion was also taught by Christ as that is how we show our neighbor love, and I think you are right to argue for your religion. I believe in one God, and I believe that one God expresses in many different forms, as many forms as there are consciousnesses. So good for you and thanks for the “respect my religion” card.
    kind regards

    1. From a former Pastor of 20 years:

      “…The birth of Jesus was heralded with “Peace on Earth,” yet Jesus said, “Think not that I am come to send peace: I came not to send peace but a sword.” (Matthew 10:34) “He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” (Luke 22:36) “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.” (Luke 19:27. In a parable, but spoken of favorably.)

      The burning of unbelievers during the Inquisition was based on the words of Jesus: “If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.” (John 15:6)

      Jesus looked at his critics “with anger” (Mark 3:5), and attacked merchants with a whip (John 2:15). He showed his respect for life by drowning innocent animals (Matthew 8:32). He refused to heal a sick child until he was pressured by the mother (Matthew 15:22-28).

      The most revealing aspect of his character was his promotion of eternal torment. “The Son of man [Jesus himself] shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.” (Matthew 13:41-42) “And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched.” (Mark 9:43)

      Is this nice? Is it exemplary to make your point with threats of violence? Is hell a kind, peaceful idea?…”

      Why Jesus?: Are the teachings and deeds of Jesus admirable?

  39. Perception is and only can be personal
    Well Acharya I can respect your religion, can you respect mine? My friends and family are what’s important to me, my friends are those people who I know personally and my family is called Humanity, of course this is only my own form of insanity, just a personal inanity but at least I am not one of those who have suffered from an evolutionary judgement and how so? Well if Adolf had his way I would have been exterminated for not loving a doctrinal belief! And by evolutionary judgement we, each of us, personally judge ourselves because if we decide to smell like a turd then all around us will hold their nose.

    1. not true
      // ” personally judge ourselves because if we decide to smell like a turd then all around us will hold their nose.” //

      Not true, turd lovers will not hold their noses. If your assertion was true, all the people sitting in churches listening to all that pure BS spewn, would be holding their noses. They don’t, because they love that BS.

  40. May the Creator cherish you all the long way back
    Keep on shining your Lovelight high, Murdoch, for many of us brothers continue hungry for It.

  41. You are spot on !
    🙂 I think you are absolutely right. For too long, man and woman have lived under the dark cloud of religious beliefs. Sometimes they are not to be blamed, as they are raised up as christians, muslims etc….It becomes as part of culture. I totally subscribe to your beliefs as it really reflect our humanity and what we should really be teaching our children, and not some false teachings that have been spread down from generations past. Your teachings are the type that I want my chidren and grandchildren to learn – as thinking humans, progressive humans and loving humans. I really enjoy reading your works and wish one day, I can meet you and congratulate you for helping to shed so much light on these subjects. I wish and hope that you will continue to write more books and maybe a book on yourself would be interesting. Warmest Regards, Jimmy Liew

  42. Please respect my religion!
    Very fun…as people say. Although raised a Catholic, I left religion at the ripe old age of 11, after having gone through the catechism, which by age 8, I knew as well as the priests, and having read all the mythologies western and eastern. By that time, I had decided that the Christian version was no more veridical than any of the others.

    Over the years I have found spirituality, which is not only universal but probably multiversal as there are almost certainly other planets in our and other universes with sentient beings…most of them probably more intelligent and evolved than humans.

    Thanks for this veru amusing essay which I shall put up on my Paris walll, nex to posters of concerts I have sung in.


  43. Me and My Religion?
    Before my mail last night, I did check the Dictionary once again about the meaning of religion myself. However the more the religion got organised, the worst it became. Today the religion has met its demise in the coffin of “Organised Religion”. It is this corporatisation of religion that is the cause of the present world’s herculean problems.

    Religion on one hand and the state machinary covertly being used to advance the or a religion combined with a covert pretext of the interest of the people dubiously has been the worst deadly combination.

    We took pride in science but we also notice that as the science progressed; inhumanity, mass murders, plunders, genocides, barbarism, massacres, rapes, duplicity in the name of diplomacy, tortures either by the State or by the militants, wars on one pretext or the other reflecting the incessant hate, intolerance, no respect for humanity, promotion of Human Rights to further individual vested interests to the utter disregard of the weaker people and etc. One can go on building the limitless list.

    In such a difficult scenario, where a state becomes autocratic, the people become run amok in the name of one or the other cause is a good example to lead people like Acharya, a great thinker, independent creative idealist and an innovative writer, author, blog designer, columnist,
    and a voracious tolerance to digest the venom poured by her opposition friends are some such admirable qualities she is bestowed with. Hats off and God bless you.

    I thoroughly enjoyed, admired and assimilated after reading it without wasting a second last night. I could not immediately comment at that time and I hope I have been able to compensate my delayed response. Now it has got a good response I expected, it is pleasing to see. She has given her permission on copyright already.

  44. Your Religion
    Your religion obviously doesn’t respect Free Speech. All comments have to be pre-approved. If you can’t respect Free Speech you obviously can’t respect tolerence.

    1. Which one
      I was just wondering Pastor which sauce are you usually served with? Nothing to saucy I hope.

    2. Well, here’s a moron who doesn’t get that blog owners NEED to monitor their blogs, or else idiots like him will post not only hate speech but also threats, calls to violence, and so on. A blog owner could be prosecuted for allowing threats and calls to violence on their site.

  45. Thank You
    Acharya S, excellent, thank you! As I have mentioned before, I have read all your works, you have set me free from fear and myth!

  46. “We must respect the other fellow’s religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart.”

    -H.L. Mencken

  47. Polarity.
    I have not been able to read all the comments, so please forgive me if I seem less informed than I should be. I hope to get back to read them all.

    What I do want to mention is simply that it is really all quite abstract in the end. The Thinking function of the mind is too overbearing at this time so that the Feeling function is gasping for air as it were – but Mother Nature will – has to – put things right. Soon I hope because this is unbearable.

    Male and Female functions have to be in balance for us to be sane. When they are not the World goes mad and destroys itself. That is what is really happening now.

    Acharya, it is not just a matter of having different genitals, as you say! It is so much more than that. Women have a completely different vibe,for Heaven’s sake! The more feminine a female is the more masculine a man can be – and that is essential. It is called polarity.

    High cannot exist without low and hot cannot exist with cold and up cannot exist without down – and female is DEFINED by male and male is DEFINED by female.

    As for homosexuality – it is a most terrible affliction, now imposed on the West and destroying the World. It does no one any good at all, and is a pitiful condition to be in.

    Please respect these fundamental things.

    Did you know that the Judeans at the time of poor old Hezekian destroyed Asherah, the consort of their tribal god called “Yahweh” ? Socrates also destroyed myth – and that was the beginning of the rot, or the dominance of the calculating function of mind – and out wonderful world of machines now.

    1. pitiful bigotry
      // “As for homosexuality – it is a most terrible affliction, now imposed on the West and destroying the World. It does no one any good at all, and is a pitiful condition to be in.” //

      You present no evidence to support your lying accusation. Homosexuality is not a terrible affliction nor is it destroying the world. You spew this filth w/ zero support of your false assertion.

      Go ahead, present your evidence that what you say is true. Lacking any credible evidence, you are admitting that you are just bare faced lying about it.

      Truth is, your unsupportable bigoted hatred is the most pitiful condition to be in.

  48. People here would love the film God in the Box ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2311[/url]).

    Enjoy the Mythicist Position video ([url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKW9sbJ3v2w[/url]).

    Here are just a few examples of religions that exemplify what not to do and how not to be at the Freethought Nation forum:

    How many has God killed? ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2381[/url])

    Pagan Destruction Chronology ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2128[/url])

    The Truth About Islam ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=589&start=705[/url])

    Simply search around for much more.

  49. your article – please respect my religion
    Acharya: I love you. Thank you, Thank you. I have read a couple of your books (The Christ Conspiracy & Suns of God ) and I just want to let you know that I agree with you 100%. It is comforting to know that I am not alone in this world…… I have a few thoughts that I would like to share with you and I would appreciate some feedback from you….. It has recently occured to me the all Govt. agencys have as their LOGO, something enclosed within a CIRCLE i/e FBI, CIA, IRS, NASA, Dept. of Defence, (tongue in cheek on that one ) , US Postal Service, the Presidential Seal, The USA seal, and on, and on, and on, ad infinitum. Not just the Govt. but many private organizations as well. Now, in your books you have a lot to say about ancient sun worship. Do you think it possible that this could be an ( unintentional/intentional ) attempt to congur up some kind of RESPECT that we all must harbor in our subconscience from the thousands of years of ancient SUN worship? Just a thought. What do you think about this. Where were you when I was looking for a wife?

    1. 🙂

      I do think there is merit in suggesting that these various symbols have hidden meanings, often solar. Governments and corporations/companies/guilds, etc., have been using such symbols since remotest times.

  50. respect my religion
    I wish some Christians I know could respect my beliefs as I respect thiers. Wonderful article.

  51. I am guessing that the pre-approval is to keep out disgusting sexual references and gut spewing that appears on other sites. It is HER site and until you PAY for her site you just move on.

    You are welcome to pay for your own site, the Internet is a wonderful tool for debate and discussion.

  52. Respect My Religion
    :whistle: this is a classic and sorely needed for the folks stuck in ancient religions (ugh!). I will use it for those sweet neanderthals who don’t get it, and realize that we can think and experience for ourselves using our heart as a guide!

  53. Except that none of the religions of today practice those things that Jesus taught (IF he even existed).

      1. As lovely as it sounds, it still requires belief. Belief in the man who had the experience. I don’t run so well on belief, I like direct experience. I might sniff around an idea but if it remains stale for me, empty of my own direct experience, I don’t last long within it. I found Gnosticism helpful for me, for direct experience of some mystical things, and Amazonian shamans helped me also, with plants. But simply believing in the story of another? Such as a bible, or the rael site? We need to move beyond belief in this era, into direct experience. Belief does nothing for our personal development, evidenced by everyone around us who is spiritually infantile.

      2. My last comment didn’t specify… I was directing it to Wayne, who linked the Raelian movement.

    1. acharya and last days
      It is true that Christ is anchored in history and is mirrored
      repetitively in Greek and Egyptian thinking, as they all have an
      anchor in the Lord. Except for the error about the substantive
      existence of Christ, most of what Acharya S says is consistent
      with the Gospel. The roots of the Gospel are in Old Testament
      rejection of priestly hypocrisy; see Isaiah1:11-17, where the New
      Testament starts, as the Lord prepared to demolish Israeli idolatry.

      1. fiction
        Literary fiction is anchored in history and is mirrored
        repetitively in Greek and Egyptian thinking. Zues, Hercules, Horus, and others. The biblical Christ and Lord are no different in those regards. Fictional literature is not factual reality.

  54. About your “religion”
    You have it all wrong about God not being a “Male” personage. There is God The Father, the first person of the Trinity. Period. Would you find His title more palatible if He were refered to as God the Progenator or God the Creator, so someone like you can mold Him to be as you have imagined Him to be within the narrow boundaries of your confused and warped mind ?

    As far as the word “religion” is concerned, the word is made up of the prefix “re”-in the latin-and ligere…in the Latin meaning “to bind ones self back to” or to bind ones self back to his or her Creator.

    This would include even kafka munching,psuedo-intellectual, liberal through backs to the Haight-Ashbury conciousness of the 60’s like you. OOOOMMMMM ! OOOOOMMMMMMMM !

    The problem that we all face in this world in that we have to put up with society being controlled by a very small group of individuals who just “happen” to be of the same religious persuasion. They own the media , the banking system, control the academia, contril our congress from outside this country. The tell people like you and the rest of the mob what to thnk and what to think of it. Because they control the media, you will never hear through the vehicle of their instruments anything that will be contrary to their own best interests.

    Most of the peoples pf the world are unaware that they’re being led down a path of destruction because it is the agenda to cull 6.5 billion people from this earth within a very short space of time. Chances are great that you wil be one of those culled. Mabey even myself. These individuals who are doing this to humanity are refered to inTscripture as being of their “father “the devil-see John 8:44 or don’t you have the character to look that up ? Yes, it’s in the Bible and the Bible has been proven to be 100% correct all the time. Why ? Well, for one thing it’s the only Scripture on the planet ever that contains Prophecy and that Prophec had proven to be 100% accurate all the time

    1. Thank you, but your reinvention of Christianity and the Godfather concept will not suffice to show that I “have it all wrong.” Many if not most monotheists clearly think of God as a MALE, and God has been painted as a MAN by Western artists for the past 2,000 years, as even demonstrated by the Michelangelo image of God I included here – did you not recognize that famous piece of artwork? Perhaps you’d like to tell Michelangelo he “got it all wrong.”

      Obviously, it’s not I who have it all wrong, and your insulting remarks only serve to show that religious fanatics are arrogant, conceited and sociopathic – so thanks for that display!

      As far as the word “religion” is concerned, the word is made up of the prefix “re”-in the latin-and ligere…in the Latin meaning “to bind ones self back to” or to bind ones self back to his or her Creator.

      Yes, I am aware of that definition – which is one of the “among other things” I included in my original article. I also included further clarification in a comment here. What I have said in my original essay is correct as well, and I stand by it.

      The rest of what you have written is essentially religious fanaticism, not truth. This claim is, for example, completely false:

      “Yes, it’s in the Bible and the Bible has been proven to be 100% correct all the time.”

      Again, it’s not I who “have it all wrong,” but thanks once more for the example of what I’m essentially describing here.

    2. christian mysoginy
      1 Corinthians chapter 14:
      “As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.”

      Obviously, Susan has no clue what her god the father, the first person of the trinity says about her and all women. Or she believes the “He” is just a liar. Period.

      This is by no means church, yet by the same sentiment she is disobeying commandments by so shamefully disgracing herself, her husband, her god and religion spewing such ridiculous nonsense in public forum. Jesus did command to preach the gospel to the four corners of the earth.

      The vagueries in the bible are not valid propehcy. The ambiguous, arbirtrary mentionings do not prove any credible prediction. There were vapors of smoke over every city that the Hebrews murdered every man woman and child in.

      The Jews were predicted to be restored to their “homeland” 500 years before the time of jesus. And every century after that. Wrong 24 out or 25 chances does not qualify as accuracy. More like hopeful guessing.

      According to the bible, jesus said those standing with him while he was on the earth would not taste death till they saw him coming in his kingdom and reward every man according to his works. That was over 2k years ago, still hasn’t happened. Another failed “prophecy”. I’d fire the dude for excessive tardiness.

  55. Male Genital Mutilation Condoned or Accepted?
    Dear Ms. Murdock:

    Some of the finest words ever written.

    A question or concern, however.

    Although “you” note, “My religion prohibits the genitals of children of either gender from being mutilated because of “religious” dictates.”, your displayed “symbol”, however, only depicts “No female genital mutilation.”

    The reasonable, and perhaps only, inference from your “symbol” is that you condone, accept or, at least, tolerate male genital mutilation.

    Any reasonable person detests mutilation, whether to the genital or any other part (or whole) of the body. Reason and common sense seems to require that mutilation of the genital, at least, be equated similarly, if not equal, treatment.

    From a quantitative perspective, the vast and overwhelming number of genital mutilation in the world by religion or other reason is of males. Consequently, one could argue that although mutilation of genital of gender is to be equally condemned the great struggle is the elimination of the vast, overwhelming and socially, religiously and legally permitted male mutilation.

    The issue, perhaps, of childern as property arises. An issue for condemnation on another day.

    Perhaps, however, the issue is one of not wanting to offend the majority of religious, social and legal thought and action.

    Thank you for your courtesy. I look forward to any response.

    dennis hanna

    1. Thank you.

      Since I specifically said, “the genitals of children of [b]either gender[/b] from being mutilated,” I’m not sure why you would see otherwise. I included one image because that’s the room I had and the symbol I chose. I didn’t include images for every other detail either.

      In any event, I wrote an essay about male circumcision some years ago that has been fairly popular:

      Circumcision is Evil ([url]http://tbknews.blogspot.com/2006/07/circumcision-is-evil.html[/url])

      1. religious mutilation
        Interesting direction in this discussion. I also oppose the genital mutilation of all children. I disagree w/ the implication that because more mailes are circumcised at birth, this somehow assigns increased importance to eliminating male circumsion as a greater struggle than female circumcision.

        Let us examine. Nearly all male circumcisions are performed days after birth. The foreskin is cut back and removed. With relatively much less damaging long effect than female circumcision.

        These effects, though horrendous, pale in comparison to religious styled female circumcision. Usually performed on teenage girls sans anesthetic, the entire clitoris cut off. Many times all labia totally removed, solely to decrease pleasure so the “weaker minded” female will be less inclined to succumb to lust and sin, defiling her virginity that belongs to her husband. The vagina sewn, to increase pleasure for the future husband.

        I’d say the obvious disparity in regards to degree of barbarity and purpose, is certainly effect and caused by the inherent misogyny rampant in religion for millennium. Claimed quantitative superiority does not ascribe greater importance. Especially when compared to the horrific abuse and intent of FGM.

        Acharya is correct, child genital mutilation should be ceased, no matter the gender involved. One crime is not worse than the other.

  56. very broad generalization
    Kat, That’s a very broad generalization to declare, because I highly doubt you have had the chance to examine and participate in every form of religion in the world today to claim none of them practice what Christ taught when he walked the earth (and continues to teach through His word.) We are all human and fall short in walking perfectly as Jesus walked, but many of us strive to follow His example, Word, and Truth. also yes HE existed and does exist… I don’t need anyone to believe what I say, that is a personal choice and relationship they must want and seek… but I know in my soul and by faith that one day all will know that to be truth for themselves. God Bless

    1. same as FSM
      Do you realize that your non-evidential non-falsifiable revelatory claims are no different than someone saying that allah, buddha, vishnu, krishna or the FSM is the truth?

  57. Beautiful
    I seriously doubt the preacher (who yelled at me when I was 6, telling me I was an evil sinner and would never go to heaven unless I marry a Christian man and submit to him) would ever preach this at his church.

    I am Raelian. And I concur.

  58. Free Book
    Download for FREE: Man’s Search For Spirituality by E Christopher Reyes.
    Two volume history of religious beliefs in a chronological order.

  59. 🙂

    Very well said.

    What is needed is spirituality and compassion, both absent from religions which are actually instruments formed by a foreign malicious mind for enslavement. Yet we know 2012 is gradually turning the tides toward freedom from the long standing vicious mind control through world religions.

  60. Your religion should be the religion of our planet! I have moved from liberal Lutheran to atheist and adopted exactly Dr. Murdock’s religion.
    Thank you for your research, articulation, and truthful books that have freed me from the mythologies that held me in captivity.

    1. Congratulations, but you didn’t “move.” You were manipulated into becoming an athiest on your path to worshipping satan.

      1. Shut up, you hateful ass, What a sick, sinister mind you have. Christ-insanity has poisoned your brain.

    1. True oxymorons
      You are in desperate need of education in regards to what an oxymoron actually is. You brought the false accusation, I’ll go ahead and help you out a tad. Though most likely beyond your exhibited comprehenisve abilities, the following are accurate example:

      existent god
      righteous christian
      fully intellectual theist
      intelligent sky daddy believer
      reasoned spiritualist
      non-subjective imaginary friend talker
      critical thinking god religionist
      cognitive god worshiper
      objective bible believer
      rational invisible god follower

  61. Did you actually read the article?
    You have obviously inferred from this article what was not implied by the author.

  62. [quote name=”John”]How is this article wonderful, seriously? It attacks the very premise it tries to uphold. The writer has no “love” or “tolerance” for anything but their own beliefs.[/quote]

    If you’d read the article properly, you’d have noticed the bit where Acharya says “My religion does not call for nonbelievers to be derogated, hated, subjugated or enslaved”, and also the bit where she says “what you do within the privacy of your own mind is up to you”.
    Clearly then the writer DOES have tolerance for other people’s beliefs. As much of her earlier work makes it clear, what she does not tolerate is when people use their beliefs as excuses to oppress, harass, harm and kill others.

  63. Thanks for the great thoughts
    I love your message. It’s so positive and life affirming for me as a student metaphysician. I’ve even shared it with a fellow student and my instructor as he has a radio show on Blog Talk Radio called Metaphysical Universe as part of his ministry, Metaphysical Church for Humanistic and Spirituality. Keep up the great work, dear! 🙂
    Katherine Logan/Maghdalena

  64. I’m sorry, but it doesn’t sound as if you even read my article, as nothing you’ve written here has anything to do with my essay.

    Which “beliefs” would those be? You have not outlined or demonstrated anything with your sweeping generalizations and contentions, which I contend are false.

    [quote]As if there is one codified and organized religion on this earth to begin with that isn’t run by homicidal maniacs! [/quote]

    Where do I say anything remotely resembling this remark? It is an utter nonsequitur and reflects that you didn’t even read my article. Nor does the rest of what you have said here apply to anything I’ve written.

    Perhaps you meant to post this irrelevant comment to another site you had open in your browser?

  65. Thank you so much for this beautiful write up. My mother wants a copy to tack on her wall to remind company of “her religion”.

  66. ….?
    Yeshua bar Yosef was a 30-year old Middle Eastern Homeless Man simply trying to teach folks how to Share… and he was publicly executed for his teachings… and he is still dead…

    We are Human. Our Laws should be Humane. …no deities required 🙂

    1. Yeshua Bar Yosef was not homeless
      The original article paraphrases what has been attempted to be said in most religious teachings. Unfortunately our spoilt child usually gets in the way of our understanding.
      My understanding of Yeshua’s story is that he had a brother James who had the title Bar Abbas, while he carried the title Nazarene.
      Yeshua attempted to become King by performing a ritual that would declare his legitimacy, but it went wrong and he and his brother were arrested on sedition charges.
      He died then and his brother whose title translates to be “Son of God” continued as the head of his sect until twenty years later when he was murdered on the steps of the temple.
      Neither of these men were homeless and neither claimed divinity.
      Another great lie is that Judas Iscariot was a traitor, as he did his part as commanded by his King. He did his duty to the letter and was murdered for it.

    2. Yeshua bar Yosef
      This is very interesting and something I’ve never heard of before. Do you mean to say that the Jesus in the bible was a cleaned, polished and buffed homeless guy they transformed in to Christ Jesus the Son of God?

  67. Another cynical bigot disguising his opposing views as tolerance. Everything stated in the “article” are examples of complete intolerance. You shoot yourself with the points you try use to support yourself.
    Cynicism is your religion.

    1. Thank you, but your contentions are utterly incorrect. You seem not to have read my essay before you decided to post a canned comment disparaging me and my religion. Thank you for the perfect example of someone disrespecting my religion – it is not [i]I[/i] who am the bigot posting hate speech against individuals I do not even know in the least.

      Dancing, singing, joy, love and kindness for children, along with not engaging in mind control – these are examples of “complete intolerance?” Your fallacious remarks themselves are examples of “complete intolerance,” and you therefore shoot [i]yourself[/i] in the foot. And little could be more cynical ([url]http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cynical[/url]) than what you’ve said, as defined here:

      [quote]cyn·i·cal: “1…. distrusting or disparaging the motives of others; 2. showing contempt for accepted standards of honesty or morality by one’s actions, especially by actions that exploit the scruples of others; 3. bitterly or sneeringly distrustful, contemptuous, or pessimistic.[/quote]
      For more on purported “intolerance,” please see this essay:

      Is My Religion ‘Intolerant?’ ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3963[/url])

      As you and others will see, your remarks are quite erroneous, but again they do reflect your [i]own [/i]religious bigotry and hatred of persons, as outlined at the top of this essay:

      My religion does not call people “infidels,” “heretics,” “goyim,” “heathens” or “sinners,” who are “other” and “alien,” unlike us and worthy of contempt, exploitation or worse.

      Please respect my religion.

      My religion does not call for nonbelievers to be derogated, hated, subjugated or enslaved.

      Please respect my religion.

    2. Instanly prophetic
      Dam Acharya, you nailed these reglious bigots exactly. No sooner did you say that these cynical haters would spew their intolerance, than they immediately start popping up and frothing. Kudos, way to call it. You get prizes. 😛

  68. 50 years to concede
    Thank you for a great essay and all your other writings I have had the opportunity to read since finding your site.
    For 50 years I could not truly accept the churchians preachings but deep down was always afraid of the hypothetical fire and brimstone or the lightning bolt. Eventually I was able to walk away and say I no longer believe in the churchian dogma I then started reading up on your’s and similar writings and have found something that rings true with my consciousnes/soul.

    Thank you for wonderful people like yourself

  69. lunartrax
    ( unrelated to some of these previous threads – some just don’t get it )

    COOL !
    Your unceasing efforts are an inspiration.
    The fire that drives us to pursue honesty, fairness, understanding, & the bettering of the human condition should re-spark in each of us each morning.

    More people need to check out your DVD – artfully done, and every bit as thorough & informative as your writings.
    And the same goes for the podcast / interview on Point of Inquiry with cool character Robert Price… repeatedly enjoyable ( enjoyably repeatable ). “D.M.Murdock on Point of Inquiry radio” June 29, 2011

    ( This grass-roots promotion not paid for by the Acharya for President committee : )

    1. Thank you for your kind regards. 😀

      People can read about and procure my video here:

      Acharya S/D.M. Murdock on DVD ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/contributing-writers/63-acharya-s/584-dm-murdockacharya-s-on-dvd.html[/url])

      One can also listen to the Point of Inquiry radio program with my friend Dr. Robert M. Price here ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/contributing-writers/63-acharya-s/549-dm-murdock-on-point-of-inquiry-radio.html[/url]).


  70. Modernist books
    On 10 December 2011, I submitted an email in support of Philippe Piet van Putten’s religious position as a “scientific-spiritualist freethinker” and of other Modernists like Acharya who begin such religious quests from within the intellectual and scientific context of our present 21st century.

    I indicated that I have recently reviewed ten such Modernist books relating to Christianity but the name of the website was lost. These reviews of books, including “The Gospel and the Zodiac” by Bill Darlison, can be viewed in the Library section on the website http://www.ProgressiveChristianity.org.

    1. Thank you for the perfect example of how hateful, vicious and sociopathic religious fanaticism makes people.

      You see, folks, HERE Is why I do what I do – such derangement is unfortunately far too common on this planet, causing people to spew vile hate speech at others they don’t even know.

      Here I am talking about everyone having the ability to think as they please, about loving children, about singing and dancing in joy and love for life, and I’m called “Satan” and a “liar.” If Satan loves children and sings and dances in joy, while respecting the individual, what does God do?

      Punish people, beat children, sneer and spread hatred? Apparently so, in consideration of the behavior of his most ardent followers. It is YOU, sir, who sound like Satan with your suspicious mind and insidious hate speech.

      This is a serious mental illness, frankly.

      1. Cheers Acharya, I agree with you 100%

        I believe there were many people on Earth who lived in peace until some fanatic groups (who were following the orders of their “God”) decided to rid the world of the “non-belivers”. Sadly there are stories in the Christian bible of “Old Testament” stating such things. In today’s time this would be considered a crime. If we can not accept this behavior now…we must disapprove of it for then as well.

    2. god made all liars
      According to the bible, there is not anything that was made, that was not made by god. This means all things, including liars, and all evil. Put the blame where it belongs, on the vile claimed creator.

      Also according to the bible, god mass murdered and ordered the mass murder of multi-millions, most merely because they did not worship him. Including suckling infants because he held them accountable for what their parents did.

      By your own recorded record, common sense and simple mathematics states that your god figment has a much worse criminal rap sheet than satan. According to your bible, he only killed 10 people, and that w/ god’s permission on a bet.

  71. Many years ago…
    Many many years ago I observed a trend in modern day religions. This trend was the denigration of anybody that “didn’t believe as we do”.

    It starts with name calling. Much as the author of this article wrote. Heathen. Sinner. Heretic. Infidel. Etc.

    All words to marginalize another human being, because they don’t believe as you do. All words designed to make it easier to look down on and/or hate another human being because they don’t believe as you do. All words that are designed to promote hate, rather than love.

    If the followers of the worlds religions actually followed the basic tenants of those religions (love each other being the most basic of them all) this world would not be as divided and driven by the hate, hatred and anger that is so obviously the antithesis of what religion actually IS. Unfortunately for all of us… they don’t… and THAT is a truly saddening thing.


    1. Religions vs Faith
      One of the most difficult problems is actually that you, like most people, describe adherents to “religion” as opposed to those who have Faith. Then of course you must describe who or what people have faith in. Religion is mans attempt to reach God. This is what makes religion so dangerous.

      Those who belive the bible is the Word of God and have faith in Jesus Christ as Lord may not – in fact sometimes most definitely will not – act as the Lord would command us to do. Others, who claim to have Faith will act in an abhorent way. So on so on. Each of these and many more factors provide evil an answer to the gift of Faith that is freely available to all. But it is to us – not by our religious attempts to attain it.

      The religion of “enlightened thinking” is just another self worshipping religion – and as dangerous as any hypocrytical Christian one would like to parade around as the ultimate evil in society.

    2. playground
      Most people learn how to attack and degrade by name calling on the playground as children. Most mature and get over it. Many don’t.

      Obviously, the authors of the bible and other religious tomes didn’t. Hence, the vile practice exuding from so many god religionists as adults.

  72. You go girl!!
    I really value all your research and is now reading your book The Jesus-Horus connection – it really is such an eye opener but i guess the people (Christians) that really need to read it, wouldn’t even consider it. We are 3 girls also putting together a book on the realities / danger / history of christianity / jesus (saviour gods) to enlighten those that don’t know. The more we spread the word, the quicker we will move christianity into a myth.

  73. Of course the author has a religion. It is a very old one. It is self worship. With each word she demonstrates her belief in how much better she is than other “religious” people are.

    Religion and religious people frighten me for the most part. I do have faith in Jesus Christ by the grace of God but that is a gift and it and religion are completely different topics.

    It would be nice if everyone would be more tolerant. But that will never happen. Just as the intolerance of the author shows. And, just as the bible teaches.

    1. David Landinger:

      The author does not actually have a religion. That’s the irony, tongue in cheek so to speak. Get it? She is not claiming to be better than anyone; she is merely pointing out the obvious, which an overwhelming majority of commenters here agree. Religion and faith in Jesus Christ certainly ARE the same. Denial of that fact is a denial of the definition of religion. It is a prerequisite that a devotee of the Christian religion have faith in Jesus Christ. People here do not put up with such petty special pleading, sir. It’s time to grow up, be honest and get real.
      [quote]David Landinger: “It would be nice if everyone would be more tolerant. But that will never happen. Just as the intolerance of the author shows. And, just as the bible teaches.”[/quote]
      More petty special pleading. “[i]just as the bible teaches[/i]”? Seriously??? This must be a joke. All of the Abrahamic religions are full of barbaric violence and aggression – have you even read the bible? I have many, many times.

      How many has God killed? ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2381[/url])

      There is also no democracy in Christianity:
      [quote]“Nowhere in Scripture will you find an acknowledgment that each individual has an “inalienable right” to be treated with fairness and respect, or that “We, the People” are capable of governing ourselves. There is no democracy in the “word of God.” In the bible, humans are “worms” and “sinners” deserving damnation, “slaves” who should humbly submit to all kings, heavenly and earthly.”

      “American laws are based on a secular constitution, not the bible. Any scriptures that might support a good law do so only because they have met the test of human values, which long predate the ineffective Ten Commandments.”

      – from here ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1716[/url])[/quote]
      David Landinger, your hatred of the author, who has said no ill thing against you, shows your true colors. It’s people like you who make this world a worse place to live. Look in the mirror and check yourself, sir.

      [b]“Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice”
      – Ayaan Hirsi Ali[/b]

      1. By the way FTL, your quote “It’s people like you that make this world a worse place to live.” is a most hateful and intolerant quote.

        Is that the outward manifestation of an enlightened mind ?

        I eagerly await the positings and a discussion. Sadly, I seldom find those who can debate with logic, intellect and wisdom. Those who do always present little “nuggets” of beauty. Sometimes you will carry them around for a long time. Sometimes they can permanently alter your perspective on life.

        It generally only takes me a couple of posts to be bounced from sites. People fear others they cannot outhink.

        You need not bother posting this but I sincerely would invite all of you to discuss the topic of religion, christianity, god, love, and philosophy since the website would present itself as one that does just that.

    2. Naturally, in your haste to attack people with Christ’s love, you have deliberately misinterpreted my writings, have completely ignored my addendum about “tolerance” ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3963[/url]) and have merely repeated the typical canned apologies and lies about my person, whom you don’t know in the least.

      But thank you for a perfect example of your own INTOLERANCE.

      It seems those who shriek the loudest about “intolerance” are themselves frequently the most intolerant.


    3. self worship
      Faith in jesus christ and belief in what the bible says is the definition of religion. Look it up. More frightening are those who have no clue that they are practicing the exact definition of religion, while denying it. 😮

      David, what is wrong w/ self worship? Why do you say it is evil? Do you love yourself? Don’t you hold an adoring reverence or regard for yourself? Or do you think you are a vile filthy sinner like your bible says you are?

      Your self loathing is clinical neurosis. You would not feel so miserable if you tried to love yourself instead. If you did some good things instead of tormenting your brain w/ such fear and psychosis, you’d feel much better about yourself perfoming acts worthy of worship. Go ahead, worship what YOU do, for a change. It will make the short existence you have in this life on this planet much more enjoyable, I promise. And, that is all you have.

      And really, you exist. Your god figment cannot be shown to exist outside your imagination. You deserve to worship and adore yourself in reverent regard. Yet considering the shameful display of your posts here, I can understand why you don’t.

  74. thank you for openning the minds of people and the
    i respect this topic very much .most beliefs system teach seperation hate and many forms of control people who believe in this mess really never find the truth about god and never find god inside themselves either. neil trotman/menkura 🙂

  75. Thanks for all your hard work over the years
    Thanks again to you Acharya s I really enjoyed this new article. I am almost finished reading a 2nd book of yours “Who was Jesus fingerprints of the christ” which I have really learned alot from. I am getting another of your books “Christ in Eygpt” which I have heard is a really great book. I wish I had this information the 12 years I was going to church and wonder why they don’t tell all the truth in churches but now do know why. It would ruin their business enterprises completely. I as well just purchased the dvd featuring you called great minds of our time. That was really a great dvd and is a great teaching platform for anyone that is interested in this subject. I must say I really do like the way you put this information out to the public….in a very respectful and inteligent way. Thanks so much once again.

  76. in the words of
    I can’t believe this was a “news” article on Sikhnet. com.

    In the words of Joan Rivers…”OHHH PULEAZZE!” 😡

    Sat Nam


    1. Thank you for proving a perfect example of [i]not [/i]respecting my religion.

      Perhaps someone should mock some Sikh screed?

      Do you have something better, or are you naturally obnoxious and arrogant?

    Dear readers, All religions of the world world are at peace except Islam. Around the world already proven, what proof is requires by Muslim to show they are good. All Muslims have been indoctrinated as in the Quran that the Muslims no way can make peace and befriend with other religions. Final… other religions have to take action and beware of ISLAM.

    5:51 O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other.
    Islam says: ‘Kill all the unbelievers just as they would kill you all!’

  78. Thanks for that post, Mohammad Mydin. You are correct, sir. Mulsims don’t treat their own very well either … this just out today:
    [quote]Pakistan: Rehab Patients Chained In Religious Seminary ([url]http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/12/13/pakistan-rehab-patients-chained_n_1145272.html[/url])

    “KARACHI, Pakistan — Pakistani police discovered drug addicts held in chains at an Islamic seminary that offered rehabilitation services, and said Tuesday that young children were also sometimes shackled at the institution.

    The parents of around 60 young men at the seminary in the southern port city of Karachi paid it to treat their children through a regime of Islamic instruction and worship, or simply to take them off their hands.

    “They were kept there like animals,” said police officer Akram Naeem.

    Patients who tried to escape or were dealing drugs were chained together, Naeem said.

    Some children as young as eight were also taking regular Islamic instruction at the seminary, said policeman Rao Anwar Ahmed. He said they too were sometimes chained, if they were disobedient…..”[/quote]
    The Truth About Islam ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=589[/url])

    Infidelophobia ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3456[/url])

  79. Pakistan is a hellhole, pure and simple. Not only has Islam not done anything to improve life there, it’s contributed heavily to its degradation. Every day we hear horrible stories coming out of Pakistan, girls and women being disfigured with acid, beaten, raped, burned and killed. Pakistan leads the world in porn searches on the internet, including bestiality. How has the fanatical Islam they follow improved their morality? The gender segregation causes many men to have sex with each other, with boys and with animals.

  80. Of course a there is a creator
    I do think that there is a creator, the scientific community call it the “universe” If you think that what is, just was, then you must believe in miracles more than the most deluded religious person in existence. I also think that ancient religions are an evolution of hunter gatherer tribal initiations, a more esoteric understanding you cannot imagine, if you haven’t been initiated into a traditional hunter gatherer group in a traditional way then you will not understand how that particular group of people used the technique. As I have just mentioned this knowledge really is a technique, one that if want you to understand, you must first master. But this technique always has a personal perceptual outcome, hence the religious dialogues about this god, that god or this devil and that demon, you cannot hope to find this kind of understanding written in a form that explains what it is or how it works because as a personal perceptual decision if you do know what it is and how it works you can create an unwanted, disliked or dangerous perceptual balance for yourself that is a not liked or wanted by anyone or every one else. To give a reference to a type of this knowledge read the Ragnarok which is the Viking equivalent to the book of revelations in the bible. The Ragnarok finishes with the death of Odin and most of the other members of the over-world and the underworld and who remains? A man and a woman at the base of the tree of life!

  81. Namaste Acharya,

    You pretty much summed up my religion!! I was planning to copyright it but alas, you beat me to it.

    I am just amazed by all the negativity in this blog towards an obviously well-meaning and well-thought out piece by this devastatingly intelligent, Goddess Acharya.

    Anyway, I hope people here are enjoying the pagan, winter solstice celebrations.


  82. My religion is THE TRUE religion!
    I belong to the Church of Jerry Springer, whose sole commandment is, “Be good to yourself, and each other.”

    pax vobiscum,

  83. Thanks for spelling out the truth to humanity. Keep on rocking in the free world…

    Happy Holidays

  84. Proposing and Promoting Religion
    (Proposing and Promoting Religion)
    I subscribe perhaps to the same religion that Acharya S does. I would like to further complement its ideals with the following additions.
    Please respect my religion.
    Religion is being misunderstood by some because of its ritualistic identity. Ritual is being considered redundant by some. The notion of redundancy of ritual has lead many to take the ritualistic nature of religion as stupidity. But ritualism has proven to have profound influence on common man. Though there are plentiful instances of adversities and fatalities in which role of ritualism seems to have been culpable, yet profundity of its influence upon general mind is unmistakably discernible. For the sake of the common man, I would like to reassess ritualism. And my religion wouldn’t stop me in my such endeavors.
    Please respect my religion.
    Some believe that religion is like opium for people. But the magnitude of popular allegiance that religion commands need not be underestimated just because it proves to be unwieldy to handle while implementing purportedly modern but less popular agenda. For the sake of the common man, I would like to reassess religion’s such popularity. And my religion wouldn’t stop me in my such endeavors.
    Please respect my religion.
    Some disapprove the superfluity incorporated in the hyperboles engaged in religious ritualism and religious allegiance. But the protracted popularity of these apparently superfluous hyperboles could be indicative of reference to benefic hypercritical elements of psychology. For the sake of common man, I would like to inquire into the possibility of religious administration of these benefic hypercritical elements of psychology. And my religion wouldn’t stop me in my such endeavors.
    Please respect my religion.
    Evolution is the goal of universe and mankind. So evolutionary policies involving larger number of people would surely deserve greater attention and priority. Political process is underscored because of its potentiality to formulate and implement macroscopic policies, even though these often actually include anti-evolutionary lapses. Religious process is much more macroscopic in nature though it also often includes anti-evolutionary lapses actually. I wouldn’t like to sacrifice the valuable macroscopic aspect of religion because of the possibility of its anti-evolutionary lapses only. Rather, I would inquire into the circumstances and agencies that inject anti-evolutionary venom into the macroscopic religious process. And my religion wouldn’t stop me in my such endeavors.
    Please respect my religion.
    An apposite theory of evolution is the first necessity of religion in order to enable it to formulate the most benefic macroscopic policies for mankind. Darwinism could have been a boon to religion only if it could have been completed. Descriptive Darwinism about adaptational and morphological evolution would surely be acceptable to religion only if the subjective cause of evolution could be located or at least, if the causal analysis could be rationalized. On the contrary, Darwinism offered a mere mechanical cause, repulsive and erroneous, that deified brutal competition without a rational core of intuitional subjectivity. In other words, Darwinism fell short of Dream Evolution that would deify the eternal evolutionary cause as the foreseeing, benevolent and elevating intuition (dream) and that would propose doctrines viz. ‘survival of the wisest’ (to complement ‘survival of the fittest’), ‘pre-selection of nature’ (to reverse ‘natural selection’). I would like to complement and complete the current theory of evolution and implement the evolutionary goal, objectives, plans and programs through commensurable macroscopic religious policies for best and fastest development of mankind. And my religion wouldn’t stop me in my such endeavors.
    Please respect my religion.
    Religion is meant for human welfare. Measure of unhappiness in the form of offence, crime and injustice may be construed as the direct indices and critical proofs of failure of religion. My religion permits to be so judged and entreats every individual irrespective of membership to reveal its such status and do everything in personal capacity to alleviate its such ignominy.
    Please respect my religion.
    Religion ought to abhor shallow altruism committed in the name of modernity. Because, the latent trait of levity therein doesn’t permit mind to delve deeper into critical and hypercritical themes and definitions. As a result, even God and Religion remain appropriately undefined till date. Denying or ignoring such key terms is simply anti-intellectual. My religion insists on analysis and postulation till every doubt and problem is consummately solved.
    Please respect my religion.
    Equality of doubts and equality of problems, irrespective of themes, ought to be the best practical forms of equity. Thus philosophy that is meant for discovering general relevant mundane utility ought to be construed as secular and religious. Implementation of any solution, irrespective of theme, thus leads one closer to divinity. My religion subscribes to such religiosity and divinity and thus treats every human being equally irrespective of his/ her following and believing.
    Please respect my religion.
    My religion subscribes to the new eugenics that would encourage ethical mingling of saliva and blood (metaphors for neurons and genes) to bring about unprecedented corporal evolution in human sphere through novel socio-genetic religious policies.
    Please respect my religion.
    My religion defines amour, sex, gender and marriage in a way that would minimize social entropy (confusion and unhappiness in human relationships) and psychological injustice and that would consummate gender coexistence.
    Please respect my religion.
    My religion defines decency and vulgarity in a way that would promote dignity of human morphology and social magnanimity to the extent of facilitating emergence of natural body as omnipresent mascot of an evolutionary fortune.
    Please respect my religion.
    Mind-writing is different from blood-writing insofar as education finds instinct almost unsurpassable. Books may imprint ideas upon mind, but rituals imprint instincts upon blood (genes). To have conducive instincts ingrained upon everyone’s blood, commensurable ritualism becomes a necessity. My religion avoids redundancy in ritualism as it would be the worst form of ostentation, true; but retains most precise and concise residual ritualism enough to implant and animate critical instincts and intuitions.
    Please respect my religion.
    (Bhanu Padmo)
    You may reply this thread upon http://in.groups.yahoo.com/group/greenlogic/ as well
    or consign a copy to greenlogic@yahoogroups.co.in for extended discussions.

  85. ha ha, I love it! Great blog Acharya. Now we need a list of Commandments of Acharianity! ha, ha

    Thank you Dear Acharya for this wonderful video of your religion….the only religion I could actually say that I DO respect!

  87. Thank you. Obviously, I did that for a purpose – it is part of my original writing, in which I wrote stanzas, followed by that refrain. My repetition of this phrase serves to emphasize a point, and it is little different from the refrain or chorus in a song or a poem:”Refrain” – from the Latin “refringere” meaning “to repeat” – is “the line or lines repeated in music or in verse; the “chorus” of a song.”

  88. Acharya, this is wonderful. Just like all your other work, this really hits home in a very clear and powerful way. Great job.

  89. Dearest Acharya S.
    I have read your Rightious Litany and Requestional that the people at large should RESPECT your Religion.
    I fullhartedly concur with your Litany and Request.
    Also the exchange that I have taken note off in this chatroom gives clear indication that there are yet a few more enlightened persons around. And for that; IF there were to be a GOD, then he/SHE/it would have to be thanked therefore, while we humbly genuflect and sing his praises.
    With kind regards
    Sir John

  90. Sounds very much like my religion. I do call my self a Wiccan, one of the Neo-Pagan beliefs. But I do not expect anyone to believe as I believe. I do not call my way The One And Only True Way. I believe we all have the right to beilieve or not believe whatever we want. So long as we treat all life with respect.
    Acharya I do love all your work. I have a love and respect for all myth, and the Bible falls under that category as well. I do not however take a literal interpretation of myth. Myth is not literal it is not history and it is definitely not science.

  91. One of the most beautiful messages I’ve ever seen.
    If people would live by the examples represented in this video we all would live in peace surrounded by love and complete harmony. Yes I respect your religion and cherish your thoughts. Thanks for sharing!

  92. I respect YOUR religion

    A very good video and a very good piece DM. As many know, I am both a campaigner against religion and the long-awaited Messiah (ergo prophet…), and the religion you describe is the only one I could respect.


    Peace and Wisdom…

  93. Loved This. Thank you!
    My religion is…not to have a religion. But if I had one, it would center around the dictates of my conscience and my basic sense of what is right vrs wrong that I learned from my parents and good people in my life, not from any “holy” book or man-made attempt to control or oppress the masses.

    Jesus loves you but you will burn for eternity in Hell-fire…..God loves you…..God is all-powerfull, all-knowing and all-loving….UNCONDITIONAL love, but if you reject him he has prepared a place of torment for you because he is a jealous god….he hates the sin, but loves the sinner, but it makes no difference if you are not capable of understanding the simple truth that god will not put up with unbelief…..!!! eternal fire awaits you…..even if you don’t undertsand…..

    1. You are lying
      Um…. you can’t produce even one shred of evidence that any of what you claim and threaten is not all absolute lies. And as you exhibit, you lack the simple intellectual capacity to even begin to comprehend that truth.

      Even though you don’t understand, your god figment is an invisible imaginary deaf mute. And the eternal hell fire you fear and threaten like an ignorant insolent emotional child, cannot be shown to exist in any verifiable fashion.

      Your false god concoction has no power to do anything, and knows nothing. It is not all loving to threaten to burn people simply for their beliefs. The only accurate statement you made is that your fictional god hates.

      Ok, let’s case test it. I can speak, and be heard audibly. Your god figment cannot. I can show that I can hear. Your god figment can’t.

      You can make a simple request, such as ask me to move a chair, and I coud answer you and fulfill it immediately. Your god figment can’t do that. You will be waiting till the day you die and rot for him to move that chair, and he can’t do it.

      I can prove I exist, your god figment can’t do that. I am greater than your god.

  95. respecting your religion
    I agree with the tenor of the message of “Please Respect My Religion”.

    It did seem a bit of an overkill in saying the statement so many times. It got rather boring as the message went on for want of content.

    It might has been valuable for the speaker to ask some poignant questions to encourage the listeners to examine just what about their own religions they either respect or do not respect., That would be something to take away from the video presentation.

  96. Religions are creation of Human Mind and only Huma
    All Major Religions of today were created based on fear of unknown by Human minds which were looking for rational answer to a sometime hostile world which surrounds them. Priesthood and kings used it to control people and take advantage of them.

    Just look at the technology of the religions, One has a stone tablet to show he spoke to God, one has a book which was written few hundred years after his so called death and modified by few hundred mortals, one has a book which is full of contradictions and keeps making up new rules to take advantage of any situation (Not lie, but lie to your enemy, do not kill, but kill your enemy, equality, but money is kept by the religious leaders…).

    If an intelligent God was to bring a religion, I would really doubt that he would have sent a book first of all!
    if any, his/her book would have been self correcting, self translating, talking, walking, flying book and would have appeared in every corner of the world at the same time.

    He would have also paid his priest and provided them with food and shelter, no need for donations! They would touch anything and that would become solid Gold or diamond…

    Or at least he/she would have sent everyone an email by now.. Hello..!

    So those who want to stay fooled by the organized priesthood, stay so. Those who want to wake up, please do.

    It is all in your mind!
    We were all created by the same force. Good and evil is creation of human mind. Pain, suffering, happiness, … It is all in our mind and only in our mind. No spirit can be burned or tortured. No one is going to rise from dead! Look how many Trillions of people have come and gone if you add up everyone from day one!

    So think again Acharya is on the right pass!

  97. Respect My Religion

    Excellent video Acharya…informative & making the point..very well! Looking forward to more like this in the near future! :cheer:

  98. Mr.
    Acharya, this was awesome! I passed this article onto my mother of 90 years. She absolutely loved it. All that I have shown of your material to my friends and family has amazed them (It all falls in place like a puzzle). Thank you so much for your endurance and commitment. You are my hero!

  99. Video
    Very beautiful video, though the use of the word “Religion” makes so, that every other Religion (uncompatible with yours or your principles) has the right to exist and to spread, and they notably do so forcing people to adhere to them. A problem. Religion and Politics or political Parties are synonimous. Good and beautiful days and nights.

  100. Respect Indeed….;)
    The overall message of this video is the part many missed I think…The mind is full of programming which is hard to ignore untill a person achieves a point in his or her life where all outside influences are simply outside and their thoughts are their own to ponder. Your mind is a work of art Acharya and I like the way you think lol. Beautiful piece of work you have created here and it should be common sense by now one would think. And like all things in this reversed chaotic world Religion actually does the exact opposite of what it portends to be. It takes one further from the truth and from the source of all life. It is and alway’s has been a controlling instrument of human life.

    I had the religious question answered a long time ago as a young boy dissatisfied with church and the vengfull god, I took a long walk into the woods near my home as I lived in the far rual country of Northern Pa mountains. I was in deep thought about life and what is god and what are we really. I asked in my mind GOD what are you….when a voice spoke within me and replied. It said I am everything. That’s it plain and simple I am everything. Of course I thougth it was just me talking to myself and pondering what that was supposed to mean. Then I heard a russle in the leaves of the forest and opened my eye’s to see a large female doe standing less than 15 feet from me looking at me and moving on not concerned about who I was or feeling in danger. That was a nice suprise but I never understood what had just happened untill now that I am older.

    I sent out a sincere question into the universe pondering what life is and I recieved an answer. It’s still the best one I think available in life…the source, the creator, god whatever you want to call it is everything you, me the deer the plants the all there is.

  101. Note regarding the repetition of the phrase “Please respect my religion!,” obviously, I did that for a purpose – it is part of my original writing, in which I wrote stanzas, followed by that refrain. My repetition of this phrase serves to emphasize a point, and it is little different from the refrain in a song or a poem: “Refrain” – from the Latin refringere meaning “to repeat” – is “the line or lines repeated in music or in verse.” Again, as it does in thousands of songs and other writings/poems, the repetition/refrain has a purpose – I want to make sure everyone understands that each stanza can stand alone and is part of a “doctrine,” so to speak, of my “religion.” I also would like to associate the phrase with the ideas in my essay/video, obviously.

    I wonder if such songs as “Deck the Halls” are as disturbing to people as is the use of a refrain in my video/essay? In nine short stanzas, we sing “Fa la la la la la la la la” nine times – should we rewrite that song too? This video is only 7.5 minutes long – is humanity’s attention span really that short? Isn’t the message of the video important enough that such petty concerns constitute an utter waste of time?

    In consideration of the fanaticism with which typical religious dogma is held, I disagree completely that I don’t need to emphasize the point – the point needs to be pounded into the head, in my opinion. I will certainly not be remaking my video or rewriting my essay. Cheers.

    P.S. I did not use the phrase a “thousand times” – I submit that such ridiculous hyperbole itself serves as a distraction. Perhaps because you are atheists you just can’t stomach the word “religion?” If I remove this phrase, the essay loses its meaning and purpose. Is this part of the Communist/atheist effort to ban and stamp out all religion?

    1. Poetic license
      I for one, enjoyed the refrain. I feel as though it added wondrous pace, timing, effect and emphasis.

      Though I don’t compare the literary quality, those who demand removal of the refrain remind me of someone who would complain about Edgar Allen Poe’s famous usage of the phrase…… “Quoth the Raven”.

      Yet, I do find Acharya’s verse more accurately applicable in regards to real life events. B)

    2. Atheist
      P.S. Ha, I consider myself an Atheist. I don’t hate religion, or even the word. I do despise improper religion, and the ancillary effects of it’s misuse.

      Religion is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

      Which is basically what Acharya stated in her treatise. It is her beliefs in those regards. Yet unlike god believing religion, her assertions are supported factually. And the correctness of her protocol concering the treatment of humanity, is indisputable.

      Semantics is a rather meaningless game. Even knowledge is also a correct belief that you know something. If you know something that is factual, you also believe that you know it.

      As shown etymologically, the word religion has diverse meaning. It has acquired such a demeaning effect socially, that even the blatantly religious christians attempt to wrongfully disassociate themselves from the word.

      I like this tongue in cheek usage of the word. And why not, I don’t feel the least bit degraded nor intimidated when the beliefs of the religion are not inaccurate, nor damaging to anyone.

  102. The best religion or conciouness or beleif system is the one that doesn’t seek publicity.
    One who seeks publicity is a show off.
    Nowadyas religion is just another word for buisness.
    Why do we suffer? Because its the best way to learn what evil is.
    I pesonnally bevlieve that Royaly knows the truth, that is why they are there for. They obviously beleive that Jesus existed.

  103. Respecting Her Religion, Scholarship, Artistry.
    Acharya, you’re also an artist. This video is very nicely composed because it paints an effective visual description of the words of your religion.

    I’ve never read a critical analysis of the United Nation’s The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, so, until I do, I’ll exclude only that from my compliment of your “Please respect my religion!” video.

    I respect your religion, your scholarship and your artistry.

    1. Thank you for your kind regards.

      I don’t know what a critical analysis of the UN Human Rights Declaration has to do with my video. I used the image to illustrate the statement about “human rights,” not to find fault with the Declaration. I’m obviously FOR human rights.

  104. Wonderful work you do
    Thanks Acharya. Once again you have produced an amazing look at the mythical belief systems that seek to dominate minds with hatred, not love.

  105. COMMENT
    The film is good, please re-make it without the words “Please respect my religion” all the way through it. Me & my atheist friends all agreed, it’s distracting from the message and you don’t need to repeat it a thousand times during the film.

  106. Bad news for fanatic muslims & christians
    I have bad news for fanatic Muslims and Christians !

    Jesus and Mohammed got so fed up of their fanatic, violent, intolerant, bigoted, hate-filled followers that they recently converted to Buddhism.

    They were last scene meditating in the Himalayas in India with shaven , bald heads, pink robes and chanting ancient Buddhist chants to the beat of lady Gaga!!



  107. Thank you. I love all that I heard. It went too fast and it wasn’t professionally done. If it was, I would purchase it for my spiritual center here in Alcoa Tn.

  108. Zero respect for organized religions
    Nicely stated, Acharya, as usual!

    To people of all god-based religions, I respect your right to choose but I’m not obligated to respect what you choose or how you behave toward others.

    It’s amusing to me when religious leaders and followers demand respect of their religions or ‘holy’ books. If they were confident in their beliefs, they would know that their god will deal with non-believers eventually.

    The dictates of organized-religious doctrines demand non-coexistence with non-believers and dominion over everything. Those are the dictates of control freaks and psychotics, not of peaceful and respectful people. By all means, have your religion/beliefs, but don’t infringe on the rights and beliefs of others. People are free to disrespect you all they want. Why not try to truly coexist?

    Con-artists will change the wording and edit out archaic and violent parts in order to seem more legitimate and hopefully sucker in more people to their thousands-of-years-old parasitic con-game. It is possible to have your religion without supporting the leaders that control you. You don’t need them. There are other ways to have that sense of community here on Earth.

    I have absolutely no respect for organized religions, yet I can completely coexist with any human being that shows respect to others. Religiously justified violence and subjugation of non-believers should never be allowed by any civilized and sane culture.

    Even if there is some type of source or intelligent creator, I bet he/she/it is nothing like what any religion/myth has ever described.

    [b]Maxwell’s Wager[/b]

    06-25-2007 (#141)
    © 2007 All rights reserved.

    Hey-uh, hey-uh, hey-uh, YOU!

    I’d like to make a bet
    I’d like to challenge you
    I’d like you to consider
    This is all about you

    This is my challenge, my wager unto you
    Think about it all and decide what you want to do

    If you believe in a god
    And you pray and live your life right
    If you donate to your belief
    Bow down to your knees each and every night
    Pray with all your focus
    And pray with all your might
    What if your god isn’t real?
    What happens to that guiding light?

    (Don’t be afraid of the dark)

    If you believe in god
    And it turns out there is none
    Haven’t you wasted your life
    All the focus that you have done?

    All the bowing
    All the praying
    All the donating
    And then some
    If it’s all for naught then your precious time is all gone

    (Live your life the way that you want)

    If you don’t believe in god
    And you’re honest and live your life right
    If you donate to good causes
    Raise your head up high each and ever night
    Praise the value that you bring
    Touch the goodness in every life

    What if god is real?
    Why would he reject you for living right?

    (Don’t be afraid of damnation)

    All the honesty
    All the happiness
    All the rational thinking that you do
    All the values
    All the goodness
    All the laughter deep inside you

    It’s all for you and your precious life

    (Your time is yours and it’s all up to you)

    So I bet and I believe
    That you’ve got what it takes
    To be your own authority
    To own yourself — fess up to your mistakes

    That’s the only way you’ll learn
    The only way to rise above the rubble
    Pull yourself together
    It’s time to call a huddle

    Plan your life
    Don’t wait to be told
    I wager you can do that
    Before you grow too old
    And die before you realize
    That it’s all up to you
    There’s no god to look to
    No deities in those skies of blue

    (Take responsibility for your own life)

    I bet there is no god
    Of any name
    I bet there’s no valid
    Claim to fame

    If you want to name
    Your made-up friend
    How come reality bites the same?
    It’s the same for anyone in the end

    If there was a god
    Those that follow would benefit
    It would be obvious to all
    And all would follow for the perfect fit

    But that has never happened
    I doubt that it ever will
    All religions can’t be right
    Not one ever will

    Religions fail the challenges
    They fail all the tests
    They wallow in their bloody pasts
    They’re nothing but a mess

    Believe in fantasy long enough
    It’ll turn and bite
    Bite you in the ass end
    Believe in reality enough
    It’ll turn and be your friend alright
    Facts not fantasy benefit you to the end

    (Be your own guiding light)

    I defy and deny
    That any gods even exist
    From Allah to Ra to Yahweh
    ALL deities
    Have never and will never exist

    I defy and deny your religious leaders, saints, and devils
    I defy and deny your claim to all heaven
    I defy and deny your desire to harm and to kill
    I defy and deny your illogically driven-to-mayhem ills
    I defy and deny your religiously sick thrills

    ‘nough said

    I challenge you to fully wake up
    I challenge you to wake up, wake up before it’s too late
    Shut me up before I start again…

    My wager unto you!

  109. Thank you
    Thank you.

    Acharya S, you make such a wonderful point. You make the point so wonderful as well. I mean that in the right way. I just wish I had found “you” a long time ago. I have wasted so much of my precious time here on earth on trying to accept/understand indoctrinated dogma. There is so much other stuff to be doing than trying to find the “answer” in religion (any one they chose for you).

    You have such a nice demeanor about you. The way you answer your critics, just makes the fallacy of their “religious” respect sound so false.

    I have read your books. I will watch your DVDs. I will try and respect the way you are respecting the other religions here.

    No, I am not worshiping you…

    Thank you again!

    PS. How would you cut a Zealot short in his rhetoric (respectfully)?

    1. Thank you, Jan (and everyone else here who has extended kind regards).

      It can be difficult dealing with the critics, since they can be so snide, nasty and derogatory. I try to maintain a sense of decorum, but sometimes I have to let them have it between the eyes. I’m an unaffiliated female with few resources, so I have had to learn to defend myself – some might describe me as “scrappy,” but that’s what it will take, eh?

      I had the same dilemma in grade school, with the bullies picking on the “retarded” kids. I stopped the bullies – stood in between them in their victims, ridiculed them back and took the brunt of their rage. I was often alone in doing so, and that fact made [i]me [/i]the target of the bullies. I fought back even harder at that point, even once getting into a fist-fight with a boy who terrorized my friend’s neighborhood. He punched me in the eye, and that was about it. I think he felt bad after that and stopped abusing the other kids (so much).

      Bring on the religious bullies with their human-derogation and women-hatred! I’ll give ’em whatfor! :whistle: Their only response to my dissection of their hateful and vicious cultic viewpoint is to spew hate speech and threats at me – snore. 😡 When intellect fails, bring out the violence – that’s the modus operandi of cults.

      In the meantime, without the details of the “zealot,” I can’t really give you a specific gameplan.

    2. zealot cut off
      In generality, I repeat to zealots the question, “How do you know that?” And what evidence can you present that your assertion is not false. Applies to every religious contention.

      If they are sincere, it will cut off the zealous contending of unexamined delusion. If they’re not sincere, they will ignore your request and blather on.

      In which case I either cut them off and walk away. Or choose to twist their brains, back them into an inescapable corner using simple reason and logic, and watch them froth at the mouth in raging ignorant anger.

  110. Your Religion
    Unfortunatly, you don’t get to pick your religion. The truth is what it is and just because we want things to be defined in the context of our experience does not make it truth. You should not define religion based on the actions of those who try to exploit it. It seems that most of your concern about religion is based on your perceptions of how people are manipulated by religious leaders. Religion is not about people and making them happy with what they want to hear – self centered. It’s more about a Creator that had an idea and plan for a Universe with planets, animals, plants, and people all with a special purpose – the creators purpose. The only way you will be happy is to stop feeling tied to the terrible things self centered people do and search out the purpose the creator planned for you. That is, drop the persecution attitude and realize there is free will resulting in what you compain about, and embrace the fact that you were created for a purpose that has little to do with serving your personal desires. Learn to look outside your own self centered needs – serve others, serve your creator.

    1. Thank you. You are entitled to your opinion, which is simply your opinion. I am entitled to disagree with your opinion, which I do.

      I maintain what I have said in this video, and I am not interested in any sort of human-hating, slave religion under the dominion of any kind of giant male creator/master somewhere “out there” separate and apart from humanity. If that is the mentality you prefer to carry around, that’s your prerogative. I obviously reject this manmade cultural artifact and psychological/spiritual terrorism.


    2. Religious style flip flop
      First you state that you cannot pick your religion. Then you immediately contradict yourself and claim there is free will involved w/ your religion complained about. Try to make up your mind. Your stated utter nonsence totally devaluates the rest of your contended nonsense.

      Without people, there is no religion. W/o people, there is no god concoction. Man made god, not the other way around. Ok, you make assertions, yet provide zero supporting evidence. That is benigted religious thinking to believe that your mere claim verifies itself.

      The only evidence is that your parents created you when they decided to have sex. Go ahead, present your evidence that your imagined creator made you. And that he/she/it has plans for you. You blindly state these as facts. Surely you must have some evidence that what you say is not totally false. You can’t be that ignorant, can you? You cannot show that your god creator exists anywhere outside human imagination.

      You are incorrect, your experience does define reality. It is a fact that you have never experienced your imaginary invisible god figment in any provable fashion of reality. And stop your self centered persecution of those who truthfully expose your delusions as entirely false. Your demand that others blindly and obediently serve your unprovable, unsupportable god concoction in pure ignorance as you do, is in and of itself nothing more than manipulative persecution.

  111. Coming Soon: Atheist Church?
    Coming Soon: Atheist Church?

    Atheist Temple: Nonbelievers To Get Place Of ‘Worship’ In UK ([url]http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/25/atheists-temple_n_1231848.html?ref=religion[/url])

    Book, Religion for Atheists: A Non-believer’s Guide to the Uses of Religion ([url]http://www.amazon.com/Religion-Atheists-Non-believers-Guide-Uses/dp/0307379108[/url]) by Alain de Botton, comes out March 6, 2012.

    LOL, the “Please Respect My Religion” article and video as well as the “Mythicist Position” video should be required viewing.

    It’s about time too because studies have shown that atheists are the most discriminated against minority:

    A 2006 study at the University of Minnesota showed atheists to be the most distrusted minority among Americans.

    Study: Atheists Most Discriminated Minority

    Here’s a movie I’ve not seen yet but, sounds interesting:

    The Ledge – Official Movie Trailer

    “Verbal shots between a Christian and an Atheist become a lethal game that neither God nor the police can stop in the new thriller The Ledge, starring Charlie Hunnam (Sons of Anarchy), Patrick Wilson (Watchmen), Liv Tyler (The Lord of the Rings), and Terrence Howard (Iron Man). Available May 25 through Video on Demand and coming to theatres July 8, 2011. Join the discussion at http://ledgemovie.com


    Part 1

  112. Great flick
    “The Ledge” is a fantastic movie. Currently playing on cable, Showtime channel. Also, you can watch it free online. Here is one site……


    The acting is top notch, the script and story line is realistic and fascinating, w/ an extremely surprising ending. Producer Matthew Chapman is the great great grandson of Charles Darwin.

    Interlaced w/ the action requisite of a major film, it covers the god question in such reality I’ve never seen in before in a movie. Asks some of the same questions and presents some of the same points we see discussed on sites like this one, in the same fasion.

    The movie won awards at film festivals such as Sundance. Yet, the release in major theaters has been vehemently opposed and attacked by the organized religious right. Threatening permant mass boycotts of film distributors and theater chains that showed the movie. Their clout has effectively restricted showings nationwide, and nearly destroyed any chance the movie has of a major run publicly.

    1. Carey “the release in major theaters has been vehemently opposed and attacked by the organized religious right. Threatening permant mass boycotts of film distributors and theater chains that showed the movie.”

      LOL, well it’s probably a really good movie then. That’s pretty much what happened to that movie Agora …

      ‘Agora’: A New Film about the Life and Death of Hypatia

      Have you seen Zeitgeist part 1?

      1. Agora and Zeitgeist
        Agora is another fanstastic movie. That type of murderous persecution and destruction of scientific advance by god believing religions was very real practice for millennium.

        Yes, I agree w/ the Zeitgiest revelations, expoundings and proclimations regarding the astrological worship of modern religions.

  113. I have been defriended by lifetime friends on facebook because of my Anti Theist views. I had even been told by my own son,that I was a bad influence on the grand children. I had deactivated my Facebook acct. until I ran across Please Accept My Religion by freethought films,It touched me to the point that I had to reactivate my acct just to share this on my page. Thank-you for saying what I couldn’t.

    1. It is sad to hear your friends judge you. These things will happen. I’ve come to face my alienation by remembering…I’m the only one with me in my head, unless there are souls trying to comfort me while I’m on this planet. If we exist after this life, then what is to stop us from checking out other lives on other planets in this Galaxy. The Universe is a big place, and it might take a long time to see all the life out there. We can’t be dragged down by Earth’s standards. As far as I know…maybe I choose to come to Earth learn about it, then move on along in my journey after this life. Maybe all we need is love.

  114. Quantum Leap
    I agree with all of this Acharya but would ask you to review just one point. Science does provide many answers however it is also limited through its objectivity. The real truth of consciousness is in the subjective not in conventional science. Einstein, Plank ect knew this but were not around long enough to work it out with the scientific model. Until that modal takes a quantum leap we shall not move forward. As to understand this modal, research Thomas Campbell (NASA Scientist, amongst other things) and his work ‘My Big TOE’ Theory of everything’.

  115. I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses – here is my respo
    This is a response to each of your points and is my personal opinion, which I genuinely hope you enjoy, and hope you will excuse my sense of humour, tis not intended to provoke, as I don’t see the need. :cheer:


    My religion does not call people “infidels,” “heretics,” “goyim,” “heathens” or “sinners,” who are “other” and “alien,” unlike us and worthy of contempt, exploitation or worse.

    [b]Indeed. But, in truth, we are ALL sinners, because we all “miss the mark of perfect obedience”. This is not exclusive to “non-believers” but to all of us. [/b]


    My religion does not call for nonbelievers to be derogated, hated, subjugated or enslaved.

    [b]Neither does mine.[/b]


    My religion has no giant, anthropomorphized, male God in the sky, somewhere “out there” separate and apart from humanity who dictates our every waking moment.

    [b]Neither has mine. Instead, he is very much a part of universal consciousness and is not a dictator, but a benevolent guide. However, where necessary, he does reserve the right to discipline us, because he is Lord over all. The lower levels of universal consciousness, whilst part of the whole, do not have the right to dictate to the higher levels, because we are here to learn with humility, and not to attempt to usurp the higher levels with an arrogant contempt in the guise of intellectualism. [/b]


    My religion says there are no divinely revealed facts straight from the mouth of God that represent the “one true faith.”

    [b]Then you need to pay attention, because there is such a thing as “truth”, and it is our resistance to that truth that has got us into this mess in the first place. [/b]


    My religion neither promises heaven nor threatens hell, exploiting neither greed nor fear.

    [b]There is no such thing as hell, and heaven is only for a reserved few, who go there for a specific and divine purpose, so as to benefit us all. They are no better than us, and we should recognise that we are all one family. [/b]


    My religion does not ask people to believe blindly and without scientific evidence in supernatural “saviors,” “prophets” or “avatars” of a particular ethnicity or culture.

    [b]Blind faith isn’t real faith, but credulity. Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities, though not beheld. The basis for such faith is reality and true science. The fact is, when you examine the scientific evidence on the level of our deepest awareness and current understanding, you will find that it rather speaks *for* the existence of God, rather than *against*. Personally, I find it absurd that entire generations are putting faith in the theory of evolution on the flimsiest of so-called evidence, which comes down to nothing but “hearsay”. [/b]


    My religion objects to so-called holy texts full of violence, brutality and cruelty.

    [b]Indeed, so does mine. And the theory of evolution is the root of the modern Eugenics movement, and you can’t get more cruel than that. Love is the key to everything. Love, and reason. [/b]


    My religion prohibits the murder of women and girls in order to “protect honor.”

    [b]So does mine. [/b]


    My religion prohibits child marriages and other forced marriages.
    So does mine. [/b]


    My religion objects to forcing people to cover up simply because they have genitals of a particular gender.

    [b]So does mine. But it also objects to the other extreme which borders on harlotry, if we are being truthful, here. With true freedom comes self-responsibility, which is an issue that is conveniently brushed under the carpet by many who claim to be “free-thinkers”. That, I’m afraid, is just as disassociative as covering up from head to toe, leaving only holes for the eyes to look out through. [/b]


    My religion objects to gender apartheid, in which men and women are segregated purely because of their genitals.
    Methinks you have an obsession with genitals, somehow. There really is no need to be, you know. Both men and women are special in their own right and work together as a whole, bringing their own unique qualities to the table. Apartheid only exists in the minds of those who allow it. It has also been used as an excuse to go to the other extreme and to completely divorce both men and women from their naturally-assigned roles, based on their dominant qualities, in order to bring them under the same tyranny, under the seductive guise of “equality”, which is rather ironic, because neither gender is happy, now. There needs to be a balance and a respect for free will, as well as a respect for the individual qualities of both genders. No one reasonable is in favour of apartheid, because all humanity should be at one with itself and with God. [/b]


    My religion prohibits the mutilation of children’s genitals of either gender, based on “religious” dictates.

    [b]So does mine. [/b]


    My religion is based on consciousness, not genitalia.

    [b]So is mine. Again, you seem obsessed with genetalia. There is no need to be.[/b]


    My religion values scientific observation and humane morals, not superstitious belief and violent fanaticism.

    [b]So does mine. You do not need to disown a God in order to achieve what appears to be a lofty aspiration but which, in reality, should come naturally to us when we are connected to God-consciousness. [/b]


    My religion does not allow for death or other punishment for apostasy or blasphemy, etc.

    [b]My form of religion, if truly delved into, would have no need for such symptoms, and the only one who has the right to take away life is the one who created it. Humanity is not independent from the rest of the universal matrix of consciousness, so please, stop imagining that we are, and that we have a right to set our own standards. It’s what got us into this current mess in the first place.[/b]


    My religion opposes invasion, rape and robbery in the name of a god.

    [b]Mine opposes it, full stop. Those who do are surely guilty of apostasy and blasphemy, no? [/b]


    My religion prohibits beheading or otherwise murdering living, breathing human beings in order to defend it from “insults.”

    [b]Mine too. That is what I would anecdotally call, “a step too far”. Lol.. [/b]


    My religion values life more than death and prohibits killing in its name.

    [b]Mine values integrity more than even life. You obviously don’t aim high enough with your standards. People should be prepared, not to kill in the name of an ideal, but to live for it. And, if people can do that, then they should be so passionate about preserving those ideals that they are prepared to die for it, but to kill? No. Not unless universal justice itself depends on it, and that is never a decision to be taken unilaterally, but it is one that stems from the higher levels of consciousness, and is action that is usually taken by those levels. We, here on earth, are told to “wait on God” so as to avoid having unlawfully shed blood on our hands.


    My religion does not allow for hand amputations for theft or stonings and hangings for adultery.

    [b]Mine neither. Though, both theft and adultery are not trends we should be happy to tolerate either, because they are usually symptoms of an unhappy existence. Should we not much rather deal with the causes of those unhappinesses so as to prevent them in the first place? [/b]


    My religion prohibits homosexuals from being hanged or otherwise murdered simply because of their sexual orientation.
    Mine too, though, again, when you look into the scientific studies of epigenetics, you will soon see that our present reality is merely a reflection of an unhealthy environment, which has also been genetically modified in order to promote the current status quo. Bisphenol-A alone is responsible for feminising males and ultra-feminising females. Surely, when you consider that we do not have the right to alter the fertility rate of humanity nor its orientation, it is, in fact, a breach of humanity’s rights to do so. However, when people find themselves in the unfortunate circumstances of falling victim to either the Eugenics programme or other such modification of the human genome so that behaviours are modified also in an attempt to change the very nature of man, you do not speak up against this but, instead, focus on the popular “gay-rights” issues. Well, to answer your statement, we should love ALL human beings, no matter what condition they are in. But at the same time we should treat the symptoms of modification instead of indulging them.

    My religion treats children with kindness, love and affection, not beating them and teaching them hatred of others.

    [b]So does mine. Like I said before, it’s up to us as individuals as to whether we avail ourselves of the benefit of spiritual education. However, discipline is also part of teaching them, and correcting our children is also important. A smack on the hand may be sometimes needed when the child refuses to listen, because he does need to respect the authority of his guardians, but this doesn’t encompass beating, as there is an obvious difference. Parents do need to sympathise with the needs of the child, however, and to not traumatise their childhood, and this can also be done without laying a finger on them. One shouldn’t generally have children until one has dealt with one’s own unresolved childhood traumas first – that would be the wise course to take, because society is now in such a mess that to simultaneously raise healthy children whilst trying to untangle ourselves from the culmination of the symptoms of spiritual illness is a very risky task to undertake, and will only serve to traumatise the child, in any event. I don’t think it is possible to raise truly healthy children in an unhealthy “brave new world” type of environment, and I think they deserve better from us as their parents. We should be creating the type of world which is hospitable to their needs, before endeavouring to pro-create – is my *personal* opinion. [/b]


    My religion does not require prayer, once, five times or any other amount per day.

    [b]Neither does mine. It’s like your parents ordering you to phone them 5 times a day at certain times, I mean, who does that? A conversation should be spontaneous, not scheduled, and if a person is spiritual, then no doubt they will approach God throughout the day, whenever the need arises, and not because some “priest” tells them to do so. [/b]


    My religion is not interested in mind control, so what you do within the privacy of your own mind is up to you, but my religion says that disrupting the public square and workplace for prayer is antisocial, aggressive and obnoxious.

    [b]I couldn’t agree more. Still, you may agree with me that we live in a spiritual vacuum and that people do need to start paying attention to their spirituality more. Which is why we try to avail ourselves and encourage people to talk about spirituality, should they be looking to do so. It is never forced, however, but it is important for a society, which has been mind-controlled to shut-down access to spirituality, to have that opportunity. That is not antisocial, but neighbourly and loving. Not everyone will want to avail themselves of the provision, or it may be inconvenient one moment and much needed another moment. We are all just tools of consciousness, at the end of the day, extending the opportunity or reminding others to reconnect with their higher power, creator, or God. [/b]


    My religion objects to loud ringing of bells and shouting through loudspeakers, tormenting neighbors and causing divisiveness.

    [b]Indeed. But, you might also be surprised at how even atheism can cause division in a community. Again, all things weighed in the balance, if discussing spirituality (something which should come naturally to spiritual beings) has become a torment, then perhaps that illustrates just how far we have drifted from our original centred spiritual state of being. [/b]


    My religion exhorts people to expose and speak out against oppression, censorship, human-rights violations and animal abuse wherever they may be found, in whatever culture or country and practiced by whatever ethnicity or religion.

    [b]Indeed, if everybody did this, there would be no violations against which to speak out against. When a society, through its individual members, allow these sorts of things to take place, it is a reflection of their own spirituality. None of these violations are a natural part of a spiritual society, and indeed nor will they be when humanity’s spirit is restored to its full potential, under God’s Kingdom rulership, when all levels of consciousness are, once again, resonating as one, before the great chasm served to divide us all and to ruin us. [/b]


    My religion calls for people to object to religious beliefs that are vicious, hateful, sexist and violent, regardless of the religion, faith, sect or cult.

    [b]Again, love and reason are the keys to everything. There would be no such beliefs if people actually took care of their spiritual needs, instead of neglecting them and then allowing such beliefs to flourish. [/b]


    My religion calls for dignity and respect for the individual, who is free to believe or disbelieve at any given moment, as opposed to being forced to adhere to a particular religion through threats of violence and hellfire.

    [b]Again, so does mine. Free will is a gift from God, and it is one where he honours the same. But, in all honesty, violence and hellfire aside for they are not part of God’s purpose in any event, who in their right mind would want to disbelieve in something which they have not only found to be true and sustainable, but also loving and beautiful? If we are surrounded by dignity and respect, not only for the individual but more particularly for the sanctity of life and for God and all levels of his principles, and we finally create the paradise we have always dreamed of, both literal and spiritual, who would want to give that up? [/b]

    My religion encourages singing, dancing, joy and general freedom to love life.

    [b]As well it should. [/b]

    1. Sorry, but I reject your interpretation of reality with its hate speech against human beings calling us all “sinners.” That fact should have been obvious from my essay and video, but you chose to disrespect my religion by repeating this bilge.

      If there’s no such thing as “truth,” then there was no reason for you to write anything on my blog. I stopped reading at that point.


      P.S. Glancing at the rest of your rant, it’s obviously not me who is obsessed with genitalia – I was making a point about religious fanatics who base their cultic viewpoints on gender. But your uncomprehending derogation is noted – and dismissed.

    2. First you state that your religion does not subjugate. Then you say that the lower levels of universal consciousness, whilst part of the whole, do not have the right to dictate to the higher levels, because we are here to learn with humility, and not to attempt to usurp the higher levels.

      You immediately contradict yourself. Your demand is the epitome of controlled submissive subjugation and subservient enslavement to a falsley supposed superior master. You are double minded and unstable in all your ways.

      Truth is, it’s impossible to sin against your imaginary god figment. You would first need to prove that it exists. Which you cannot do. You cannot be perfectly obedient to an invisible entity you can’t even evidence exists. Even a low intellect can figure that one out.

      You state your religion has no giant, anthropomorphized, male god. Then you once again immediately contradict yourself and say ‘he’ is lord over all somewhere out there in the universal consciiousness. Lording and dictating what you must do to please him. Your bible even tells you he is angry, wrathful and jealous. Such a petulant emotional god. You have no clue.

      You need to learn to pay attention. Actual real verifiable truth has nothing to do w/ your unprovable god figment. Resistance to this truthful fact has caused horrendous damage historically.

      You are correct about hell, but why stop at being half right? You can show no evidence that heaven exists either.

      All faith is blind, and totally credulous. Faith is the benighted blind belief w/o evidence, which is never a good thing. There is no evident demonstration that your god concoction is real in any fashion. Only your non-falsifiable revelatory claim. Which is no different than claiming Xenu is real.

      You barefaced lie, present your “scientific evidence” that your god exists. You didn’t because you have none. You don’t even have any comprehension regarding what the scientific method is. You can’t even case test your god, in any manner. You have no observable evidence. Which lacking, your god theory cannot even rise to level of hypothesis. Or even enter a scientific method examination. Enter evidence into the evaluation…. and it is no longer faith.

      Personally, you believe in evolution, not your god. When you get sick, you go to a Doctor to heal and save you. A Doctor who practices medicine based on evolution biology. Your actions state that you don’t believe your god exists, or can heal you. Emperical evidence supports evolution. There is none for your god concoction.

      First time I have seen a Jehovah Witness condemn the Jehovah Witness bible, New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures produced by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. The following is one example of the violence, brutality and cruelty contianed in the so-called holy text of your religion that you say you object to……

      1 Samuel 6:
      19And he went striking down the men of Beth-she´mesh, because they had looked upon the ark of Jehovah. So he struck down among the people seventy men—fifty thousand men—and the people began mourning because Jehovah had struck down the people with a great slaughter.

      You say your religion prohibits the murder of women. Another lie, your jehovah witness bible says this…..

      Deuteronomy 22:
      20“If, though, this thing has proved to be the truth, evidence of virginity was not found in the girl,

      21they must also bring the girl out to the entrance of her father’s house, and the men of her city must pelt her with stones, and she must die,

      Another lie, you cover and hide your genitals, that is a fact. Being naked does not make you a harlot, as you falsely accuse. Religious thinkers make no sense. Don’t be fearful, disconnection from reality is common w/ god religion false piety and arrogant wrongfully condeming self righteousness.

      JW’s do not allow marriage outside their religion. To reject this control brings disfellowship and shunning. The religion also imposes strict restrictions controlling the type of sex allowed in marriage and exactly how courtships are to proceed. If you divorce for any reason other than infidelity, they kick you out. Very controlliing.

      Your displayed obsession w/ gender inequality and the oppression of women as inferior is wrong and unnecessary. Women are not weaker vessels as your bible states. Your religious text is rife w/ misogyny and prejudice against women. Bigotry in the mind extends to religious execution. God relegated gender apartheid is degrading to both sexes.

      Again, you seem defensively obsessed w/ the true statement that many god religions are based on genetalia. There is no need for you to protest too much. Or maybe there is.

      Your religious faux god consciousness is pure superstition. Not supported by verifiable scientific observation in any fashion.

      Your parents created you, not an imaginary god figment incapable of exhibiting any ability to affect matters in the physical realm. And they do not have the right to take your life. You are wrong about that. In fact, your religious imaginations pervert actual truth, LOL. And such ignorant stylings have severly restricted human advance for millennium. That is the actual mess.

      Your vile bible is rife w/ vexing bragadocio of invasion, rape and robbery in the name of a god. Surely the epitomy of guilty apostasy and blasphemy, yes.

      I agree, the murder of livng breathing human beings merely for the insult of believing in other gods, ordered by your self described jealous god is far more than just an anectdotal step too far.

      Valuing integrity over life is exactly the low standard murderous mentality that leads to god justified killiing. Such as the god commanded mass murder, genocide, fratricide, infanticide detailed in your bible. To claim only a higher consciousness can discern that is benighted falsehood. No higher consciousness is requisite to determine that murder is wrong. God figments have nothing to do w/ justice on this earth. God religion and religious law is disallowed entry or effect in our judicial system which does decree justice here. It is shameful that you must depend on an imaginary god concoction to know it is unlawful to shed innocent blood.

      Another false assertion. Your jesus advised to cut your hands off, and pluck out your eyes. Pure insanity, to do such atrocity based on unfounded fear and threat.

      Surely, a god figment has no effect on fertility rate. Only humanity exists to contol and decide in that regard. No sicker religious doctrine exists than those that state they should “treat” homosexuality as some kind of symptom. Your religious bigotry has no place damaging the happiness of two people together based on your gender bigotry. Your perverse interpretion and psuedo science fails. Leave your segregated religious apathreid world someday, and go take a walk in Gold’s Gym. You will see your false theory that homosexuals are all feminized in nothing more than your sick failing fantasy.

      Your obsession w/ contradicting yourself is psychotic. You say that your religion does not beat children, wipe your mouth, and say it is right for you to smack them. Hitting children is beating them, get real. You cannot justify child abuse by semantic twisting. This habitual behavior is getting pathetic and assinine. One must wonder what childhood trauma caused this neurosis. Illness is not caused by spirits. To raise children in such benghted belief is quite unhealthy and abusive.

      As per all your assertions, you provide no supporting evidence that any of what you say is true, or credible in the least. You show no evidence that your claim regarding the existince of incorporeal, invisible, immaterial, intangible non physical spirits exist. Your mere claim is not evidential, and cannot verify itself. Another unhealthy habitual behavior pattern that god religions are obsessed with.

      Um, the islam religion requires prayer 5 times a day, that’s who does it. Talking to imaginary friends at any time of the day is never a good idea. Adults should outgrow that practice, and not decieve children into believing it is real.

      To believe in claimed and unsupported “spirituality” w/o question or providing of evidence is the staple practiced tactic of every brainwashing mind control cult. Quite antisocial and unloving, to not present one shred of credilble eivdince to support your claims of higher power, creator or god. Which shows they are only imaginary.

      Your jesus said, and it does not get any more divisive than this. And it is the right thing to do to rebuke such vile division……

      Matthew 10:
      34Do not think I came to put peace upon the earth; I came to put, not peace, but a sword.
      35For I came to cause division, with a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a young wife against her mother-in-law.

      Once again, you purport unproven imagination wrongfully as fact. Prove your contention of spirits, or admit your falsehood w/ your lack of presented evidence. Merely because you keep repeating that spirits exists, does not make it true. That is Joseph Goebbels philosophy. Repeat a lie enough times, and hope someone might fall for it. That is pure reptitious torment.

      Prove this god’s kingdom rulership and great chasm fable. Provide credible observable evidence for your insane theory, or just give it up as nothing more than your unsupportable claim.

      Dam, you just don’t have a clue, so lost in delusionary imagined beliefs. Love and reason have nothing to do w/ invisible spirits.

      Free will does not derive from an imaginary god figment. Imagining that something is true and sustainable w/ no supporting evidence does not make it so, and is not intelligent behavior in any manner. True paradise would be entirely void of ignorance and subservience to non existent spirits.

      I must say though, I can see the sense of humor by giving you the benifit of the doubt. Each of your wild assertions are quite laughable.

    3. Hello Angie-Baby,

      I didn’t take Acharya S writing as exclusively directed towards one religion. There are many different religions on Earth that do exploit people, other animals and resources, so try not to take it too personal…as I’m sure there are some “religions” recognized or not that do not cause harm to anyone or anything. Recognizing where these injustices exist and separating ourselves from them is all we can do toward being less evil…to hopefully free from evil. ♥

  116. mockng Sikhness
    What do you do when a Sikh man throws a pin at you?

    Run like hell because the gernade is still in his mouth.

    1. Your comments are not only inaccurate but racist

      Is this how your “religion” teaches you to behave towards your fellow man?

      I’m disgusted, and I’m not even a Sikh! My goodness!

      1. correct treatment
        This is how my religion teaches me to respond to racists who mock, lie and wrongfully attack others.

        For some reason, my response did not attach to the vile comments made by this person of the Sikh religion. He was asked how he would feel if people mocked his religion as he was doing to others.

        Scroll up, and follow the entire story in the blog before you disgust others w/ your statements in ignorance.

  117. Missing policies
    I find many things missing abt survival – food habits- food production/consumption- etc.. many religions prescribe many ways. The policies you described above when get break down into activities that we can do. and when documented into all cases of living will become a religion. it cannot be covered in a single blog page.

    The ideas are perfect so far.

    Any ideas on what shall be the policy on:

    a) Energy:
    Consumption of energy by a follower of this religion. whether accept/reject the government’s way of producing/converting energy to satisfy the unjustified need for electricity/fuel of its citizen. Whether a follower of this religion has a resolution on how he spends his energy and other energies/fuels/electricity for his survival/living/luxuries/opulence in due cognizance to sustainable survival of other life being.

    b) globalisation:
    developing/purchasing/plundering wealth/resources of poor nations by the world powers. How does a follower decide on the benefits he is accessible to, from their government purchasing resources from poor nations for peanuts.. what about the huge populations living on the other end. How does this follower decide on how to make his living in pure.

  118. Children…put down your sticks and play nicely.
    I have to say, this has been a difficult read. So much hatred, so much anger, so many intentionally wounding attacks. Where is the respect for the opinions of others? It is pointless to condemn any religion for it’s violence if you yourself are full of hatred (poorly disguised) and it is your sole intention to humiliate and demonise those who follow those religions.
    No doubt, you will attack me now for expressing my opinion. I won’t mention any names but you all know who this is aimed at.
    Seriously, I have taught sixteen year olds who can debate these issues without resorting to vicious personal attacks. Can I safely assume that we are all adults on this site? Or has someone left the child lock off their PC?is it the fact that you are anonymous on this site that encourages some people (with an axe to grind) to wave their words and their egos around like weapons?
    Don’t you understand that you cannot brow-beat others into abandoning their belief systems? You can only persuade them of the validity of your argument…and you can’t do that while you’re verbally assaulting them!
    Incidentally, the tacky racist joke about the Sikh man should be removed for the sake of decency.
    Many of those contributing here appear to be using this site as a staging platform for their own beliefs, which is very encouraging as it’s a great way to converse with others who we wouldn’t get the opportunity to meet ordinarily. I’m pretty sure that this was not the intention of the author but some of those who are writing on this blog are attempting to hi-jack it in order to push their own personal hate-agendas.
    So please, just in case someone has left the child lock off and the children are listening in on us, can we please behave like mature, responsible adults and continue to debate this in an educated, articulate and less divisive manner. Unless one of us has all the answers already, we can all learn from each other. Love and peace to all of you.

    1. What “hatred” and “anger” are you talking about? Please provide specific examples.

      We have every right to criticize violent ideologies that have led to the deaths of hundreds of millions of people globally for the past several thousand years. None of us here is a mass murderer, and the comparison is frankly ludicrous, as is the absurd attempt at preventing us from complaining about all the horrors in the name of religion.

      Again, please provide examples of what you are calling “anger” and “hatred.” You are apparently seeing things that aren’t there, although, most assuredly, the slaughter of hundreds of millions of human beings in the name of God [i]should [/i]make [i]everyone [/i]angry and [i]should [/i]be hated, detested and loathed.

      Without specifics, your generalized remarks in themselves appear to be very condescending, an attitude that itself could be construed as hateful and angry.

  119. Who on this site have I compared to a mass murderer? You are correct, to do so would be ludicrous…or even hateful. Perhaps I should feel loathing and hatred for the slaughter of hundreds of millions of human beings in the name of God but I don’t and frankly, I don’t need anyone to tell me how I should think. There are already lots of religions trying to do that. I grew up in a place, where killing and torturing in the name of religion became an epidemic and no-one was untouched by the insanity of it all. I grew up in a place where censorship was law and freedom of speech could cost you your life. I have witnessed first-hand the nightmare of bloodied human corpses strewn like litter on the streets and all of it, yes all of it came from feelings of anger and loathing and hatred. And those feelings began with animosity and intolerance. They began as verbal insults and reproaches and then erupted into violence and murder. Whether you choose religion, politics or some other tool of division is irrelevant as the result is always the same.
    “What do you do when a Sikh man throws a pin at you? Run like hell because the grenade is still in his mouth”. No anger or hatred in that?
    There was no absurd attempt to prevent you from complaining about all the horrors in the name of religion. Complain as much as you like. I am fully aware of them as most people are, although I question what motive for killing we humans will find when we have finally dispensed with religion…if ever.
    So as not to be without specifics, I shall be more specific. “you cannot be perfectly obedient to an invisible entity you can’t even evidence exists. Even a low intellect can figure that one out”. I was taught by a very intelligent woman (IQ 190) that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. These words are not only condescending and hateful, but arrogant. In fact , the entire diatribe came off as pretty angry. Anger and sarcasm is never conducive to learning and stifles debate.
    In conclusion, no I don’t feel anger or loathing or hatred at the deaths of hundreds of millions of human beings in the name of God. I feel sad, I feel afraid that it will continue, but I feel hopeful that generations to come will decide to move away from religions and archaic traditions that cause anger, hatred and loathing. I have faith in humanity.
    My attitude could be construed as hateful and angry, or it could be construed in countless other ways. I am not a writer, that much is fairly obvious and I am unaccustomed to putting my thoughts into words. I hope that I have expressed my thoughts and intentions as I have intended them to be perceived. Even if you don’t agree with me, thank you for listening and for allowing me the opportunity to give my opinion.

    1. Kate,

      I enjoyed what you had to say and I’m so glad you was able to express it so direct. I wish I had read this back in January, when you wrote it, so as to started a dialogue back then. I hope you are still alive and able to respond. Perhaps more directly to juno.hesnameok@facebook.com Thanks ♥

    1. Gracias por su consulta. Sí, me gustaría eso, pero por favor indíquenos el archivo de vídeo para que podamos publicarlo en nuestra cuenta de Youtube.

    1. Thank you for the mindless drivel insulting my video and view of reality. I stand by what I’ve done here, and your negative calumny is a waste of everyone’s time.

      I have never heard of the NWO United Religions Initiative and have NOTHING to do with it.

      So, you think that being kind and loving to others, and not following deranged and violent religious fanaticism, is some kind of insidious plot?

      May I recommend this book for you?


      Or how about this one?


      1. Bravo Acharya.
        Matt, like many others face their own fears. Many years ago I had a feeling that made me stop in my step of confidence, and brought me to tears of cowering fear. It’s when I felt that nothing I’ve come to believe in, is the truth. There are not many things that move people to such defense, with such anger, or fright, than one questioning their faith…only to find their faith was built on lies. Some day we will all break away from stories to face truths. Until then we can still enjoy stories…just as long as they stay in the books, and not drive us to picking up weapons to defend fantasy.

  120. I’m so glad I found you. First time I saw your work was Dec.5, 2013. I wish I found you years ago. Some of my thoughts these past 15yrs have been similar to your observation. The soul and the immortality of it’s existence, along with the creator of such a wondrous thing can be an overwhelming thought. This thing that we cannot see, and what science declares there is no physical evidence of is so elusive in our hands but so close in our hearts. The one and only thing that is sought after by so many and yet has very little proof of existence. I look forward to reading your books and continuing to enjoy your post. I would love to communicate with you some day. http://facebook.com/Juno.hesnameok

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