• January 25, 2025

Christmas and the ancient winter festivals of light around the world

These days many people understand that “Christmas” represents the continuation and remake of the very ancient observation of the winter solstice, the time of year when the sun “dies” and is “reborn” or “resurrected,” as the daylight hours decrease to their shortest point and then begin to increase again. This important solstice time has been observed most notably on December 21st or 22nd in the northern hemisphere. However, as we can see from the image below (click to enlarge), over the past several thousand years in many cultures globally the winter solstice has been celebrated at various times, from the middle or end of November to the middle of January. The symbolism in many of these instances is clear: Mourning the decrease and celebrating the increase of the sun’s life-giving light and heat.

(For more information, see The 2010 Astrotheology Calendar.)

As can also be seen, this solstice transition was incorporated into mythology in numerous parts of the world, as the sun god or goddess has been represented frequently as emerging from a “cave,” symbolizing the “underworld” or the place where the sun appears to go at night and during the winter months.

While it is clear that winter-solstice festivals of light have extended throughout the month of December, the winter celebration most people are familiar with is “Christmas,” which occurs on December 25th, the transition from “Christmas Eve” on the 24th. This date is not a mistake or calendrical misalignment; indeed, it represents the end of a three-day period or triduum observed by the ancients as the sun’s “death” and entrance into the underworld, after which “he” is resurrected or reborn into the world. The ancients noticed that, for three days during this period, the sun’s shadow on the sundial remained in the same place (at noon); hence, it was believed that “he” had “died.” Thus, according to this ancient perception the solstice period – “solstice” meaning “sun stands still” – begins at midnight on December 21st and ends at midnight on December 24th.

Winter solstice and Jesus Christ’s ‘birth’

While hundreds of millions worldwide continue to be taught otherwise, it is well known these days in certain quarters, including among many Christian fundamentalists, that “Christmas” does not truly represent the birth of a historical Jesus Christ as the “real reason for the season.” It is understood that this “Christian” celebration in actuality constitutes a remake of the birth of the sun instead, and it is contended that this “Pagan” winter-solstice festival was adopted into Christianity only in the third to fourth centuries after Christ’s alleged advent.

However, there are indications that this solar “birthday” of Jesus was already in the minds of the creators of Christianity long before that time, including comments by Church fathers, the biblical and traditional depiction of Christ as the “sun of righteousness,” and an enigmatic verse in the Gospel according to John (3:30), put into the mouth of John the Baptist:

“He must increase, but I must decrease.”

The original Greek of this scripture is: ἐκεῖνον δεῖ αὐξάνειν ἐμὲ δὲ ἐλαττοῦσθαι. The first clause literally translates as, “That one it is necessary to cause to grow,” while the second clause reads, “Me moreover it is decreasing.” Thus, John 3:30 reads literally:

That one it is necessary to grow; me moreover it is decreasing.

Young’s Literal Translation renders this verse thus:

Him it behoveth to increase, and me to become less…

This passage has been interpreted to mean that John the Baptist as a preacher must become less popular and lose his following, while Christ must increase in popularity, inheriting John’s following. Such a contention would remain odd, however, in that the speaker is clearly discussing not followers but a single person or object, with the “me” without a doubt referring to an individual, not a group or collective. The intent is clear that one must increase while the other must decrease, but how could this strange idea apply to a person? Was John the Baptist very fat, while Jesus was too thin?

The solstice periods

Rather than representing the literal remark from a real person, this enigmatic verse is worded in such as way as to take on the appearance of mysteries – or, at least, mysterious – language or allegory. In consideration of the patent solar imagery sprinkled throughout the New Testament, along with the numerous characteristics Christ shares with solar heroes, such as the virgin birth, winter-solstice birthday, miracles of walking on water and turning water into wine, along with the transfiguration on the mount, resurrection and ascension into heaven, it is reasonable to suggest that this line represents the changing of the guard from the summer-to-winter sun (John) to the winter-to-summer sun (Jesus). This indication of Christ and the Baptist constituting representatives or personifications of the winter and summer solstices is validated by their respective birth or feast days on December 25th and June 24th.

The concept of the six months from summer to winter and from winter to summer representing important times can be found in Indian religion/mythology, in the doctrines and stories involving the uttarayana and dakshināyana, the six-month winter-summer and summer-winter periods beginning on the solstices. The uttarayana represents the “day of the gods,” while dakshināyana symbolizes the “night of the gods.” The uttaryana is said to be the period when the “gates to heaven” are open, and it is considered auspicious to die during this time, while the dakshināyana is the time when the heavenly gates are closed, and it is deemed unlucky to pass at this time. The enigmatic verse at John 3:30 about Christ needing to increase while John must decrease fits nicely with this Indian notion of the gates to heaven being open during this auspicious period and the gates closed during the unlucky time, especially since it is contended that Christ is the way to heaven. (E.g., John 14:6)

This notion of personified solstices or distinct solstitial periods also has precedence in other mythologies, such as the Egyptian, in which the gods Anubis and Osiris are said to be the personifications of the summer and winter solstices, respectively. Among other similarities, both Anubis and John are depicted as headless and as purifying or baptizing the god or godman who saves the worshipper from death and promises eternal life, leaving us to wonder whether or not John the Baptist is an Egyptian myth.

John and Jesus as remakes of Anubis and Osiris

In the case of Anubis and Osiris, the strange line, “He must increase, while I must decrease” would be appropriate, in consideration of their role as personifications of the summer and winter sun and solstices. In this regard and for many other reasons, the gospel of John, in which this verse may be found (3:30), is obviously geared toward an Egyptian audience, having also its apparent provenance in Egypt, where the earliest fragments of the book were discovered. Hence, the connection between this biblical verse and the winter-summer transition becomes even more logical to assume. It would therefore seem that the writer(s) of John’s gospel – which does not appear in the literary record until the end of the second century – were aware already at this time of the identification of Jesus Christ with and as the sun, as they should be, since the coming messiah is specifically called “Sun of Righteousness” in the Old Testament book just before the Gospel of Matthew, Malachi (4:2).

Rather than representing the birthday of a human savior of a particular ethnicity and creed, this time of the year constitutes the “birth,” “rebirth” or “resurrection” of Sol Invictus, the “Unconquered Sun,” whose annual journey across our sky can be celebrated worldwide as a truly unifying expression of our global family.

Happy Solstice!

For more information, see my books and my DVD: Great Minds of Our Times.

Further Reading

When Was the First Christmas?
The Christmas HOAX: The Real ‘Reason for the Season’
The Star in the East and the Three Kings
Dionysus: Born of a Virgin on December 25th, Killed and Resurrected after Three Days
Attis: Born of a Virgin on December 25th, Crucified and Resurrected after Three Days
Born of a Virgin on December 25th: Horus, Sun God of Egypt
Born on December 25th (Christ in Egypt)
Merry Mithramas!
Uttarayana and Dakshināyana: Indian winter-summer and summer-winter six-month periods

For information about astronomically aligned sacred sites worldwide, see The 2012 Astrotheology Calendar.

21 thoughts on “Christmas and the ancient winter festivals of light around the world

  1. Fascinating and clever
    Very interesting speculation. At least it makes what would be otherwise a pretty banal sentence of John’s, an intriguing mystery. It certainly keeps readers attentive, even fascinated. And the final comparison of John the Baptist with Anubis is a great final touch. You certainly make it sound as convincing as can be that the solar image and its cycle must have been paramount sources of the mythological ideas in the Gospels. This is a sure way to keep readers interested and paying attention.
    Any interpretation that brings some rationality into the Christian mystery fable is to be welcome. It is good that the sun, to whom we owe everything, should have a well-spoken advocate among us.
    Well done, and good continuation, and merry Xmas anyway.

  2. The truth is Jesus Christ died for our sins. He is within us all. Learn about binaural beats and astral projection and be born again in the spirit. The truth will set you free. We are now in the period of Revelations as described in the Bible. You have eyes, but don’t see and ears but don’t hear. Open your third eye and ear by silencing your mind. Jesus’ parables don’t make sense, unless you know the secret to the kingdom of heaven is within.

    1. What are you talking about?
      Where in the Bible does jesus tell you about third eyes and Binaural Beats? Just make it up as you go along why don’t you.

    2. “Third eye?” Is that supposed to infer that I am a blend of human being and Cyclops?

      But I digress. I have heard this “Jesus” bilge all of my life. Now as I understand it, “Jesus” is supposed to have died for ALL mankind. That fact would be stated in all of the religions of all mankind, I would presume. Therefore, there should be evidence of “Jesus” in the other world faiths.

      So where are the ministries and personage of “Jesus” referenced in the other holy writings and religions? “Jesus” himself said that a fact is established by the word of 2 or 3 witnesses. So which other religions or holy books — other than Islam and the Koran — give witness to the existence of “Jesus”?

    3. “The truth will set you free.”

      Yes sir, it sure will. I can’b begin to describe the freedom I experienced in my heart and mind when when I walked away from that hideous monster named Jesus Christ. Not having to worry about how that megalomaniacal moron will react to what I think and say has enabled me to use my mind in the way I — and God — have wanted to be able to do. LONG LIVE TRUE FREEDOM!!

  3. Specious Speculation
    …what garbage,..! Everyone knows that the origins of Christmas lie in the prehistoric foundations laid by The-God-Of-Wal-Mart,…. and the interpretations of St. Buy DeAmazon’com,…..


    RJ O’Guillory
    Webster Groves-The Life of an Insane Family

  4. Tragic Christian Fundamentalism
    jon, 2011-12-20 02:44:32 – your fundamentalism is sad; very, very sad – a tragedy, really.

    Please read Acharya’s website with an open mind, and try to learn something.

  5. So hilarious…
    Firstly, it is awesome to see some semblance of decorum in this forum (I’m a poet and didn’t know it), but secondly, it is disturbing to see anyone calling Acharya’s deeply and intellectually stimulating research “speculation.” It is no more “speculation” and probably much “less” than speculating that the earth revolves around the sun. In fact, it is an insult.

    All religious dogma grew from the desire to “control” and it has served it’s purpose. There yet, may be a “GOD”, but it is certainly not one that has been written about and been paraded about as the “one.” All of this is a control mechanism, and is at the end of it’s rein over humanity.

    Interesting times, no?

  6. Solstices
    It is interesting. Solstice = Sun stand still; concept is very striking to the geological truth as the earth as we now know is not completely circular. Due to its own axial circular movements, it is globular at equator and bulging in its diameters than from North to south poles. Thus it is possible
    that the sun while crossing the north and south poles, has to traverse the relative flatter surfaces than the rest of the globe, looks like stand still.
    But in fact it is crossing a flat surface that might be taking it three days to cross over that flat surface on the both poles that represent the extreme distant areas of earth relative to Sun.

    We must not also forget while interpreting, that it is the earth that is moving and revolving instead of the Sun, who is static on itself. Thus the earth takes those three static days to give us this transitional Summer and Winter Solstices.

    Very intelligent catch on the geological truth. God bless

  7. Test2011, I disagree with everything you said and the facts disagree with you too. The bible does condemn worshipping the sun & moon but, because that’s PRECISELY what they were doing and still do to this very day as well. It’s simply their way of eliminating the competition. It’s a hypocritical double-standard. They want to monopolize religion. The Abrahamic religions condemn everybody else even though they “borrowed” their concepts from Pagan religions and simply wrote books full of false claims of historicity. The Christians adhere to a “SOLAR” calendar while the Jews and Muslims adhere to a “LUNAR” calendar.

    The Origins of Christianity

    The Origins of Islam

    Test2011 “Your article above is actually praising the luciferian “religion” of man-can-become-god.”

    It sounds like you get your info from the “Left Behind” books and video games, which “implies that Satan and demons are on the side of non-Christians.”

    These are malicious lies. People who make those absurd claims must be challenged and held accountable for such utter non-sense. People should be ASHAMED for making such claims. Just because people disagree with and criticize any religion does not, in any way, mean that they are working for Satan, Lucifer or any other imaginary friend, for which there exists zero credible evidence. Satan & Lucifer are mythical characters too same as Jesus and all the rest.

    You claim you’re “not a believer at all” yet, your beliefs belong in the DARK AGES. Christians themselves cannot provide valid evidence for god, Jesus, or the disciples or their original gospels. They don’t even try to provide valid evidence for Satan/Lucifer because it’s such a completely absurd claim. It’s embarrassing to watch adults talk like 3rd graders (special thanks to religion for that). Please provide me with your very best CREDIBLE evidence for Satan/Lucifer and you can watch your claim fall apart.

    Satan / Devil / Lucifer

    Test2011 “Despite all this discussion, the words of Jesus (real or not is unimportant) convey a positive message and are definitely positive for our society.”

    This is also false. The Inquisitions were based on the words of Jesus:

    Luke 19:27 “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.”


    Test2011 “if you destroy christianity, the luciferians will rule the world – and you WON’T like that, trust me.”

    Trust you? Seriously? You’ve been wrong on nearly everything thus far. These are more absurd claims based in religious bigotry and prejudice.

    Test2011 “See Hitlers Germany back then, that’s what that would look like.”

    Actually, we’re getting closer to that today thanks to Christianity, Islam and Judaism.

    “No, I don’t know that Atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered as patriots. This is one nation under God.”
    – George H.W. Bush, when he was candidate for president

    “Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land – for Jesus Christ – to have dominion in civil structures, just as in every other aspect life & godliness. It is dominion we’re after not just a voice. It is dominion we’re after not just influence. It is dominion we’re after not just equal time. It is dominion we’re after. World conquest. That’s what Christ has commissioned us to do.”
    – George Grant, “changing of the guard” pg 50-51

    “Our goal, as christians, is to dominate society”
    – Pat Robertson

    “Christianity & Democracy are inevitably enemies”
    – R.J. Rushdoony “Independent Republic” pg 122, 1964

    “The church should be a disciplined charging army christians, like slaves & solders ask no questions. We are fighting a holy war”
    – Jerry Falwell

    “Our job is to reclaim America for Christ, whatever the cost. As the vice regents of God, we are to exercise godly dominion and influence over our neighborhoods, our schools, our government, our literature and arts, our sports arenas, our entertainment media, our news media, our scientific endeavors — in short, over every aspect and institution of human society.”
    – D. James Kennedy

    “Secular schools can never be tolerated because such a school has no religious instruction and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith … We need believing people.”

    – Adolf Hitler, April 26, 1933, from a speech made during negotiations leading to the Nazi-Vatican Concordat of 1933.

    You have much to learn.

  8. Thank you. Actually, it’s your comment that has “made quite a few wrong turns.”

    [quote]First off the ‘increase’ John is speaking of is the spreading of his word. John would then personally ‘decrease’ as he humbles himself before Christ. It is the mind of Christians that realize all things are in Christ Jesus. [Eph 1:10]
    that in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather
    together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and
    which are on earth ; even in him.[/quote]
    What you are describing about the purported meaning of the John passage remains [i]allegorical[/i] and not literal, as Christ does not literally become bigger while John becomes smaller. Hence, you have just verified that there is [i]allegory [/i]in the Bible, precisely as I have said here. The interpretation of this allegory that you cite might make “sense” (spiritually), if we were unaware of the rest of the material discussed here, including the patently solar nature of much religious ideation, including much found in the Bible.

    However, when one knows about the rest of the [i]allegory [/i]in the Bible, as well as the history of humanity’s religions, one can make such logical conclusions as I have done in my article.

    [quote]Additionally, it is very important to note that the sumerian, egyptian and other interpretations of ‘christ like figures’ came out of satanists in the 1800’s. [/quote]
    This false smear is only being passed around by fanatic Christian fundamentalists who know little about the subject. It is not supported by the facts. In the first place, early Church father Justin Martyr and others beginning in the second century themselves made these comparisons, so unless they are “satanists,” your claim is wrong. It is wrong, anyway, because this comparative religion and mythology obviously began way back then, not in the 1800s.

    Moreover, who are you to call these past scholars “satanists?” That’s a despicable slander, libel and calumny used by people who truly sound demented. Here is what Christ-insanity has done to your mind.

    The information I’ve put forth here has nothing to do with any “satanists in the 1800’s.” It has to do with the indepth study of religious ideation dating back many thousands of years.

    [quote]These wall carvings have all been reinterpreted to co-opt the truth about Christ, when, in reality, the story of horus has more dissimilarities with the Gospel than similarities. The main difference being that Christ is provable as a living man, where as horus remains the fantasy of demon worshippers.[/quote]
    Such shallow answers and apologies will only suffice to convince other blind believers. My contentions are not based on “these wall carvings,” whatever those may be. These motifs in common with Christ – which Justin Martyr and other Church fathers themselves raised – can be found in ancient texts predating the Christian era that require relatively little interpretation, because they are written in [i]language[/i], not just simply “wall carvings.”

    Regardless of the dissimilarities, many very important characteristics that made it into the gospel story and Christian religion most certainly could be found in ancient Egypt, as I demonstrated in my nearly 600-page scholarly book Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection ([url]http://stellarhousepublishing.com/christinegypt.html”[/url]).

    Your comment about Horus being the “fantasy of demon worshippers” represents more of the same sleazy and bigoted calumny Christians have been tossing out at others for the past couple of thousand years. What you have said is bigoted rubbish, not truth. And if much of Christianity is based on the Egyptian religion, specifically vis-a-vis Horus, you have just said that Christianity is the realm of “demon worshippers.” This mindless and thuggish vilification of other cultures and eras is one reason Christianity is such a hateful and repulsive cult.

    And whether or not Christ was a “provable living man” is quite questionable – in fact, it’s false. There is NO credible, scientific evidence that “Jesus Christ” in the New Testament is anything but a mythical amalgam of previous gods, godmen and people. A composite of 20 “people” is no one.

    [quote]How could John be a season? Do seasons write books? Do they travel? Do they live less than 100 years? The assertions of the author are amazingly assumptive.[/quote]
    In reality, it is your assumptions that are “amazing” in their shallowness and ignorance of the subject matter. How could Horus be the sun? How could Athena have sprung from Zeus’s mind? How could Hercules fight the hydra? These are [i]myths [/i]created by the human mind – that’s how! And that’s the point – humankind has been personifying natural and celestial phenomena for many thousands of years. This personification and anthropomorphization has happened countless times over the past several millennia. The fact that you don’t know and understand that idea reflects not that it isn’t true but that you are ignorant of the subject matter.

    And what books did John the Baptist and Jesus write? Please provide the titles and where I can find them. What we are contending is that John the Baptist and Jesus are literary figures that someone else wrote about and put words into the mouths of, just as has happened many times in books that are called “fiction.” [i]Gulliver’s Travels[/i] comes immediately to mind as an example of a [i]fiction [/i]book set in a real place (England).

    [quote]Additionally, the pagan worship under constantine was merged with Christianity in an attempt to conquer it, since numerous military campaigns failed to do so.[/quote]
    Much pagan worship was already merged with Christianity, since Christianity is clearly the merger of Paganism and Judaism. This merger [i]produced [/i]Christianity. But thanks for admitting that Christianity was all about conquest and using military campaigns to force people through violence into believing it. What happened to the supposedly self-evident “good news” that would supernaturally seduce everyone? God couldn’t do it through those methods, so he used violence and bloodshed to do so? Even then God/Jesus couldn’t succeed, without coopting Paganism? How very omnipotent! And very enlightened behavior from the Prince of Peace!

    [quote]The word christmas itself is also deceptively misleading. People often assume that ‘mass’ refers a sacrifice, not a birthday… even the catholics admit this. And since the 25th, and the solstice are pagan holidays, christmas is the celebration of the sacrifice of christ to the pagan sun god… not his birthday.[/quote]
    Talk about being “amazingly assumptive!” When was Christ sacrificed to the pagan sun god? Was it literally? He was put on an altar in front of Sol Invictus? Are you speaking figuratively? But how can you do that, since according to you we can only interpret these stories literally, even though you yourself earlier interpreted the Baptist’s enigmatic words allegorically? But thanks for admitting the point of this article, which is that “Christmas” is a pagan holiday.

    [quote]This zeitgeist agenda has long been dead. The venus project is a joke and those who follow the psychotic dreams of these spiritless men will fall victim to a perverted truth.[/quote]
    What is “this zeitgeist agenda?” If you’re talking about the religion part of the first ZG film, there’s no “agenda” there except to expose facts and truths. Moreover, the film only been out since 2007, so how is it “long dead?” Furthermore, only someone who hasn’t really been following the situation and is therefore ignorant could make such a claim, since we have repeatedly demonstrated that the claims in ZG1.1 are accurate as far as they go.

    ZEITGEIST, Part 1 – the Evidence ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=19[/url])

    Be sure to see:

    The ZEITGEIST Sourcebook ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/contributing-writers/63-acharya-s/376-zeitgeist-sourcebook-part-1-the-greatest-story-ever-told[/url])
    Rebuttal to Dr. Chris Forbes Concerning ZEITGEIST, Part 1 ([url]http://www.truthbeknown.com/chrisforbeszeitgeist.html[/url])

    This post doesn’t have anything to do with the Venus Project, but thanks for the example of more mindless calumny couched in wacky Christian terms.

  9. The usual old satanist propaganda…
    What you’re saying here is centuruies old and it IS a hoax. Now I’m not a believer at all, but I did actually bother reading the bible properly. It clearly states in multiple places that Jesus specifically _condemned_ the pagan religions which worshipped the sun and the moon.

    Your article above is actually praising the luciferian “religion” of man-can-become-god.

    Now if it actually was this date or if the dates were moved at some point to fit the timing of the winter solstice, that I don’t know (but it iis rather probable). It was a way to “sell” Christianity to all the pagan tribes, to get “in sync” with them.

    Despite all this discussion, the words of Jesus (real or not is unimportant) convey a positive message and are definitely positive for our society. The churches twisted much of it of course, but don’t throw away the child with the bathwater – if you destroy christianity, the luciferians will rule the world – and you WON’T like that, trust me. See Hitlers Germany back then, that’s what that would look like.

    1. My reply
      Ahh sir – but you forget that Hitler was raised Christian. In fact, his idea for a swastika came from seeing the same on the church gate as he went in. Open your mind – forget dogma – Christianity is supposed to be “of Jesus”, not Paul or anyone else – especially a priest, pope, or preacher. Veritas Vos Liberabit

    2. [quote]Now I’m not a believer at all,[/quote]
      Yet, you use words like “satanist” and “luciferian,” which are the hallmarks of a Christian fanatic.

      Doesn’t Christianity tell you not to lie?

  10. Btw, Zeitgeist has been viewed over 200 million times ([url]http://freethoughtnation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=18152#p18152[/url]) world wide and it has been subtitled in over 30 different languages. People have shown great interest in it and would like to learn more.

  11. This article has made quite a few wrong turns.
    First off the ‘increase’ John is speaking of is the spreading of his word. John would then personally ‘decrease’ as he humbles himself before Christ. It is the mind of Christians that realize all things are in Christ Jesus. [Eph 1:10]
    [i]that in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather
    together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and
    which are on earth ; even in him.[/i]

    Additionally, it is very important to note that the sumerian, egyptian and other interpretations of ‘christ like figures’ came out of satanists in the 1800’s. These wall carvings have all been reinterpreted to co-opt the truth about Christ, when, in reality, the story of horus has more dissimilarities with the Gospel than similarities. The main difference being that Christ is provable as a living man, where as horus remains the fantasy of demon worshippers.

    How could John be a season? Do seasons write books? Do they travel? Do they live less than 100 years? The assertions of the author are amazingly assumptive.

    Additionally, the pagan worship under constantine was merged with Christianity in an attempt to conquer it, since numerous military campaigns failed to do so.

    The word christmas itself is also deceptively misleading. People often assume that ‘mass’ refers a sacrifice, not a birthday… even the catholics admit this. And since the 25th, and the solstice are pagan holidays, christmas is the celebration of the sacrifice of christ to the pagan sun god… not his birthday.

    This zeitgeist agenda has long been dead. The venus project is a joke and those who follow the psychotic dreams of these spiritless men will fall victim to a perverted truth.

  12. New work on the shroud of Turin
    I loved this article. As usual Acharya is brilliant in her analysis. I am an atheist and agree with Acharya S. about the Christ conspiracy.

    Here is some new work on the shroud of Turin from the Independent(London) which was proven to be a 12th century hoax.

    Wonder what the readers and Acharya S have to say about this?


  13. Whoever is reading this post, either listen to your boss who said I do not exist, not before, not now not ever, and this post are writing themselves, or listen to reason common sense and logic and check it out by yourselves.

    We call that; will power, free will and wisdom, any one out there?.

  14. Oh that darn Literal Exoteric sense!
    The best way to prove the Bibile is Sacred Allegorical Mythological Symbolism. Is to actually take it in it’s–Literal Sense–It becomes a Giant Laughing Stock if you Do! Read Robert Ingersoll (1800’s) and others. You’ll laugh at what happens when it IS taken literally! I know he was off the mark in doing so–but his point was to illustrate what happens when you Do take it literally. All this nonsense and garble above was clearly dealt with in the 1800’s. And here we are 2011, rehashing the same old–same old Literal Sense (Exoteric Outer Sense). There is a (Esoteric Inner Sense) hidden (Occult) from the common herd. And you will only find your way to it–when you turn it back over into Sacred Mythological Symbolism. (Allegory)

    For one example of many–if the slaughter of the innocence was “literally” true. How did John the Baptist survive? I believe the symbolism here may? be John (Yoni) the female priciple. Or “Divine Wisdom” at it’s brightest strength, June 21. In essense, the rays of the Sun are fecundating the earth(water). Did not Yoni/John Baptise Him with water? Is water not a female fish element? Him to John with Fire? Is fire not performed through Friction? Here are two elements of actual Nature. Water was first, and Fire was next. That only leaves Earth(feminine) and Air(Spirit male). And not literally. It’s Cosmic Universal esoteric allegory that needs to be unwound to understand it properly. It becomes a nursery rhyme, for Priest Craft to rip off the laity, if you do not unwind it as I have just given an example. And a very poor one at that!! And the Symbolism, I’ve used is not and actual Male Person or a Female Person that once, walked talked ate spoke laughed–If you take it this way–you will be eligable for a dunce cap…Play around with the ‘spirtual’ Symbolism your self. Just try it–and see…Merry Mithramas

  15. This article and all the comments are very, very good. But, none of you get the real picture.

    1. Christmas and Easter are pagan.
    2. They were incorporated into the christian religion by Rome.
    3. The Jesus the christians worship today is Osiris.
    4. It is all designed to destroy the real message of Jesus Christ.
    5. The Bible does teach against Pagan Sun worship.
    6. The Bible, and christianity are used to control.
    7. Paul went to Rome, and he is the father of so called christianity. The message of Jesus Christ was destroyed very soon after he was murdered. God does however use Paul to reveal some truths such as the great delusion.
    8. Judaism is Babylonian Pharisee – ism and the real Jesus stood against it. This is very apparent in the Bible.
    9. There were 12 Apostles not 13. Mathias replaced Judas. Paul is not an Apostle of Jesus Christ but of Gnosticism.

    So….christianity and all religions are the problem.

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